
What are the new highlights and innovative measures of the 7th CIIE? How to continue to amplify the spillover effect? Today's press briefing will explain in detail

The 7th CIIE will be held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10 this year. At the press briefing on the 100-day countdown to the opening of the 7th China International Import Expo (hereinafter referred to as the "Expo") held this morning (July 24), Liu Ping, Deputy Secretary-General of the Shanghai Municipal Government and Director of the Office of the Leading Group for Urban Service Guarantee of the Expo, introduced the progress of the Shanghai City Service Guarantee Work of the 7th CIIE, and Sun Chenghai, Deputy Director of the China International Import Expo Bureau, introduced the progress of preparations for the 7th CIIE. Zhu Min, Director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce and Executive Deputy Director of the Office of the Leading Group for Urban Service Guarantee of the Expo, Shang Yong, Deputy Director of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, and Ye Jian, Deputy Director of Shanghai Customs, attended the press briefing and answered questions from reporters. Let's take a look at the transcript↓

——Hot Questions and Answers——

Bringing together the new products, new ideas and new achievements of the "new and old friends" of the Expo, the structure of the exhibition area is set up to create "new", the camp of leading enterprises is "new", and the small and medium-sized enterprises are displayed to be "new"


CCTV Finance: The CIIE is committed to creating the "first show" for the world's new products and high-quality products to enter China, and there are many new ideas every year. What are the new highlights of this year's corporate exhibition?


Sun Chenghai: As an important platform to promote China's high-level opening-up, CIIE brings together new products, technologies and services from around the world every year, demonstrating the confidence of all parties in China's economic development and their determination to deepen the Chinese market. This year's enterprise exhibition still brings together new products, new ideas and new achievements of "new and old friends" of the Expo, and I would like to introduce a few new highlights to you.

First, the structure of the exhibition area is set up to create "new" and contribute to the "strength of CIIE" to accelerate the development of new quality productivity. In order to enhance the window function of building a new development pattern, the 7th CIIE deeply explored the potential of exhibitions in the frontier fields of science and technology, and introduced the new from the following aspects: first, a special zone for new materials was set up for the first time to build an international exchange platform for promoting the innovation and development of the field of new materials; The second is the curatorial innovation of the automobile exhibition area, focusing on inviting exhibitors in the fields of unmanned driving, low-altitude economy, and new energy storage (automobiles) to focus on the key elements of future travel; The third is to carefully build a special area for healthy elderly care, bringing together cutting-edge technologies and related products and services for the elderly, and helping to release new momentum for the development of the "silver economy".

Second, the camp of leading enterprises has adopted "new", highlighting the charm and attractiveness of China's large market. On the one hand, more than 150 companies have signed contracts for seven consecutive years at the 7th CIIE, continuing to write a new chapter of win-win cooperation. On the other hand, Mitsubishi Corporation, NTT and other Fortune 500 companies will participate in the exhibition for the first time, and the "new friends" of Nippon Paint and INVISTA in the new materials zone and Aptiv and Alstom in the field of transportation and travel will be signed for the first time, which will become a witness to the continuous expansion of the "circle of friends" and "getting better and better" at the Expo.

Third, small and medium-sized enterprises will show their "newness" and strive to improve the effectiveness and sense of gain of the exhibition. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have always been important participants in the CIIE, and the 7th CIIE will provide them with more support in the following aspects. First, in terms of transaction docking, small and medium-sized exhibitors will be carefully organized to participate in important buyer selection meetings, further strengthen online and offline precision matchmaking, better achieve efficient docking, and promote in-depth exchanges and cooperation between small and medium-sized enterprises and buyers. Second, in terms of curatorial arrangement, compared with previous editions, the African Agricultural Products Zone and other concentrated exhibition areas will be expanded and upgraded, helping to expand the unilateral opening up to the least developed countries and display the special products brought by small and medium-sized enterprises from various countries on a larger scale. At the same time, the design and layout of the standard booth will be optimized to enhance the sense of acquisition of small and medium-sized enterprises to participate in the exhibition. In addition to inviting technology-based start-ups, overseas high-quality incubators, innovation centers, maker spaces and accelerators will also be invited to participate in the exhibition and provide professional supporting support for the rapid growth of start-up small and micro enterprises.

Focusing on the functional positioning of "exhibits into commodities and exhibitors into investors", we will continue to amplify the spillover effect, from "four-leaf clover" to the domestic "big market", and upgrade "sense of gain" to "satisfaction"


Guangming Daily: The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) stressed that openness is a clear sign of Chinese modernization. The CIIE has become a large platform for high-level opening-up, what are Shanghai's achievements in amplifying the spillover effect of the CIIE and promoting high-quality development with high-level opening-up?


