
Ye Guangling "Coptis chinensis · Magnolia"


In the morning, Yu Lianfang opened the curtains, and through the glass covered with frost flowers, he vaguely saw Mrs. Wison standing in the courtyard looking at the plum blossoms. At this time, the sky was still sparsely snowed, the ground and the eaves were all bright white, and the weeping flowers of the weeping flower door were also covered with snow, which looked thick and bloated, as if the whole door frame was about to fall. There are long ice picks hanging under the eaves, and the sharp glow is unmistakably cold, which makes people's hearts chill for a while. There were no footprints in the courtyard, no one swept it, and the doors of the houses were tightly closed.

Yu Lianfang thought, such a cold weather, such a cold morning, the old lady can have such elegance, it is really not something that ordinary people can do every day for a few cents and a pound of green vegetables. The big red shawl on the old lady's shoulders and the snow are bright and eye-catching, which only reminds people of the brothers and sisters in the big red scarlet felt in "Dream of Red Mansions" and "Snow and Red Plum in the Glass World". Shuofeng hunting, the leisurely Jia mother in the cold air.

The house is an old bungalow, no heating and the temperature inside the house is very low. Yu Lianfang took his hand and picked open the lid of the furnace with a cold iron hook, and saw that the honeycomb coal in the furnace was only two eyes that were still a little lingering, so he threw the iron hook and gave up hope of saving. The reason why the fire was so indisputable was that it had burned too little last night, and because of the new coal. The coal stove with the iron chimney is just like this regular courtyard, which is rare in the capital, and the courtyard was built in the 16th year of Daoguang in the Qing Dynasty, and it was the Empress Dowager of filial piety and Rui to reward the imperial doctor to attack Shang Zhen. The Gong family has been the imperial physician of the imperial court for generations, and has won the reputation of Jishi Deshao with hard work and humility, prudence, and superb medical skills.

The ancestor Gong Tingxian in the Ming Dynasty is a well-known medical forest national hand, author of "Shou Shi Bao Yuan", "Lu Fu Forbidden Prescription" and other hand-me-down medical books, the well-known ten perfect tonic soup recipe and use method for the Gong family to create, so the Gong family's medical history is really very long. Mrs. Wison's father-in-law Gong Zhonghe also served as the imperial doctor of the Tai Hospital, and the Qing Dynasty Tai Hospital inherited the medical system of the Ming Dynasty, with a minister of the management of the hospital, a court envoy, and about 20 imperial doctors. The imperial doctors each specialize in a department, which is divided into large square pulse, small square pulse, typhoid department, gynecology department, sores department, etc. Tai Hospital was built in the southeast corner of Qianmen, after the 27th year of Guangxu, it was transferred to the root of the East Imperial City of Di'anmen, and it was not too far from the Gonggu Hutong where the Gong family lived.

Gong Zhonghe was recorded in the Tai Hospital, specializing in stroke and five dicices, superb medical skills, quite trusted by the inner court, for Guangxu, Cixi pulse diagnosis, once by the Queen Mother "medical forest champion" plaque.

After the abdication of the Qing Emperor, Gong Zhonghe was idle at home, and countless people sought medical treatment. During the Republic of China, there were four famous doctors in Beijing, namely Xiao Longyou, Shi Jinmo, Wang Fengchun, and Kong Bohua. Although Gong Zhonghe's reputation is not as loud as the four, because he once served as an imperial doctor, he is also valued by patients. Xiao Longyou has made great achievements in the study of "Treatise on Typhoid Fever", Shi Jinmo pays attention to syndrome differentiation, Wang Fengchun is good at seasonal diseases, Kong Bohua is a master of warm diseases, and the imperial doctor Gong Zhonghe was famous for treating strokes at that time. Duan Qirui once sent a special car to invite Gong Zhonghe to go to the house to see a doctor, but Gong Guoyi, who was still wearing a big Qing braid on the back of his head, was unusually negligent in Duan Qirui's invitation. It is okay to go, you can't go out without a hundred taels of gold, and the car you take must remove the seat, and put a Taishi chair in the car to meet the rules of the visit. So Duan Qirui had to ask people to change the car, remove the sofa seat, and install the Taishi chair, before respectfully inviting Mrs. Gong to board the car......

At that time, Mrs. Wison's husband Gong Juchen was only ten years old, and when his father went out to see a doctor, he often held the consultation box and followed his father around, inseparable. The so-called consultation box is nothing more than a small box of rosewood, which contains a pulse pillow sewn from bright yellow satin. This pulse pillow is said to be an object used by Guangxu and the Queen Mother of the West, the emperor and the Queen Mother have gone, and Gong Zhonghe brought it out when he left the palace. The small pillow three inches wide and five inches long is soft and exquisite, which is a symbol of Gong Zhonghe's status as an imperial doctor. When diagnosing a patient, the pillow was taken outward, and the patient added thousands of respects. In particular, the bright yellow, which was rare among the people, was once formulated by the Ministry of Rites as a color that only the emperor and queen could use, and even the prince and Baylor were not allowed to "trespass". The objects used by the emperor, the wrist of the old queen mother was also rested on it, but now it serves the people. In the past, Wang Xie Tang Qianyan is really flying in the homes of ordinary people, so that the people can also see the use of the emperor's things, and obtain a kind of identity satisfaction, and the disease will naturally be better a little early.

Gong Juchen, who held the royal pillow back then, is now nearly ninety years old, inheriting the ancestral industry, becoming a respected famous doctor, because he is too old, he has rejected all social titles, and he does not go out of the door. This work has been going on for five or six years, and the accumulation of medical cases is only a third of the time. It's not that the work efficiency is not high, but it is subject to a variety of factors: first, the old man has been practicing medicine with his father since he was a child, and many of the medical cases are related to his father Gong Zhonghe, and the content mostly involves many social dignitaries in the palace and later, involving historical figures, which makes Yu Lianfang dare not take it lightly; Second, Mrs. Wison has very strict control over the old man's diet and daily life, stipulating that the daily workload shall not exceed two hours, so the progress is almost impossible to say. The reason why the unit sent Yu Lianfang to take on this job was mainly because she was Mr. Gong's daughter-in-law, and it was naturally much more convenient for her daughter-in-law to help her father-in-law sort out medical cases than strangers.

Convenience also brings inconvenience, Yu Lianfang and Mr. Gong's son Gong Xiaomo got married three years ago. Gong Xiaomo went to United States to study human genetic engineering, and then changed his career to biotechnology and did not return once in three years. I often have letters to my parents, but I don't even ask about Lotus Fang. Yu Lianfang didn't care about this, and she didn't regret it. The breakup was initiated by her, if you want to be reasonable, it is she who is to blame, she is not qualified to ask the other party now, and she has no right to express any dissatisfaction with Gong Xiaomo. After the divorce.

There is no room in the unit, and the Gong family vacated two south houses in the outer courtyard for her to continue to live in, which shows the magnanimity of this family. Outsiders praised the fact that Mrs. Huisheng was still able to accommodate her divorced daughter-in-law to live in the Gong family, saying that the old lady was polite, generous, gentle, graceful, and elderly. However, only Yu Lianfang understood that the old lady's "elder style" was actually a kind of revenge for her, a dull pain of cutting flesh with a slow knife, an invisible mental torture, and an embarrassment that was difficult to talk to. As she pleased, she was not to stay in the mansion for a day, and if she could, she would move out of the place at once.

Nothing here is gone. But the opportunity to offer this possibility is slim and slim, like a fluttering thread, looming and difficult to catch. Make her anxious, make her annoyed, and can't vent. She waited anxiously and helplessly, and the passion that began was tempered by time and became smooth and smooth. Yes, it's hard to get excited at this age, especially when it's time for kids to go to college.

Zhuzhu wore a down jacket and slammed into the door with a cold air, ran to the bed, and took out a flower cat from her arms. The cat didn't seem to want to stay in the cold room, and as it was pushed out, it turned and drilled into Zhuzhu's arms.

Yu Lianfang blamed her daughter with disgust, how old she is still playing with this, and the quilt has made it imprinted with plum blossom prints. Zhu Zhu said, don't you think it looks like my father? Like a little tiger, my dad is also a tiger. He also said that she was going to the outer courtyard to make up for classes today, and asked Yu Lianfang to help her watch a day of cats.

Yu Lianfang looked at her daughter, although this girl was just sixteen, she was already tall and looked like her father. Yu Lianfang said, ask grandma to show for you, mom also has something to go out today. Zhuzhu said that grandma doesn't like small animals, and last week she let grandma see it, she tied the cat to the toilet, and the rope grinded the cat's legs out of blood, so she couldn't give her cat sister this week. Saying that, Zhuzhu lifted the cat high above her head, spun around the house and said, My grandmother is a rat and is afraid of cats.

Yu Lianfang teased her daughter and said, I am a little dried fish, and I am more afraid of cats. She hopes that the child can stay in her room for a while, after all, she is the daughter she raised with one hand, although the law is awarded to her husband, the blood relationship is always connected. Yu Lianfang asked Zhuzhu if she had passed the English stage test. Zhuzhu's face was a little cloudy, and she paused for a while and said, I don't like English, sorry, sorry's tongue can't be straightened. My dad too, going to United States, said that he would let me go in the future. Wait, I won't go to Nicaragua and United States. Yu Lianfang's heart sank, the child would have to leave with her father sooner or later, this was a clear thing, obviously, the Gong family did not want her to have too much contact with the child. In order to tutor her granddaughter in foreign languages, Mrs. Wison spared no expense to hire a teacher in the foreign language college, and let the child brave the wind and snow to cross a large distance from the southeast to the northwest of the city every week, with only one purpose - to go abroad and leave Yu Lianfang.

Sure enough, the old lady greeted her granddaughter under the porch, her voice was not high, but she was dignified and dissatisfied. Zhuzhu said, grandma called, I have to go. Yu Lianfang looked at her daughter speechlessly, her heart overflowing with sourness. Zhuzhu peeked into her mother's mentality, hugged Yu Lianfang's neck and said, Mom, I will always be yours. Our relationship is hard and hard, I have your blood in my body, and I can't change it if I want to. What is husband and wife, when they are close, they are closer than anyone else, and if they want to talk about far, it has no relationship at all. Yu Lianfang was surprised that Zhuzhu could say such a thing, so she said, don't think about these things at a young age, the important thing is to improve your English. I'm going to take the university entrance exam next year, so don't keep me thinking about your English. Zhu Zhu whispered in Lianfang's ear, Mom, my dad wrote yesterday, saying that he would be back in a few days...... After hesitating for a moment, Zhuzhu said with an unhappy face, he said that he would bring me a stepmother back. Yu Lianfang was taken aback, she didn't expect Gong Xiaomo's progress to be so fast, and a sense of anxiety arose, but she quickly pressed herself and said to Zhuzhu lightly, this is also normal. Zhu Zhu added that the mother who was about to enter the door was a blonde foreigner named Jenny.


