
Anle Township, Dafang County: The contact point of the people's congress deputies at the door of the house, setting up a "heart-to-heart bridge" to serve the masses

"If you want to get rich, you must first get through. This is a good thing, it is convenient for everyone, and we should fully support it. In the past few days, Su Qingang, a representative of the National People's Congress, has been visiting the masses in Bipo Village, Anle Township, Dafang County, and has conducted in-depth communication with everyone, and actively listened to their ideas and suggestions on road construction.

Since 2022, the Anle Township People's Congress has actively explored various forms of representation such as online + offline, representative + platform, mobile + fixed, and visiting + visiting, and established a "contact point for people's congress deputies" at the doorstep of the masses to promote the work of the people's congress closer to the people's livelihood, fully demonstrating the purpose of "the people elected me as a representative, and I am a representative for the people".

Anle Township, Dafang County: The contact point of the people's congress deputies at the door of the house, setting up a "heart-to-heart bridge" to serve the masses

"The masses can go to the 'contact point of the people's congress deputies' to report problems and make work suggestions, or contact them remotely by phone. The delegates will keep abreast of everyone's 'urgency, distress and hope' and help them express their demands. Luo Huanghua, chairman of the Anle Township People's Congress, said, "Our goal is to let the voices of the masses be heard, scientific suggestions are adopted, and reasonable demands are resolved." ”

Nowadays, in all corners of Anle Township, you can see the clear signs of "people's congress deputies contact points" everywhere, which clearly mark the names, positions, and contact information of the deputies. These signs not only provide a convenient communication channel for voters, but also demonstrate the close ties between people's congress deputies and the masses.

Anle Township, Dafang County: The contact point of the people's congress deputies at the door of the house, setting up a "heart-to-heart bridge" to serve the masses

In order to make it easier for deputies to perform their duties, Anle Township has equipped deputies with equipment to perform their duties in accordance with the "Five Ones" standard, including a "people's congress deputies' contact point" billboard, a "people's sentiment package" for deputies to perform their duties, a "sunny umbrella" for mass visits, a "heart-to-heart book" for performance records, and a register of voters' visits. The configuration of these equipment has greatly improved the work efficiency and service quality of the delegates.

Up to now, Anle Township has established 49 "people's congress representative contact points" at the doorstep, and carried out a number of surveys through the contact points, focusing on issues such as rural tourism, safe production and human settlements, and put forward targeted suggestions to promote the implementation of various tasks. The deputies also actively assisted in resolving the urgent needs of a number of people.

Anle Township, Dafang County: The contact point of the people's congress deputies at the door of the house, setting up a "heart-to-heart bridge" to serve the masses

The establishment of the "contact point of people's congress deputies" in Anle Township not only broadened the channels for collecting public sentiments and opinions, but also gave full play to the main role of the deputies in closely contacting and serving the masses and actively participating in rural governance, effectively helping to open up the "last mile" of grassroots social governance.

"We will continue to improve the mechanism for deputies to perform their duties, expand the participation of the masses, so that every representative can better get close to the masses, listen to the voices of the people, enhance the interaction between deputies and the masses, better translate the needs and suggestions of the masses into practical actions, and promote the all-round development of Anle Township." When talking about the next step, Luo Huanghua said.

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Zhou Zhanglong

Edited by Wang Yi

Second Instance: Xie Chaozheng

Third trial Li Kai

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