
Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

In 1953, a girl destined to be extraordinary was born in Macau. She is Jenny, a half-breed with a unique pedigree. Her mother is Shanghainese, her father is Austrian, and her grandmother is Spain.

This unique combination of bloodlines not only gave Jenny an outstanding appearance, but also planted the seeds of her musical talent. The adolescent Jenny often attracted the jealousy of her classmates and the pursuit of boys because of her beautiful appearance.

After completing her secondary school studies in Taipei, she studied at the Taipei World Journalism College and then the Chinese Culture Institute. However, the god of fate had already prepared another path for her.

At the age of 18, Zhenni, who was discovered by talent scouts, launched her first album "Heart Lake" and officially stepped into the music scene. This decision completely changed the trajectory of her life. In 1978, Zhen Ni collaborated with Huang Zhan and Gu Jiahui to release the Cantonese album "Struggle", which broke the 87-year record of IFP certification in one fell swoop, and the total sales reached an astonishing 800,000 copies.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

This album not only established Jenny's status in the Chinese music scene, but also heralded the beginning of her brilliant career. In 1981, Zhen Ni won the crown of the Best Female Singer Award at the Taiwan Golden Bell Awards, becoming another singer to win this honor after Teresa Teng.

Two years later, her collaboration with Luo Wen on "Iron Blood Pill Heart" became popular all over Asia, and Huang Zhan praised her as the "Queen of Iron Lung Songs". This title has become the best footnote to Jenny's unique voice.

In 1984, Jenny made another great achievement and won the Most Popular Female Singer Award that year. In the following two years, she successively released many excellent albums such as "Song for You", "Kiss the Dream Man", "Leave My Sweet Dream", "Sea Flower", etc., and the quality of her works is convincing.

In 1991, Zhen Ni appeared on the stage of the CCTV Spring Festival Gala and brought the audience two wonderful works, "Lu Binghua" and "The Same Song". Her unique voice and superb singing skills won warm applause from the audience, and also let more mainland audiences know this "Iron Lung Queen of Songs".

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

From entering the music scene at the age of 18 to becoming an iconic figure in the Chinese music scene, Zhen Ni has used her talent and hard work to compose a legendary musical life. Even at the age of 70 today, she still has many fans, including many "post-00s", and this kind of cross-era charm is the best proof of Jenny's musical strength.

Fu Sheng was born in a wealthy businessman's family, and his father has always opposed his son's acting career, and even kicked him out of the house. Although Fu Sheng broke out in the entertainment industry with his own efforts, when he expressed to his father that he wanted to marry Zhen Ni, he was once again strongly opposed.

In the eyes of Fu Sheng's father, Zhen Ni is just a "singer" who is not worthy of her son. At the same time, Jenny's parents learned that their daughter was disliked by her future father-in-law, and they also insisted that she break up with Fu Sheng.

In the face of the opposition of both families, the lovers did not give up easily. Fu Sheng ran around, asking his father's friends to help persuade him. Zhenni used her sincerity and talent to win the approval of Fu Sheng's father.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

After some hard work, Fu Sheng and Zhen Ni finally overcame many difficulties and entered the palace of marriage hand in hand. However, the sweetness of the newlywed did not last long. Like many young couples, they have gone through a period of running-in.

The media often reported that the two were not in harmony, and Zhenni had to respond publicly, clarifying that it was just some of Fu Sheng's friends who she didn't like. Despite occasional disputes, Fu Sheng and Zhenni's relationship has always been stable.

The only thing they regret is that they have not been able to have children after many years of marriage. This troubles often plagued the young couple, but they never thought about separating, but chose to face this problem together.

However, fate always likes to joke. In 1983, a sudden traffic accident changed Jenny's life forever. She was working in Japan and received bad news that Fu Sheng had died on the spot in the accident.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

Grief-stricken, Jenny immediately put down all her work and took the nearest flight back to Hong Kong. However, fate played a cruel joke on her again - she never got to see her husband for the last time.

The blow of losing her beloved made Jenny almost collapse. In the following period, she refused to be interviewed by any media, and only announced that she would not remarry in this life.

This decision not only reflects her deep love for Fu Sheng, but also shows her strong character. From acquaintance, love to loss, the love story of Zhenni and Fu Sheng is short but unforgettable.

This experience deeply affected the second half of Zhenni's life, and also allowed the world to witness the loyalty of a singer to love. Zhen Ni interpreted the true meaning of "unswerving until death" with practical actions, which made people can't help but be moved.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

Four years after Fu Sheng's death, a shocking news exploded in the entertainment industry - Zhen Ni gave birth to a daughter. This news is like a bombshell, which has aroused many questions and criticism.

Many people are puzzled, didn't Jenny publicly declare that she would never marry again in this life? Why do you have children again? In the face of the flood of doubts, the truth finally surfaced. It turned out that as early as Fu Sheng's death, the loving couple had already thought about the future.

Fu Sheng preserves his genetic material through United States sperm freezing technology. After her husband passed away, Jenny chose to go to United States and used this high-tech means to give birth to this hard-won "love crystal" for her deceased husband.

Zhen Ni named her daughter Zhen Jiaping. The birth of this little girl seems to bring new hope to Jenny and revitalize her "death-like" life. What's even more surprising is that Zhen Jiaping's appearance is very similar to Fu Sheng, as if it is a kind of compensation from God for this pair of hard-working mandarin ducks.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

Jenny proved with practical actions that even if she loses her beloved, even if she has to face the burden of life alone, she can still live strong and continue this love.