Hold the sky with both hands and bury three cokes, and shoot the eagle eagle with a bow left and right...... Old man Gong stood in the main room, facing the snow in the courtyard, and easily practiced a set of eight sections of brocade, and then came to the bookcase without breathing, and waved a couplet in front of the rice paper laid by the old lady: The snow is light, and the wind is magnolia.

At this time, Yu Lianfang happened to enter the house, and the fine snow on her body immediately turned into crystal droplets when it encountered the warm heat in the room. When Mrs. Wison saw her enter the house, she didn't say a word of greeting, and went into the suite. Yu Lianfang came to the table, saw the old man's words, and praised it, and the old man said that he would take it if he liked it. At this time, the old lady's cough sounded in the room, and Yu Lianfang hurriedly said, you should keep it.

When helping the old man clean up the pen and ink, Yu Lianfang asked why this pair chose the two flavors of Coptis chinensis and Magnolia bark. Gong Juchen said that the two-flavor medicine of Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis is the medicine of traditional Chinese medicine, just like cabbage and radish in daily life, which are indispensable for cooking. Coptis chinensis bitter cold, diarrhea heart to remove ruffians, clear heat and bright eyes, thick intestines to stop dysentery; Magnolia bark is bitter and warm, full of swelling and diarrhea, phlegm and diarrhea, and its work is not slow. Although both flavors have laxative functions, their medicinal properties are different. Coptis chinensis is unique to its gas, and magnolia bark is dedicated to its flavor; Coptis chinensis lowers the fire, so that the qi can pass through it and rise by itself; Magnolia Shengyang wants it to descend by itself. Yu Lianfang listened and said, I remember that Old Lady Gong used these two medicines at the same time when he diagnosed and prescribed prescriptions for Emperor Guangxu. Gong Juchen can't remember it in the end, but he can't remember it.

Yu Lianfang took out a set of medical records from the cabinet and said that this was a record of the Gong family's grandfather's diagnosis between the 30th and 34th years of Guangxu. After that, turn to a page and read: On the sixth day of the fifth month of the 34th year of Guangxu, the third quarter of the Shen hour, Yu Renshou Hall was the upper pulse, and the queen mother was also present at that time...... Gong Juchen interjected and said that the left ulnar was late, the kidneys were already very weak, the urine was set to be white and turbid, and it was accompanied by deafness and deficiency, and the right guan was late because of the stomach cold and distended. This emperor, congenital kidney water insufficiency, acquired spleen and stomach disorders, is also terminally ill, it is really difficult for my father. Yu Lianfang said that the urine is white and turbid, and the swelling is swelling in Western medicine, which is a sign of kidney inflammation. It can be inferred that Guangxu suffered from glomerulonephritis back then, and this disease is also a difficult disease today. Gong Juchen said that the pulse pulse stopped fifteen times, indicating that the stomach was about to run out, and Guangxu's death should be within half a year. Yu Lianfang said, in this case, why didn't the old lady doctor use drugs like Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis to reduce heart fire and reduce swelling and discharge. Gong Juchen sighed for a long time and said, his father's medication, presumably there must be his reason, it is said that if the kidney qi is insufficient, it will faint, the waist is cold, chest pain, tinnitus, the kidney is the pass of the spleen, and the spleen and soil are prosperous if the heart qi is flat, so the heart fire is the pill of the spleen and soil, and the mother deceives the son if the heart is hot, and the spleen cannot condense the vitality, so it affects the kidney water......

But Yu Lianfang always felt that this statement was a bit far-fetched and hypocritical. She believes that the grandfather of the Gong family is using the medicine wrong here and is going against the grain. Just as he was about to say something, he saw Ren Dawei, the son-in-law of the Gong family, hurriedly rushing out of the east house and coming straight to the main house of the old man Gong. Ren Dawei is the "unsatisfactory" son-in-law of the old man of the Gong family, and with the old principle of the old man "those who marry a daughter must win my family, and those who marry a woman must not be as good as my family", Ren Dawei's small owner is not worthy of Gong Xiaochu, the daughter of the Gong family. For this, when they got married, Gong Juchen and his daughter almost broke off their relationship.

He believes that Ren Dawei's father poured green vegetables, for business, emphasizing profit over righteousness, which is not the same as the Gong family, which has been a Confucian doctor for generations, and is not on the same level as the fashionable words of young people. But his daughter didn't listen to him and insisted on marrying, but Old Man Gong couldn't block it, so he had to go with the flow. The "incomparable" little couple was sweet and affectionate after getting married, and their faces were never red, especially the birth of their grandson Ren Nan, which transformed the old couple from majestic grandfathers and grandmothers to kind grandfathers and grandmothers, making the old man Gong feel that there was no need to be a straight face for his son-in-law, and the relationship was relatively relaxed. In addition, his son Gong Xiaomo is an uncle at home, and he can't even do things like changing light bulbs, so he can't rely on it at all, and this family is all relying on Ren Dawei, who has a foreign surname. From buying grain and moving coal to repairing electric doors in the gutter, nothing can be separated from others, and there is no need for the relationship to be so stiff.

Once, the vine trellises in the courtyard were blown down by the wind, and in the windy field, Ren Dawei stood shirtless on the wooden ladder and slammed his hammer and axe. Mrs. Wison said to her husband, don't be suspicious, the little family has its own strengths. You let Xiao Mo do this work, and if you kill him, he won't go up the ladder. Gong Juchen slapped his nose at that time and didn't say anything. That night, Mrs. Huisheng made the Gong family's specialty dish vinegar stewed pork, scalded a pot of flower carvings, called her son-in-law over, and shared dinner with her father-in-law, so that her son-in-law was completely recognized. In the past two years, Ren Dawei has made a fortune, which is precisely the economic acumen given by his parents who poured green vegetables. He started pouring color TVs, then cars, and is now engaged in real estate. The beer belly is urging, the name brand is put on, the hair is changed in style, and the tone of speech is changed. But no matter how it changes, he always restricts three points in front of his father-in-law, for fear that the old man will say that he is a "villain". On the contrary, he was more respectful to the old man and the old lady, and every morning and evening he knew how to come over to say hello, and buy some fresh and delicious food for the old couple every three or five days. The old lady said that this grass donkey was forced to be trained by the Gong family.

Ren Dawei entered the house and told his father-in-law that he had a friend who was the president of a certain group and wanted his father-in-law to see a doctor. Gong Juchen said don't show any president's signboard, I hate this.

Ren Dawei said that president is also a profession, just like Shi Chuanxiang who digs dung and Chen Yonggui who grows crops, they are all working people. Ren Dawei knew that Gong Juchen was particularly sensitive to the word "working people", and during the "Cultural Revolution", Mr. Gong was criticized and imprisoned as a "reactionary academic authority" and a "remnant of feudalism", so the old man was very puzzled. But there is only one thing that can make the old man admit guilt and admit defeat: the lack of class feelings for the working people. Over the years, Mr. Gong has never understood that since he doesn't know enough about the working people and lacks feelings, what should he be counted as? The people probably should have counted it, and the votes of the people's deputies were delivered to their homes every time they returned to the streets, not that the people should not have this treatment. As for "labor", he believes that the fee he charges for medical treatment should also be paid according to work, and cannot be counted as exploitation. But he didn't know why, but he was always not classified as a "working people".

Sure enough, after Ren Dawei mentioned "working people", Old Man Gong didn't say anything, took a sip of tea and swallowed it slowly, looking at Yang Liuqing's "Lotus Lake" on the wall. Ren Dawei asked the old man if he had time at this time, and said that the patient had already come and was waiting in his room. Old man Gong said, you will do this thing of cutting first and then playing, brought people here and asked me if I had time. At this time, the old lady came out of the inside with a curtain and said to Ren Dawei, the old man has not seen a doctor for a long time, and he should not bring these miscellaneous people to his home. Ren Dawei said that idleness is idleness, and seeing a doctor is also serving the people. The old lady said that seeing a doctor is seeing a doctor, and we don't have free clinics. Ren Dawei said that this is an exception, this is his elementary school classmates, and he can't open his mouth to ask his classmates for money, so that the alumni of Twelve Tiao Elementary School will not scold him to death.

The old lady said, you have too many classmates, one today, one tomorrow, and your father-in-law is not the school doctor. Ren Dawei said, curing diseases and saving people, accumulating yin and virtue, how many people in the world miss your good son. The old lady said, don't talk about accumulating virtue, your father has accumulated all this bit of virtue and let people disperse. As he spoke, he quickly glanced at Yu Lianfang, who unconsciously lowered his head, and his face suddenly turned red. The old lady Huisheng ignored Yu Lianfang's expression, and continued, The old man is also a human being, and there should be a warm intestine in the ancient way, but we also have to dress and eat. It is also obvious that a man can be poor, but not poor. When the old lady was alive, the remuneration for medical treatment was calculated in 100 yuan, and later the ticket was hairy, and the cost was priced in gold bars, and the old lady cured the headache for Li Yuanhong's wife, and the gift money was four taels of gold.

When it comes to Xiaomo's father's generation, he will never reduce the price, and the patient invites him to go to the doctor, and the management takes over the delivery, and the consultation fee is ten yuan. At that time, money was worth a lot, two cents could buy two catties of pork, buy twenty-three sesame sauce pancakes, and the monthly salary of a patrol officer was only six yuan. Our family business has been earned by several generations of people, how can we open our mouths and do it for nothing. What else did Ren Dawei say, the old man said impatiently, call that person to come. Ren Dawei led in a president with a fat head and big ears. The president held his head high, his brain was full of fat, and he looked like a mortal didn't want to pay attention, and the score was very big. The old man asked a few words, the other party's eldest brother began to call, the fat head pulled out the wire and began to shout, the old man shook his head, the old lady said, make a call, what are you doing so hard, and it is not on the road. The fat head ignored the teasing and shouted as usual. Ren Dawei said that there are high-rise buildings around our hospital, which blocks the radio waves, and it is impossible not to shout. Yu Lianfang saw that the man's loud voice was loud, and asked Ren Dawei what was wrong with his fat head, and Ren Dawei said that he was flustered and short of breath. The old lady smiled, this voice is better than singing blackheads, and she is still short of breath?

