
Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Liu Xiaoqing was once a bright star in the Chinese entertainment industry, and her name was like a bright star, shining in front of the world. However, in recent years, she has fallen into the whirlpool of controversy due to her constant "pretending to be tender", and this road of "pretending to be tender" is like a drama of ups and downs.

In 1984, 40-year-old Liu Xiaoqing became famous in one fell swoop with his outstanding performance in "Wu Zetian", successfully deducing Wu Zetian's transformation from youth to old age, allowing the audience to see the characteristics of Wu Zetian at all ages.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

At that time, her face was as smooth as a shelled egg, her eyes were affectionate, and she truly achieved the role of apricot eyes and peach cheeks, which not only won her praise from the audience, but also made her gain a large number of male fans and became a "national goddess".

However, as he grew older, Liu Xiaoqing seemed to be more and more obsessed with "pretending to be tender". At the age of 43, she once again challenged the role of 14-year-old Little Phoenix, although she was dressed in pink and wore childish hair accessories, but the mark of the years was difficult to hide after all.

No matter how hard she tried to perform, she couldn't really show the state of a 14-year-old woman.

At the age of 58, Liu Xiaoqing played the 16-year-old Shangguan Feiyan in "Heroes of the Sui and Tang Dynasties", dressed in a pink, fancy costume, with Qi bangs on his head, but it was still difficult to hide the fact that he was bloated and had a vicissitudes of appearance.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

What's even more embarrassing is that she has an emotional scene with Zheng Guolin, who is 23 years younger than herself, and the two hug each other affectionately.

Now, Liu Xiaoqing, who is 70 years old, once again challenges the role of "Yellow Flower Girl", she played an unmarried girl in the movie "Ice and Snow Sniper 2", which has caused a lot of controversy.

Her behavior of "pretending to be tender" during the performance was criticized by many viewers and film critics, who believed that it greatly reduced the watchability of this war film.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Liu Xiaoqing mentioned in an interview, "If I am asked to play an 18-year-old girl, I can try, because my mentality will always be like an 18-year-old girl." But if I were to play an 80-year-old lady, I might not be up to the task, because I don't have the mentality of an eighty-year-old.

This insistent attitude of pretending to be tender makes people sigh: Liu Xiaoqing, it's time to stop.

"Ice and Snow Sniper 2", a war-themed movie, sparked Liu Xiaoqing's controversy of "pretending to be tender". 70-year-old Liu Xiaoqing plays the role of a girl who has not left the cabinet in the film, which makes it difficult for the audience to accept, and what is even more comedic is that the actor who plays Liu Xiaoqing's "father" in the film is actually 18 years younger than her.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

When Liu Xiaoqing called out "Dad", the audience would feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, even if the acting skills were exquisite, it would be difficult to make up for this huge contrast in age.

Liu Xiaoqing not only has to show the shyness of a girl in the film, but also has to act in emotional scenes. However, what the audience sees is not the innocence and happiness of the girl, but a weathered old state.

When she faced the person she loved, she couldn't see the shyness she should have at all, only the traces left by the years.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

What's even more laughable is that Liu Xiaoqing also played the role of a bride in this movie. She was wearing a bright red wedding dress, a gorgeous red flower on her head, and bright red lipstick, although she was trying her best to show her beauty, but the swollen and distorted face made people feel as if the hyaluronic acid on her face was about to penetrate the screen.

This kind of overly deliberate "pretending to be tender" not only does not increase the cuteness of the characters, but makes the audience feel a kind of ridicule.

After the broadcast of this movie, it immediately caused a huge response on the Internet, and many netizens left messages and complained: "Please let Grandma Liu let the audience go", "Ask for a pair of eyes online that have not seen "Ice and Snow Sniper".

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Some people said: "Even if the male protagonist lacks a daughter-in-law, he can't carry back an old mother", "This is too dazzling, and the audience's feelings are also very important" These criticisms reflect the audience's strong disgust with this unreasonable role setting.

In the face of such fierce criticism, Liu Xiaoqing seemed to be unconcerned, as if he was immersed in his own world. Her attitude angered the audience and made people sigh: Liu Xiaoqing, it's time to stop.