Zhu Min: The holding of the CIIE in Shanghai is a glorious mission entrusted to Shanghai by the CPC Central Committee, and it is also an important driving force for Shanghai's economic and social development. Shanghai closely focuses on the functional positioning of "exhibits into commodities and exhibitors into investors", and continues to amplify the spillover effect. It is mainly reflected in two aspects.

On the one hand, CIIE has moved from "four-leaf clover" to the domestic "big market". First, the "Silk Road e-commerce" has an obvious driving effect. The construction of the "Silk Road E-commerce" Cooperation Pilot Zone has been fully rolled out, and consumption promotion activities such as the Shanghai Online New Year Goods Festival and the Silk Road Cloud Products E-commerce Festival have been held to promote the transformation of CIIE exhibits into e-commerce commodities. Shanghai has also promoted online and offline linkage and created a national pavilion of "Silk Road E-commerce". In April this year, the Pakistan National Pavilion opened in Waigaoqiao, becoming the preferred platform for Pakistani exhibitors to enter the Chinese market at the 6th CIIE. Since the beginning of this year, 3 new "Silk Road E-commerce" national pavilions have been added, bringing the total number to 26. Second, the effect of the perennial display trading platform is obvious. Hongqiao Pinhui had a transaction volume of 17 billion yuan last year, and a total of 23 sub-centers such as Suzhou and Shaoxing were opened. The Greenland Global Commodity Trade Port has opened 63 national pavilions and a total of 13 sub-ports, promoting more than 5,000 products of the same type into the domestic market. In the city meeting room of the CIIE market on Nanjing East Road, CIIE products from more than 20 countries and regions are being exhibited and sold, becoming an Internet celebrity place for global tourists to learn about new CIIE products and experience national products. Third, the effect of the first exhibition is obvious. Since the six CIIEs, Shanghai has introduced a total of 5,840 first stores, and more than 80 first stores above the Asian level. Not long ago, the world's first photon counting CT at the 6th CIIE was officially put into operation in Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, benefiting more patients.

On the other hand, the "sense of gain" of the 6-day participation experience has been upgraded to the "satisfaction" of the 365-day business environment. First, we will continue to optimize the business environment to attract foreign investment. Shanghai fully aligns with international high-standard economic and trade rules, further promotes high-level and all-round institutional opening-up, implements the Global Partnership Program for Promoting Foreign Investment, polishes the brand of the "Invest in Shanghai" series of activities, holds two-level and multi-level government-enterprise communication roundtables in the urban area, and holds policy express activities for foreign-funded enterprises, so as to promote the "two-way travel" with CIIE exhibitors. In the first half of this year, 3,007 new foreign-funded enterprises were established in Shanghai, a year-on-year increase of 18.3%. There are 29 regional headquarters of multinational companies and 14 foreign-funded R&D centers newly recognized in the city, with a total of 985 and 575 respectively. Exhibitors at the CIIE have invested in expanding production in Shanghai, and the first phase of the construction of the park-themed resort project of LEGO, which has participated in the CIIE for six consecutive years, has begun to take shape. The first phase of the high-end implant industrialization project of Straumann, an exhibitor at the 4th CIIE, has been launched and is expected to reach production in 2025. Second, the international friendly business environment allows exhibitors to experience the richness of Shanghai's urban life. In the first half of this year, more than 70,000 terminal POS machines in Shanghai supported the acceptance of foreign card payments, an increase of 1.1 times compared with the end of last year, providing a full range of payment convenience for exhibitors at the Expo. Not long ago, one of the benchmark activities of the "Shanghai Summer" International Consumption Season, "Top of the Pyramid: Ancient Egypt Civilization Exhibition", was officially launched, and the exhibition lasted for one year, and domestic and foreign exhibitors were welcome to come to the exhibition during the Expo. In addition, there will be wonderful sports events and theatrical performances, which will allow exhibitors to experience the colorful and vibrant charm of Shanghai.

We will go all out to ensure the urban services of the 7th CIIE, further amplify the spillover effect of the CIIE, and allow more exhibitors to share the opportunities brought about by China's Chinese modernization.

The national exhibition of the CIIE has become an important platform for various countries and international organizations to show their comprehensive image, and this year's national exhibition has high specifications, high intentions and high participation


People's Daily: At present, more than 50 countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation in this year's CIIE National Exhibition. What are the outstanding features of this year's national exhibition?


Sun Chenghai: The national exhibition of the CIIE has become an important platform for various countries and international organizations to showcase their comprehensive image. From the current point of view, this year's national exhibition presents the following characteristics:

First, the specifications are high and the connotation is richer. All exhibitors will carefully design the exhibition content and hold a variety of activities based on important themes, focusing on bilateral economic and trade achievements, and fully demonstrating the confidence and motivation to continue to write a chapter of friendly cooperation.