Old man Gong made a phone call while diagnosing the pulse fat, and after the pulse diagnosis was completed, the phone call was also over. The fat head waited for the old man to prescribe medicine, and the old man waved his hand and said that there was no need to take medicine. Ren Dawei said that he had to prescribe some medicine, such as the Ten Perfection Tonic Soup or something, and the fat head nodded and said yes. The old man arched his hand and said, Foolish medicine is limited, and he has no power to return to heaven, so you should hurry to the big hospital. Ren Dawei must have been annoyed by the fat head's behavior just now that made the old man unaccustomed to it, so he said that there were intern doctors in the big hospital, and he could see what kind of fame. The president came to admire him, and when he saw the demeanor of the elders, and the second saw the superb medical skills, how could the old man disappoint. Gong Juchen looked at the fat head for a long time, and finally shook his head. Now the fat head is in a hurry, and he has to get to the bottom of it. The old man was forced to be helpless, and he actually said an astonishing sentence: Go back and prepare for the future. Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and the room was cold.

Later, the fat head laughed and said that the old gentleman was so humorous, with him being able to eat a roast suckling pig for such a meal, but the master who drank half a catty of Moutai had to prepare for the future, and he didn't even have a score. He just felt that he was a little short of breath when he spoke, because he had lived an excessive life without moderation and did not know, how could he speak for no reason. Old Man Gong closed his eyes and didn't speak again, and in order to step down, Ren Dawei pulled Yu Lianfang and asked Yu Lianfang to prescribe some medicine like Liuwei Dihuang Soup. Yu Lianfang had not yet said whether it was okay or not, and the old man Gong said loudly, the six flavors of rehmannia are the medicine that nourishes yin and nourishes the kidneys, how can it save this terminally ill death? Don't waste that effort, and say that the fat head died at 1 a.m. seven days later, which is a certainty. Ren Dawei looked very embarrassed, but his fat head put on a very generous appearance, stood in the middle of the room, and said with his hands dancing, there is nothing to be afraid of death. Since ancient times, no one has died, leaving Dan to take care of his sweat.

It's just that the old gentleman sometimes seems too mysterious and cruel to say this. When something goes too far, it makes people untrustworthy. Qigong is an obvious example, it was a good thing, but it was a good thing, but it was a god who blew up his own brand. The old lady said that we are not blowing, we are people who can afford to hang the imperial doctor brand, the old lady is a six-grade imperial doctor, and the four famous doctors of Xiao, Shi, Kong, and Wang are equally famous, and the old man himself has also been a researcher. The fat head said, "That's it, if you don't die in seven days, I'll come to visit the old gentleman and ask the old gentleman to eat the pot in Donglaishun." As he spoke, he walked to the west wall and drew a circle on the day of his death. The old man said, "If you don't paint, you can't come." The fat head said that it was not necessarily, and I went to Donglaishun to book a table when I went out. Saying that, he took out the consultation fee and put it on the table, Ren Dawei asked him to put it away quickly, and the old man also said that he didn't want the money of the dead, which made the fat head very unhappy. Yu Lianfang looked at this gamble of life and death and felt quite novel, which she had never seen in the twenty years she had entered the medical field. But Ren Dawei still insisted on prescribing a prescription, saying that since he came to see a doctor, how could he return empty-handed. Old Man Gong couldn't help it, it was difficult to shirk, and said a few medicines, nothing more than Banxia, licorice, jujube or something, and asked Yu Lianfang to write out two copies, one for the fat head to take away, and one for his own keeping. Yu Lianfang paid attention to the prescription, which was based on Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis, and the cinnamon branches and Banxia were complementary, so it was inconvenient to say anything.

Ren Dawei and Fattou walked out of Gong's house, and Yu Lianfang chased out the weeping flower door, saying that he wanted to use Ren Dawei's big brother. Ren Dawei said that there was a telephone in the old man's house. Yu Lianfang said that he didn't want to fight in the old man's house, Ren Dawei understood something at the moment, smiled nervously, and handed the eldest brother to Yu Lianfang. Yu Lianfang took the big brother into his south house, and came out after a while. Ren Dawei asked, is it ready? Yu Lianfang said that it was done. Ren Dawei said I know who you called. Yu Lianfang said that he knew what it was. Ren Dawei asked, is there no movement on the other end? Yu Lianfang pretended to be confused and said, which one? Ren Dawei said, use my phone to go around in circles with me, there is really you. Yu Lianfang stopped talking. The fat head stood aside and watched the two of them ask and answer, a little absent-minded, he was still thinking about his death in seven days, how to think about it and how to feel incredible, he felt that today was very unlucky.


The snow was falling heavier and heavier in the streets, and at noon it was overcast and dark as evening. Yu Lianfang sat in the Qingya teahouse quietly sipping a pot of double-smoked jasmine, and her eyes only looked at the door, obviously waiting for someone. This Qingya teahouse has been open for two years, and the owner is a social idler who is keen on tea culture, following the example of the Qing teahouse in the past, and opened this business. Because it is located in the back alley of the street, not many people know about it, and the nature of drinking tea is limited, which really reflects the reputation of Qingya Teahouse. The shopkeeper saw that Yu Lianfang was lonely, so he took the initiative to come up and talk, saying that if he didn't eat, he could go to the opposite door and order a cage of pork and cabbage buns. Yu Lianfang said that he had already eaten it, so he ignored it.

The shopkeeper felt bored, and he also felt that Yu Lianfang had a very strange temper, so he walked to the cabinet and took a cloth to wipe the tea can.

Zhang Yue came at nearly half past one, wearing an ear protection hat and a big mask, as if he had a bad cold. Zhang Yue walked straight to Yu Lianfang's table and sat with his back against the hall. Yu Lianfang asked him if he was not feeling well, and he said no, but his nose was a little allergic to cold air. The shopkeeper came over and asked Zhang Yue what to drink, Zhang Yue said that he didn't want anything, just put on the pot of tea in the lotus boat to moisten his throat. The shopkeeper took a tea bowl and stood far away, not to interfere again. Zhang Yue looked at his watch and said that he still had something to do at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Yu Lianfang asked what was going on, and Zhang Yue said that the leaders of the relevant departments were talking to him. Yu Lianfang thought of the rumors that the health department was going to promote him recently, so it was naturally difficult to stop him. Knowing that he couldn't sit longer, his heart was inevitably a little blocked. Zhang Yue grabbed Yu Lianfang's hand and looked at her without saying a word, with a pair of eyes full of affection. Yu Lianfang was a little moved, her eyes were a little wet, and she asked softly, Are you okay. Zhang Yue said what is good, people are alive, and their hearts are already dead. Yu Lianfang said, people say that mourning is greater than heart death, I am mourning more than heart not death, my side of the matter has been resolved for three years, bitterly stupid waiting, death waiting, breaking fingers day by day and waiting, this day is really not a good day. Think about it, what is it for? Zhang Yue grabbed Yu Lianfang's hand vigorously and said, "Wait." Cailan's arm was broken last week because of the snow, and she was in a plaster cast, and she was humming in pain all day...... Yu Lianfang felt that Zhang Yue's hands were very cold, wet, and uncomfortable, so she pumped her hands. Somehow, when she saw Zhang Yue, she suddenly remembered her first child, even though that child had nothing to do with Zhang Yue in front of her-

Zhang Yue was her middle school classmate, and in 1969, she went to the countryside in the mountains, and she, Zhang Yue and Gong Xiaomo joined the queue in Yan'an, Shaanxi, and the three of them happened to be in a village. There are also six women and eight men who have settled here, a total of 14 people, and a large group of people are lively. Later, the educated youths recruited workers one after another, and only Gong Xiaomo and Yu Lianfang were left in the educated youth point. On a rainy spring night, Yu Lianfang and Gong Xiaomo sat in the cave, the two first shed tears for their fate, then ate noodles and drank wine, and finally Yu Lianfang naturally entered Gong Xiaomo's bed...... It was dark that night, the rain was pouring outside, there were dogs barking in the distance, and there were only two hearts clinging to each other that could feel each other in the warm quilt. Yu Lianfang's smooth body was like a fish, and Gong Xiaomo's hand searched the fish's body, caressing the woman's mysterious ...... with the tremor of a man who was about to mature

With the first time, there was a second and third time, and Yu Lianfang came to Gong Xiaomo's cave almost every night. Afraid that people would find out, most of them were in the dead of night, Yu Lianfang sneaked out, and Gong Xiaomo deliberately stayed at the door. Over time, they discovered that this fear was unnecessary, and the Educated Youth Institute was located on a hillside across the village, separated by a stream. The people of the village were tired all day, and they had eaten and rested early, and no one cared about all this that happened unknowingly when the night was quiet on the other side of the ditch. But Yu Lianfang and Gong Xiaomo knew that this change was huge, and they experienced the joy of being a man and a woman in each other, and they felt happy. It's nothing if you can't recruit workers, as long as you can stay together night and night, everything else is secondary. Obsession is followed by weariness, and tiredness is followed by obsession. In the countryside, on the big kang where eight educated youths have slept, only this pair of men and women are left to make a difference.

One day, Zhang Yue, who had been recruited to burn the boiler in the boiler room of the commune health center, came back to see them, and Zhang Yue brought the walnut cake produced by the county food factory as hard as a brick and the alcohol mixed with water from the injection room of the health center. Zhang Yue was very righteous, and among the dozen or so people who were recruited, only he came back to see Yu Lianfang and Gong Xiaomo from time to time. Because of Zhang Yue's arrival, Gong Xiaomo went to the village to "walk" around and brought back nine eggs and a piece of dried donkey meat. This piece of donkey meat is Zhang Wangcai's in the east of the village, Zhang Wangcai is reluctant to eat, hanging under the eaves for more than half a year, is waiting for his father's anniversary, as for eggs, it is a miscellaneous product of each household's chicken nest. Waiting for the donkey meat to be cooked, Yu Lianfang went out, and then Zhang Yue said to Gong Xiaomo, you slept with her. Gong Xiaomo covered up and said that there was no such thing. Zhang Yue said, I can't hide it from me, I can see that women have slept and have not slept before, and when they look at it, they will be clear. Gong Xiaomo said that Zhang Yue is subjective idealism, Zhang Yue said that idealism is not idealism, anyway, you understand it in your heart. He also said that he had recently seen a woman give birth to a child at the health center. I thought that a new life was born, which was a very beautiful thing, my father's irrepressible excitement, and my mother's happy and warm smile, but in fact, it was not like that, and I was very afraid of people.

The ghost cried wolf, tearing his heart and lungs, and the blood was gurgling, and he watched them in a row, one more tragic than the other, and the last one was actually disemboweled, and the two of them were taken out and died. Come to think of it, it's called a doctor, and a doctor sees the opposite of a good thing...... Gong Xiaomo said that Yu Lianfang wanted to be a doctor, but he was afraid of blood, so it seemed that he could only study Chinese medicine. Zhang Yue said that he knew a midwife, whose name was Li Cailan, who was born as a barefoot doctor in Duan Jiahe, and had very good medical skills, and was very interesting to him, often giving him eggs and brown sugar that patients gave her. These scenes of giving birth to children that are rare for ordinary people to see were all watched by Cailan when he was on duty. Cailan is really amazing, she has a lot of energy, and she is not afraid of blood......

