
The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections

The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections
The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections

In order to deeply learn the lessons of the recent fire accident and implement the spirit of the "7·18" fire prevention and control work scheduling meeting of the corps, on July 23, Peng Tianli, the head of the southwest Guizhou detachment, went to Zhenfeng County and Xingren City to carry out fire safety inspections on multi-format business premises, accompanied by relevant personnel of the brigade.

The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections
The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections

In Zhenfeng County Home Furnishing Expo City, Star Center Commercial Complex, Zhenfeng Ancient City and Xingren City Jinxiu Metropolis Commercial Plaza, Peng Tianli detachment leader inspected the safety exit settings of the place, the operation of fire fighting facilities, the smooth passage of fire trucks, the use of gas and electric bicycles, etc., and randomly checked the use of fire protection facilities and equipment and emergency disposal measures for the staff, requiring property and business households to implement fire safety responsibilities, learn lessons from recent fire accidents, and strictly prohibit illegal welding, gas welding, cutting and other open flame operations. Strengthen daily fire safety hazard investigation and fire publicity tips. In view of the problems found in the inspection, the brigade is required to do a good job in service guidance and problem rectification tracking.

The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections
The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections

To do a good job in the "looking back" work of fire safety rectification in multi-format business premises, Peng Tianli, the head of the detachment, requested: First, deeply learn lessons. Improve the political position, strengthen the sense of worry, deeply learn the lessons of the "7.17" Sichuan Zigong fire accident, draw inferences from one another, strengthen the overall planning and scheduling of work, and improve the quality of risk and hidden danger investigation and rectification with a sense of responsibility of "always rest assured", strengthen fire publicity and training, and ensure the stability of the fire situation in the jurisdiction. The second is to highlight the key points of work. On the basis of the overall planning of fire safety in the peak season of tourism, the smooth fire "life channel" and the whole chain management of electric bicycles, it is necessary to focus on the business recession, insufficient safety investment, complex business formats, and lack of unified management of the place, strengthen the investigation and management of illegal construction operations, unlicensed fire operations, the use of gas cooking and illegal locking, and the blocking of fire safety exit channels, and make full use of administrative penalties, hidden danger exposure, Measures such as temporary seizure promote the rectification of problems and hidden dangers. The third is to implement work responsibilities. Further consolidate the fire safety responsibilities of party committees and governments and industry departments, improve and improve government supervision, departmental inspections, enterprise self-inspections, social supervision and other work measures for major fire safety hazards. For major fire hazards that affect public safety, it is necessary to immediately submit them to the government for supervision and handling in accordance with procedures, and for those who do not make corrections for a long time or refuse to make corrections, it is necessary to strengthen the connection between executions and punishments, and force the implementation of responsibilities and rectification of problems.

The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections

Author: Zhan Shengjun Sun Jiandong Editor: Zhu Rong Review: Liu Yongsong Approval: Liang Yong

The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections

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The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections
The chief officer of the southwest Guizhou detachment went to the multi-format business premises to carry out fire safety inspections

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