
Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens


There is life on many planets outside of Earth.

About 0.01% of the most habitable planets have intelligent life.

There are countless intelligent beings in the universe, and if they have the opportunity and ability, they will definitely want to find their companions.

It is also for this reason that the search for aliens by human beings has also begun.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

However, we live in a very large universe, and the size and variety of extraterrestrial life are simply difficult for us to guess.

The existence of extraterrestrial life can be a curse or a blessing for human beings, but everyone should understand that contact with extraterrestrial life is more risky.

Stephen Hawking has also warned us not to respond to alien signals lightly.

The existence of extraterrestrial life.

Of all the planets, there are very few planets capable of hosting life.

Of these life-bearing planets, only 0.1% have life, and a very small number of them can form intelligence under their own kind.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

About 0.01% of the most habitable planets have intelligent life.

In other words, out of 1 billion planets that can host life, only one planet will eventually have intelligent life on it.

On this planet, there are countless intelligent beings with abilities stronger than humans.

These beings may have never touched the Earth, or even went out into outer space.

Although it can be predicted that their level of technology cannot only stop at the level of our humans.

More than half of these speculations come from human beings themselves.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Our planetary search system has been established, but it has only been investigated on planets that appear to have intelligent life.

Of course, because the scope of the survey is so large, there is no way to conduct a survey on every planet.

Although we only went through these 20 years of surveys, we finally came to the conclusion that only 0.01% of the planet has intelligent life.

But these floating-point numbers are beyond our imagination.

The type and scale of extraterrestrial life is something we can't guess at all.

The connection of extraterrestrial life.

On Earth, due to the complexity of organic life, non-organic life is very rare.

Therefore, we live on Earth and eventually come into contact with organic life.

Of these, organic life is the most abundant.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Including plants, animals, viruses and microorganisms, which have brought many troubles to human beings.

But today, the most important thing is the higher animals.

Higher animals are animal species observed from feathers, hair, scales, freshwater and saltwater ecology respectively, among which the highest animals can be divided into two types, breathable and non-breathing.

And human beings are a kind of breathing, and this is where we are not much different from extraterrestrial life.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Among the higher animals, they do not breathe, and the most representative is the crustaceans.

Crustaceans are a group of people in zoology that mainly include arthropods and mollusks.

Within these two animals, there are countless species of crustaceans.

The main characteristics of arthropods are that the limbs and body segments are closely connected, containing several pairs of cephalopods, and there is a hard tent with an exoskeleton, which is very rare in mollusks.

Among mollusks, mainly snails, slugs, clams, and so on.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

So in these two animals, from the creatures of the paleontological era, we can see countless rare species of organisms.

In the past, these higher animals were not rare creatures.

Even in the local area, crustaceans can be seen by some ordinary animals.

However, in the context of the lack of human care for animals, the number of crustaceans has plummeted.

And people who have spread to the world also attach great importance to the protection of some crustaceans.

So all over the world, there are crustaceans that are bred in captivity.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Higher animals breathe, and the most representative is humans.

Humans are the most intelligent creatures on earth, and humans have no natural enemies on earth.

Therefore, while human beings are evolving, human beings are also demanding higher and higher wisdom.

The earth has its own ecosystem and its own evolutionary laws, and human beings have also evolved from the bottom up on the earth.

The coexistence between extraterrestrial life and humans.

Before coming into contact with extraterrestrial life, people are very happy, after all, human beings want to come into contact with extraterrestrial life, which is also the biggest reason why human beings can get out of the earth.

On the earth, various countries are constantly breaking the original rules and regulations of scientific research, and in order to have more advanced scientific research equipment, a lot of money has been spent.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Now, on the basis of exploring to the moon, human beings have begun to go to outer space and explore.

Not long ago, when the "Chang'e-5" was probing, the mainland also made a very big breakthrough in exploration.

However, this is only a probe carried out on Earth.

There is still a limit to what we can detect with Chang'e-5.

It is precisely because on this basis that mankind's exploration of outer space has also been carried out step by step.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Mankind has begun to build space stations in outer space.

But in outer space, there are other intelligent beings that are being explored just like humans.

Hawking's warning.

Hawking believes that the opportunities for human beings to come into contact with extraterrestrial life matter on Earth are not none, but very few.

In 1947, mankind first came into contact with extraterrestrial life matter, and it was also in that year that mankind discovered the first "unidentified flying object", that is, UFO.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Then, the contact between human beings and extraterrestrial life began in this year.

As a result, human beings have become interested in "extraterrestrial life matter", so they set out from the earth to explore and search.

However, Hawking has also warned humans not to respond to alien signals.

Among the signals of aliens received by humans from outer space, some of them are from ancient times, and some of them are from modern times, and they may become enemies of mankind.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Hawking's remarks, as soon as they were spoken, immediately attracted the attention of public opinion.

Many people did not take Hawking's warning seriously, but in the eyes of many, Hawking's words were not unreasonable.

Extraterrestrial life and humans live in the same universe.

Planets are connected.

It is believed that in outer space, there will be a unique kind of life.

The similarity of extraterrestrial life and human life.

In addition to this, the similarity between extraterrestrial life and human life is also very high.

Since human beings evolved, they have entered the ranks of higher animals.

As a result, human beings have undergone a variety of differentiation and have different characteristics.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Among them, the most intelligent is probably human beings.

When it comes into contact with extraterrestrial life, humans are able to communicate well with extraterrestrial life.

When extraterrestrial beings come into contact with humans, they do not communicate in the language of their planet, but in the language they know.

It is precisely for this reason that the communication between humans and extraterrestrial life is also very smooth.

During the time of communication with extraterrestrial life, human beings learned from the mouths of extraterrestrial life that they are also intelligent beings living in the same universe.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

It is also very happy for two intelligent beings to communicate with each other.

However, when human beings suddenly did not feel the attack of extraterrestrial life, there was extraterrestrial life attacking the earth.

At this time, human beings felt scared and wanted to respond to the attack of extraterrestrial life, thus starting another fierce battle between humans and extraterrestrial life.


In the contact between humans and extraterrestrial life, human beings also realized that extraterrestrial life, like life on Earth, needs to be studied, so human beings have also studied contact with extraterrestrial life.

Do aliens really exist? Why did Stephen Hawking warn humans before his death not to take the initiative to respond to aliens

Although the research between humans and extraterrestrial life is often intimidating, both sides of the research with extraterrestrial life are also passionate about learning and researching.

What Hawking said to human beings before his death is also to hope that human beings can be vigilant and pay attention to safety when they come into contact with extraterrestrial life.

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