One hot afternoon, Yu Lianfang fainted in the field while hoeing corn, and the captain sent the silly second aunt to carry her back to the cave. Everyone thought she was suffering from heat stroke, and the captain's aunt used a thimble dipped in cold water to scrape her, scraping her elbows and backs with blood marks.

The next day, Yu Lianfang did not go to work, and lay on the kang for most of the day, but he didn't feel anything uncomfortable. The captain's mother-in-law wrapped two oil cakes in a cloth, oil cakes were rare in the village at that time, and the oil cakes at the captain's house were not branded today, but were old goods that had been put aside for a few days. Yu Lianfang didn't want to eat it, so the captain's aunt put the cake on the kang and left after nagging for a long time. Yu Lianfang was lying next to the oil cake, and she always felt that the oil smell was not serious and too exciting. So the stomach turned over for a while, lying on the edge of the kang and vomiting, and even vomited all the bile. With a woman's intuition, Yu Lianfang felt that something was wrong, she was seized by a terrible premonition, her mind was in chaos, and her mind was so nervous that she was going crazy. After lying down for two days, Yu Lianfang sorted out her thoughts, she thought that she could handle this matter herself, if Gong Xiaomo knew about the changes in her body, it would make her fall into more serious chaos and panic. After a few days, no feasible solution was come up, and the moment the little life grew, and the moment she was grabbed, she was caught more firmly.

Yu Lianfang stood on the high earth cliff, jumping down with anticipation, the soft cultivated land below, her ears buzzed, her head hurt, and blood came out of her nasal cavity, but there was still nothing wrong with the slightly bulging lower abdomen, and the stubborn child didn't want to come out. She flipped through the barefoot doctor's manual for abortion prescriptions, but there was none. She thumped her fist in the abdomen, and the little life inside may have felt a shock, but he fully understood the shock and endured it in silence. Yu Lianfang felt that she was a ruthless mother, and she was so ruthlessly abused before the child was born. He was innocent, and she began to pity the child. But she couldn't keep him or her, and the admission letter of the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine was sent all the way to this small mountain village. Yu Lianfang made the final decision in the choice of fate - she had a showdown with Gong Xiaomo. Contrary to Yu Lianfang's imagination, Gong Xiaomo was surprisingly calm, he said that this matter could not be nonsense, and he had to ask Zhang Yue for help.

Yu Lianfang was reluctant to find Zhang Yue, she didn't want others to know about this matter, especially the educated youths who came to join the queue together. Gong Xiaomo said What can you do if you don't look for Zhang Yue, do you want to give birth to a child? Besides, Zhang Yue knows everything about us. Yu Lianfang no longer insisted, things were clear, and there was no way out except to find Zhang Yue. Gong Xiaomo was going to take Yu Lianfang to the commune immediately, and Yu Lianfang said that he would go back to the forty-mile mountain road and wait for tomorrow? Gong Xiaomo said that cell division increases in the form of geometric growth, are you still in the mood to wait until tomorrow? Yu Lianfang said to leave now, and it would be dark before the commune. Gong Xiaomo said that he had to leave when it was dark. Yu Lianfang followed Gong Xiaomo towards the commune, the mountain road stumbled, and Gong Xiaomo walked in a hurry, which showed the anxiety in his heart. Yu Lianfang walked out of breath, and stopped several times to gasp for breath. She thought that Gong Xiaomo should ask about the child's situation, but along the way, he didn't even mention the child, but just urged Yu Lianfang to leave quickly, and Yu Lianfang's tears fell.

When I arrived at the commune, I found Zhang Yue in a hut next to the commune's toilet, and he was using an electric stove to make noodles for himself to eat. It just so happened that Gong Xiaomo and Yu Lianfang didn't eat either, so they ate together, and the three of them ate two handfuls of noodles and ten eggs. Gong Xiaomo said that he was not full, Zhang Yue said that being a worker was not as good as being in the countryside, he only had twenty-eight catties and a half of grain a month, one-third was fine grain, and the rest was cornmeal. It's not that he's afraid of his friends eating, but he doesn't have a place to get food stamps. Gong Xiaomo said, when you go to the countryside, we even got donkey meat for you, you are so stingy. Then he pulled Zhang Yue out of the door and told him about Yu Lianfang. Zhang Yue said, if you come to the commune in the dark, I don't expect anything good...... Yu Lianfang stayed alone in the house, her face flushed, and the embarrassment of revealing her unspeakable privacy in front of another man was still fresh in her memory decades later. Those few minutes were like a lifetime for her. Zhang Yue said outside, I already saw it, and you still hide it from me. Admit this earlier, I'll send you medicine, this medicine is free, just grab it. Gong Xiaomo said, it's too late to talk about these things now, you can think about the following things. Zhang Yue said, you do things, let me collect the stall? Gong Xiaomo said, who are you looking for if I don't look for you? …… Finally, the two came in with blue faces. Zhang Yue asked Yu Lianfang to go with him, Yu Lianfang asked where to go, Zhang Yue said to find Cailan, she happened to be on the night shift tonight.

In the dark night, the three of them walked on the muddy street, and Yu Lianfang walked one foot deep and one foot shallow. Whenever he encountered puddles and mud puddles, Zhang Yue would turn around and take care of Yu Lianfang, and from time to time he would stretch out his hand to help him, on the contrary, Gong Xiaomo looked a little like an outsider. When she came to the health center, as Zhang Yue said, Li Cailan was on duty in the gynecology department. The gynecology department is at the end of the small courtyard, with a white curtain. When Yu Lianfang came in, Cailan was making cotton swabs with bamboo sticks.

The finished cotton swabs are arranged in a pyramid shape, and Cailan uses old newspapers to roll them into small rolls, and send them to the pressure cooker for sterilization tomorrow. If there is no patient, she can go to sleep after a while, but she can't leave. Yu Lianfang saw Cailan for the first time, she felt that the lines on Cailan's body and face were too stiff, and her eyes were a little slanted. She nodded to Cailan, who squinted at her and nodded. Zhang Yue whispered something to Cailan, Cailan tilted her head and said, go next door. Yu Lianfang didn't ask much, and obediently followed behind Cailan, who was slanted. Zhang Yue and Gong Xiaomo also followed, and Cailan said What are you doing here? The two men stopped in embarrassment. Cailan thought for a while and said, it's okay to come over and do me a favor, and the two men followed again.

Next door is the gynecological examination room, Cailan motioned for Yu Lianfang to take off her pants and lie down on the examination bed, Yu Lianfang hesitated, looking at the two men standing on the side who were reluctant to move. Cailan said, what are you afraid of, you have made all the children with him, and you are afraid to take off your pants? Seeing that Yu Lianfang still didn't move, he said, are you afraid of letting Zhang Yue see it? He has seen no less than me, and he will be transferred to the obstetrics and gynecology department as a nurse next month, and now is the time for him to help. Yu Lianfang had no choice but to go on the examination bed. Cai Lan gave a brief order, putting her legs up. Yu Lianfang clamped her legs tighter. Cailan said, how do you let me operate like this! Yu Lianfang felt that Cailan's words were as cold as the metal of the legs, so she set her eyes on Gong Xiaomo, hoping to be comforted and gain a trace of warmth. But Gong Xiaomo avoided Yu Lianfang's gaze and turned his face to the window, which was pitch black and he couldn't see anything. Zhang Yue walked over, pinched Yu Lianfang's hand and said, It'll be over in a while, you bear with it, and if it hurts, grab me hard. Yu Lianfang had no choice but to timidly spread her legs, completely exposing her last secrecy and exposing herself to the sight of the three people. Cailan pressed her stomach with a cool hand, and she shivered.

——— Cailan said while preparing the equipment, there is no need to answer so shyly, women are the same in my eyes, and you are not more special than anyone else. Yu Lianfang felt humiliated, her eyes overflowed with big tears, she thought that the Cailan in front of her lacked the least sympathy, and she was simply not a woman. Zhang Yue wiped away her tears with gauze, and comforted her a few words, Cailan asked how many months, Yu Lianfang said four months, Cailan said that it was at least five months, and in a few days, she could live. So while wearing rubber gloves, he said to Zhang Yue that it was impossible to curettage in this situation, only to induce labor and water bladder. Zhang Yue asked if there was any danger, and Cailan said that it was dangerous to do anything, even if the uterus was curettage, there was also a time when the uterus was scraped through. In this business, there is only a layer of window paper between him and Lord Yama, and the patient may pass by at some point. Cailan said and stuffed the cold instrument into Yu Lianfang's body, Yu Lianfang groaned in pain, Cailan said, bear with it, don't shout, let's do it secretly, you can't shout so that the whole world hears it. Cai Lan poured water into the capsule, and soon, the blood seeped out from the lotus boat's body, from drop by drop to a thin line, and the water in the bucket under the bed had become bright red. Yu Lianfang was sweating profusely, she grabbed Zhang Yue's hand tightly, and didn't dare to let go. When she was the most unbearable, she stretched out her other hand to Gong Xiaomo, but saw Gong Xiaomo staring at a pair of frightened eyes, hiding far away in the corner, not daring to come over. Her hand was empty, her heart fell, fluttering, and she didn't know anything.

How she was brought back to Zhang Yue's residence, Yu Lianfang couldn't remember it at all, but she only remembered that night, Gong Xiaomo and Zhang Yue stayed with her all night. The lower body that couldn't stop bleeding stained Zhang Yue's two-layer mattress, which made her embarrassed. As soon as she thought that from now on, she would have no secrets from these two men, she felt very sad, and cold sweat broke out. Zhang Yue said that she was too weak and had to be raised for a few days before returning to the countryside. Gong Xiaomo said that you always have a woman lying on the bed, how can you explain it to outsiders. Zhang Yue said that Yu Lianfang couldn't walk the twenty-mile mountain road like this. Gong Xiaomo said that we have to climb back too. The two friends quarreled again. Yu Lianfang, who was tired, took the time to ask Gong Xiaomo whether it was a boy or a girl who was brought down. Gong Xiaomo said that he was almost fainting at that time, where could he still care about men and women. Zhang Yue said that it was a man, a very beautiful boy, and Yu Lianfang cried.

