
Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him


In the long history of the Chinese revolution, Marshal Chen Yi was not only known for his outstanding military talents, but also widely admired for his humorous personality and strict self-discipline. But few people know that in 1958, Marshal Chen Yi, then Minister of Foreign Affairs, had a thought-provoking episode in a school speech.

This story not only reflects Chen Yi's personal character, but also profoundly reveals his resolute attitude towards opposition to specialization. Today, let us walk into that period of history together and feel the unique style and firm belief of Marshal Chen Yi.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him


In the early autumn of 1958, the sun was warm and the air was filled with the smell of a good harvest. One morning, the principal of the school received an important notice: Marshal Chen Yi was invited to give a report to the school. This is an extremely rare opportunity for this ordinary high school. The principal, as well as all the teachers and students, were extremely excited and began to prepare for this important event.

First of all, the school decided to invite several talented teachers to meet friends with poetry and have a literary exchange with Marshal Chen Yi. Marshal Chen Yi was not only an outstanding military strategist, but also an outstanding poet. His poems are bold and unrestrained, and are deeply loved by the majority of readers. Therefore, the school specially arranged a poetry meeting, hoping to pay tribute to Marshal Chen Yi in this form.

Then, the canteen also began to get busy, arranging a lunch of four dishes and one soup, and specially prepared Chen Yi's favorite Sichuan spicy chicken. As a native of Sichuan, Chen Yi has a special affection for the food of his hometown, and the preparation of this dish also entrusts the teachers and students with a warm welcome to Marshal Chen Yi.

In addition, the principal also specially arranged for a freshman representative of the school to accompany Marshal Chen Yi. This freshman representative is an excellent student in the school, and hopes to use this opportunity to show Marshal Chen Yi the results of the school's training.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him

Chen Yi arrives at the school

That morning, in front of the school gate, gongs and drums were noisy, red flags were displayed, and teachers and students lined up early to welcome the arrival of Marshal Chen Yi. At about ten o'clock, a black sedan slowly drove into the campus. Marshal Chen Yi got out of the car with a smile on his face, dressed in a neat military uniform. His arrival drew cheers from the audience, who rushed forward to shake hands with the legendary marshal.

Marshal Chen Yi had a cordial conversation with the teachers and students and asked them about their study and living conditions. He paid special attention to the living conditions of the students, and when he learned that the dormitories and canteens of the students were relatively poor, he said that he would improve them as soon as possible to ensure that everyone could study with peace of mind. Chen Yi's care and enthusiasm infected everyone present, and everyone was deeply inspired.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him

Chen Yi visited the school

Accompanied by the president, Marshal Chen Yi first visited the student dormitory. The dormitory building is neat and clean, each dormitory is well cleaned, and the beds are neatly folded. Chen Yi walked into a dormitory, carefully inspected every corner, and expressed satisfaction with the students' self-discipline and cleanliness.

"Students, your dormitory is really clean and tidy!"

Chen Yi smiled and said, "You have to maintain this good habit, the environment will be clean, your mood will be better, and your study will be more focused." ”

When the students heard the marshal's praise, they were extremely proud and said that they would continue to work hard and strive for better results.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him

Next, Marshal Chen Yi visited the school library. Although the library is small, it has a large number of books on display. Chen Yi carefully flipped through a few books and affirmed the library's collection of books. He also found that the number of books in the library was not enough to meet the needs of the students.

"Headmaster, you still have too few books here."

"We need to buy more books so that students can have more reading options."

Books are the source of knowledge, and only through reading a lot can students continue to enrich their knowledge and improve their overall quality. ”

The principal nodded again and again, saying that he would definitely follow Marshal Chen Yi's suggestion to buy more books as soon as possible to meet the needs of the students.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him

Chen Yi's emergency in the cafeteria

After the visit, Marshal Chen Yi came to the school cafeteria. The layout of the canteen is very simple, but four dishes and one soup have been prepared, especially the Sichuan spicy chicken, which is fragrant. As soon as Chen Yi sat down, his gaze swept to a few students sitting not far away.

One of the students caught his special attention. He walked straight up to the student, smiled and asked, "Classmate, what's your name?" ”

The student stood up a little nervously and replied, "My name is Chen Haosu, and I am the student representative of this event. ”

Hearing this name, the smile on Chen Yi's face suddenly disappeared. He suddenly became serious and asked, "Are you my son?" ”

Chen Haosu nodded, feeling uneasy, not knowing why his father suddenly changed his face.

"Who arranged for you to sit here?" Chen Yi's voice was a little stern, and his gaze swept towards the teachers around him.

The principal hurriedly stepped forward to explain: "Marshal, this is our special arrangement, Chen Haosu has excellent character and learning, and we hope that he can accompany you to the meal on behalf of the students." ”

After hearing this, Chen Yi's face became even more grim: "I don't need special treatment!" My son, like any other student, has no special qualifications to accompany me to dinner. ”

Chen Haosu lowered his head, feeling embarrassed and aggrieved. Chen Yi glanced at him, and his tone softened slightly: "You sit down with the other classmates and eat with everyone." Remember, you are a student, not the son of a marshal. ”

Chen Haosu nodded, silently walked to the side, and sat down with the other students. He was well aware of his father's strict requirements, and he also understood the profound significance of this incident to him.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him

Speech and follow-up

After lunch, Marshal Chen Yi came to the school auditorium and began his speech. The auditorium was packed, and the teachers and students listened attentively to the speech of the legendary marshal. Chen Yi's speech was humorous, full of wisdom and passion, and he not only talked about his revolutionary experience, but also shared many insights about life and ideals.

The speech lasted for more than three hours, and the atmosphere was warm and the applause continued. However, there is one detail that catches everyone's attention. Chen Haosu was originally arranged to sit in the front row, but at Chen Yi's request, he was adjusted to a corner of the venue to listen to the speech with other ordinary students.

Chen Yi's move deeply touched everyone present. Everyone deeply felt the marshal's firm stance against specialization, as well as his consistent and rigorous attitude towards his family and work.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him

After the speech, Marshal Chen Yi met with the student representatives and answered various questions raised by them. He listened patiently and answered seriously, and the atmosphere was warm and harmonious. But during the whole process, Chen Yi didn't ask Chen Haosu more, nor did he take a second look.

This detail once again confirms Chen Yi's principled position: oppose specialization and be strict with himself and his family. Although Chen Haosu felt a little lost in his heart, he knew his father's good intentions and was determined to study harder and repay his father's expectations with practical actions.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him


Marshal Chen Yi, a great figure who left a strong mark in the history of the Chinese revolution, used his life to explain what it means to be strict with oneself and oppose specialization. Whether on the battlefield or in everyday life, he always leads by example and is strict with himself and his family. Although this speech at the school was only a small episode in his legendary life, it profoundly reflected his noble character and firm beliefs.

Chen Yi's spirit is not only a strict requirement for himself and his family, but also a spur and encouragement to the whole society. Through this incident, we not only saw the greatness and nobility of Marshal Chen Yi, but also felt his deep love as a father. This love, although severe, is full of expectations for the child and good wishes for the future.

Chen Yi was invited to give a speech, and the school arranged for a freshman to accompany him

What are your views and feelings on Marshal Chen Yi's educational philosophy and style?

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