Your stubbornness is not only hurting your own image, but also challenging the intelligence and patience of the audience.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

In the controversy over the serious inconsistency between this national first-class actor and double actress and her age and role, people can't help but wonder, what makes her so obsessed with "pretending to be tender"? Is it the nostalgia for youth, or the fear of aging? In any case, "Ice and Snow Sniper 2" has become a turning point in Liu Xiaoqing's acting career that cannot be ignored, and it has also sounded the alarm for the entire entertainment industry.

Liu Xiaoqing's "pretending to be tender" behavior is not an exception, but a reflection of a common phenomenon in the entertainment industry. In recent years, the trend of "pretending to be tender" has intensified in the entertainment industry, and many actresses in their forties and fifties have challenged the role of young girls, as if they have fallen into a collective myth.

Take Zhang Ziyi as an example, she played the 15-year-old girl in "Shangyang Fu" when she was 41 years old. In order to perform the innocence of the girl, Zhang Ziyi did not hesitate to deliberately pretend to be innocent, flattened her mouth and sold cuteness, and even widened her eyes to speak, but this deliberate performance not only seemed pretentious, but lost the original simplicity of the role.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

What makes people even more embarrassing is that Yu Hewei, who is the same age as Zhang Ziyi in the play, plays her father, and the rivalry between the two feels more like the emperor and the favorite concubine, rather than the father and daughter.

57-year-old Jiang Wenli performed a "year-old love" with Ming Dao, who was 20 years younger than herself, in "Love Around the Corner", which made the audience call "spicy eyes". Someone ridiculed: "The combined age of the two is exactly 100 years old, so it is better to change the name to 'Hundred Years of Love'".

The score of this drama on Douban is only 2.9 points, which can be said to be well deserved.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Even 55-year-old Carina Lau did not survive in "The Origin of Love". She plays a young woman in the play, wearing a school uniform and wearing a double ponytail, and despite the use of filters, she still can't hide the tiredness in her eyes.

When she was in the same frame with young actor Jiang Xin, the two looked more like mother and daughter than peers In the end, the rating of this drama was only 3.3, which became a "black history" of Carina Lau's career.

This phenomenon of "pretending to be tender" has aroused the reflection of industry insiders and the discomfort of the audience, and industry practitioner Hao Lei's remarks on "you occupy the role of a young girl in the flower season, let the real girl play something, you can't play the old mother" has aroused widespread resonance, and its irony and rational thinking on the phenomenon of "pretending to be tender" are worthy of deep thought and reflection in the industry.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

This trend of "pretending to be tender" that has swept the entertainment industry reflects the contradiction between actors and age misunderstandings, and many actors' obsession with youth affects the choice of roles, rather than finding roles that suit their age and temperament.

Each age group has its own unique charm, and true acting skills should be able to handle characters of different ages, rather than staying in a youthful state.

In the face of many criticisms and doubts, we need to think: what drives these successful actresses to be so persistent in "pretending to be tender"? The answer is perhaps more complex than we can imagine.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Taking Zhang Ziyi as an example, the reason why she took over "Shangyang Fu" was not just to "pretend to be tender". Some netizens have a clear understanding of this and pointed out sharply: "Because the money is enough."

Although Zhang Ziyi has participated in many movies and the salary is not low, she still needs to bear the responsibility of supporting her family.

In addition, family stress is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Zhang Ziyi is under the control of her parents, and she doesn't even have the freedom to fall in love. She once fell in love with Sa Beining, a talented son of Peking University, but when it came time to talk about marriage, she was forced to break up because her parents were forced to break up on the grounds that "the man has no money".

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Even if he married Wang Feng later, he also experienced many obstacles after marriage, Wang Feng's gambling habits brought financial pressure to the family, and it cost 800,000 yuan to hold a 100-day banquet for his daughter at that time.

For Liu Xiaoqing, "pretending to be tender" seems to have become an obsession. She once said: "If I play an 80-year-old lady, I can't play it, because I don't have the mentality of being 80 years old." This stubborn attitude may stem from her nostalgia for youth, or it may be due to her fear of aging.

For a long time, she tried to keep her face at the age of eighteen forever through various medical aesthetic methods, however, the reality is cruel, the sunken cheeks, the blindness of her eyes, and the layers of wrinkles are all ruthlessly reminding the passage of time.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Behind the phenomenon of "pretending to be tender" reflects a complex psychological state, including both nostalgia for youth and helplessness towards reality; Not only obsessed with the role played, but also compromised with the market demand.