Later, Yu Lianfang entered the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Gong Xiaomo was admitted to the biology department of a university in Beijing, and the two got married after graduation. Zhang Yue naturally married Cailan, educated youth returned to the city, Zhang Yue returned to the capital with his daughter-in-law and three children from northern Shaanxi, and there was no contact with each other. In the next ten years, in Yu Lianfang's family life, she always felt that something was missing, and despite having her daughter Zhuzhu, she still felt imperfect. Reflecting on the combination with Gong Xiaomo, the initial love between the two in Zhiqing Point was actually more lonely than love, and the special environment prompted them to come together, and they didn't think of more while being comforted in their hearts. The tragedy is that they are both people who have made a promise, and once the facts are realized, neither side wants to bear the burden of breaking the contract: reputation. Therefore, it has become a family, and it has lost the concern of the past and the enthusiasm of the educated youth. They are all a little lost, they are all a little cold, and they all delve into their own business, and they have become well-known business leaders.

At an academic seminar, Yu Lianfang met Zhang Yue, who has become the chief physician of the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital. When it comes to the queue cutting scene, they are all a little emotional. When asked about the current situation, they were all a little unsatisfactory. Yu Lianfang imagined the talent of Cailan's housekeeper from the cuffs of Zhang Yue's sweater that was taken off the line. When asked about Cailan, Zhang Yue said that she was a person you have learned, she is cold and stubborn, but she is not a bad person, and she gave birth to three sons, which is also a credit to our Zhang family. Later, Yu Lianfang learned that Li Cailan, a barefoot doctor who was very popular in the health center back then, could only work as a laundry worker in the laundry room of a large city hospital in the nineties because she had neither a diploma nor further study experience, which was really sad for the doctor who had presided over the gynecology work of the health center. Zhang Yue peeked into something, only said that Xiaomo was cold, and he didn't like to show his feelings when he was in school, which was very similar to his mother.

When Yu Lianfang saw Zhang Yue and thought of the night in the health center, her face flushed, and the conversation stopped abruptly. Zhang Yue said with a smile, I know what you remember, I have been working in obstetrics and gynecology for almost 30 years, and I can be regarded as well-informed, but I can't forget the events of that night. Yu Lianfang said that if the child was still there, he would be a young man in his twenties...... Speaking of which, Jing is a little sad. Zhang Yue took out his handkerchief and asked Yu Lianfang to wipe her tears. The smell of Su on the handkerchief was the same as the gauze that Zhang Yue used to wipe her tears when she was lying on the examination bed, which made Yu Lianfang feel an irreplaceable sense of intimacy.

The frequent contact with Zhang Yue caused Gong Xiaomo's dissatisfaction, and in the most intense conflict, he slapped Yu Lianfang hard, which alarmed the old lady Huisheng. She judged that her son would not beat her daughter-in-law for no reason, and from the daughter-in-law covering her face and sobbing without arguing, the old lady had already guessed the second or third of the matter. Yu Lianfang found Zhang Yue and hung his bruised face in front of his old classmates, Zhang Yue shouted excitedly: Divorce! At that time, Zhang Yue and Cailan had no common language, and their relationship was difficult to maintain. Four eyes, pay attention to each other, look forward to love. So the two agreed on the overpass outside Dongzhimen that divorce was inevitable, and they could no longer live in a daze like this. For this decision, they went to Chengde Mountain Resort. In winter, it is clean and you don't meet acquaintances, so you naturally live together as husband and wife. This matter was known by Gong Xiaomo, he did not make any noise or trouble, with his calmness and ability, he quickly went through all the formalities for further study in United States, before leaving, he asked Yu Lianfang, what should we do? Yu Lianfang replied very simply: Leave. Gong Xiaomo said: If you leave, you will leave. But Mrs. Huisheng didn't let go of the child, she thought that Zhuzhu would never learn well with such a mother, so Zhuzhu returned to the Gong family. He lived with his grandmother in the west of the main house, and was strictly educated and controlled by Mrs. Wison.

Zhang Yue's progress was far less smooth than Yu Lianfang's, and breaking up with Cailan was much more difficult to do than planned. Although the husband and wife couldn't be colder anymore; Although Cailan's blunt and rough words have many discords with the emotionally delicate Zhang Yue; Although Zhang Yue could not tolerate the unchangeable rural habits formed by Cailan over the years, when it came to the end, he could not say the terrible word "leave". Especially when he saw his three sons who were alive and well, he felt even more unspeakable. Of course, departure is inevitable, and he is waiting for the moment. Zhang Yue felt happy with Yu Lianfang, they had many topics in common, and his delicacy would be rewarded in Lianfang, no words, just a look was enough. For example, now, when he sees Yu Lianfang, he feels very satisfied, and at the same time he is satisfied, and at the same time, he has a trace of regret in his heart, and this kind of apology and uneasiness also happens from time to time in front of Cailan.

He felt sorry for at least two women in his life, one of whom had made a family sacrifice for him; A man with an iron heart who has changed his heart with him. His original intention was to strive to be a perfect husband, but how did he become such nondescript, untrustworthy and unrighteous, such a thing. Zhang Yue asked Yu Lianfang what was going on, and Yu Lianfang said that Gong Xiaomo was coming back and came back with his wife. Zhang Yue said come back, what's in your way, you have nothing to do with each other. Yu Lianfang said, but I still live in Gong's house, and when the newcomer enters the house, I and the daughter-in-law don't look up and look down, what kind of business is it? Zhang Yue said that if you don't, you will move out and move to the collective dormitory. Yu Lianfang said that I was squeezed into a room with young people in their twenties, and it was noisy, but I was a 50-year-old...... Zhang Yue had no choice, and said with a hum, the key is that my side has to be fast......

Yu Lianfang said, it's good that you know this, in fact, I didn't mean to urge you, but my heart was messy and hairy. Zhang Yue said, are you still in love with Gong Xiaomo, if you didn't hear this letter, you wouldn't be like this. Yu Lianfang smiled bitterly and didn't say anything. Zhang Yue said, if there is righteousness, it will be together, and if there is no righteousness, it will go, and everything will be natural. You don't have to worry too much about Xiaomo returning home with his wife, if not, he will temporarily go outside for a few days. At this time, a few old men and old ladies came in the teahouse, and the shopkeeper was busy greeting, and it seemed that they were all regular acquaintances. A group of people carried the table and moved the bench, and made room for a small drum to take out the small drum and sing the lotus falling. There are singing and gags, and there is a mess of coaxing and shouting.

Zhang Yue said, where did you get so many antiques, and it was really ugly to sing loudly. Yu Lianfang raps is not idle, a kind of lotus falling, this almost lost play is really not easy for these old men and old ladies to pick it up. Zhang Yue asked, why is it not idle, is it a Beijing rhyme drum? Yu Lianfang said that it is different from the Jingyun drum. At first, it was sung along the door bowl and asked for food, and later it was sung with gongs and drums, which became a form of folk singing. Zhang Yue said that it seems that he is not elegant. Yu Lianfang said that it was not true, Lotus Fall was allowed to sing by the emperor's dragon ticket, and he had entered the palace several times to perform. During the Guangxu period, there was "yellow flags and yellow flags, and longevity without borders" was not idle, and it was also visited by the queen mother. Zhang Yue asked Yu Lianfang how she knew so clearly?

Yu Lianfang said that Mrs. Gong's medical records were all written. Once, the Queen Mother caught a cold because she was listening to Shi Bu in Chuxiu Palace, and she had a cold and fever, so she summoned Imperial Doctor Gong into the palace and prescribed a medicated and peaceful green onion soup to relieve the surface of Tongyang. Helplessly, the queen mother couldn't smell the smell of green onions, and changed the cinnamon soup, sweating too much, and couldn't get up from the kang for three days. Zhang Yue wondered how the diagnosis record was not even idle. Yu Lianfang said that not only is there nothing to be idle, but even the weather on the day of the diagnosis, the patient's smile, speech and dress are often seen in the medical case. Zhang Yue shook his head when he heard this, and said that this is not medicine, but literature. The two were talking, when they saw a person flash from the group singing Lotus Fall, his face was smeared red and white, and a piece of red silk was tied on his head like a boxer, and he sat between Zhang Yue and Yu Lianfang with a flat drum in his hand, which really frightened the two.

The "Boxers" turned out to be educated youths from a neighboring village named Xue Baotian. Xue Baotian said quickly, the two of you have a tryst here, and you are quite good at picking a place. Confess quickly, what's so funny? The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional, and the two of them were so embarrassed that they couldn't speak, and they couldn't even breathe. The "Boxers" obviously didn't know the inside story, and they smiled when they looked at the two of them, and they made you ashamed of yourself like this if you were joking, you are all in your forties, and you are still conservative. He also said that his wife had a tumor in her belly, benign, when did she find Zhang Yue to cut it. Zhang Yue hurriedly said yes, and hurriedly left the phone number at home for the "Boxers". The "Boxers" said to Lianfang that the grandmother of the Gong family is getting younger and younger than when she was in the queue, and she is afraid that she has taken the imperial doctor's Ten Perfect Tonic Pills. Yu Lianfang said that he was also old, and the lines on his face were as good as the yellow earth in June...... The "Boxers" were called to rehearse in the past, and when the "Boxers" were leaving, they said to Zhang Yue and Yu Lianfang, next month, we will have a gathering of educated youths in Duanjiahe, and you must come. said that the initiator was him, and the location was in the old third restaurant on Broad Street, and the revolutionary friendship in the "old third session" was more passionate than in the "Qingya" teahouse.

The lotus flowers were beating the drums and urging, and the "Boxers" ran over. Yu Lianfang said how to meet him, really. Zhang Yue said, "There is no place in the huge city that belongs to the two of us. Yu Lianfang asked where Xue Baotian works now, Zhang Yue said that he was first in the auto parts company, and now he is retired, and he heard that he is pouring antiques in Panjiayuan. Yu Lianfang said how old it was, so she retreated. Zhang Yue said that there are many people who have retired from the third term...... Unable to talk in the noise, Zhang Yue asked Yu Lianfang if there was anything else. Yu Lianfang said that there was no more, it was Gong Xiaomo's return. Zhang Yue said that he didn't have to pay attention to it, and said that he would leave if there was nothing. As he spoke, he stood up and put on a mask, and when he went out, he said, "Call me to the unit if you have something." Yu Lianfang felt that what she said was very boring, could she only call if she had something? You have to "hit the unit"!

Yu Lianfang sat for a while before going out, and the snow outside was even heavier.


