
Candidates would rather downgrade and choose advantageous disciplines, what new signals will be released by the new market for high recruitment this year?

Candidates would rather downgrade and choose advantageous disciplines, what new signals will be released by the new market for high recruitment this year?

Recently, colleges and universities across the country have successively announced the 2024 undergraduate enrollment admission score line.

How is this year's high-level recruitment market? The reporter combed and found that the "heating" of strong science and engineering schools is obvious, among which the rising momentum of new engineering and medical majors is the strongest; In addition, all kinds of targeted training and "guarantee majors" with posts have also increased their admission scores.

According to the analysis of high-level recruitment experts, this year's candidates have an obvious tendency to "give priority to majors" when filling in their volunteers, showing a "pragmatic" mentality, to put it more bluntly: the halo of famous schools can no longer be "bottom-up" for the weak disciplines in the school, and at the same time, some majors in some "double non" colleges and universities (that is, non-first-class construction universities, non-first-class discipline construction universities) are becoming enrollment dark horses by virtue of their employment potential.

The performance of the new engineering major is eye-catching

Nationally, top universities continue to perform well. Judging from the admission situation of four universities in Shanghai, Fudan University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Tongji University, and East China Normal University, the professional group featuring new engineering is becoming the first choice of many high-level candidates. Among them, there are many high-level candidates who gave up Qingbei and chose the Fudan New Engineering Electronic Information Class and the Shanghai Jiaotong University Artificial Intelligence Outstanding Talent Pilot Class.

Let's look at the ordinary batch pitching line of Shanghai undergraduates. In addition to the above four leading universities, the new engineering professional group of some "double non" colleges and universities has also "heated up" significantly this year.

Colleges and universities that are good at "electricity" are more attractive to candidates. This year, the 5 professional groups of Shanghai Electric Power University's ordinary batch enrollment have risen across the board, among which the 01 professional group, which has the highest increase, has advanced by 1,322 candidates. The pitching line of the 01 professional group of Shanghai Dianji University is 458 points, up about 1590 from last year's ranking. The reporter noted that the professional group includes three strong majors: electrical engineering and automation, mechanical design and manufacturing and automation, and material forming and control. Among the foreign universities, the lowest score of Hangzhou Dianzi University's 01 professional group in Shanghai is 539 points, and the number of candidates has increased by more than 9,600 compared with last year, beating some 211 universities.

At the same time, a number of new engineering majors with the name of "electricity" have also performed eye-catching in this year's enrollment, and the investment lines of electronic information, electrical engineering and automation and other professional groups in many colleges and universities have risen to varying degrees. For example, the 03 professional group of Shanghai Maritime University has a score of 510 points this year, an increase of 11 points from last year, including popular majors such as computer science and technology, artificial intelligence, electronic information engineering, communication engineering, and big data management and application, and the number of candidates has increased by more than 2,800 compared with last year. The lowest pitch line in Group 01 of Shanghai Institute of Technology is 468 points, mainly including electrical, computer, mechanical, and mathematical majors, and the lowest rank has also increased by more than 2,800 compared with last year.

Not only the city's strong science and engineering schools and their ace majors are popular, but also a number of strong science and engineering schools in other provinces and cities are also favored by Shanghai candidates. Compared with the rankings of the ordinary batches of undergraduates in Shanghai last year, this year, Harbin Institute of Technology, Wuhan University, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Dalian University of Technology, South China University of Technology and other universities have increased their admission scores by 10% to 20%.

Not only in Shanghai, but also across the country, new engineering majors are generally "bullish". This year, Nanjing University's Kuang Yaming College has the highest admission score in Jiangsu Province, both with 676 points. In addition, computer science and technology, software engineering, electronic information, mathematics and science are all popular applications. Shenzhen University of Technology, a new type of research university that enrolled students for the first time this year, has enrolled 120 undergraduate students in Guangdong Province according to the major categories of computer science and technology. According to the information disclosed by the school, the highest score of 664 points and the lowest score of 624 points in the admission of the school this year exceeded the undergraduate line of Guangdong Province by 182 points, and the lowest score was the same as that of Sun Yat-sen University, an old 985 university.

A number of "guarantee-type" professionals are rising

Judging from the admission situation of various colleges and universities in Shanghai by major, even between different professional groups of the same batch and the same university, the score difference can reach forty or fifty points. It can be seen that the unevenness of "hot and cold" in different professional groups is relatively high, and many candidates would rather downgrade their majors than apply for the weak majors of traditional famous universities.