Second, the idea is high, and the theme is more prominent. We will continue to set up the China Pavilion, focus on the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the 2nd and 3rd Plenary Sessions of the 20th Central Committee, and focus on showcasing the latest achievements in promoting high-level opening-up, high-quality development and Chinese-style modernization.

Third, the participation is high and the coverage is more extensive. Exhibitors are located on five continents, and the Belt and Road Initiative countries are actively participating. In addition to Norway and Benin, which I just mentioned as exhibitors for the first time, many countries have participated in national exhibitions for many years.

In line with the general requirements of "convenient, smart and green" urban service guarantee, focusing on the actual needs of foreign exhibitors and exhibitors in the handling of entry and exit business, the "package package" of entry and exit facilitation services has been launched


Xinmin Evening News: What are the highlights of the 7th CIIE in terms of entry and exit facilitation services?

The "Implementation Opinions" emphasize the important role of industrial transformation in the north and south regions, and propose to accelerate the construction of a high-end modern industrial system.


Shang Yong: With the further increase of international economic cooperation and exchanges, more and more foreign exhibitors have come to the Expo. In response to this situation, based on the public security function, we have launched a "package package" of entry and exit facilitation services in line with the general requirements of "convenient, smart and green" urban service guarantee, focusing on the actual needs of foreign exhibitors and exhibitors in the handling of entry and exit business. The first is to facilitate the renewal of multiple-entry valid visas to facilitate foreign exhibitors to enter the country and participate in business activities. The second is to provide convenience for foreign exhibitors who are in demand and meet the requirements for visa-free entry to enter the mainland to facilitate the processing of relevant residence and residence permits, so as to facilitate them to continue to carry out business and trade activities in the mainland after the expiration of the visa-free stay. The third is to provide high-frequency business services related to public security for foreign exhibitors who need to extend their visa stay and intend to stay in Shanghai to work or start a business. At the same time, it focuses on the key needs of exhibitors, carries out "point-to-point" visits and promotions, and provides entry and exit service guarantees. Fourth, we will continue to open a service station for overseas personnel in the International Exhibition Center, and simultaneously open a special line for 12367 entry-exit services to provide "online + offline" professional policy consulting services. On this basis, a "one-stop" service for the processing of entry and exit documents has been launched, and the application for extension of stay by foreign exhibitors and merchants has been achieved to achieve "on-site acceptance, simultaneous review, and on-the-spot issuance"; For Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan exhibitors, the application for renewal and reissuance of lost certificates should be "handled urgently and immediately". Fifth, relying on the Shanghai port visa facilitation and cooperation mechanism, it will provide green channel services for overseas exhibitors who are confirmed to be invited, and they can directly apply for port visas to enter the country after landing; If there are overseas exhibitors who have not yet completed the visa, they can also apply to the port visa authority in person or the inviting unit in advance, or apply on the spot with the invitation letter and other relevant supporting materials after arriving at the port.

Promote the quality and efficiency of investment promotion work, improve the mechanism, make registration more convenient, and open up the "last mile" of accurate docking of exhibitors and merchants


China Daily: Recently, a number of CIIE investment roadshows have been held in various places. In terms of investment promotion, what are the innovative measures this year?


Sun Chenghai: As a platform to promote high-level opening-up, the CIIE will continue to release the dividends of opening-up. In order to help global exhibitors and buyers better connect and let more overseas high-quality products enter the domestic market, we continue to promote the quality and efficiency of investment promotion work, and strive to achieve the following "upgrades":

First, the mechanism is more perfect. On the basis of continuing to consolidate the "government + market" two-wheel drive investment mechanism, we will pay more attention to the organization of trading groups, tailor "one group and one policy", and guide them to organize professional buyers and experts and scholars from all walks of life with a higher degree of industry fit. Pay more attention to the advantages of the industry, improve the professionalism of the subordinate sub-groups of various industry trading groups, expand the coverage of the industry, and increase the proportion of professionals participating in the conference; Pay more attention to expanding the work channels invited by professional audience organizations.

Second, registration is more convenient. Simplify the registration and review process for professional visitors through the introduction of automatic identification technology; Increase the online filling of procurement needs to help exhibitors accurately connect; For the first time, a single-day pass will be set up on November 9 and 10, and a half-day pass will continue to be set up from 8 to 10 days to provide a variety of choices for the audience.

