
Xiaomi SU7Ultra prototype will challenge New York in October, why did Lei Jun play Fast and Furious?

On July 19, Mr. Lei brought a prototype of Xiaomi SU7Ultra with an acceleration of 100 kilometers in 1.97 seconds at his annual speech conference, and announced that he would challenge New York in October this year, hoping to create a new record for pure electric vehicles to challenge New Zealand. Such a fast car, coupled with such a challenge full of speed and passion, I believe it is beyond many people's expectations.

Xiaomi SU7Ultra prototype will challenge New York in October, why did Lei Jun play Fast and Furious?

Why did Lei Jun play Fast and Furious? The author will briefly talk about his own views this time.

First, Xiaomi Auto has a Xiaomi SU7 this year, so it needs to keep looking for new topics to maintain the heat

Like Wei Xiaoli, like Huawei's Hongmeng Zhixing, like BYD, etc., these car companies currently have many models, and the official Weibo and official Douyin can be changed to different models and different tricks for publicity.

On the other hand, Xiaomi cars are different. Xiaomi Auto will have a Xiaomi SU7 this year, and the second model is said to be a pure electric SUV, which will not be released until 2025. At present, a large number of advantages of the Xiaomi SU7 have been introduced. No matter how good the model is, it will always make people tired to introduce it back and forth, so Lei always needs to find some new topics to maintain the popularity and popularity of Xiaomi cars.

The Xiaomi SU7Ultra prototype, which accelerates to 100 kilometers in 1.97 seconds, challenged New York North in October this year, and the product is strong enough to stimulate people's interest and enthusiasm, which is indeed a very good topic.

Now it has just been July, and in October, it has challenged New Zealand, and in the four months of July, August, September, and October, the Xiaomi SU7Ultra prototype is enough to support the popularity of Xiaomi cars.

Challenge New Zealand North in October, once you achieve good results and set a new record, you can continue to promote it in November and December, so that the topic will continue to flow, and the heat can continue until 2025. And in 2025, Xiaomi will have another new car release, and the new heat will be connected.

Mr. Lei is a marketing master!

Second, speed is a hard indicator, which can be judged by numbers, and it is also a good way for Xiaomi cars to make a name for themselves

Xiaomi SU7Ultra prototype will challenge New York in October, why did Lei Jun play Fast and Furious?

Mr. Lei always wants to make Xiaomi cars stronger and bigger, and he needs to create a halo that belongs to Xiaomi cars.

Speaking of BBA, the traditional luxury car of the Western world.

Speaking of BYD, DM-i super hybrid, blade battery.

Ahead of Huawei, smart.

When it comes to Xiaomi cars, there doesn't seem to be anything particularly impressive about the label at the moment. Although many people buy Xiaomi SU7 for the personality charm of Mr. Lei, Mr. Lei cannot be used as the halo of Xiaomi cars after all.

Now, Fast and Furious, this seems to be the aura that Mr. Lei wants to take the lead in creating for Xiaomi Auto.

Speed is a hard indicator, which can be judged by numbers, 1 is 1, 2 is 2, fast is fast, slow is slow. Once Xiaomi Auto creates good results and refreshes records in New Zealand, the world will have to look at Xiaomi Auto with admiration.

Third, can the Xiaomi SU7Ultra prototype create good results in New Zealand?

Xiaomi SU7Ultra prototype will challenge New York in October, why did Lei Jun play Fast and Furious?

As the author has said earlier, once the good results of New North are created, it can bring a lot of benefits to Xiaomi Automobile. Therefore, Mr. Lei will definitely do his best to achieve it.

In addition, the rapid development of China's automobile industry technology has also provided a strong hard power for mainland pure electric vehicles to create good speed.

If Mr. Lei can make full use of the mainland's current strong automobile industry technology and integrate the advantages of the industrial chain, then creating good results is just around the corner!

In short, for Mr. Lei's move, the author thinks it is very good.

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