
Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled


On February 5, 2003, former United States Secretary of State Colin Powell held up a tube of reagent bottles of unknown origin at the United Nations General Assembly, declaring that this was a "weapon of mass destruction" carried out by Iraq leader Saddam, thus opening the prelude to the "Iraq War."

Russian President Vladimir Putin joked afterwards: "I can't figure out that small bottle of chemical weapons is actually laundry detergent!" ”

But in any case, the eight-year Iraq war actually happened, and the once-prosperous Saddam regime was also destroyed in the war, and a generation of "strongmen" fell.

Westerners regard Saddam Hussein as a tyrant and dictator, while a large number of Arabs regard him as a "hero of resistance to foreign aggression."

So what kind of person is he?

Saddam's last little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled.

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

Saddam Hussein, who has not yet been "blackened".

If a crazy leader shows his crazy side from the beginning, the people will most likely not let him take office.

Saddam Hussein was also a young talent who "aspired to serve the country" and led Iraq through a period of glory days.

At the beginning of his tenure, Saddam Hussein actively developed the national economy, and he made great efforts to introduce various foreign industrial technologies and implemented a development strategy with the oil industry as the core.

Most importantly, he turned all foreign oil companies into state-owned enterprises, giving Iraq a skyrocketing oil fortune.

According to statistics, in the second year after he took office, the investment in Iraq's economic construction plan reached 6.7 billion dinars, an increase of nearly 30% over the previous year, and one and a half times the total investment in the first two decades of the "July Revolution"!

With the continuous enrichment of Iraq's national treasury, Saddam Hussein, on the basis of maintaining oil production and stabilizing oil prices, has successively established other domestic economic systems, such as agriculture, construction, manufacturing and other industries.

He also placed particular emphasis on agricultural production, which he once called "permanent oil" and invested $10 billion, or 22 percent, in agriculture at the time of the second five-year plan.

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

Saddam Hussein also had a long-term view of social welfare.

He focused on the education of young people, on health care and housing, and when he took office, he invested more than half in social welfare than in his previous administration.

There are government subsidies for basic foodstuffs, meat, bread, vegetables and milk.

In addition, the State has achieved universal free health care and compulsory education during its term of office.

Therefore, Saddam Hussein actually has a high prestige among the Iraq people, which comes from his real improvement of the people's quality of life; On the other hand, his "iron-fisted politics" is extremely deterrent both internally and externally.

Less than a week after Saddam Hussein took office, he uncovered a "counterrevolutionary cabal that attempted to overthrow him" and executed 22 officials, including five leading members of the Ba'ath Party.

He was even more strict in his management of the army, and all officers and soldiers who did not obey his orders were imprisoned.

Saddam Hussein believed that a religiously complex and culturally homogeneous Iraq should adopt a coercive policy.

On this point, the political powerhouses in the Middle East seem to be on the same page.

Many believe that Saddam's eventual "downfall" came largely from his "foreign policy."

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

He has a strong Arab nationalist ideology, attaches great importance to the protection of domestic enterprises and local resources, and suppresses and restricts foreign investment.

He also firmly pursued non-alignment, opposed the interference of superpowers in the internal affairs of other countries, and especially his attitude towards Britain and the United States, which can be described as "deeply hated".

You must know that before Britain and the United States took power, there were many oil companies in Iraq, and Saddam not only banned these oil companies, but also refused to cooperate with Britain and the United States.

In fact, Saddam's ambitions swelled as Iraq's national strength grew.

His tyrannical and impermanent domestic policy and reckless foreign wars in his later period were the main culprits who made him unable to extricate himself from the quagmire.

So what did he do?

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

Crazy war

On September 22, 1980, the Iraq army, under the command of Saddam, launched an all-front attack on neighboring Iran, and the "Iran-Iraq War" began.

Regarding this war, the deeper reasons are complex, including long-term historical reasons, as well as intensifying border disputes, as well as ethnic hatred mixed with religious beliefs, but the most direct fuse of the war is undoubtedly Saddam himself!