These days are the busiest days for the old lady of the Gong family, cleaning the West House, buying wire beds, renovating toilets, installing water heaters, and adding some modern equipment to the old compound. The old lady not only did it herself, but also took Zhuzhu and her daughter Gong Xiaochu to participate in the labor. Let Gong Xiaochu sew the three new soft satin quilts inside, and let the beads wipe the window edges and glass. The old lady said that climbing the ladder was a child's business, and she was seventy-eight and could not go up to the windowsill. As for finding Xiaochu to sew quilts, it is because Xiaochu is a well-matched person, that is, a person who has both parents and in-laws and children. Now they are all only children, Xiaochu's son, of course, is more ideal than a daughter, and sewing quilts is the first choice. According to Mrs. Wison, if the foreign daughter-in-law can add a grandson to the Gong family in the future, it would be the best. But Old Man Gong didn't have hope for his grandson, he said that one granddaughter is enough, and if he really has a grandson, he is also a second-trochanter with deep eyes and a high nose, a mongrel. Mrs. Wison said that the mongrel is also Xiaomo's species, as long as it is the grandson of the Gong family. He also criticized Gong Juchen's old brains, saying that Chiang Kai-shek's grandson is also a second rotor, and no one dislikes it, and he still hurts his heart, and he has not inherited the great cause of the Chiang family.

Zhuzhu didn't accept her mother at all, and naturally she didn't think of the layer of the foreign brothers, and she took a negative attitude towards the tasks assigned to her. Xiaochu's son Ren Nan, who studied Chinese at university, came back from school and saw Zhuzhu cleaning the window outside the window of the West House, so he said, Zhuzhu, how did you wipe the glass like a melon. Zhu Zhu said that she was a modernist painting. Ren Nan grabbed a handful of mud and snow from the flower pond and threw it on the window and said that it was postmodern, and the two of them laughed in the courtyard. Ren Nan asked Zhuzhu when her foreign mother would arrive, and Zhuzhu said that it was evening. Ren Nan said that no wonder my dad was wearing a tie and wearing perfume in the house at this time, probably going to the airport to pick him up. Zhuzhu said, your dad won't pick up anyone, your dad is a buddy of the Gong family. Ren Nan went on to say, So, I must learn from my father's lesson when I get married, and I shouldn't be a son-in-law, my father is angry in your family. Zhuzhu said, come on, you, just your father's virtue, eat and talk, sleep and snore, walk and shake your shoulders, sit and tremble your legs, and say that my grandmother can't even look down on me a hundred.

As he was talking, Ren Dawei walked out from the East House dressed neatly and said, Zhuzhu, I am your brother-in-law, do you arrange your hometown behind your back? Zhuzhu smiled and said, you love you, you look at our family, no one can do it inside and out, no one can do it. Ren Nan said that Zhuzhu is two-faced, and he is behind one set of people. Ren Dawei asked Zhuzhu in a low voice, I will see the foreigner later, and I don't care if she calls her mother. Zhuzhu said disdainfully, she calls me mom about the same, why do I call her mom? She didn't give birth to me. Besides, I told her to tell her to put my own mother somewhere. Ren Dawei looked at the south house in the outer courtyard, the door of the south house was tightly closed, there was no padlock on the door, and Yu Lianfang was obviously at home. Ren Nan saw his father looking at the south house, and also looked at the south house, and said to himself, Zhuzhu's mother is quite pitiful. Ren Dawei glanced at the north house and reprimanded his son, don't talk nonsense! Zhuzhu's eyes turned red and she went into the house. Seeing this, Ren Nan said to his father, Dad, you are angry, don't divorce, or I will be worse than Zhuzhu. Ren Dawei patted Ren Nan's shoulder and said, don't worry, son, I love your mother so much that it is dark.

When the Gong family was busy with the return of the eldest young master of the Gong family, Yu Lianfang's house was surprisingly quiet. Mutton and radish were stewed on the coal stove, sesame baked cakes were baked on the stove ring, and the fragrance of sesame seeds and mutton filled the hut. Yu Lianfang was in front of the window flipping through the medical case of the imperial doctor Gong Zhonghe Guangxu for 34 years, and she still can't understand the prescription of Coptis chinensis and Magnolia.

The yellow-haired and brittle medical case is sandwiched between a copy of Emperor Guangxu's personal writing when he was seriously ill, and the disease analysis of the famous "Pathogen" of the famous day. Regarding this "Pathogen", Yu Lianfang has heard of it, but has never seen the full text. This time, I found it in Imperial Doctor Gong's medical case, and I felt that it was very rare and precious. The imperial physician recorded the "Pathogen" respectfully, and broke the sentence and circled it. It can be seen that Guangxu's illness was carefully studied at that time. Guangxu said in "Pathogen"...... The disease of spermatozoa will occur for 20 years, more than a dozen times a month in the first few years, and only two or three times a month in the last few years. In recent years, the loss of leakage is not gradual, but the loss of kidney meridians is too great and the inability to vent. Because of the weakness and loss of sperm, at first he felt his heart flutter and vented himself when he heard the sound of the gong during the day, and he dreamed at night. The legs, knees, ankles are always cold, and if you feel a little cold, you will have a headache and soreness, and the cover at night must be very strict. His tinnitus and brain ringing have also been ringing for nearly ten years, and the sound of his tinnitus, like the sound of wind and rain and golden drums, has a distant time, and a time when he feels near. And in recent years, the ears are not working, the obedience is always not real, and the cover is also due to the weakness of the lower yuan, so that the hypothermia often overflows. The waist, legs, shoulders and back are sore, and people must be pressed every day, and this disease has been for 12 or 3 years. When walking, the steps are not solid, if you look from the sidelines, or hold something in your hand, you will feel that your feet are swinging sideways......

Seeing this, Yu Lianfang thought that Emperor Guangxu ascended the throne at the age of four, and he was only thirty-eight years old at that time. The thirty-eight-year-old man is now in the prime of life, but he is already ringing in his ears, his waist and legs are sore, and his steps are not real, as if he is an eighty-year-old man. The king of a country is so weak, are all those imperial doctors eating for nothing? Imperial Doctor Gong recorded that he had diagnosed Guangxu no less than eleven or two times, and almost every time he used Coptis chinensis and Magnolia, it seems that the old man is holding on to these two medicines. According to the regulations of the Qing court, for the emperor to diagnose the disease, at the same time there are two or three or even four or five imperial doctors, carefully consider each prescribed, submitted to the emperor himself for review, and then delineate one party to use. Therefore, although Mrs. Gong prescribed a prescription, the emperor did not necessarily choose it, that is to say, whether it was Coptis chinensis or Magnolia, it was still in the middle of Guangxu's mouth if he ate it. Strictly speaking, Coptis chinensis is a heat-clearing medicine, with a bitter and cold taste, and it is mostly evidence of high fever and faintness; Magnolia bark is an aromatic damp medicine, which has a miraculous effect on dampness and resistance to the spleen and stomach, but no matter what aspect you look at, the symptoms of Guangxu's "pathogen" are not right, and the dignified imperial doctor Gong Zhonghe can't do the most basic point of prescribing the right medicine? Maybe there's something hidden in that?

There was a bustle outside the window, and Yu Lianfang looked out, only to see Ren Dawei carrying a heavy box and leading Gong Xiaomo and his foreign daughter-in-law Jenny into the hospital. Gong Xiaomo was wearing a blue tweed coat, and his daughter-in-law was wearing a denim jacket like work clothes, one gray and one white, as if she had just finished brushing the room. Gong Xiaochu and Ren Nan came out of the east wing and hugged the two of them into the main room.

Old Man Gong listened to "Shiro Visits His Mother" on the leisurely chair with his eyes closed, and when he heard Princess Tiejing sing "He misses his hometown and wants to be reunited", a group of people swirled in like a whirlwind wrapped in cold air. Gong Xiaomo said "Dad", which frightened Gong Juchen, and when he saw that it was really his son, he was so excited that he couldn't stand up. Gong Xiaomo said, Dad, you sit still, Jenny and I are not outsiders, and said that he pushed Jenny to the old man and introduced that this is Jenny · Driss. Jenny leaned down generously, hugged Gong Juchen's shoulders, and slapped him affectionately on his face full of age spots. Just this time, Gong Juchen's head buzzed, and he almost lost his breath. After fixing the gods, he complained in his heart, and his daughter-in-law's behavior was abrupt and too inconsistent with Chinese etiquette.

Mrs. Wison is instructing the little nanny in the kitchen to make firewood ducks, which are the traditional dishes of the Gong family, and it takes two days to make a duck. The chai duck only appeared once on the Gong family's dinner table on Chinese New Year's Eve. Every time the duck is cooked, Mrs. Wison personally goes to the market to buy and selects the duck in Beijing. After slaughtering and drying, chop off the claws, marinate with condiments for a night, take it out from the small tank, steam it for half a day, remove the bones, cut it into thin strips, and then use winter bamboo shoots, mushrooms, moss, ham, bundle it with duck strips, put it in a deep dish, add condiments and steam it for half a day, until the table is opened, and the duck can start the pot. Hearing the sound of the upper room, Mrs. Wison hurriedly explained a few words to the little nanny, took off her apron, put her hair in her hands, and walked towards the north room.

When Mrs. Wison pushed the door, the first thing she saw was her daughter-in-law's back. The figure is very slender, wearing a pair of white travel shoes, a ponytail tied at the back of his head, and his yellow hair is flicked one after another, no different from his granddaughter Zhuzhu. All this makes the old lady who loves to pick her eyes feel too casual, how to say that it is the first time to enter the Gong family, just this kind of dress shows that she doesn't understand the rules, and her mother doesn't know how to educate her. When she entered the gate of Gong's house, she wore a big red dress in Haihai Jiangya, and came in in four sedan chairs. is the divorced Yu Lianfang, who was also neatly dressed up when he first entered this house, and asked his son to pick him up in a "Shanghai" car. Just thinking about it, the daughter-in-law turned around and saw the old lady Wison, and hugged and kissed again. The old lady felt that her cheeks were wet by the other party, but it was not easy to wipe them in front of people, and she felt very awkward in her heart. Looking at the daughter-in-law again, in the end, she is different from the Chinese, her eyes are so green that she is blue, and her skin is so fair that she can see small blood vessels, which makes people wonder if she is a real person. The old lady thought, counting on such a daughter-in-law, the Gong family doesn't know what kind of grandson they will gain. Fortunately, Jenny can speak Chinese, and she can express her meaning very neatly and clearly, which somewhat shortens the gap caused by the difference in appearance.

