
The final of the keynote speech contest "Veterans Always Follow the Party and Let Veterans Become Respected By the Whole Society" was held in Beijing

author:China News Network
The final of the keynote speech contest "Veterans Always Follow the Party and Let Veterans Become Respected By the Whole Society" was held in Beijing

Fang Yongxiang, assistant director of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission and vice minister of the Ministry of Veterans' Affairs, presented the award to Zhai Wanchen, the first prize winner and beijing municipal player. Courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs

BEIJING, May 28 (Xinhua) -- The final of the keynote speech contest organized by the Ministry of Veterans Affairs on "Veterans Always Follow the Party and Let Veterans Become Respected By the Whole Society" was held in Beijing on may 28. 10 contestants from all over the country took the stage one by one to show their style.

Fang Yongxiang, assistant director of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission and vice minister of the Ministry of Veterans' Affairs, attended the event, and relevant personnel of the central and state organs, relevant departments of the Central Military Commission organs, relevant departments (departments) of the Ministry of Veterans Affairs, and directly subordinate units attended the meeting.

The keynote speech contest is an important part of the series of celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, which aims to vigorously carry forward the fine tradition of the CPC in attaching importance to the work of retired soldiers and caring for and caring for retired soldiers through the form of speech contests, guide the vast number of retired soldiers to enhance their action consciousness of always listening to the party and following the party, and encourage the vast number of retired military workers to work hard for the party's cause of retired soldiers.

The final of the keynote speech contest "Veterans Always Follow the Party and Let Veterans Become Respected By the Whole Society" was held in Beijing

Fang Yongxiang, assistant director of the Political Work Department of the Central Military Commission and vice minister of the Ministry of Veterans' Affairs, presented the award to Wu Di, winner of the Best Internet Popularity Award and a guangdong provincial player. Courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs

The competition lasted for three months from the beginning of March to the end of May and was held in three stages. In terms of the scope of participation, the two main bodies of veterans and veteran workers are highlighted; in terms of organizational form, the preliminary round, the semi-final and the final are gradually promoted, and the online scoring voting and field organization competition are carried out simultaneously. With the study and education of party history as the traction and the organization of the preparation for the competition as the carrier, the veterans' affairs departments in various localities have excavated a number of red stories, advocated a number of post pioneers, and selected 32 players to participate in the rematch organized in Qingdao in mid-May, and 10 players stood out and were shortlisted for the finals.

Wang Lijuan, a red docent, recounted the situation of this year's Qingming Festival to pay tribute to the martyr Chen Hongjun, the hero of the Patriotic Guard; Dai Yi, a retired soldier, told the entrepreneurial road in the past 5 years after retiring; Wang Lei from Shandong shared the story of a retired soldier who joined the army at the age of 14, participated in hundreds of battles, underwent 47 operations, was in a coma for 93 days, miraculously survived, took on the heavy responsibility of the secretary of the village branch, and led the villagers to get rid of poverty and get rich; Chen Hao, who worked in the public security fire brigade for 10 years, recalled the story of him and his comrades-in-arms who went to the police to fight fires...

Based on their own work, combined with their own experience, the 10 contestants closely focused on the theme of "veterans always follow the party", using vivid language, vivid examples and real emotions to express the loyalty and love of retired soldiers to the party, and expressed the enthusiasm and dedication of retired military workers to the cause. After on-site expert review and online exhibition voting, Beijing's Zhai Wanchen won the first prize, Henan Province's Chen Hao, Shandong Province's Wang Lei, Hubei Province's Dai Yi won the second prize, and Guangdong Province's Wu Di won the Best Internet Popularity Award.

The final of the keynote speech contest "Veterans Always Follow the Party and Let Veterans Become Respected By the Whole Society" was held in Beijing

Group photo of contestants, judges and relevant leaders. Courtesy of the Department of Veterans Affairs

Since March this year, the Ministry of Veterans Affairs has organized "Veterans Always Follow the Party" - a series of celebrations for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The activities include the theme of "sending the party's care to the hearts of veterans", the special interview of "the development process of the party's veterans' work", the collection of works "inheriting the red gene and continuing to write the glory of the military service", the knowledge contest of "the party flag flying in the heart", the micro-video collection and broadcast of "Once the Military Travel, Writing Loyalty all your life", and the keynote speech contest of "Let the veterans become respected by the whole society".

Various activities were carried out in an orderly and wonderful manner, and the whole society paid extensive attention to it, actively participated in it, and had a strong response, vigorously creating a strong social atmosphere of respecting retired soldiers and respecting the profession of military personnel, effectively inspiring and mobilizing the vast number of retired soldiers and retired military workers to draw wisdom and strength from the party's century-old struggle course and great achievements, and celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with outstanding achievements. (End)

Source: China News Network

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