
How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

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In the entertainment industry, I don't know when it began, popularity has become the criterion for judging whether an actor is good or not.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Some celebrities have strange names, but they are very easy to remember by the audience.

For example, Zhang Dada, Ramu Yoko......

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

But there is still such a type of actor in the entertainment industry, who has acted in dramas all his life and created many classic roles.

But the audience just can't remember their names.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Why is "drama celebrities not popular"?

How many of the following good actors do you know?

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Tan Zhuo

When it comes to Tan Zhuo, you may not know who she is.

But you must know the deaf and mute girl Xiaomei in "Hello Mr. Tree".

or Liu Sihui, a single mother in "I Am Not the God of Medicine......

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Speaking of Tan Zhuo, in fact, she was not born in a professional class, but a halfway monk.

But she has a great talent for acting.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

In 2009, he starred in the romantic film "Spring Breeze Drunken Night" directed by Lou Ye.

Tan Zhuo played the role of worker Li Jing in the film, and the film received countless praises once it was released, but no one knew Tan Zhuo.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Immediately afterwards, Tan Zhuo and Wang Baoqiang co-starred in the literary film "Mr. Hello Tree".

But this drama only made people remember Wang Baoqiang's name, and Tan Zhuo was once again left behind, and no one knew.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

But Tan Zhuo did not give up, and then filmed film and television dramas such as "Li Kele Searching for People", "Three Missing One", and "The Murderer Chaser".

Until the release of "I Am Not the God of Medicine" directed by Xu Zheng, Liu Sihui, a single mother played by Tan Zhuo in it, was soft and tenacious, and the final crying scene once made countless audiences cry.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

This time, the audience finally remembered her face.

But strangely, people still can't remember her name.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Since then, she has participated in film and television dramas such as "Yanxi Raiders", "Heroes of Fire", and "Manslaughter".

Work hard little by little, and use superb acting skills to let the audience remember the name Tan Zhuo!

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Li Naiwen

Speaking of actors who are "popular actors are not popular", Li Naiwen is definitely one.

Song Dandan once wondered, "Naiwen's acting skills are so good, why can't he become popular?" ”

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Li Naiwen was born in an acting family and has been in the entertainment industry for nearly 20 years, but he is always in a tepid state.

Let's say it's not popular, you can see him in major film and television dramas.

Let's talk about fire, after the audience sees his face, they can't always call his name.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Li Naiwen has been engaged in drama performance at the beginning.

Later, he starred in many dramas such as "Rhino in Love", "Life Show", "He Has No Two Wives" and so on.

While deeply cultivating dramas, he began to try film and television dramas.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

In "Rules Before Marriage", he played the role of Zhou Fan, the "boss of the door";

In "Old Nine Gates", he created the image of a "ruthless man" half of Li;

In "I Am Not the God of Medicine", he became a "black-hearted medical representative" again......

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Over the years, Li Naiwen has filmed countless film and television dramas, but he has always been remembered by the audience.

But Li Naiwen didn't care if others could remember his name.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

He once said, "If people only remember what his name is, but not what he played, that is the greatest sorrow for him." ”

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Wang Xiao

As the "second generation of stars", why is Wang Xiao always tepid in the entertainment industry?

As we all know, Wang Xiao's mother is the famous actor Wang Fuli!

The queen who won the film in one fell swoop with "Avenue of Stars" was called "the first sister-in-law in the world" by everyone.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

But Wang Xiao could have used his parents' resources to make a steady career in the entertainment industry, but he had to rely on his own strength to prove himself.

Although he is not from a professional background, he is also very talented in acting.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

His parents didn't support him to enter the entertainment industry, so he went to run the crew by himself.

At first, he only got a few roles, and although he didn't have lines, he was also very happy.

In the end, with his own efforts, he went from a trick without lines to a golden supporting role.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

His parents saw his efforts and encouraged him: "If you want to become a good actor, you have to rely on your own strength to prove yourself." ”

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Wang Xiao lived up to expectations, and later played the role of "Si Ming Xingjun" in "Three Lives, Three Worlds and Ten Miles of Peach Blossoms", and became famous in one fell swoop.

Since then, he has become the queen supporting role of "Noon Sun".

After 12 years in the entertainment industry, Wang Xiao finally ushered in his dawn.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Liu Jun

The name Liu Jun may be very unfamiliar to everyone, but when it comes to "scumbag professional household", in addition to the selfish scumbag Qiao Zuwang in "Children of the Qiao Family", comes to mind.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Many people don't know that Liu Jun was an electrician before he became an actor.

Outside of work, he likes art and came up with the idea of becoming an actor.

So he secretly went to apply for film and television schools on his day off, and then started his acting career.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

The first TV series filmed by Liu Jun after his debut was "Kangxi Dynasty" directed by Chen Jialin, in which he played the role of Emperor Shunzhi.

Immediately afterwards, he played a villain role in "Serious Case Group 6".

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

But Liu Jun has starred in so many works, and he has always been tepid.

What really made him popular was a costume TV series "Know or Not".

In it, he plays a cowardly and incompetent father who only chases fame and fortune.

He played the contradictory and complex feelings of this character vividly, so he won the recognition of the audience.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Since then, Liu Jun has become an instant hit with this role and has become a "scumbag professional".

He is Qiao Zuwang, the selfish father in "Children of the Qiao Family", Wang Xin's father Wang Yongge in "South to North", and the irresponsible father in "The Story of Rose......

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Liu Jun has debuted for more than 20 years, and there has not been any lace news.

People are familiar with the roles he left on the big screen, which may be the reason why everyone doesn't remember his name.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Chen Jin

When it comes to Chen Jin, most of everyone's first reaction is that there is no such person in the entertainment industry.

But it is such an "unknown" actor who has won countless awards since his debut for more than 30 years.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Chen Jin was born in drama, and his first play was "Snow Peak Love".

She played five roles in the play alone, and won the All-Army Literary and Art Performance Award for the play.

Later, he made a cross-border transformation and participated in the TV series "The Mountain Does Not Turn the Water" for the first time.

played the heroine in it, and the play won the second prize of the 11th China TV "Feitian Award".

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

In the decades since Chen Jin's debut, she has challenged various types of roles.

has never been remembered by the audience, but she has always been active in the entertainment industry.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

In recent years, she has played the role of the Pingning county lord who beats mandarin ducks in "Do You Know If You Should Be Green, Fat, Red and Thin";

Later, she played the patriarchal mother Zhao Minglan in "It's All Good";

followed by playing the elderly Ye Wenjie in "The Three-Body Problem......

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

It can be said that Chen Jin has been immersed in his love for acting all his life, and he continues to shine in the entertainment industry.

How many of the five good actors who have acted in dramas all their lives and have not been remembered by the audience?

Although the audience doesn't remember their names, the above actors are familiar with the roles they have played.

I hope that all actors can learn from their spirit and polish their acting skills with their hearts.

Rather than blindly relying on marketing to "scourge" the audience's eyes.

A good actor wants everyone to remember the character, not himself.
