
Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke
Please use your golden finger to make a fortune, like and take a walk, get rich forever, pay attention to the like, it is difficult to get rich if you don't want to
Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

In the Chinese comedy world, Zhao Benshan is a thunderous name. He has cultivated many outstanding disciples, among which Yan Xuejing, the "two-person queen", was one of his protégés.

However, who would have expected that it was this woman who rose from obscurity to fame and eventually became a big regret in Zhao Benshan's later years.

Yan Xuejing's rise seems to be only in a blink of an eye, from the rural stage to the Spring Festival Gala screen, her success is inseparable from Zhao Benshan's cultivation. But after becoming famous, she made a series of staggering decisions.

In order to chase money, she did not hesitate to remarry many times, and even risked having children. What kind of mental journey did this former Zhao family class celebrity go through? How did her choices affect the fate of herself and her mentor? A little-known master-apprentice feud began.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

Zhao Benshan's achievements in the comedy industry not only stem from his personal talent, but also from his unique vision of discovering and cultivating new talents. The story of Xiao Shenyang and Yan Xuejing's fame is the best example of Zhao Benshan's discernment.

In the past, Xiao Shenyang was just an unknown two-person actor, struggling to survive in a small theater. Zhao Benshan took a fancy to the potential of this young man at a glance and personally pushed him onto the stage of the Spring Festival Gala.

The hilarious sentence "No, this is really not" instantly spread all over the country, and Xiaoshenyang became an instant hit. Zhao Benshan's discerning eye has injected new vitality into the Chinese comedy industry.

Similarly, Yan Xuejing's road to success is also inseparable from Zhao Benshan's cultivation. In the popular TV series "Liu Laogen", Zhao Benshan specially tailored the role of "Shan Xing" for Yan Xuejing.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

With the popularity of the series, Yan Xuejing has established a distinct image in the hearts of the audience, and her popularity has been rising.

Zhao Benshan's support for Yan Xuejing did not stop there. When Yan Xuejing first appeared on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, an unexpected delay almost ruined her debut. In the face of this sudden crisis, Zhao Benshan did not hesitate to sacrifice his time for other programs, and went all out to ensure that Yan Xuejing could appear as scheduled.

This move not only reflects Zhao Benshan's care for his disciples, but also shows his professionalism and sense of responsibility as a successful comedian.

Zhao Benshan's careful cultivation has cultivated batches of rookies for the Chinese comedy industry. Not only did he give his teachings, but he also opened the door to fame for his disciples, giving them the opportunity to show their talents in front of a national audience.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

Zhao Benshan's dedication can be called meticulous. He not only instructed his disciples in art, but also cared for them in life, and even did not hesitate to pay nearly 100 million yuan in taxes for his disciples to ensure that their careers would not be hindered by legal problems.

However, Zhao Benshan probably never thought that his painstaking cultivation would eventually lead to a lesson that he would regret for the rest of his life. His trust and expectations of his disciples were ultimately betrayed by the greed and betrayal of some people.

This cruel reality not only made Zhao Benshan's heart ache, but also cast a shadow on his talent scouting career.

Fame is a double-edged sword, it can bring glory and wealth, but it can also bring out the darkest aspects of human nature. The story of Xiao Shenyang and Yan Xuejing is a vivid interpretation of this truth.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

After Xiao Shenyang became an instant hit in the Spring Festival Gala, commercial performances and advertising endorsements came one after another. However, in the face of such a huge income, Xiao Shenyang was dissatisfied with the company's sharing system.

He had never complained about his low income when he was unknown, but at this time he began to question Zhao Benshan's arrangement. In the end, Xiao Shenyang chose to part ways with his teacher and set up his own business.

In this regard, Zhao Benshan only left a meaningful sentence: "Without me, you will be worthless." This sentence is like a prophecy, and it was soon fulfilled in Xiao Shenyang.

After leaving Zhao's class, Xiao Shenyang's popularity declined sharply, and he was unable to appear in the public eye for a long time. In a later interview, Xiao Shenyang admitted that it was extremely difficult during that time, and he even had to borrow money to get by.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

However, the lesson of Xiao Shenyang did not wake up to others. After Yan Xuejing became popular, she also began to be tempted by fame and fortune. Not satisfied with the work arranged by the company, she began to contact various business activities privately.

At first, Zhao Benshan turned a blind eye to this, understanding the mood of the disciples who wanted to make more money. But Yan Xuejing's behavior soon exceeded Zhao Benshan's tolerance.

In the face of numerous commercial activities, it is difficult for Yan Xuejing to calm down and focus on comedy creation. Zhao Benshan looked at Yan Xuejing, who was becoming more and more noisy, and his heart was full of disappointment.

However, it wasn't just the dispute over financial interests that really broke down the relationship between the two.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

What's even more shocking is that Yan Xuejing embarks on a series of jaw-dropping marriage adventures in pursuit of more wealth and resources. She first set her sights on a troupe leader with a married man, hoping to get more network resources.

Zhao Benshan was busy matching her every day and expanding her contacts, but he never expected that she was secretly looking for a "golden beetle son-in-law".

Although this marriage brought Yan Xuejing some resources, it soon ended in failure. Immediately afterwards, Yan Xuejing aimed at a real rich man, Ma Dongming.

In order to firmly seize this opportunity, 45-year-old Yan Xuejing did not hesitate to risk his life to give birth to a daughter for him. However, the marriage did not last long, and it broke down shortly after the birth of her daughter.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

Yan Xuejing's series of behaviors not only made Zhao Benshan feel cold, but also made the public's evaluation of her plummet. used to win the audience's love with her strength, but now she has become a typical representative of the supremacy of interests.

