
Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

First, on April 29, 1987, Jiang Yuchen was born in a family that ran a travel agency in Taipei City. Since she was a child, she has been the pearl in the eyes of her parents and is very loved. Jiang Yuchen was born beautiful, with a sweet and lovely face, which is unforgettable.

She has a cheerful and lively personality, is sociable, and has a particularly sweet mouth. In her parents' travel agency, young Jiang Yuchen often helped at the front desk, using her smile and kind attitude to bring a lot of business to the family.

Her charm naturally attracted many suitors, but several brief romances in high school did not bear fruit. With a longing for the entertainment industry, Jiang Yuchen worked hard to be admitted to Huagang Art School.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

After graduating, she wanted to make a career in the entertainment industry. Opportunities always favor those who are prepared, and soon, she received an invitation to shoot an advertisement for the King of Tea. This advertisement not only made her stand out, but also opened the door to the entertainment industry for her.

Through this advertising shooting, Jiang Yuchen got to know many seniors in the circle. Among them, an introduction by Song Jianzhang, a member of "Southern Boxing Mother", completely changed the trajectory of her life - she met the popular singer Jay Chou.

Standing at the starting point of his career, Jiang Yuchen's eyes flashed with longing and hope for the future. She believes that with her beauty and talent, she will eventually find her place in this dazzling world.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

At this time, she didn't know that the wooden music genius Jay Chou in front of her would become the most important turning point in her life. 2007 was a turning point in fate for Jiang Yuchen.

Through the introduction of Song Jianzhang, a member of "Nanquan Mother", she met Jay Chou, a hot singer at that time. Although Jay Chou is introverted and not good at words, he is attracted by Jiang Yuchen's beauty and talent.

Jay Chou took a fancy to Jiang Yuchen's potential and decided to give her a chance and invited her to star in the MV of the single "The Longest Movie". Not only that, Jay Chou also tailored the episode "Sunny Day Doll" of the movie "The Secret That Can't Be Said" for Jiang Yuchen.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

This song may have been sung by the movie heroine Gui Lunmei, but Jay Chou favored Jiang Yuchen and gave her this opportunity. Jiang Yuchen's star career began, and she quickly became popular with the support of Jay Chou.

With the assistance of Jay Chou, Jiang Yuchen signed a contract with Ai Hui Music Company and released his first album "Sunny Day Doll". Among them, the singles "I'm Too Nice" and "My Theme Song" have aroused widespread discussion.

Some people speculate that the creator of these songs, "Chen Shaorong", is actually Jay Chou's pen name, which further aggravates the scandal between the two. However, what really made Jiang Yuchen famous was the Yoremi milk tea advertisement in collaboration with Jay Chou.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

"You're my Yolomy!" This advertising slogan made Jiang Yuchen become a "milk tea princess" overnight and became a household name. The interaction between the two in the advertisement is regarded as a portrayal of a couple in love, which has aroused widespread public attention.

With the increase in popularity, Jiang Yuchen's life has undergone earth-shaking changes. She began to drive luxury cars, carry brand-name bags, and go in and out of various high-end places. She frequently appeared next to Jay Chou, and the two played ball, ate together, and even reported that they were living together.

Jay Chou gave her a lot of designer jewelry and gave her the key to her garage. In his career, Jay Chou continued to pave the way for Jiang Yuchen. He asked her to participate in the movie "Panda Man" directed by himself, playing one of the heroines, and also appointed her to perform the ending song "The Last Page".

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

Jiang Yuchen stood at the pinnacle of his career, his eyes flashing with happiness. She felt that she had finally seized the opportunity given by fate, and the future would be bright. However, just as Jiang Yuchen was immersed in the joy of fame, she didn't know that a storm was quietly brewing and was about to completely change the trajectory of her life.

In January 2007, an explosive news broke Jiang Yuchen's dream like a thunderbolt from the blue. Her ex-boyfriend Liao Zhugang suddenly stood up and identified Jiang Yuchen as cheating Jay Chou during his relationship with him.

This news was like a bombshell, which exploded in the entertainment industry and plunged Jiang Yuchen into an unprecedented whirlpool of public opinion. Liao Zhugang, a man born in Taipei in 1978, is nine years older than Jiang Yuchen and works for his family's garment company.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

The story of him and Jiang Yuchen dates back to 2005, and the two fell in love soon after they met, and then began to live together. Although Liao Zhugang's parents and friends did not approve of this relationship, he still wished Jiang Yu a good morning and even gave her a car.

Second, the relationship was not all smooth sailing. According to Liao Zhugang, during their cohabitation, Jiang Yuchen once had a "desertion", had an ambiguous relationship with a tall and handsome young man, and once moved out to live.

However, that relationship soon collapsed, and Jiang Yuchen returned to Liao Zhugang. Liao Zhugang chose to forgive her, as he said, he loved her so much and indulged her in every way.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

Liao Zhugang also revealed that Jiang Yuchen has always been a die-hard fan of Jay Chou, and the room is covered with posters of Jay Chou. Although he was inevitably a little jealous in his heart, he still supported Jiang Yuchen to chase his dreams.

He accompanied Jiang Yuchen to visit the studio, met friends in the entertainment industry, and even accompanied Jiang Yuchen when he was filming the MV of "The Longest Movie". However, the turning point came in April 2007.

The media took photos of Jiang Yuchen and Jay Chou playing basketball together, and her official breakup with Liao Zhugang was in May 2007. This timeline has become a strong evidence of Jiang Yuchen's split.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

In the face of overwhelming doubts, Jiang Yuchen's studio, Jufang Entertainment, responded quickly. They acknowledged Liao Zhugang's existence, but denied Jiang Yuchen's accusation of splitting his legs, and tactfully advised Liao Zhugang to "break up without bad words".