Xiaochu and his wife were busy helping their brother and sister-in-law with their luggage, fetching hot water and letting them wash their faces. Jenny looked at the basin of steaming water and asked, why wash your face, is this a Chinese custom? Xiao Mo hurriedly explained that the old Beijing was windy and sandy, and if he didn't wipe his face when he came back from a trip, he would be gray, so he washed his face first when he entered the door, and the guests who came from afar also washed his face. Jenny asked, "Now?" Now Beijing is also gray? Xiaochu said that this is a habit, and it is okay not to wash it. Jenny said she wouldn't wash it, so Ren Dawei brought the water out. Mrs. Huisheng was a little displeased, thinking that this daughter-in-law was half-life, unreasonable. Everyone sat down to drink tea and talk, Jenny sat on the Taishi chair and looked left and right, Ren Dawei quietly went over and said to her, this Taishi chair is not for juniors, the hometown is here, they can only sit on the wooden chair next to it. Jenny sighed and quickly stood up. The old man said, there are not so many old etiquette, don't pay attention to those, don't make people too restrained at home. The old lady said to Jenny that the Gong family is a family with many rules, and maybe she will get used to it slowly. Jenny said she would pay attention. Jenny and Xiaomo gave everyone gifts brought by United States, mostly headscarves, chocolates, etc., and a bottle of whiskey for the old man and Ren Dawei. Xiaomo pulled out a fluffy toy dog from the box and was about to give it to his daughter Zhuzhu, only to find that Zhuzhu had never appeared in the room.

It turned out that as soon as Xiaomo and Jenny entered the door, Zhuzhu slipped into Yu Lianfang's small south house, hugged her cat, and sat on the bed aggrievedly and silently. Yu Lianfang knew what the child was thinking, and also felt that it was not appropriate for her to hide in her room, and urged Zhuzhu several times to go to the north house to see her father, how to say that her father also returned from the United States after three years of absence, and he couldn't gamble like this. But Zhuzhu didn't move, she said that the last person she wanted to see now was her father, her father married another woman, she didn't want her anymore, she still had to follow her mother in the future. Yu Lianfang said, what if my mother also married another man? Zhuzhu said, you won't, I know you! Yu Lianfang said what do you know, silly girl. At this time, Ren Nan ran over and called Zhuzhu, Ren Nan said, Grandma asked me to come to the South House to find you, saying that you are allowed to be here. Zhuzhu said that the old lady was too fine, like Sherlock Holmes. Yu Lianfang said that Zhuzhu shouldn't talk like this. Ren Nan said that the old lady is too, she is suspicious when she is overly observant, and she is tired enough. He also said that the North House dinner table was set up, and everyone was eating together today, and there was a duck for the New Year's firewood, and his mother called him back from school today to eat, and he didn't eat it for nothing. Zhuzhu said, I hate to eat duck, I want to eat mutton stewed radish at my mother's place. Ren Nan sniffed and said, it's quite fragrant. Yu Lianfang said, come over quickly, your grandma will be in a hurry later. As he spoke, he found a big bowl, scooped a bowl of mutton, and let Zhuzhu serve it to eat.

For the Gong family, tonight's meal is very important, the son and daughter-in-law, daughter and son-in-law are all together, which is a rare thing in recent years. The old lady of Wison beckoned everyone to sit down, and Jenny didn't dare to make a mistake now because of the lesson of sitting on the Taishi's chair just now, and waited for the old lady to designate a seat before sitting down. Old man Gong sat in the north and faced south, sitting solemnly, majestic like a statue. Xiaochu and the little nanny served all kinds of dishes one by one, and they were very busy. Xiao Mo whispered to Jenny that these tasks of serving soup and pouring water should have been her job, but because she had just arrived today, she was exempted. This made Jenny nervous, and the tip of her nose was sweaty. Ren Dawei filled everyone's wine glasses and waited for the old man to speak. Gong Juchen looked around at his children and said, Xiaomo and his daughter-in-law are back, very good. Today, the people of the Gong family are all reunited, and the children and grandchildren are full, which is also the creation of the ancestors. Think of our Gong family, from the Yongle year of the Ming Dynasty for generations of doctors, hundreds of years of in-depth study of medical science, carefully understand the way of medicine, for the people to solve disasters, for the king to get rid of illness and worry. Mencius said that the foundation of the world is in the country, the foundation of the country is at home, and practicing medicine is a reason. Righteousness, self-cultivation, Qi family, governing the country, leveling the world, not daring to slack off for a day, no matter how the world changes, the benchmark of the Gong family cannot change. is still the same sentence, diligent and thrifty, prudent, loving family and patriotism. Although Jenny is a researcher of modern Chinese history and has some understanding of this ancient philosophy of Chinese life, she still seems to understand the self-cultivation of the old man Gong, and the rule of the Qi family to level the world still seems to understand, she whispered to her husband next to her, why do you still want to level the world? Is China still going to war? Xiao Mo couldn't answer, and coughed a few times.

Ren Nan explained to Aunt Yang next to him that the peace of the world is to make the world peaceful, and there are different understandings and expressions of this cultivation, Qi, governance, and peace, different periods and different characters. Inheriting each other and reflecting each other, it presents the rich connotation and moving charm of Chinese culture.

Jenny nodded, in fact, she still didn't understand, since the moment she walked into the gate of the Gong family, she felt that she had fallen into a deep hole. No support, no scratching, the soft bottom made her sink deeper and deeper, this feeling has never been felt in United States. Everyone picked up the wine glasses according to the old man's instructions and washed the dust for Xiaomo and his wife, Jenny asked everyone in confusion if they wanted to wash their faces again, which made a mouthful of wine in Ren Dawei's mouth almost squirt out. Xiaochu told Jenny that washing the dust is to drink wine and eat, Jenny was still puzzled and asked why she wanted to say that she was washing the dust when she was eating, and could she say that she was eating when it was time to wash the dust? Mrs. Wison made Jenny's brain hurt, and she sat on the side and barely spoke, and then put a spoonful of vegetables into Jenny's small plate, trying to gagged her. Jenny first said thank you, and then asked what kind of dish it was, Ren Nancheng teased Jenny, and said that this is called ants on the tree spring is not old. Sure enough, Jenny's eyes widened again, and Xiao Chu noticed that her mother's expression had changed, and quickly said that it was fried celery with meat foam, so let's try it.

When Jenny was amazed again and again by Luohan prawns, rock sugar elbows, and chrysanthemum fish, Zhuzhu always only ate her mutton radish, Xiaomo in order to please her daughter, many times into her daughter's bowl of vegetables, Zhuzhu bowl of vegetables piled high, but she did not move a chopstick. Jenny also gave Zhuzhu a friendly look from time to time, but Zhuzhu only pretended not to see. Old Man Gong said, Zhuzhu, you should toast your mother. Zhuzhu glared and asked which mother? Xiaomo couldn't get off the stage at that time and said that Jenny was Aunt Zhuzhu, just call her aunt. Unexpectedly, Jenny said, don't call Auntie, call Jenny, I call my mother Anna, and my father Jack...... Mrs. Wison said, where is there a reason to name the old family, it is disrespectful, how can the names of the parents be called by the juniors. Xiaochu knew that this was his mother's response to Jenny who had just called her Wison, and it couldn't be said that Jenny was wrong, nor could it be said that her mother was wrong, each of them was guarding their own cultural positions, and it seemed that future confrontations were inevitable. The old lady Wison sprinkled her dissatisfaction on Zhuzhu, withdrew the bowl of mutton from Zhuzhu and said, "What kind of food, shoddy and fishy, you like this." Zhuzhu put down her chopsticks and stood up and left. Old man Gong said that the old lady is so hard. The old lady said that she was deliberately angry with me, and it was all taught by the people of the South House.

Xiaomo was a little embarrassed, saying that the mother spoiled the child, and then talked about the scenery of Alaska. The one who listened the most interested and devoted was Ren Nan, and he asked his uncle if he married Aunt Jenny like in the movie, wearing a big white dress into the church? Xiao Mo said that none of them were Christians, so they didn't need to go through the motions. Old Man Gong listened and asked Jenny, you should have registered in the office, right? Jenny said that she had not registered it, and that they felt that they were suitable for each other, so they moved in together. Old Man Gong said that this is not the ...... Ren Nanzui has no scruples, blurted out his debut, fornication, and the civilized saying is illegal cohabitation. Xiaochu wanted to stop his son, but it was too late. Old man Gong said that everything should be in accordance with the rules, and the covenant between husband and wife, if you are not careful, how can you be like a child playing at home! Even though the United States is trendy, there are still laws governing it, and women and husbands will not all live in adultery. Since the "Qing Dynasty Statutes", there has been a law in China that the marriage of a man and a woman must be in charge, let alone now. Your marriage, since it has not gone through any formalities, does not count. When you come to China, you naturally have to act according to the laws of China and the rules of the Gong family.

Xiaomo said that we have been living together in the United States for almost two years, how can it not count with you? The old man said, if you don't fit in with each other for a long time, you will not leave for a long time, and you will have already taught this lesson once. The old lady Huisheng said that the chaos began and the end was abandoned, and there were Cui Yingying and Zhang Sheng in "The Legend of the West Chamber> and there were close - the words turned around in the old lady's mouth, but before she said it, Xiaomo, who was sitting next to Jenny, finally breathed a sigh of relief. Jenny asked Xiaomo what she meant by saying that Gong Gong was ...... What did the old lady Wison say, Gong, it's your father. Jenny quickly said sorry, and Xiaomo explained to Jenny what the old man meant, no matter how we are in United States, everything has to start from scratch in China. Jenny asked how to start from scratch, and Xiaomo said that it started with acting in love. Jenny said it was funny, and she was willing to do it. Ren Dawei grinned when he heard this, Xiaochu thought that his father was too roundabout like this, and said to Jenny, forget it today, just go to the office tomorrow to make up the registration procedures. Ren Nan said that tomorrow is Saturday, a big week. Xiaochu said that it would be Monday, and it would be the same in the morning and evening. Ren Dawei also said that this is just a matter of form, so why take it so seriously.

Mrs. Wison said that it was not a serious matter, and the Gong family still had a younger generation. A gentleman teaches his son, and leads him to the way; Weatherers, upward and downward effects. Zhuzhu and Ren Nan are not small children, and it is the way to be an elder to always show style. Xiao Mo looked at Jenny with a bitter face, and Jenny was overjoyed and excited, saying that she remembered the two nice Chinese sayings "don't make a difference" and "I follow the crowd". At this time, the phone rang, it was a fat head calling, Ren Dawei said President, how do you feel? The fat head said that there was nothing uncomfortable, and I called today to ask the old man, Donglai Shun's private rooms have all been booked out next week, how about eating a full Han banquet at the Wangfu Hotel? Ren Dawei asked the old man if he would eat the full banquet of the Manchu and Han Dynasty, and Gong Juchen said, you let him waste his energy, I can't eat this meal, and he can't eat it. Ren Dawei didn't get easy to reach, so he said to the phone, you can watch it. The fat head set the day for six o'clock the following Sunday evening, because the old man inferred that he should have died on Sunday morning. Xiaochu said to her husband, your friend came to make trouble at a critical time, and he was not liked. Ren Dawei said that people don't know what our family is doing.

