
On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

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Hey guys! Today, let's talk about a hot topic - the United States bond market. Recently, the United States government held a 2-year US bond auction, and the scene was a hilarious! No, as soon as the auction results came out, the whole market was boiling, especially overseas investors, who poured into the market as if they had discovered a new continent. The story behind this is wonderful, so I'll take you to learn more about it.

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

This 2-year U.S. bond auction is simply a sweet spot in the market, not only domestic investors have broken the head, but even overseas bigwigs can't hold back and have made moves. You know, this is the lowest U.S. Treasury interest rate since January this year, and the bid rate is a little lower than expected, which is historically countable. In this way, the appetite of the market is stimulated even more.

The results of the auction can be described as "hot". The $69 billion 2-year Treasury bond was swept away in an instant like a hot commodity that was snapped up. The bid rate was fixed at 4.434%, a full 27.2 basis points lower than last month's 4.706%, which is like a price limit in the stock market, which makes people stunned.

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

The exchange rate of the US dollar against the yuan on July 24, 2024 is really a day to watch. The median price of the interbank foreign exchange market shows that 1 US dollar can be exchanged for 7.1358 yuan, but in actual transactions, 1 US dollar can be exchanged for 7.2747 yuan. This difference in exchange rates is like a real-time feedback of market sentiment that shows the actual value of the dollar in the market.

Looking at this data, the latest exchange rate of USD/CNY was 7.2747, which opened slightly low-key at 7.2700, but soon the US dollar began to show its steady pace, reaching a high of 7.2770, followed by a slight pullback, and the lowest returned to the opening price. This trend means a slight increase in costs for friends who plan to travel, shop, or have dollar income in United States; For companies exporting to the United States, this increase in the exchange rate could mean increased profit margins, because the appreciation of the dollar can make exports appear more competitive in the United States market.

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

Why is this happening? This brings us to the Fed's movements. Everyone is eyeing next week's Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting as speculation is rife that United States may cut interest rates in September. Therefore, smart investors, in order to lock in higher yields before the rate cut, began to rush to buy short-term US bonds, for fear of missing this wave of market.

The participation of overseas buyers is at an all-time high, indicating that global funds are looking for safe havens. Against the backdrop of economic uncertainty and increased volatility in financial markets, United States Treasuries have become "hard currency" in the eyes of investors. After all, globally, United States Treasuries have a high credit rating, good liquidity and are recognized as safe-haven assets.

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

The exchange rate of the pound against the yuan on July 24, 2024, that is really a topic. The median price of the interbank foreign exchange market shows that 1 pound can be exchanged for 9.2465 yuan, but in actual transactions, 1 pound can be exchanged for 9.3795 yuan. This difference in exchange rates is like a real-time feedback of market sentiment, showing the actual value of the pound in the market.

Looking at this data, the latest exchange rate of GBP/CNY was 9.3795, which opened slightly higher at 9.3857, but soon the pound began to show its steady pace, reaching the opening price at the highest, and then retraced slightly to the lowest at 9.3795. This trend means a slight increase in costs for friends who plan to travel to the United Kingdom, shop, or have pound income; For companies exporting to the United Kingdom, this increase in the exchange rate could mean increased profit margins, as the appreciation of the pound could make exports more competitive in the United Kingdom market.

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

Let's take a look at the logic behind this. Typically, when the market expects interest rates to fall in the future, the price of long-term bonds rises because their fixed rates will appear more attractive in a future low interest rate environment. However, this time the situation is a bit different, with short-term bonds gaining more popularity than expected, likely because investors believe that a rate-cutting cycle is about to begin, and shorter-dated bonds are able to reflect this change more quickly while enjoying higher yields.

The uncertainty of United States economic data is also driving this trend. Some of the recent economic data releases have been mixed, with some pointing to growth and others hinting at a possible slowdown. In this case, investors tend to choose safer investment channels, and United States Treasuries are undoubtedly the best of them.

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

The Switzerland franc exchange rate against the Chinese yuan on July 24, 2024 shows some noteworthy changes. According to the latest data, the median price of 1 Switzerland franc is 8.0260 yuan, while in the actual transaction, the exchange rate of the Switzerland franc is 8.1566 yuan. This indicates that in the market, the value of the Switzerland franc has increased relative to the renminbi, and investor demand for the Switzerland franc may be increasing.

Judging from the opening price, today's opening price is 8.1597 yuan, slightly higher than yesterday's closing price of 8.1584 yuan. This slight rise may reflect the market's optimism about the Switzerland franc. The highest and lowest prices are between 8.1566 yuan and 8.1600 yuan, indicating that yesterday's trading volatility was not large and the market was relatively stable. This stability may be due to the cautious attitude of investors to the current economic situation, which is closely watching the international economic dynamics, especially the performance of the Switzerland economy.

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

The results of this 2-year Treasury bond auction not only reflect the market's view of the United States economic outlook, but also reveal investors' strategic adjustments in the global economic environment. The hot sale of short-term U.S. bonds is not only a reflection of the Fed's policy expectations, but also a response to global economic uncertainty. For the average investor, this may be a reminder that it is especially important to maintain portfolio diversification and flexibility during times of heightened market volatility.


The results of the 2-year Treasury auction highlight strong demand, which is reflected in a number of indicators, especially the record overseas demand. Analysts pointed out that the Federal Reserve will hold a FOMC meeting next week, and the market is widely expected to cut interest rates in United States in September, so investors rushed into short-term Treasury bonds before cutting rates. The auction not only demonstrates the trust of global capital in United States Treasuries, but also reveals investors' safe-haven needs during a period of global economic turmoil. For us, understanding these dynamics can help us better plan our investment strategies for individuals or institutions, especially in the face of uncertain market conditions. In short, no matter how the market changes, stay calm and rational analysis, and you can always find an investment opportunity that suits you.

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

We hope you find this article useful, and if you have any questions or want to discuss with you, please feel free to do so. Dandan wishes you all good health and smooth investment! Thank you for reading, and I wish you a happy mood when you see this, smooth sailing, smooth sailing, and a lot of money! Don't forget to like and follow, and we'll see you in the comment area!

On July 24, the exchange rate of RMB against the US dollar was updated, the exchange rate rose sharply, and the RMB fell sharply! Today's Focus

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