
After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end

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After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.

"Zhu Bajie, who looks honest and simple, is actually an out-and-out scumbag?"

Friends who have watched Journey to the West know that although Zhu Bajie is lazy and lazy, and his ability is not particularly great, he is better than simplicity, and he really dares to do anything, so many people still like this role.

And the most classic story about Zhu Bajie is the "love story" with Gao Cuilan.

When he entered the Gao family in Gao Laozhuang, he was happy to have a wife, and once became the pinnacle of Zhu Bajie's life, and it was precisely because of his "prestige and blessing" in Gao Laozhuang that he was subdued by Sun Wukong, and he was willing to obey the will of the Bodhisattva and follow Tang Sanzang to learn scriptures.

But Zhu Bajie shared the same bed with Gao Cuilan for three years, and as soon as her husband left, what would be Gao Cuilan's fate?

Is it to marry someone else? Or wait for Zhu Bajie to return from learning the scriptures and start a new life?

Today, let's talk about what happened to Gao Cuilan since Zhu Bajie went to learn from the scriptures.

After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end

"The Real Zhu Bajie"

In fact, Zhu Bajie in the original book is not as "harmless to humans and animals" as in the TV series, but is a stubborn and bullying image.

After all, the reason why he was demoted to the mortal back then was because of molesting Chang'e.

You must know that Chang'e is a fairy of Guanghan Palace, and she is backed by the Jade Emperor behind her, but even so, Zhu Bajie dares to "harass", which shows her "hooligan" nature.

Here is a thing that everyone may not have heard of, that is, Zhu Bajie actually had a wife before marrying Gao Cuilan.

It is said that "Second Sister Mao" is a rabbit spirit, and when she heard that there was a monster pig in the village, instead of being afraid, she had the idea of a son-in-law.

And Zhu Bajie, this demon is lazy to eat, so he wants to find a place to eat white food, not to mention that the second sister Mao is still good-looking, why not do it?

So, Zhu Bajie went to the Yunzhan Cave of Fuling Mountain of Second Sister Mao and became husband and wife with the other party.

After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end

But the good times didn't last long, and then the second sister actually died.

No one provides a stable life, and Zhu Bajie even has a problem filling his stomach, and then his temperament becomes more and more violent, and he even does cannibalism.

However, the Bodhisattva did not let him continue to be a demon, but lit it: "In the future, there will be a monk who will go to the west to learn scriptures, and you will assist him in learning scriptures successfully." ”

Originally, Zhu Bajie was not convinced, but he couldn't beat the Bodhisattva, so he could only agree.

And Zhu Bajie's other name "Zhu Wu Neng" was given to him by the Bodhisattva at this time.

But Zhu Bajie did not stop during the time he waited for Tang Sanzang.

If you can't eat people, what can you eat to fill your stomach? Zhu Bajie, who didn't have any common sense of life, then turned into a human form and mixed into Gao Laozhuang.

Maybe even he didn't expect that he would usher in another fate in Gao Laozhuang.

After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end

"Becoming a son-in-law again"

Not long after Zhu Bajie mixed into Gao Laozhuang, he heard that the Gao family was going to marry the third daughter Gao Cuilan.

When Zhu Bajie heard it, isn't this similar to his last marriage? So I saw Master Gao in human form.

In order to deceive Master Gao's trust, he said that he was an orphan and had nothing to worry about, and it was most suitable to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

As soon as Master Gao heard that it made sense, he was ready to think about it.

In order to "apply" for success, Zhu Bajie used all his strength to help the Gao family farm, during which he didn't use any tools, and one person could do the work of more than a dozen people.

Although he has a lot of food, he can also withstand the amount of more than a dozen people, but if he can recruit such a capable son-in-law, he will definitely have a light on his face, and Cuilan will definitely not be able to suffer a loss if he follows him.

In the end, Zhu Bajie passed the test and successfully married Cuilan.

Originally, Zhu Bajie just wanted to eat together, but after seeing the delicate Gao Cuilan, he was even more excited.

After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end

But the good times didn't last long, paper couldn't contain the fire after all, and by chance, Zhu Bajie showed the original form of the pig demon in front of everyone.

Everyone in Gao Laozhuang was scared by him.

The image is ruined, no one wants to see him, Zhu Bajie simply broke the jar and broke it, ready to be a bad guy again, and directly put Cuilan under "house arrest".

Since then, Master Gao has been worried every day, for fear that his daughter will be eaten by this monster.

For three years, no one dared to mess with Zhu Bajie in Gao Laozhuang, and Cuilan was imprisoned for three years.

But what should come will always come, and Tang Seng finally came to Gao Laozhuang with his big apprentice Sun Wukong.

As soon as he heard that there was a pig demon here, Tang Sanzang agreed without saying a word, and asked the big apprentice to help eliminate harm for the people.

After that, something happened that made the audience talk about it: Sun Wukong transformed into Gao Cuilan and waited for the return of the old pig at night.

The old pig naturally will not be easily ambushed, and will directly fight with Sun Wukong, but how can he be the opponent of the senior brother, and he can only surrender in the end.

And after the two sides made it clear, they all knew that the other party was accompanying Tang Sanzang to learn scriptures, so they turned hostility into jade silk.

After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end

"Is it a real couple or a fake couple"

After becoming Tang Sanzang's apprentice, Zhu Bajie became a lot more settled.

And the sentence he left before leaving became evidence of Gao Cuilan's ending.

Zhu Bajie once said: "When my old pig comes back, I will be married to you." ”

This sentence seems normal at first glance, after all, they have been husband and wife, and it is reasonable to say that Zhu Bajie will end learning the scriptures in the future, and live with Cuilan again when he is decent.

But everyone in Gao Laozhuang knew that he was a monster, how could they accept him?

However, the chastity of ancient women is very important, even if they don't accept this monster son-in-law, can the old man really remarry Cuilan?

What's more, Zhu Bajie put Cuilan under house arrest for three years, and he had to go back to sleep every night, and it was obviously impossible to say that Zhu Bajie restrained himself and did not have the slightest desire to have a relationship with Cuilan.

After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end

Therefore, Cuilan's chastity has long belonged to Zhu Bajie.

In addition, there is a special saying in "Journey to the West", which is that not long after beating Zhu Bajie and following Tang Sanzang to learn scriptures, Gao Cuilan's lower abdomen bulged, and she was obviously pregnant with Zhu Bajie's child.

And this child is just like Nezha, only pregnant but not born, and has been pregnant for fourteen years, that is, it was not until the moment when Tang Sanzang finished studying the scriptures that this child was born.

If you look at it according to this statement, the ending of Gao Cuilan's "living and widowing" is more reliable.

So after Zhu Bajie left, if you want to ask Gao Cuilan what her life is like, she must have endured a lot of criticism, and there is absolutely no possibility of remarrying and accepting a new relationship again.

And after Zhu Bajie successfully learned the scriptures, he had become desireless, and he didn't look back to Cuilan at all.

In this way, Gao Cuilan is a "sad" character in the final analysis.

And what do you think about this story?


After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end


[1] After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, what would happen to Gao Cuilan? Bajie's words decided her ending - Tencent Video Official

After Zhu Bajie left Gao Laozhuang, how did Gao Cuilan do? Bajie's sentence hints at her end