
also played Zhuge Liang: Jincheng Takeshi ranked 5th, Tang Guoqiang only ranked 2nd, why did he rank first

Zhuge Liang: A big inventory of film and television images in the past dynasties

When it comes to Nanyang, it has been very lively recently, for no other reason, it is the "fire" caused by the symposium on the death of Zhuge Liang. As soon as the news came out, netizens were really like a fried pot, and all kinds of ridicule and comments flew all over the sky. Some netizens laughed and said: "Zhuge Liang, surnamed Zhuge and named Liang, isn't this an obvious thing!" Indeed, Mr. Kong Ming's name is so resounding in Chinese history that it goes without saying.

However, when it comes to Kong Ming, we have to mention his empty city plan. This strategy has not only left a strong mark in history, but also become a topic of conversation for future generations. Some netizens curiously discussed: "Is the essence of the empty city plan how to skillfully empty the granary of the treasury without being discovered?" "This question is quite interesting, but let's not talk about the details of the empty city plan today, but let's talk about the actors who have portrayed Zhuge Liang in film and television works.

Zeng Zhiwei, an actor known for comedy, also played Zhuge Liang, which is really unexpected. He starred in Zhuge Liang in a certain comedy film, although he knew astronomy and geography, but it was more for the funny effect. Whenever he encounters a real problem, he always says "understand a little", which makes people laugh.

also played Zhuge Liang: Jincheng Takeshi ranked 5th, Tang Guoqiang only ranked 2nd, why did he rank first

And the Academy Award winner Tony Leung, Zhuge Liang played in "Love in Time and Space" is quite controversial. This movie with the theme of cross-era love makes Tony Leung's version of Zhuge Liang seem a little different. After watching it, the audience said that this Zhuge Liang is very different from the image in everyone's minds, and is more like a love master who travels through time and space.

Takeshi Kaneshiro, an actor with both appearance and acting skills, created the role of Zhuge Liang in "Red Cliff". His handsome image did attract many fans, but it also caused a lot of controversy because of the difference with the traditional Zhuge Liang image. Kaneshiro's version of Zhuge Liang is more like a young and immature wise man, groping his way forward in the torrent of history.

Speaking of Zhuge Liang, who is the most suitable for the role, it must be Mr. Li Fazeng. Zhuge Liang played by him is the first screen image and is regarded as a classic by countless audiences. He vividly portrayed Zhuge Liang's image of "loyal minister" and "wise man", especially in the two scenes of Dongwu mourning Zhou Yu and Zhuge Liang before his death, which was praised as "textbook acting". Last year, teacher Li Fazeng passed away, which made countless viewers feel sorry.

also played Zhuge Liang: Jincheng Takeshi ranked 5th, Tang Guoqiang only ranked 2nd, why did he rank first

Lu Yi's version of Zhuge Liang gives people a new feeling. His performance in the new version of "Three Kingdoms" is remarkable, and he vividly interprets Zhuge Liang when he was young. However, when portraying Zhuge Liang in his later years, perhaps because he used too much force, it gave the audience a sense of separation. Especially in the plot of Liuchu Qishan, the heavy rain extinguished the flame of hope, and although Lu Yi's performance was affectionate and devoted, it also caused a lot of controversy.

Of course, there is also Zhuge Liang played by Mr. Tang Guoqiang, which is really the most widely circulated image. At first, everyone was not optimistic about him, thinking that he couldn't play Zhuge Liang's charm. However, Mr. Tang Guoqiang conquered the audience with his superb acting skills and portrayed Zhuge Liang vividly. The kind of calm and strategizing temperament revealed in his performance made the audience seem to see Zhuge Liang in history reappear on the screen.

Finally, let's talk about Wang Luoyong's later Zhuge Liang played in "The Tiger Roaring Dragon Yin of Sima Yi". His performance really vividly interpreted the eight words "bow to the end and die". Through a look and a movement, he showed the helplessness and helplessness of Zhuge Liang in his later years.

also played Zhuge Liang: Jincheng Takeshi ranked 5th, Tang Guoqiang only ranked 2nd, why did he rank first

After taking stock of so many versions of Zhuge Liang, which actor's performance left the deepest impression on you? Is it Zeng Zhiwei's funny version, Tony Leung's alternative version, Kaneshiro's handsome version, Li Fazeng's classic version, Lu Yi's innovative version, Tang Guoqiang's expressive version or Wang Luoyong's affectionate version? Come and leave a message in the comment area to tell us! At the same time, you are also welcome to discuss what kind of image Zhuge Liang should be in your mind.

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