Taking the medical majors that have been popular in recent years as an example, in the Shanghai comprehensive evaluation batch, the medical professional group of Shanghai Jiao Tong University ranked first with 588 points, an increase of 10 points from last year. The medical professional group of Fudan University and the medical professional group of Tongji University also attracted many high-level candidates, and the admission score line increased. When it comes to the ordinary batch of undergraduates in Shanghai, the competition for the medical professional group is still fierce. Local institutions such as Fudan Medical University and Jiaotong University Medical University have increased their admission scores by 7 to 14 points, while foreign institutions such as Nanjing Medical University, Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangdong Medical University, Nanchang Medical College, etc., have increased by more than 40 points and 65 points in the professional group of clinical medicine, and the number of candidates has advanced by more than 20,000 at most. A person in charge of college recruitment said that especially the medical majors cultivated through this research have higher scores due to the fact that they are one step faster to go on to higher education.

In addition to the popular medicine, such as the police academy, customs and various targeted training majors, many people regard them as "security" majors, with their own "establishment" and jobs, and this year's score line is also rising. For example, a candidate in Shanghai with more than 400 college entrance examination positions chose to apply for Shanghai Customs College in the early batch, giving up a 985 university.

Choose a "practical" major with a pragmatic mindset

What are the reasons for the huge temperature difference between different colleges and majors? The person in charge of the recruitment of a comprehensive college in Shanghai told reporters that since this year is the first year of the double selection of physical and chemical products, the professional groups of most colleges and universities have changed greatly, for example, the new professional group that only selects "material" or "chemical" has been added. In addition, the "bundling" method of major enrollment professional groups has also been adjusted compared with previous years, and some colleges and universities have also adjusted their early batch majors and special types of majors. The above changes have affected the rise and fall of the admission score to a certain extent.

However, aside from the changes in the recruitment policy, the hot and cold of the professional examination also reflects the change in the mentality of the candidates. According to the analysis of high-level recruitment experts, in recent years, under the leadership of the "stability" mentality, more and more candidates and parents no longer blindly pursue the halo of famous schools, but hold a more pragmatic mentality and are more inclined to choose "practical" majors. In this year's high-recruitment consultation, candidates and parents not only pay attention to the rate of graduate school and admission to higher education, but also the employment rate and public examination rate, and are very sensitive to the figures on the "export side" of the university.

Wu Maoliang, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office of Shanghai Electric Power University, showed a set of data in an interview: the employment rate of undergraduate graduates in the power industry in 2023 is 44.48%, and the key employment units include State Grid, China Southern Power Grid, State Power Investment, Shanghai Huali, China Huaneng, etc. The Class of 2023 graduates are employed in the energy and power industry with 744 people, accounting for 67% of the employment. "As one of the three colleges and universities with electric power characteristics in the country, the employment rate of our graduates in the power industry has always been at a high level."

He bluntly said that the choice of candidates and parents is actually a "vote with their feet" on the quality of colleges and universities, which will directly affect the positioning and professional development of the school. If the university wants to take the road of connotation development, it cannot one-sidedly pursue the "large and comprehensive" model, and the distinctive school characteristics and advantageous disciplines will become an important factor to attract candidates, and it is also an important driving force for the reform of colleges and universities. It is reported that since 2017, the university has successively established, suspended, transformed and optimized 18 undergraduate majors, and added new majors in the power industry such as energy Internet engineering, new energy materials and devices, and energy storage engineering. Last year, the university's science and engineering enrollment reached 86.1% of the total enrollment.

"In the past, many candidates often preferred the halo of prestigious schools and retreated to the second best place in the choice of majors, but now, candidates are more careful when filling in the volunteers, and often comprehensively consider the choice of universities and majors from various aspects such as professional training plans and employment rates. Yang Honggang, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office of Shanghai Dianji University, believes that the change in candidates' thinking about applying for the examination is also forcing colleges and universities to optimize and adjust their majors in a timely manner. "Colleges and universities should also adjust their enrollment plans in a timely manner according to the employment needs of the society and the employment situation of majors, and promptly suspend or eliminate a number of majors that are inconsistent with the school's development plan." Taking Shanghai Dianji University as an example, the school is stepping up the construction of aerospace characteristic colleges and universities, and actively layout related disciplines. This year, the university stopped recruiting international economics and trade majors, and the proportion of science and engineering undergraduate majors in the university is close to 70%, and it will be further increased in the future.

Text: Chu Shuting, Wu Jinjiao

Figure: Wen Wei Po data map

Editor: Chu Shuting