She sees her marriage as a well-orchestrated chess game, where every move is astonishing.

This kind of behavior of chasing interests and forgetting the original intention is exactly what Zhao Benshan hates the most. He once expelled Yadan from the company because she chose to abandon her husband and find a new love when her popularity soared.

With such a lesson from the past, Yan Xuejing has no intention of restraint, perhaps in her heart, this master-apprentice friendship is insignificant.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

Yan Xuejing's actions not only failed Zhao Benshan's cultivation grace, but also made her drift away on the road of art. Her choice ended up in a tragedy that left people to sigh.

Zhao Benshan has always regarded the master-apprentice relationship as a relative, and his dedication and affection are well known. However, in the face of the betrayal of Xiao Shenyang and Yan Xuejing, Zhao Benshan's inner disappointment and pain can be imagined.

Looking back on the past, Zhao Benshan's generous help to his disciples is numerous. When Yadan was about to enter the marriage hall, he did not hesitate to spend 80 million yuan to buy a luxury car as a gift, demonstrating his importance and love for his disciples.

When "Zhao Si" Liu Xiaoguang fell into a debt crisis, Zhao Benshan didn't say a word and generously helped him pay off his debts, showing his sense of responsibility and responsibility to his disciples.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

Even when Li Zhengchun passed away due to illness, Zhao Benshan not only bore all the medical expenses, but also took the initiative to take care of his family, reflecting that his care for his disciples extended to his relatives.

Zhao Benshan once said: "Master and parents belong to the same level. This sentence fully reflects the importance he attaches to the master-apprentice relationship. It is this kind of character that values love and righteousness that makes Zhao Benshan's comedy works always deeply touch the hearts of the audience.

He not only taught him in the arts, but also cared for him in life, and even paid nearly 100 million yuan in taxes for his disciples to ensure that their careers would not be hindered by legal problems.

However, in the face of the betrayal of Xiao Shenyang and Yan Xuejing, Zhao Benshan's heart was undoubtedly hit by a huge blow. He may think about it: What are you not doing well enough? Why would a well-cultivated disciple make such a choice? This kind of disappointment and confusion may make Zhao Benshan feel more sad than the loss of money.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

For Zhao Benshan, comedy is an art form full of warmth. His emphasis on love and righteousness is not only reflected in life, but also integrated into each of his works.

Because of this, his works can deeply touch the hearts of the audience every time. However, when he found out that his carefully cultivated disciples had betrayed him for money and profit, the blow was undoubtedly huge.

Despite this, Zhao Benshan did not lose confidence in all his disciples. He still adheres to his principles and continues to train newcomers to bring fresh blood to the Chinese comedy industry.

This kind of persistence may be Zhao Benshan's most valuable quality.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

From the interviews with the disciples of the Zhao family, it is not difficult for us to find that Zhao Benshan really treats everyone with sincerity. Even after suffering betrayal, he maintained his love for the art of comedy and the nurturing of new talents.

This kind of tolerance and persistence shows Zhao Benshan's mind and pattern as a successful comedian.

However, these betrayals undoubtedly cast a shadow on Zhao Benshan's later years. The disciples who were once regarded as his successors have now become a big regret in his heart.

This kind of complicated mood may only be truly understood by Zhao Benshan himself.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

The price of betraying their teacher, Xiao Shenyang and Yan Xuejing both paid a painful price. Their experience has become a vivid warning in the entertainment industry.

After Xiao Shenyang left Zhao's class, he soon fell into a career trough. He used to have unlimited scenery on the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, but now he can only barely make a living in various small performances.

The rising comedy star who once made the national audience laugh is now reduced to the dilemma of borrowing money from all over the world to get by. In a frank interview, Xiao Shenyang had to admit the difficulties of that time, which undoubtedly made him deeply realize the importance of Zhao Benshan in his career.

Yan Xuejing's situation is also not optimistic. Although she gained some wealth through multiple marriages, her public image and artistic career took a serious hit.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

Once known as the "two-person queen", her image in front of the public has now become an unscrupulous person for profit. Although her marriage brought her temporary benefits, they all ended in failure, proving that money does not bring true happiness and long-term career development.

Both cases clearly show that the cost of betraying one's mentor is enormous. In the vanity fair of the entertainment industry, without the support of Zhao Benshan, they quickly lost their foothold.

This also confirms Zhao Benshan's meaningful words: "Without me, you will be worthless."

Their experiences have taught us that character and gratitude are equally important in the pursuit of success. Short-term benefits may make people lose their way, but in the end, only those who know how to be grateful and maintain their original intentions can achieve long-term development and real success in this rapidly changing entertainment industry.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

Time flies, and the turmoil seems to have subsided. Zhao Benshan, who is now 66 years old, although he no longer appears frequently on stage, his status in the comedy industry is still unshakable.

His experience and achievements have become an indelible page in the history of Chinese comedy.

Yan Xuejing's life has also returned to normal, and she occasionally sells goods through live broadcast platforms. The former "two-person queen" seems to have faded out of the public's sight.

This experience of ups and downs may make everyone reflect. For Zhao Benshan, he may be more careful in selecting and cultivating disciples, but I believe that his love for the art of comedy will not change.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Benshan, who was 66-year-old and stepped on the top by a vicious woman Yan Xuejing, has become a joke

For Yan Xuejing, she may understand that true success is not only about money and fame, but more importantly, about inner fulfillment and persistence in art.

Despite these unpleasant events, we still wish these two artists, who have brought countless joys to the audience, can find their own happiness on the road of life in the future.

After all, in this vanity fair, everyone is constantly learning and growing. Their stories will also serve as a mirror for those who come after them, reminding people not to forget to be grateful and stick to their hearts while chasing their dreams.

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