With the continuous growth of Iraq's national strength, he has long been dissatisfied with the practice of dividing the Shatt al-Arab and Iran equally in the "Algiers Agreement", believing that this has hindered Iraq's further development and affected its "hegemony" in the Gulf region.

And Iran's religious leader Ayatollah Khomeini is different from Saddam's "teachings", and once called on the congregation to overthrow Saddam's rule, which made Saddam Hussein even more resentful.

With the progress of the Islamic revolution in Iran, the strength of the Iran army has declined sharply, and Saddam Hussein sees it in his eyes and rejoices in his heart.

If it can "take advantage of his illness and ask for his life" and annex Iran in one fell swoop, then Iraq will usher in the peak of its national strength, completely control the oil trade in the Gulf region, and then compete with the hegemony of United States.

However, what Saddam did not expect was that the Iran-Iraq war lasted for eight years, and both sides were defeated.

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

He exchanged the cost of nearly 500,000 casualties and captures for one million casualties in Iran, but did not completely defeat Iran, and the two sides finally chose a truce after exhausting their national strength.

The war cost nearly $200 billion in military spending, caused $400 billion in economic losses, and gained nothing.

The huge defeat hit Saddam Hussein deeply, and he went so far as to extend his "poisonous hand" to his former ally: Kuwait.

In August 1990, Iraq forces marched towards Kuwait and quickly occupied the entire country. Saddam wanted to turn it into Iraq's nineteenth province and seize its oil resources.

At this moment, the United States is over.

On 17 January 1991, the United States Multinational Force launched an attack on the Iraq mainland, forcing it to abandon its military plan to annex Kuwait.

In this war, United States took advantage of its air superiority and electromagnetic superiority to demonstrate various high-precision weapons in turn, paving the way for the subsequent Iraq war.

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

Saddam Hussein, who had suffered repeated setbacks, hated United States to the core, and he refused the Security Council's demand for disarmament, and also rejected United States's demand to give up "weapons of mass destruction" (of course, we still don't know whether he had it), and was ready to stubbornly resist to the end.

On 20 March 2003, United States offensive Iraq.

United States demonstrated to the world its formidable national strength, and the US military dropped more than 2,000 precision-guided bombs of various types, including 500 Tomahawk cruise missiles, on the entire territory of Iraq within a week.

Despite the stubborn resistance of Saddam Hussein's army, he was arrested six months later.

After that, Saddam Hussein was hanged and disappeared from the world completely.

However, for a long time after his death, his lover, Mancia · Hazel, missed him, and despite his madness and fear, Hazel still loved him.

Why is that?

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

A lot of wife lovers

According to official records, Saddam Hussein nominally had three wives, which is quite normal in Islamic countries.

His first wife, Sajida Talfah, was the daughter of his uncle ·.

Talefa is also a revolutionary, he and Saddam Hussein grew up together, participated in armed operations together, can be said to be childhood sweethearts, and has a deep emotional foundation.

They have two sons and three daughters, and since Saddam Hussein has been wanted for a long time, their children were actually raised by Talfa alone.

Among them, the eldest son has a tyrannical personality and has many bad habits, and is not liked by his father, while the second son is brave and fearless and is regarded as his successor.

Saddam's other two wives are more interesting, Samira Shahbandar and Nidal al-Hamdani·· both of whom were married to Saddam Hussein.

I wonder what kind of means Saddam Hussein adopted to make other people's daughters-in-law "willingly" marry him?

In addition to the above people, Saddam's more famous lover is the aforementioned Mancia · Hazel.

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

According to Hazel's own interview, he first met Saddam Hussein when he was 15 years old.

At that time, Saddam Hussein happened to visit Hazel's village, and when he saw Hazel and her companions laughing on the path, they were brought to Saddam by bodyguards.

Hazel recalls with a happy face: "He was very handsome and he looked very young. ”

Later, Saddam Hussein went directly to Hazel's house and asked her to be his lover and keep it a secret.

