
When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

"There is no such thing as a free lunch." — Benjamin · Franklin

In life, we will always encounter all kinds of requests, sometimes friends, sometimes relatives, and even sometimes strangers. But you know what? Some requests, even if the relationship is good, it is better not to say yes. Because these three "things" are likely to ruin your good fortune.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

Type 1: "Borrowing money"

The topic of "borrowing money" can be said to be a cliché. But even so, there are still people who can't help but be fooled. Why? Because human nature is unpredictable, sometimes, borrowing money is borrowing a "bottomless pit".

"Zengguang Xianwen" has a cloud: "Borrow money to repay debts, and kill people to pay for your life." This statement is a bit cruel, but it is true. Lending money to people is an extremely risky thing. Once the other party can't pay it back, not only will the money be damaged, but it may also affect each other's feelings.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

A wise man once said, "When you lend money to someone, you are betting your future on them." This quote reminds us that we must think twice before borrowing money. In particular, the following situations should not be borrowed:

1. Lend money to unreliable people: After such people borrow money, they may never pay it back, and it may even hurt you.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

2. Lend money to people who need it urgently: These people may squander your money on the spur of the moment.

3. Lend money to people who have lent you money: These people may have tasted the sweetness and will keep reaching out to you.

Remember, money is something outside of the body, but you should be cautious about lending money to others.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

Type 2: "Feelings"

The word "feelings" seems beautiful, but in fact it is complicated. Some people, under the banner of affection, demand from you, even at the cost of ruining your happiness.

In the Analects, Confucius said, "Do not do unto others as you would have them do unto you." This quote tells us not to do to others what we are not willing to bear. The same goes for feelings, don't sacrifice your own happiness because of other people's requests.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

In the following cases, you must refuse:

1. Asking you to do things against your will: for example, giving up your career, studies, etc., in order to meet the other person's demands.

2. Asking you to hurt your friends and family: This type of person may take advantage of your kindness and make you do things that hurt others.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

3. Putting too much emotion on you: Sometimes, too much emotional burden can be overwhelming.

Feelings are a matter for two people, don't let yourself get into trouble because of other people's requirements.

Type 3: "Trouble"

The word "trouble" is everywhere in life. Sometimes, when people ask you for help, it's out of their hearts; But sometimes, it's trying to get you into trouble.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

"Mencius" says: "Don't take evil as small, don't take good as small." This quote reminds us not to do bad things because they are small, and not to stop doing good things because they are small.

In the following cases, it is resolutely not acceptable:

1. Let you do illegal things: This kind of thing, no matter how big or small, should not be tainted.

2. Allowing you to do things that are unethical: This kind of thing can affect your reputation and even make you infame.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse

3. Make you do things that make you feel uncomfortable: Sometimes, rejecting others is also a form of self-preservation.

In short, in life, we will encounter a variety of requests. But remember, when others ask you to borrow these three "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse. May you and I stay true to our original intentions, stick to the bottom line, and live a happy and fulfilling life on the road of life.

When others ask you to borrow these 3 "things", they are here to ruin your good fortune, and no matter how good the relationship is, you must refuse