
Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode
Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

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When it comes to spy war dramas, the audience will inevitably sigh.

Looking at the number, spy warfare does not seem to have declined, and dramas such as "Thin Ice", "Stalker", and "Harbin 1944" continue to be active on the screen of national dramas.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

But looking at the quality, there are very few dramas that can be called masterpieces, and looking at the entire national drama market, it seems that only Liu Yunlong's works can be regarded as real spy war dramas.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

Is it possible that spy war dramas will remain in the doldrums?

CCTV shot again-

"Night and Dawn" passed the trial and was certified, and soon after it was released on Xingyangyi, Taochang was broadcast simultaneously.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

CCTV always seems to have a kind of magic, no matter what subject matter comes to its hands, it can "come back to life".

The previously broadcast "Wind Chaser" once let the audience see the hope of the revival of spy warfare, but unfortunately the battle between the male protagonists has made this drama controversial.

Can this "Night and Dawn" take on the task of reviving spy warfare? Without further ado, let's find out.

The plot jumps out of the routine and sets a novel and exciting setting

As we all know, in spy war dramas, the first thing the audience sees is the story, no matter how good the actors are, the script is not good and useless.

And the spy war story is the most afraid of routines, but the plot setting of "Night and Dawn" directly made my eyes shine, combined with the trailer, it is not difficult to see that there are at least two major highlights of this drama.

First, catch spies.

Unlike most spy war dramas, which are set in the Anti-Japanese War period and clash with multiple forces, the time of "Night and Dawn" is in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China, and the protagonists do one thing - catch spies.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

In 1949, the liberation of Shanghai was not peaceful, and there were at least 5,000 professional spies left in Shanghai.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

However, Zheng Lanting (played by Wang Zhiwen), a veteran spy of the Shanghai Special Station of the Secret Bureau, is scheming, hiding his identity and single-handedly planning many major cases such as the "Vault Robbery", "Counterfeit Money Case", and "Hidden Radio Case".

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

The previous spy war drama was that the enemy was in the light and I was in the dark, and "Night and Dawn" was the enemy in the light and I was in the dark. Zheng Lanting posed a great threat to Lu Zhengyang, and at the same time, he set up many traps, waiting for Lu Zhengyang to jump inside.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

The public security, represented by Lu Zhengyang, engaged in a looming secret war with the enemy in the undercurrent.

Second, two male protagonists.

In 1943, an explosion that shocked Shanghai made the underground party Lu Zhengyang and Lin Shaobai (played by Chen Zheyuan) confront each other for the first time, and Lin Shaobai was still a depressed low-level policeman at that time.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

But Lu Zhengyang saw the potential in Lin Shaobai's body, and the gears of fate began to turn.

Six years later, the anti-special situation in Shanghai was grim, and Lu Zhengyang, with the support of the leadership, boldly launched Lin Shaobai, who was known as "Shanghai Know-it-all".

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

The two worked together and had constant friction, and gradually cultivated a tacit understanding in one case after another, trusted each other, became comrades-in-arms who shared life and death, and completely thwarted the conspiracy of the enemy elements hidden in the shadows.

From the joy of the enemy to the comrade-in-arms who sacrificed their lives to save each other, the audience loved it the most.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

But in addition to a good story, if a spy war drama wants to win, it must have rigorous details, which tests the ability of the creators very much.

The main creator of "Night and Dawn" is very reassuring.

Let's talk about director Huang Nan first, he is a famous name in the industry, he has directed many main theme works such as "Crossing the Yalu River" and "The Great Battle", he is good at putting the traces of change of the times on people, the characters are vivid and three-dimensional, and the play is good-looking.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

Besides, screenwriter Weng Liangping, his strength should not be underestimated, he has served as the screenwriter of dramas such as "The Great Battle", "Ask the Boundless", "The Wind Chaser", and each work is a word-of-mouth masterpiece.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

Period dramas are the comfort zone of the two main creators, and "Night and Dawn" has them in charge, which can be regarded as a treasure.

All the members are powerful, and the acting is a feast

In the past, some spy war dramas were not good-looking, partly because the actors' acting skills were not good and they couldn't support the role.

And the cast of this play is all powerful, from the protagonist to the supporting role, there is no crotch pulling, among which I am most looking forward to these four.

The first place, Nie Yuan.

Nie Yuan's acting skills have always been underestimated.

Emperor Qianlong in "Raiders of Yanxi Palace" was originally a flowery character, but he was rescued by Nie Yuan with the image of a poisonous tongue and a straight man of steel, who was both arrogant and shrewd, and the majesty of the emperor revealed a little twisted cuteness.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

also relied on this role to successfully become popular, and then participated in many works such as "Heirloom" and "Dear Child", which were recognized by the audience.

In the preview of the new drama, Nie Yuan plays Lu Zhengyang's eyes are firm, and the setting of the anti-special backbone is suddenly convincing, and I look forward to his performance this time.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

second place, Wang Zhiwen.

No one should question the acting skills of this actor.

Take "Infernal" as an example, Wang Zhiwen's acting skills have been well received, he plays the role of the cunning villain, and he can convey the ruthless characteristics of the character only by his eyes and micro-expressions.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

Especially after the identity of "Flash Tube" was exposed, his cruel face and tone were full of oppression.

In the new drama this time, Wang Zhiwen still plays the villain Zheng Lanting, who seems indifferent but makes people feel that the city is unfathomable, and he will play this role, and the audience can rest assured.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

third place, Wang Jinsong.

Wang Jinsong is a recognized acting school, and he can easily handle any role.

In "Icebreaker", Wang Jinsong vividly showed Uncle Dong's ruthlessness, depth, cunning and arrogance, but people couldn't see a trace of performance, making the audience feel that no one was more suitable for this role except him.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

If nothing else, Wang Jinsong is also a villain in "Night and Dawn", and the rivalry between him and Wang Zhiwen is quite exciting.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

fourth place, Feng Bing.

"Lao Mo" came to kill again.

The explosion of "Hurricane" finally made Feng Bing, an acting school, seen by the audience.

In the play, he is an ordinary fishmonger on the surface, his face is full of vicissitudes, but he is ruthless and murderous in his heart without blinking, but he retains his affection for his benefactor in his heart, and the complexity of the role is perfectly interpreted by Feng Bing, allowing the audience to see his acting skills.

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

In the preview of the new drama, Feng Bing raised a cigarette and hid in the dark to observe, it seems that he is a "killer" again, I wonder what surprises he will bring to the audience this time?

Produced by CCTV! The dark horse spy war drama is coming, Wang Zhiwen plays the villain, as long as the plot does not collapse, it will definitely explode

In addition, there are also Ni Dahong, Sun Yan, Wang Xiuzhu, Hao Ping and many actors joining in the play, which is another acting feast.


If you want to ask which type of domestic drama is most popular with the audience, I think it must be a spy war drama.

Just look at the past two years, dramas such as "Stalker", "Infernal", "Thrush" and other dramas, the word-of-mouth has pulled the hips, but the ratings are still strong, which proves the status of spy war dramas in the hearts of the audience.

The clues are laid out layer by layer, the story is progressive, the dramatic conflicts are constantly reversed, and the extremely suspenseful storyline and thrilling details of the dark war make the audience want to stop.

But, when will there be an undisputed spy war hit that will make the audience enjoy it?

"Night and Dawn" may be the latest attempt.

As long as the feature film level is online, this drama will definitely be a big hit, and now I am waiting for this drama to be finalized as soon as possible.

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