Third, the service is more professional. During the exhibition period, an important buyer selection meeting will be held for the first time, inviting retail channel providers, cross-border e-commerce and live-streaming e-commerce enterprises to participate, and connecting with small and medium-sized exhibitors and pavilion enterprises, so as to further help small and medium-sized exhibitors enter the Chinese market. Optimize the group exhibition service, refine the exhibition route, and open up the "last mile" of accurate docking of exhibition merchants.

In the previous six CIIEs, the customs supervised nearly 3,000 batches of various exhibits with a value of more than US$1 billion


Wen Wei Po: Recently, the General Administration of Customs has issued facilitation measures to support the 7th China International Import Expo, have there any changes in this year's facilitation measures compared with the facilitation measures of previous CIIE?


Ye Jian: In accordance with the goal of "achieving the level, achieving results, and doing better and better", the Customs has actively prepared for the previous CIIE. In the previous six CIIEs, the Customs supervised nearly 3,000 batches of various exhibits with a value of more than US$1 billion.

This year, the Customs will continue to vigorously support the work related to the 7th CIIE to ensure that policy support is not reduced. On July 1, the General Administration of Customs issued the Customs Clearance Instructions and Support Measures for the 7th China International Import Expo in the form of an announcement, proposing 18 facilitation measures. The support measures proposed by the previous CIIE have been continued, such as sending staff to provide on-site consulting services, authorizing administrative approvals to facilitate enterprises to handle them nearby, extending the validity period of ATA carnets, allowing exhibits to be carried over to special supervision zones after the exhibition, supporting the normalization of bonded exhibition and trading throughout the year, and allowing animal and plant products that have not been granted quarantine access to participate in the exhibition after special approval, etc., which will continue to be effective in the 7th CIIE, and the operation will be further optimized.

At the same time, the customs has also added a special support measure: simplifying the certificate requirements related to the exhibition of some products. That is, for the animals and plants of animal and plant origin that have eliminated the risk of animal and plant epidemic transmission, they can be exempted from providing the health certificate or animal and plant quarantine certificate issued by the official of the exporting country or region. This measure will help a wider range of exhibits of more categories to participate in the exhibition, and further expand the scale effect of the Expo.

In addition, Shanghai Customs will strengthen the empowerment of science and technology, further improve the functional application of the "CIIE Smart Exhibition" system, expand the "center + on-site" exhibition supervision mode, and ensure that the CIIE exhibits are fully checked, the risk is controlled, the supervision is strict, and the service is excellent, so as to continuously improve the level of digital customs supervision and achieve refined management.

This year, the "World Openness Report" has received enthusiastic social response and expanded its influence, and this year's openness index has been more optimized, international cooperation has been deepened, and the hotspots of openness have become more prominent


Phoenix TV: The 7th Hongqiao Forum will continue to release the World Openness Report. As the flagship report of the Hongqiao Forum, what are the highlights of the World Openness Report 2024?


Sun Chenghai: As the flagship report of the Hongqiao International Economic Forum, the World Openness Report has been successfully released for three consecutive years, with enthusiastic social response and expanding influence, and is moving towards the vane of the world's common opening-up, the barometer of China's high-level opening-up, and the authoritative brand of the Hongqiao Forum. This year, on the basis of summarizing successful experiences, we will continue to hold the World Openness Report 2024 launch and international symposium, and release the World Openness Report 2024 and the latest World Openness Index, so as to contribute wisdom to promoting the world's common openness.

Compared to previous years, this year's report has three highlights:

First, the openness index is more optimized. Continuing the practice of the 2023 Report, the time window of the index will be updated to the latest, and this year's Report will publish the 2023 World Open Index. At the same time, with reference to international practice, the historical index is revised according to the latest data released by relevant international institutions since the deadline of the 2023 Report to ensure that the measurement is more scientific and accurate. It scans the general trend of opening up in the world in a panoramic way, and conducts in-depth analysis and interpretation of the world openness index around the themes of openness capacity and consensual openness, openness policy index and world openness trend.

Second, international cooperation has been deepened. Highlight the attributes of global public goods, make full use of the latest research results on openness by the WTO and other international institutions, and carefully study and determine the theme direction and chapter arrangement of this year's Report. Strengthen research cooperation and involve experts from relevant international institutions and think tanks. In view of the current hot, focused, and difficult issues in the field of opening up in the world, a questionnaire survey was conducted for international experts. Amplify the brand effect, and continue to do a good job in the release of the "Report" and the invitation of guests to international seminars.

Third, the hotspots of opening up have become more prominent. The report covers the rise of the Global South and the reform of the global governance system, the multilateral trading system and the inclusive development of world trade, the development of new productive forces, and global innovation, openness and cooperation. The report will provide an in-depth interpretation of the successful practice of promoting in-depth reform and high-quality development through high-level opening-up, and provide suggestions and suggestions for improving the global economic governance system and building an open world economy.

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