
Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

In 1984, 29-year-old Chen Kaige became internationally famous with his debut novel "Yellow Earth". This work, which is loved by the audience and praised by the art world, not only won the Silver Leopard Award at the 38th Locarno International Film Festival, but also became an opportunity for him to meet Hong Huang.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Hong Huang, a talented daughter from a diplomatic family, came from a prominent background, her mother is Zhang Hanzhi, who is known as "China's last celebrity", and her maternal grandfather is the famous Zhang Shizhao. When Hong Huang had just returned from United States, she was deeply attracted by Chen Kaige's films, and once sighed: "The desolate and deep pictures in "Yellow Earth" knocked me down all at once. I think it's fantastic, it's exactly like a poem."

In 1986, Chen Kaige and Hong Huang met. Hong Huang is known as the "first female ruffian", smoking a cigarette and being suave, which makes Chen Kaige feel love. Soon, the two fell in love and began living together in 1987.

When Chen Kaige went to the United States to study, he was in the dilemma of his visa expiring. In order to help her boyfriend, Hong Huang proposed that the two get married in the United States. This marriage not only helped Chen Kaige successfully obtain a United States green card, but also facilitated his career development.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Subsequently, Chen Kaige met Ni Ping. In 1991, Ni Ping served as the host in CCTV's "Variety Show", and she was in the limelight. Chen Kaige was attracted by Ni Ping's beauty and demeanor and began to pursue it fiercely.

Ni Ping, who lacked love, quickly agreed to him, and the two lived together Ni Ping took great care of Chen Kaige, and even took most of the funeral when Chen Kaige's father died.

However, at this critical moment, Chen Kaige met Chen Hong, who was known as the "first beauty in the mainland". In 1993, Chen Kaige's "Farewell to the Overlord" won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes International Film Festival and the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the United States Golden Globe Awards.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

This movie not only brought Chen Kaige's career to the peak, but also made a huge change in his personal life During the filming of "Farewell My Concubine", Chen Kaige and Chen Hong met and fell in love, and finally became husband and wife.

Chen Kaige once proudly said that he pursued Chen Hong, a beautiful woman, by cooking braised pork. However, this marriage hurt Ni Ping a lot. In her book "Days", she wrote: "This is a time of no self-esteem, no self-esteem. "

Chen Kaige's artistic career and emotional life are intertwined, from "Yellow Earth" to "Farewell My Concubine", he has experienced growth and change.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

In 1952, Chen Kaige was born in Beijing. In 1965, at the age of 13, he entered Beijing No. 4 Middle School, a famous school that brought together the children of senior officers of the party, government and military. The young Chen Kaige is full of longing and longing to fit into this group full of red background.

However, at the end of an ordinary composition class, the head teacher's words hit Chen Kaige like a thunderbolt from the blue. It turned out that his father was not a member of the Communist Party, and there was a problem with his class composition.

This news deeply stung Chen Kaige, who longed to integrate into the collective, and completely changed the direction of his life.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

In that unique era, the young Chen Kaige faced a difficult choice. He had an idea in his heart: "You can't change your life experience, but you can choose your path", "If you want to change, you must draw a line with the reactionary family."

With such belief, Chen Kaige made a very difficult decision.

He gave his father a thrust on the shoulder, not much force, but enough to make him stagger. This scene became a pain in Chen Kaige's heart, one day, in a group of Red Guards, he suddenly found that his father no longer looked like a father, and he didn't look like a son.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Years later, Chen Kaige reflected on his actions in his memoirs and wrote: "What kind of scene is it when a child tears his father apart little by little in public and listens to the laughter around him? This painful experience had a profound impact on Chen Kaige, and although he later reconciled with himself in Yunnan for so many years, this "betrayal" still lingered like a nightmare.

This experience had a profound impact on Chen Kaige, not only himself, but also his relationship with his children. In a variety show, the interaction between Chen Kaige and his son Chen Feiyu became a hot topic on the whole network, causing heated discussions among netizens.

According to the program, it was night, Chen Feiyu returned home from abroad, waiting silently in the shadows, while Chen Kaige and Chen Hong were "talking" on the side, until they ended the conversation, Chen Kaige said to Chen Feiyu: "Arthur, please sit" ("Arthur" is Arthur, Chen Feiyu's English name).