At a press conference, Jiang Yuchen burst into tears and tried to defend himself. This turmoil also affected Jay Chou. Faced with questions from the media, he chose to believe Jiang Yuchen's statement.

However, this incident undoubtedly cast a shadow over their relationship. Jiang Yuchen fell into a complex emotional whirlpool. On the one hand, she felt guilty for her actions; On the other hand, she is afraid of losing her hard-won opportunity and Jay Chou's trust.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

Her eyes were full of confusion and uneasiness, and she didn't know how to face this dilemma. And this turmoil has also become an indelible stain in her life, laying hidden dangers for her future career development.

As time went by, Jiang Yuchen became more and more afraid of losing Jay Chou. Her heart was filled with uneasiness and anxiety, and she began to do something puzzling. When Jay Chou was filming the movie "The Green Hornet" in United States, Jiang Yuchen suddenly appeared in United States.

In order to maintain the heat and exposure, she posted some photos on social media, in which the room layout and furnishings are exactly the same as those in Jay Chou's room.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

Jiang Yuchen's move caused heated discussions among netizens. She tried to declare her status to the outside world in this way, implying that she was Jay Chou's official girlfriend. However, this behavior angered Jay Chou.

Men and women have different ways of thinking, and Jiang Yuchen's eagerness to make it public destroyed the tacit understanding between them that they did not disclose their relationship, and made Jay Chou fall into passivity.

Jay felt his self-esteem had been hurt. He began to distance himself from Jiang Yuchen, and even excluded her at the press conference of "Panda Man". Jiang Yuchen explained awkwardly that this was the company's decision, and he was afraid that her appearance would steal the limelight from Jay Chou.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

Three, but in fact, it's just her slapping a swollen face and filling a fat man. In an interview, Jay Chou publicly said that "this scandal should be over", drawing an end to their relationship.

He said that he had no plans to get married, and even if he wanted to get married, he would not choose Jiang Yuchen. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face to Jiang Yuchen. lost Jay Chou's support, and Jiang Yuchen's career also took a sharp turn for the worse.

After the release of her second album "Love Habits", there was no splash and she was forced to gradually fade out of the center of the entertainment industry. The once glamorous "Milk Tea Princess" can now only play a role in works such as "Little Farewell" and play a small role like Zhou Jiacheng.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

At the same time, Jay Chou's life continues to move forward. He met Kunling while filming the music MV, and soon a new scandal broke out. Compared with Jiang Yuchen, Kunling is more mature and stable, knows how to act according to Jay Chou's wishes, and finally succeeded in ascending to the position and becoming Mrs. Zhou.

Jiang Yuchen's eyes were full of loss and remorse. She realized that her eagerness and immaturity not only lost Jay Chou's love, but also buried her hard-won career opportunities.

Losing Jay Chou is like losing the whole world for her. Her dreams were completely shattered at this moment, and she fell into a double trough of career and relationship. After experiencing the double blow of career and relationship, Jiang Yuchen began to re-examine his life.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

Her heart is full of confusion and loss, but life goes on. In 2014, fate seemed to give her a new turn. Jiang Yuchen met an American mechanic named Josh Anderson by chance.

Good things are grinding. When Jiang Yuchen happily announced that he accepted Josh's marriage proposal, netizens found that Josh had also posted a photo with a beautiful woman on social media not long ago, holding two cute children in his arms.

The discovery caused an immediate uproar, with many questioning Josh's sincerity and fearing that Jiang Yuchen had fallen into another emotional scam. In the face of doubts, Jiang Yuchen bravely stood up.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

She explained that Josh was divorced when he was with her and that the child was born to him and his ex-wife. Despite the public opinion, this time Jiang Yuchen chose to believe in his feelings and stood firmly on Josh's side.

In January 2016, Jiang Yuchen officially got married to Josh Anderson in Las Vegas and became a stepmother. Although this marriage made her have to face the challenge of becoming a stepmother, Jiang Yuchen's eyes rekindled the light of hope.

She believes that she has finally found her true home and can start a new chapter in her life. After getting married, Jiang Yuchen made a decision that surprised many people - she decisively chose to quit the entertainment industry and concentrate on running her family.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

Her last work was "Angel's Happiness", in which she played the rich daughter Xu Yiyun. It seems to be a farewell to her past life, and it also symbolizes her anticipation for a new life.

Since then, Jiang Yuchen has devoted himself to the role of a full-time wife. She takes care of her stepchildren, takes care of the housework, and struggles to adjust to her new family life. In her free time, she plays with her kittens and enjoys a quiet time.

Fourth, today's Jiang Yuchen, life is stable and ordinary. She no longer chases the glory in the spotlight, but finds her own happiness at home. Occasionally, when she recalls the past, a trace of mixed emotions flashes in her eyes.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

Maybe she would have thought, if she had been able to calm down at the beginning, would it be a different life now? If she hadn't missed Jay Chou, would she have become the much-anticipated sister-in-law like Kunling? But soon, she will be pulled back by the trivialities of real life.

Maybe when she dreams back in the middle of the night, those flower-like past events will still make her feel a trace of regret. But more often, Jiang Yuchen chooses to cherish the present and continue her ordinary and happy life.

After all, there are no ifs in life, only consequences and results.

Farewell to Jay Chou, being suspected of splitting his legs, and marrying a second-married man as a stepmother, did Jiang Yuchen regret it?

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