She is not only a successful singer, but also a strong mother. Jenny's story shows the tenacity and courage of a woman in the face of life's trauma. The birth of this "crystallization of love" is not only a continuation of the love between Zhenni and Fu Sheng, but also a symbol of vitality.

It shows us that even in the darkest of moments, there is always hope. Zhenni nourishes this hard-won gift with maternal love, and at the same time finds the motivation to continue moving forward in her daughter.

This story is undoubtedly the best interpretation of the tenacity of life and the eternity of love. In 1991, Zhen Ni amazed the CCTV Spring Festival Gala stage with a song "Lu Binghua", and her unique voice and affectionate interpretation won warm applause from the audience.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

However, just when her career seemed to reach another peak, Zhenni chose to gradually fade out of the music scene. This decision left many fans feeling puzzled and regretful. However, a true artist never leaves the stage entirely.

In 1998, at the kind invitation of Gu Jiahui and Huang Zhan, Zhen Ni returned to the entertainment industry again. This comeback seems to have injected a breath of fresh air into the Chinese music scene. Jenny held a number of solo concerts, each of which was full and almost full.

Her fans are all over the world, from Hong Kong to Taiwan, from mainland China to overseas, Jenny's charm crosses geographical boundaries. After her comeback, Zhenni showed a more mature and profound artistic charm.

Her singing voice not only has the brightness of the past, but also has a bit of charm after the vicissitudes of life. This unique sound quality appeals to listeners of all ages. Surprisingly, even at the age of 70, Jenny still has many fans, including many "post-00" young people.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

This kind of cross-era charm is the best proof of Jenny's musical strength and personality. Although she no longer appears in the public eye as often as she did when she was younger, Jenny still maintains her passion for music and the entertainment industry.

She follows the industry dynamics through social platforms and expresses her views from time to time. This constant attention and engagement demonstrates the professionalism and dedication of a true artist.

Jenny's comeback and continued development is not only a new chapter in her personal career, but also a valuable asset in the Chinese music scene. She used her actions to interpret what true artistic persistence is, and also set an example for future generations.

Jenny is not only known for her unique voice and superb singing skills, but her straightforward and honest personality is equally impressive. Over the years, she has repeatedly pointed out various problems in the entertainment industry in public, and this courage to speak the truth has won her the reputation of "music discipline".

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

In a post on a social platform, Jenny mercilessly criticized some Hong Kong programs for "blatantly messing around" for the so-called program effect. She pointed out that some female celebrities were forced to endure the "groping pig hands" of "big names", which was completely trampling on the dignity of artists.

Zhen Ni's remarks sparked widespread discussion, and some netizens agreed in the comment area, believing that these so-called program effects are just an excuse for "big coffee" to "start" female artists.

Zhenni was even more furious when she saw these messages, and even exposed a show that had similar problems more than ten years ago. For young artists, Jenny is also ruthless.

She once publicly accused Deng Ziqi of not greeting her at an awards ceremony, and publicly accused her of "having no one in her eyes and lacking a tutor". This remark caused quite a stir at the time.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

In the face of Zhen Ni's criticism, even Deng Ziqi, known as Hong Kong's "little diva with giant lungs", had to quickly issue a solemn apology, explaining that he was too nervous and afraid of disturbing his predecessors so he didn't come forward to say hello.

Recently, Jenny has once again become a hot topic. After the audio and video leaked out of Coco Li's lifetime, the 70-year-old Zhenni spoke out for the late Coco Li many times, denouncing the mentors who participated in the recording of "The Voice" as unscrupulous artists.

She expressed her dissatisfaction with the show on social platforms, and her words were full of indignation at injustice and regret for Coco Li. Zhen Ni even bluntly said that the so-called mentors and production staff of the program team are all "ghosts" who can ignore the bottom line for monetary interests.

Although Jenny's outspokenness sometimes provokes some controversy, with some people believing that she is "relying on the old and selling the old", more people appreciate her courage to speak the truth. Zhenni's attitude of not being afraid of power and daring to face problems head-on has added a unique color to the entertainment industry.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

Her presence is undoubtedly a wake-up call and spur to the entire industry. Jenny's personality may stem from her unique family background and rich life experience. In any case, she uses her actions to illustrate the sense of social responsibility that a true artist should have.

Today, although the 70-year-old Jenny no longer appears frequently on the public stage, she still pays close attention to the dynamics of the entertainment industry through social platforms, and does not hesitate to express her views on the "chaos" of the industry.

Her straightforwardness and courage have impressed many people with this "Iron Lung Queen of Songs". Looking back on Jenny's life, she has experienced a brilliant music career and created the legend of "Iron Lung Queen of Songs"; She has experienced unforgettable love and spent 40 years interpreting what true loyalty is; She raised her daughter alone and showed the courage to face life strongly; She has spoken out for injustice in the industry many times, demonstrating the sense of social responsibility that an artist should have.

Zhenni's story is not only a legend of a singer, but also a microcosm of an era. Her music career has witnessed the development of Chinese pop music, and her life experience reflects the changes in society.

Zhenni, the "Iron Lung Queen of Songs" who has been widowed for 40 years, has impressed the world!

Even at the age of 70, she still has many fans, including many "post-00s", and this kind of cross-era charm is the best proof of Zhenni's artistic strength and personality charm.

Jenny used her life to explain what a true artist is – not only to have extraordinary talent, but also to have firm faith and courage. Her story deserves each of us to ponder and admire.

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