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

This alienated attitude made many viewers feel uncomfortable, and some netizens commented: "A family meal is not like a family, it's a bit contrived, and it looks so embarrassing that you can detain three bedrooms and one living room." This may be a projection of Chen Kaige's childhood experiences in the relationship of the new generation, and it may also be one of the potential reasons for the controversy over Chen Feiyu's behavior.

Chen Kaige's past experiences with his father and his interactions with his son have shaped a shadow of a father-son relationship that spans generations and has had a profound impact on each generation of the family.

Chen Kaige's love life is as complicated as his films, and he has experienced three very different relationships, each of which has left a deep imprint.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Chen Kaige's first marriage was with Hong Huang, the "first female ruffian". In 1986, Chen Kaige met Hong Huang, and Hong Huang's temperament and demeanor when smoking attracted him. She was born in a prominent family, her mother was "China's last celebrity" Zhang Hanzhi, and her maternal grandfather was the famous scholar Zhang Shizhao.

This marriage opened the door to United States for Chen Kaige, and when he was faced with the dilemma that his visa was about to expire, Hong Huang proposed to get a marriage certificate in United States to help Chen Kaige.

Next, Chen Kaige fell in love with CCTV host Ni Ping. In 1991, Ni Ping became popular as the host of "Variety Show". Chen Kaige was deeply attracted by Ni Ping's elegant and beautiful image and launched a passionate pursuit of her.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Ni Ping lacked love and quickly developed a good impression of Chen Kaige, and soon lived with him Ni Ping took good care of Chen Kaige, and even when Chen Kaige's father died, she took the initiative to take most of the responsibility for the funeral.

However, when Ni Ping paid for Chen Kaige wholeheartedly, Chen Kaige had feelings for Chen Hong on the set of "Farewell My Concubine". In 1993, the birth of "Farewell My Concubine" not only brought Chen Kaige's career to a peak, but also became an important turning point in his personal life.

When Ni Ping learned the news of Chen Hong's pregnancy, Chen Kaige just said a simple sentence "Let's break up" Ni Ping looked at the news in the newspaper that Chen Kaige and Chen Hong got married in the United States, and said to her friend bitterly: "He's not an unmarried family, he just doesn't want to marry me."

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Chen Hong became Chen Kaige's choice in the future. This "No. 1 beauty in the mainland" gave up her acting career for the sake of her family and chose her husband and children. Chen Kaige once proudly said that he successfully caught up with Chen Hong, a great beauty, by learning the production techniques of braised pork.

After marriage, Chen Hong gave birth to her eldest son Chen Yuang and second son Chen Feiyu, and she paid a lot for the whole family.

However, behind this incomparably harmonious family, there may be some hidden problems. At a family dinner, Chen Kaige said to his son Chen Feiyu, who had just returned from abroad, "Arthur, please take a seat."

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

This alienated attitude has aroused heated discussions among netizens, and some people even commented: "A family sitting and eating together does not look like a family, it seems a bit contrived, and it looks so embarrassing that it can be deducted from three bedrooms and one living room."

Chen Kaige's three love lives, from Hong Huang to Ni Ping to Chen Hong, each is full of its own uniqueness. These emotional experiences not only shaped Chen Kaige's personal life, but also deeply influenced his family relationships and artistic creation.

Chen Feiyu, as the second son of Chen Kaige and Chen Hong, has attracted much attention for his every move, and he has lived in the spotlight since he was a child. However, behind this seemingly glamorous family, there seem to be some educational problems.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

In a variety show, the interaction of Chen Kaige's family has become a hot topic among netizens. There is a scene where Chen Feiyu stood in the shadows and waited quietly after returning from abroad.

After Chen Kaige and Chen Hong "talked loudly", they said to Chen Feiyu: "Arthur, please take a seat" ("Arthur" is Arthur, Chen Feiyu's English name) This alienated salutation and interaction made many viewers feel unnatural.

The ensuing scene is awkward. When Chen Hong fed his son meat, Chen Kaige specified which piece of meat his son would clip, and Chen Feiyu half-knelt beside his mother. This scene was described by netizens as "more than enough compared to the TV plot".