However, when "pretending to be tender" becomes a strong paranoia, the audience's recognition and respect may gradually be lost.

Compared with Liu Xiaoqing, Hui Yinghong, despite her younger age, has begun to play roles such as the old man who picks up waste, showing a calm acceptance and respect for age and role. Such an actor may have really reached the pinnacle of the actor's career.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Like actresses "pretending to be tender", male stars are also unknowingly falling into another age dilemma - "slippery". This phenomenon has also sparked dissatisfaction and criticism from the audience.

Take "Gentlemen of the East Eighth District" starring Zhang Han as an example, this drama has been labeled as a "bad drama" and "greasy" since it was launched. Zhang Han deliberately played handsome every minute in the play, and was ridiculed by netizens as the "oil king".

The picture is as shocking as the plot, and his performance is considered to be too hard, losing the natural sense of the character that should be, and this way of acting not only does not show the charm of the character, but makes the audience feel uncomfortable.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Under the pressure of public opinion, this drama was finally forced to be taken off the shelves after being broadcast intermittently for a month. The work that Zhang Han called "ten years of sharpening a sword" ended hastily in an uproar, which is undoubtedly a ridiculous and ironic result.

What's even more surprising is that CCTV even made a blunt comment on this work. They firmly pointed out that "the performance is greasy, the plot is pompous, and the black-red route is not advisable." This sharp criticism undoubtedly sounded the alarm for Zhang Han's acting career.

Also evaluated as "greasy" is Yang Yang, who played a firefighter in the recent TV series "Fireworks in My World". However, his performance made the audience feel "numb and greasy".

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Even at the tense moment of life and death, Yang Yang failed to completely let go of his acting baggage, deliberately showed his handsomeness, his expression was stiff, he frowned and was expressionless when he spoke, and he couldn't see the tension and sense of mission that a firefighter should have.

The emergence of this "greasy" phenomenon reflects the confusion of some actors in the face of aging, and their coping methods are inappropriate. Their attempts to cover up the changes brought about by age by over-displaying their charm backfire and give the impression of being deliberately contrived.

Like the actress's "pretending to be tender", the actor's "greasy" reflects the actor's loss of role and self-positioning. This reminds us that both actors and actresses should choose suitable roles according to their age and temperament, and impress the audience through real performances, rather than blindly pursuing superficial glitz.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

In the context of the rapid changes in the entertainment industry, every actor must face the two major issues of how to gracefully face aging and how to choose the right role for him.

In the face of the phenomenon of "pretending to be tender" and "greasy" that is prevalent in the entertainment industry, we need to carry out a deep reflection and make an appeal to the entire industry.

First of all, we need to realize that the value of an actor should not only be reflected in appearance and age, a truly good actor should be able to control different ages and different types of roles.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

For example, actors like Liu Lin and Yuan Quan, they are not resistant to playing middle-aged roles, but can interpret the role deeply through superb acting skills, and this kind of respect for the role and focus on performance is the realm that actors should pursue.

Second, we should revisit the importance of "age-appropriate performances". Hao Lei's sentence - "You have always occupied the role of a flower girl, let the real flower girl play, you can't play the old mother", expressed the voice of many people.

Each age group has its own unique charm, and actors should cherish and show the characteristics that belong to their age, rather than blindly pursuing "forever eighteen".

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

Again, we implore filmmakers to create a more diverse cast of characters for actors of all ages. We not only need young idol dramas, but also high-quality works that can reflect the lives of middle-aged and elderly people.

Only in this way can actors of each age have their own space to show, and the audience can see a more colorful life.

In the entertainment industry, an actor like Liu Xiaoqing who is obsessed with "pretending to be tender" may need to re-examine his own positioning. In contrast, although Hui Yinghong is younger than Liu Xiaoqing, she is already playing the role of a lonely old man picking up waste, showing a calm acceptance of age and role.

Stop it, Liu Xiaoqing! The 70-year-old "Yellow Flower Girl" is thunderous and brainless, netizens: Too spicy eyes

This kind of attitude may be the realm that actors should pursue.

In general, in the face of the phenomenon of "pretending to be tender" and "greasy", we need to return to the essence of acting, respect the characteristics of each age group, and create a variety of roles, so that actors can truly show their acting skills, rather than falling into endless "pretending to be tender" or "playing handsome".

Only in this way can our film and television works truly impress the audience and promote the healthy development of the entire industry.

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