
How to standardize project management in construction enterprises?

How to standardize project management in construction enterprises?

In recent years, the construction industry in mainland China has entered the era of stock, the growth rate of fixed asset investment in the whole society has continued to decline, and the average growth rate of the total output value of the construction industry has also continued to decline. As the profit center of the enterprise, the construction project is the foundation of the construction enterprise, and only by improving the management and control ability of the project can the construction enterprise create a sustainable competitive advantage.

Project standardization management is an important means to standardize the construction site of the project, improve and upgrade the existing extensive project management, promote the standardized management of the project, is an important way to enhance the level and level of competition management of construction enterprises, standardized organizational structure, management system provides a standardized model and routine for construction project management, which helps to strengthen the execution of project management, comprehensively enhance project management capabilities, and then enhance enterprise efficiency.

How to standardize project management in construction enterprises?

What is the connotation of project management standardization?

Before we talk about standardization in project management, we need to understand what standardization is. Standardization is aimed at achieving the best order within a given scope, promoting co-benefits, establishing terms for common use and reuse of current or potential problems, and activities for the preparation, publication and application of documents.

The standardization of project management is to formulate the successful experience and practices in project management into standards and implement them jointly and repeatedly within a certain range, so as to realize the institutionalization, process, formalization and informatization of project management, and its essence is the summary, accumulation and sharing of project management experience. It mainly includes: standardization of system system, standardization of plan management, standardization of organizational model and standardization of process management.

How to standardize project management in construction enterprises?

Why Implement Project Management Standardization?

For construction enterprises, the standardization of project management can concretize the actual management, thereby contributing to the implementation of management work. The standardization of project management can avoid the waste of materials, further reduce the consumption of resources, thereby reducing costs, and maximizing the interests of enterprises on the basis of ensuring the completion of construction projects. The standardization of project management is an important guarantee for the continuous development of construction enterprises, which helps to improve the management level of enterprises and further improve the core competitiveness and comprehensive strength of enterprises.

For construction projects, the importance of implementing project management standardization can be illustrated from the following four aspects:

First, it helps to improve the quality of engineering projects. The development of project management standardization can centralize the scattered problems and organically combine the various tasks in project management, so as to improve the overall quality of the project and lay the foundation for the construction quality control of construction projects.

The second is to save resources and reduce management costs. The development of project management standardization, through the maximum replication and promotion of project management experience, can establish a project management resource sharing platform, so as to provide support for project management. The formulation of a unified management system and management norms can effectively save management resources and reduce management costs.

The third is to ensure the safety of the project. Under the implementation of unified operation standards and construction technology, it can effectively promote the performance of construction personnel's responsibilities, the implementation of construction management rules and regulations, fully mobilize the enthusiasm of construction personnel, control risks from the source, standardize construction process management, eliminate or reduce all kinds of safety accidents, and ensure the safety of engineering projects.

Fourth, promote the improvement of performance appraisal. The implementation of project standardization management measures can play a role in promoting the improvement and establishment of the post responsibility system and the target appraisal system to ensure the realization of the performance appraisal goals.

How to standardize project management in construction enterprises?

How to effectively implement project management standardization?

At present, some excellent construction enterprises have begun to implement the standardization of project management, the preparation of project management standardization manuals, as small as the setting of safe passages, the management of "five wells and four wells", the standardization requirements of on-site environmental facilities, and even including the setting of house numbers, office layout specifications, etc.; It is as large as the standardization requirements of the organizational structure of the project department, the technical quality of the project, the safety, the progress and other important links. Compared with the manufacturing industry, construction engineering products have the characteristics of exclusivity and uniqueness, so it is difficult to standardize the implementation of construction project management. How to better implement the standardization of project management is a topic worth exploring, and the author suggests:

First, establish a suitable standardization team.