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Someone commented: "The way their family eats doesn't look like a family, it's a bit deliberate and contrived, and it's so embarrassing that people feel that they can deduct the three-bedroom apartment."

This family atmosphere may have had a profound impact on Chen Feiyu, who has recently attracted widespread public attention due to his involvement in a controversial incident. Some believe that Chen Feiyu's behavior may have something to do with his upbringing.

A netizen commented: "In such a family, the relationship between Chen Feiyu and his father is undoubtedly deformed and strange."

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Some netizens analyzed that Chen Feiyu may be simple or lack of scheming due to his lack of fatherly love. It is also believed that he may have been too well protected and lacked awareness of the real world.

Some netizens commented: "Maybe for Chen Feiyu, getting along with his father makes him a little lacking in love, so he is too simple and not bad, but he may be a little heartless, or he may be too well protected."

In short, Chen Feiyu's growth process seems to reflect the educational dilemma of this performing arts family. As a new generation of this family, his future development and how to get rid of the shadow of the family have become the focus of many people's attention.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Chen Kaige's artistic career represents a microcosm of Chinese-language cinema, full of processes from glory to controversy. In 1984, Chen Kaige was only 32 years old, and his debut film "Yellow Earth" won the Silver Leopard Award at the 38th Locarno International Film Festival, and became famous in one fell swoop.

This high-quality film has not only won international acclaim, but also established Chen Kaige's status among the fifth generation of Chinese directors, and his talent is widely recognized.

However, the work that really brought Chen Kaige's career to its peak was "Farewell My Concubine" in 1993. The film swept major international film festivals upon its release, winning the Palme d'Or at the Cannes International Film Festival and the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the United States Golden Globe Awards.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

"Farewell My Concubine" has become a milestone in the history of Chinese cinema, and it is also the only Chinese-language film to win the Palme d'Or at the Cannes International Film Festival and the United States Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film at the same time.

However, after becoming famous, Chen Kaige seems to have fallen into a creative dilemma. In 2005, the highly anticipated release of "Wu Ji" was encountered, but it was met with unprecedented criticism. Many viewers and critics can't understand why a director who can make a masterpiece like "Farewell My Concubine" would release a staggering work like "Boundless".

The film sparked huge controversy and made people question Chen Kaige's creative ability.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Even so, the success of "Farewell My Concubine" still made Chen Kaige gain a certain reputation and achievements in the film industry, and some netizens on the Internet even commented: ""Farewell My Concubine" is a drama, Chen Kaige doesn't have to worry about it for the rest of his life. ”

However, the public and fans are still eagerly looking forward to Chen Kaige's breakthrough and first-class works, and they all hope that Chen Kaige can make greater contributions to Chinese films and reproduce the glory of "Farewell My Concubine".

Chen Kaige's artistic career, from peak to controversy, also reflects the changes and challenges of Chinese cinema.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Chen Feiyu, as the second son of Chen Kaige and Chen Hong, has attracted much attention since birth. However, as a new generation of performing arts families, he seems to be experiencing his own struggle.

Recently, Chen Feiyu was involved in a controversial incident involving "S Pink C Photo", which sparked a wide public discussion. According to the report, the protagonist of the incident is Chen Feiyu's station sister for many years, and the station sister is married.

This incident not only exposed Chen Feiyu's impulsiveness and rashness, but also caused the public to question his growth environment.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

Some believe that Chen Feiyu's personality may have something to do with his family environment. A netizen commented: "For Chen Feiyu, getting along with his father may make him a little lacking in love.

So he seems too simple, simple-minded, but it may also be because he is too well protected."

The growth story of this young man seems to have become the latest chapter in the chain of Chen Kaige's family story. The public's attention and expectations for the new generation of the family also reflect the inherent impression and curiosity of the artist's family.

Chen Kaige: "Betrayed" his father, the family banquet is like acting, no wonder Chen Feiyu will be taught to be like this

The future development of Chinese mainland actor Chen Feiyu and whether he can get rid of the influence of family background and find his own life path have undoubtedly become the focus of many people's attention.

It seems that this family story will continue to be told, especially around Chen Feiyu's growth process and challenges, which is undoubtedly the most vivid and vivid chapter.

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