
Kazuo Inamori's "Heart": No matter when and what happens, express gratitude

Text/Tangerine Heart

From the birth of the human world to the end of life, the journey of life is a dramatic drama for everyone.

There are times of glory and joy, as well as days of suffering and gritting teeth.

How are we going to spend this life?

Kazuo Inamori's "Heart": No matter when and what happens, express gratitude

In Kazuo Inamori's view, whether it is good or bad, it is necessary to remain optimistic and express gratitude.

In the book "Heart", he says:

"Be thankful for everything you do"

And I can have such a high achievement because in life, no matter when and where, I always have a grateful heart.

1. Kazuo Inamori's gratitude

In life, no one can survive alone.

We depend on nature for our survival, and our lives depend on our families, our jobs, and our society.

Everything around us is supporting and helping us, and we must be grateful as long as we live.

Kazuo Inamori is such a person.

He used his own experience to tell us to express gratitude whenever and wherever we do.

When he was young, Kazuo Inamori was not smooth sailing, but suffered many troubles.

He suffered from tuberculosis since he was a child, almost died, failed in the middle school entrance examination twice, and also failed in the university entrance examination, so he had to enter a county university that could be regarded as a university without being strong.

When I graduated from university, I failed the job entrance examination every time.

Finally, under the introduction of the teacher, I entered a company that was on the verge of bankruptcy and was held in custody by a bank.

Kazuo Inamori's "Heart": No matter when and what happens, express gratitude

But when he changed his mindset, accepted the reality, and worked hard, his work improved.

And in his nearly 80 years, whenever he should express his gratitude, he would involuntarily blurt out "thank you".

For example, when he washes his face in the morning, when an inexplicable and wonderful sense of well-being suddenly strikes, or when he tastes delicious food, he will repeat "thank you" to himself.

This sentence was buried in his heart and became a huge wealth in his life.

"I didn't have any special talents, and I had a lot of setbacks when I was young," he said. People like me have made certain achievements in the field of business management, probably because I understand this sentence and often say thank you. ”

In his opinion, the reason why he can be where he is today is the result of many help and support for a long time.

The company's survival is due to the hard work of its employees and to the customers who place orders.

Even in the most difficult times for the company, he still has this mentality.

2. With gratitude, difficulties become wealth

In Kazuo Inamori's view, with gratitude, difficulties can also turn into wealth.

When Kazuo Inamori joined Kyocera, it was a remote, unassuming street factory with little or no well-known name, but it was able to get orders from the demanding Panasonic Group.

He was grateful.

Kazuo Inamori's "Heart": No matter when and what happens, express gratitude

When the Panasonic Group put forward very strict requirements for both product quality and delivery deadlines, as well as strict price reduction requirements every year.

Other companies that also received orders were indignant and complained that Panasonic was "bullying suppliers." ”

But Kazuo Inamori was still grateful.

Therefore, even if it is a demanding order, Kazuo Inamori does not say a word, and accepts all the orders according to the other party's requirements and prices.

In order to squeeze out profit margins under such conditions, they racked their brains and worked desperately.

As a result, it has bred excellent products with high quality and low price that exceed the industry level, and ensures the company's good income.

Shortly thereafter, Kyocera also entered the United States market and received orders from the United States.

On the other hand, many of the companies that complained and complained in the same industry at that time have disappeared.

Panasonic's harsh conditions may seem difficult, but in fact they are a valuable asset that spurs technological progress.

Kazuo Inamori said, "My small company gets orders every year, and it's the harsh conditions they put forward that train us. When I think about it, I am filled with gratitude. ”

Kazuo Inamori's "Heart": No matter when and what happens, express gratitude

It is the gratitude of his gratitude even when he encounters difficulties that he has achieved his immortal business legend.

3. Expressing gratitude at all times and in all things

On the other hand, most of us are more complaining about the difficulties encountered by those companies that have disappeared.

I have such people around me.

When encountering a problem, the first thing to think about is not to solve the problem, but to complain about why there are so many difficulties.

When encountering difficulties, the first thing to think about is how to escape, rather than solving them head-on.

Full of complaints, blindly complaining, always feeling that they are unlucky and have a bad fate.

As everyone knows, it is the complaints and complaints that drive away their good luck.

When we encounter good things, can we blurt out words of gratitude?

It doesn't seem that simple.

Some people may think that I deserve good luck and good things, and it is a matter of course.

Some people may not even be satisfied and want more.

So, for most people, it's not easy to express gratitude all the time.

Kazuo Inamori said that it is precisely because it is not simple that we can hone our hearts and souls.

Kazuo Inamori's "Heart": No matter when and what happens, express gratitude

And the source of cultivating gratitude is humility.

Kazuo Inamori regarded it as a talisman for a happy life.

After founding Kyocera and getting the company on the right track, Kazuo Inamori thought, "Isn't it too much of a loss for the company to have such a high profit, but my annual salary is so low?" “

But soon, he realized that his heart was becoming arrogant, and he made a profound self-admonition.

He thought about it a little bit.

The talents and abilities that you possess are by no means your own private property, they are just given by chance.

The things that we consider ourselves to be are nothing more than things that are deposited with me in this world for a while, and whose true owners we do not know at all.

It was precisely because of this thought that pride and arrogance slowly disappeared in his heart, and his heart was once again filled with gratitude.

Write at the end

Einstein said, "Gratitude is the best state of mind and the most beautiful way to live." "

In life, it is impossible for everything to go smoothly, and it is impossible to keep the trough.

Therefore, do not lament, do not resent, do not always be indignant, accept everything in reality with a positive attitude, and thank it in order to achieve a happy life.

"Whenever and wherever you are, you must express your gratitude", we must use reason to engrave this truth in our hearts. Be prepared mentally for "thank you" to blurt out at any time.

As long as you can say "thank you" to everything around you, your life will become happier and better.

I hope that you and I will have a grateful heart and a happy life. #寻找热爱表达的你#

About the Author: Orange Heart

early to bed and early to get up practitioners;

Half fireworks, half bookish.

35+ office workers learn to write from scratch, write for a year, and submit sail books and other platforms;

One book writes 19 articles and earns 1000+;

Write 2 articles of 100,000+ in three months, with an income of 2500+.

Reading and writing is in progress, if you also like reading and writing, welcome to walk along the way.

I am fortunate to have you witness my growth.