Project management standardization is by no means done behind closed doors, it can be compiled by a few people, and it is not a matter of a single department. Project management standardization must create an atmosphere of full participation, in this atmosphere, the formation of project management standardization team, the preparation of team members should include all levels (including the group company level, the level of secondary units and the level of the project department) in the experienced personnel, especially the front-line personnel, so as to ensure that the preparation of project management standardization documents more in line with the actual situation of project management, to ensure good implementation results.

In the process of compilation, the standardization team should continuously revise and improve the standardization working documents in combination with the actual situation of the unit and the project, and distribute them to all departments and posts. Each work department formulates its own standardized work process and methods according to the actual work of the current department, and forms a unified, systematic and standardized standardization system.

In addition, as the project progresses, the project department needs to train employees on standardized work.

Second, we should gradually promote it from point to point.

The most important task in the implementation of project management standardization is to ensure the standardization of construction conditions, ensure adequate preparation before construction, and put an end to blind construction.

In the process of starting construction, we strictly adhere to the efficient management system in standardized management practices such as test first, model guidance, grading acceptance, and first article approval system. That is, the model test is carried out before the start of each process, and the exposed problems are solved one by one in the model test stage, and the construction process method of concise, efficient and cost-saving is constantly sought to ensure that the construction cost is reduced and the construction efficiency is improved to the greatest extent.

In the sub-project, in accordance with the principle of prevention first and pilot pilot, the first construction sub-project is selected as the first project, and the quality control is strictly controlled, and the supervision and inspection mechanism is strictly implemented. On the basis of the model project and the first article approval, we will comprehensively promote the requirements of standardized management to all project departments and operation teams to achieve comprehensive consistency and comprehensive compliance.

Third, dynamic adjustment and continuous optimization.

As the main body of project management standardization, construction enterprises assume the main responsibility for implementation, ensure that standardized management is extended to every link of every work, and build and improve standardized organizational structures, standardized department settings, standardized chemical sites, and standardized construction; Supervise and urge all departments of the unit and participating units to complete the standardized management work with quality and quantity to ensure that the quality of each sub-project is fully up to standard.

The comprehensive promotion of project management standardization should ensure all-round, whole-process and full participation, and do a good job in problem feedback, find out the problems and loopholes in the standardization of project management, and then dynamically adjust the standardization management, so as to provide the necessary guarantee for the realization of project management standardization and continuous circulation and improvement.

How to standardize project management in construction enterprises?

Several issues that need to be paid attention to in the process of project management standardization

As mentioned above, the standardization of project management is an important means for construction enterprises to efficiently organize production, improve the quality level of construction projects, save resources and energy, increase project benefits, and enhance the core competitiveness of construction enterprises. However, in the process of implementing project management standardization, the following issues should be noted:

First, enhance the awareness of standardized management of all employees. The knowledge level of employees in construction enterprises varies greatly, so it is necessary to strengthen the cognition and deep understanding of all employees on standardization work, and then continue to enhance the standardization awareness of employees, which is the primary problem that construction units need to solve in the implementation of standardization work.

Second, be pragmatic and don't copy it. For the standardization of project management, their own actual needs are fundamental, but some enterprises to demonstrate the advanced practices and successful experience of standardization construction, blindly copy the model of others, but do not take into account the particularity of their own enterprises, so that standardization is a formality, and then make employees lose confidence and belief in the implementation of standardization. Therefore, to carry out standardization construction, we must first overcome empiricism, master the basic requirements and work processes of standardization construction, which is the premise and foundation, learn and understand the essence and essence of standardization management, so as to efficiently implement standardization work.

Third, emphasize process supervision. No matter how good the system is, if it is not implemented or not implemented in place, it will eventually be on paper. In the process of implementing standardization, many construction enterprises cannot implement the standardization of project management due to the lack of supervision mechanism, and the implementation of various management systems should be clear and standardized in the process of standardization.

Standardized management as a management idea and management means, its ultimate purpose is to serve the enterprise, in recent years in the construction project has begun to apply, although the standardized management in the construction project has begun to show results, but from the wide application in the industry still has a long way to go, the need for the joint efforts of all construction industry practitioners.

Source: Frontiers of Architecture

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