Hazel's parents did not dare to refuse Saddam Hussein, so they had to agree.

When asked why Saddam liked him, Hazel said that Saddam Hussein said that I was very straightforward and courageous, and I saw some of his own qualities in me, which is why I liked me in a group of female students.

The choice to be her mistress was a matter of great pride for Hazel, who said proudly:

"At that time, I was so happy that Saddam never refused any of my requests. I'm proud that he picked me out of a whole bunch of friends, my life has changed a lot, and I'm free of food and clothing. ”

When the two first lived together, Saddam Hussein behaved as a very gentleman.

Hazel said that he could not have imagined that the ruler of a country would take care of himself so patiently and meticulously and make himself happy.

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

Saddam Hussein loved music very much, liked to read books, listened to the radio, and had a wide range of knowledge, and said many things that Hazel did not understand but could listen to with relish.

It was at this time that the young Hazel fell under the tenderness and sweetness of Saddam.

Just ask, which girl doesn't have spring? Especially Ruyi Langjun is still a powerful political giant, the world's top few rulers!

However, as the situation in Iraq continued to deteriorate, Saddam Hussein gradually showed his tyrannical and terrible side.

This overwhelmed Hazel and often trembled his legs with fright.

Cold-blooded ruthlessness is true

Hazel saw Saddam Hussein furious with his trusted bodyguards and brutally deal with those who disobeyed him.

She began to change from admiration and respect to fear and awe, and no longer laughed at Saddam, but served Saddam more carefully.

At the same time, the growing number of people dissatisfied with Saddam's dictatorship in Iraq, and even his cronies began to betray him, making him even more extreme.

Hazel's brother could not bear such a high-pressure atmosphere and chose to flee to Jordan with Saddam's son-in-law, waiting for an opportunity to overthrow Saddam's regime.

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

Of course, this ploy did not succeed, and Saddam Hussein saw through their plot and designed to trick them back to China and put them to death.

The naïve Hazel thought that 10 years of companionship would save her, and she held the mentality of continuing to follow Saddam, but did not win Saddam's trust.

Although Hazel was not executed, Saddam handed her and all her relatives over to the Iraq secret police, and the relationship was severed.

Hazel recalled that until the police took her away, Saddam Hussein never spoke to her again, and the two never saw each other again.

For people like Saddam, Hazel is like a "canary" in a cage.

I can tease her a few times when I am in a good mood, have few things, and be lonely, and coax her to be happy. But when she really involves her own regime and influences her own forces, she can discard it without hesitation.

Maybe Hazel was not executed in the end, but it was Saddam's last tenderness to this "secret mistress"!

Hazel and Saddam Hussein did not leave children, and after Saddam's death, Hazel went to work for a multinational oil company in Jordan and did not start a new relationship.

Hazel's feelings for Saddam Hussein are subtle, fearing him, fearing him, but loving him.

In the first few years of Saddam's arrest, Hazel was called by the US military every now and then for questioning, which made her unbearable, but she never regretted admitting that she was Saddam's lover.

Maybe this is true love!

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled


On the whole, Saddam Hussein was "too much to do more than he did."

He did bring short-term prosperity to Iraq, but his later tyranny and successive wars exhausted Iraq's national strength, leaving the two Iraqi people to live in deep misery and sin.

However, he still has a prominent place in the Arab world, as he is one of the few national leaders who dare to say "no" to United States and dare to challenge United States.

In addition, in addition to the bottle of "weapons of mass destruction" displayed by the former Secretary of State United States at the United Nations General Assembly, the US military turned its Iraq upside down during the eight-year Iraq war, and never found a similar "washing powder".

Isn't it a little ridiculous?

Come from:

Saddam's Lover: Detailing 10 Years of Underground Love | Date: July 5, 2006 | Source: Global Times

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

Changsha Evening News, December 15, 2003

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled

萨达姆的悲哀.新民周刊 July 10, 2004

Saddam's little lover recalled: He was so crazy that it scared people, and every time I was scared, my legs trembled