With the intervention of the old man of the Gong family, Gong Xiaomo and Jenny had to live in separate rooms before the solemn wedding. With the old lady Wison's old reason, Jenny can't live in the Westhouse arranged for her at the moment, because it is a cave house. Is there a reason why the bride lives alone in a cave house without a great gift? After discussing and discussing, everyone's eyes invariably turned to the south room of the outer courtyard.

The lights of the south room are shining brightly.


The arrival of Jenny in United States completely disrupted the order of the Gong family's life. First of all, the old man Gong, who practices Baduan Jin every day, has a Jenny who follows the comparison and stroke, and these obvious movements and names with oriental characteristics are admired and fascinated by foreigners. Jenny kicked a pair of long legs in front of the old man like a big Yanma, competing to make the old man unguardable, Jenny's robustness, kindness, happiness, and humor won the favor of the old man and Xiaochu and his wife. She gulped down her beer, swept away the rest of the food on the table, and made unscrupulous jokes to anyone, including the old man, which a Chinese daughter-in-law could not do. The snowman standing in the courtyard is a collaboration between Zhuzhu and Jenny, and Zhuzhu refuses to live with Jenny, and does not refuse to build a snowman with Jenny.

When the giggling Jenny helped Zhuzhu finish a snowman under the plum tree, Zhuzhu's English instantly improved by leaps and bounds. She said that as long as Jenny spoke English to her every day, she could take her to Dongsi Snack Bar to drink bean juice. Naturally, the weekly English tuition class can be omitted. What Mrs. Wison couldn't accept was Jenny's direct expression of feelings. As soon as Jenny saw her son, she would hug her and give her a long kiss, regardless of whether there was anyone around. Once Ren Nan's eyes straightened, how could the old lady Ren cough when she stood on the steps, and that kiss couldn't be stopped. Afterwards, the old lady talked to her son, and the son said that he couldn't help it, unlike Chinese, United States expressed their feelings more frankly. The old lady said that if I love you again, I will love you where no one is, and don't do such unsightly things in public. Xiaomo said that why is it unsightly, who doesn't kiss the object? Old Man Gong heard and remembered the unforgettable kiss Jenny had just given him when he entered the door, so he asked Xiaomo if he had registered. Xiaomo said that he went, and the office said that the United States would need to issue Jenny's celibate certificate for foreign-related marriages, and he had called to urge him to do so. Mr. Gong said very well, you have to be so meticulous when you get married, and the office thinks more thoroughly than me. Ren Dawei made ten trips a day to find Jenny, and he wanted Jenny to come forward to set up a company with him, so that he could get great concessions in paying taxes to the state. But Jenny said that she was not interested in business at all, which made Ren Dawei very disappointed, and when she saw Jenny again, she was much colder than before, and she was not as careless as before.

After Jenny arrived, it was Yu Lianfang who felt the most awkward, she didn't expect Wison at all. The old lady would arrange Jenny to her room, and sadly she didn't even have a reason to refuse it. The house belongs to the Gong family, and people can install whoever they want, and she can't say a word. It's awkward, and only you know. Jenny's folding bed is placed in the outer room, and Jenny usually walks around the street with Xiaomo, but only comes to lie down at night. Every time Xiao Mo looked for Jenny, he called outside the door, and never entered Yu Lianfang's room, so Yu Lianfang only heard Xiao Mo's voice and didn't see him. Sometimes the two met in the courtyard, and they just nodded politely, without even saying a superfluous word. In fact, Yu Lianfang wanted to talk to Xiaomo about Zhuzhu's study, but when she saw Xiaomo's face that rejected people thousands of miles away, she didn't want to say anything. However, Jenny doesn't care about Lianfang's identity, she doesn't seem to care about whether her ex-wife is or not, "Isn't it okay now?" "She said to Lianfang, you don't need to explain anymore, I can understand. But Yu Lianfang still repeatedly explained that her current work in the Gong family is inseparable, and if she moves out once she has a house, she is afraid of leaving a shadow on Jenny's heart and spirit. Jenny shrugged her shoulders and smiled at her and said that she loved Xiaomo, and Xiaomo loved her, and that was enough. In this way, Yu Lianfang felt that Jenny was much more open-minded and cuter than Gong Xiaomo.

Gong Xiaomo received a notice of the gathering of the "Boxer Rebellion", and according to the notice, "No spouse, original." "Ask Jenny to stay at home. In fact, Yu Lianfang also received a notice, because Gong Xiaomo went, it was inconvenient for her to show up again, so she stuffed the notice into a magazine, and Quan Dang didn't know, and she was still sorting out the medical case at home. The old medical case has a musty smell mixed with traditional Chinese medicine, which is full of an emotion and an atmosphere, which makes people unable to tell the years. Jenny sat crooked on her cot and watched Yu Lianfang carefully flip through the yellow paper full of brush words page by page, and felt that the demure oriental woman in front of her and the yellow paper were very similar to an ancient Chinese painting in a museum. After watching it for a long time, she asked, are you turning over history? Yu Lianfang said yes, I'm looking at the medical case of Guangxu for 34 years. Jenny suddenly became interested, she jumped up from the bed, ran to the table, and said excitedly, My recent research topic is the cause of Guangxu's death, and these medical cases are precious first-hand materials for me. Yu Lianfang asked Jenny how she thought Guangxu died, and Jenny said without hesitation that she was poisoned. She deduced that at least five people were suspected of harming Guangxu's death, namely Yuan Shikai, Li Lianying, Cui Yugui, Luan Miao, and Cixi. Yu Lianfang was willing to listen to Jenny's reasoning. Jenny said that Cixi was the first to poison Guangxu, and Yun Yuding, a scholar in the Hanlin Academy in the late Qing Dynasty, was known to Guangxu and was familiar with the scene in the palace.

This scholar is looking forward to "the thirty-four years of the court, and there will be a bright day." The text recorded that Guangxu heard that Cixi was sick and happy, and the Queen Mother said, "I can't die first!" "It is very likely that someone will murder Guangxu, otherwise there will be no coincidence that he will die one day apart. Yu Lianfang said that although Cixi hated what Guangxu had done during the Wuxu coup d'état, and first put him under house arrest in the Yulan Hall of the Summer Palace and then moved it to the West Garden, but at that time Guangxu had completely become Cixi's hand, and he never said anything when he summoned his ministers. Are you ripe for age? "Hundreds of times, that's all. The record of the old lady of the Gong family is that "the sound is extremely soft, almost like a fly and an ant, and it is unheard for a long time." "With Cixi's hot power, she can control this sick and crooked emperor, so why poison?

Saying that, turning out a page of medical records, taking this diagnosis on the sixth day of the fifth month of the 34th year, there is still half a year before Guangxu's death, and in addition to recording the pulse case and prescriptions, Imperial Doctor Gong still contains "The Queen Mother is also sitting, and the pulse case of the gift is taken to take a closer look, as if there is a condolence, and the Queen Mother exhorts the emperor to encourage the spirit and have the meaning of compassion." And abstain from eunuchs, when the emperor comes to ask for peace in the future, he must not wait outside for a long time, so that he will not kneel on the ground to greet the gift. When Jenny saw the record, she was overjoyed and wanted to copy it immediately, but Yu Lianfang held down the medical case with her hand and said that she had no right to copy the medical case without the permission of Mr. Gong. Jenny refused to give up, and after pestering for a long time, Yu Lianfang said You go to find the old man, I can't be the master. At this time, Ren Dawei ran in and pulled Yu Lianfang to see a doctor for the fat head, Yu Lianfang asked if the fat head was going to die, Ren Dawei said that he was a fart, and he lived more than anyone else. I drank too much, drank seven bottles of Cordon Bleu, half a bottle of sake and two glasses of Jian Nanchun, and is now tossing at home in Haidian. I couldn't vomit it out, I couldn't pee anymore, my face was purple, which made people look scared, so I grabbed my coat and put it on Yu Lianfang, pushing her out. Yu Lianfang turned around and locked the medical case before following Ren Dawei out. Jenny came out and said that she was going too, and she had not seen the Chinese medicine doctor to diagnose the disease, so she could experience the scene when the old lady Gong treated the emperor. Yu Lianfang said, you compare that fat head to the emperor is really exalting him, the old man has already made a judgment on him, he can't live this week, he only has three days to live. This said that Jenny wanted to see it even more, but Ren Dawei had no choice but to take Jenny and drive to Haidian.

The fat head was really drunk, deeply intoxicated, and was already unconscious. The family panicked, running in and out like headless flies. Seeing that Yu Lianfang was coming, they all shouted: The heir of the imperial doctor family has arrived. Hurriedly greeted him, and the feeling of dependence was beyond words. Yu Lianfang sat at the head of the bed and carefully checked the pulse, everyone stood respectfully with their hands down, no one dared to make a loud noise, only the phlegm snoring in the throat of the fat head. Yu Lianfang diagnosed the pulse, and prescribed several flavors of medicine such as kudzu flowers and sand kernels, which made people quickly catch and pour them. Jenny took the opportunity to get to the fat head, and pressed her fingers on the fat head's wrist like Yu Lianfang, only to feel the pulse pounding, and then touching her own, it didn't seem to make much difference, so she didn't know what kind of fame Yu Lianfang could see, so that she remembered the word "witchcraft". The fat head drank the medicine, sweated profusely all over his body, couldn't hold back his desire to urinate, and was helped to go to the bathroom. Yu Lianfang said okay, pay attention not to catch a cold, just use gruel to recuperate for two days. Saying that, he got up and said goodbye, and the whole family sent him out of the door with great gratitude, saying that he really met a master and saved the president's life, and said that he would let the fat head come to Gong's house another day to thank him. Sitting in the car home, Jenny still couldn't understand the pulse and the smell of "weeds", and asked questions repeatedly, making it difficult for Yu Lianfang to answer. Ren Dawei also asked while driving, why is it good to sweat? Yu Lianfang said that excessive drinking hurts the spleen and stomach and hurts the body, so when you sweat, urinate well, and make the upper and lower parts eliminate alcohol and dampness, this method is also used as a last resort, destroying people's vitality. Jenny asked where she bought the "grass", Ren Dawei said Tong Ren Tang, and told her about Tong Ren Tang's pill powder pill and small medicine drawer for a long time, and listened to Jenny in a cloud and mountain fog.

The car passed the drum tower, Jenny saw Xiaomo walking on the street, so she greeted loudly, and Ren Dawei leaned over the car to the side of the road, waiting for Gong Xiaomo. Before Xiaomo came over, Jenny had already jumped out of the car and asked Xiaomo to take her to Tongrentang to see the small medicine drawer. Xiaomo's face was very bad, cold, Yu Lianfang and Ren Dawei didn't look at it, stopped a taxi, and left with Jenny. Ren Dawei said disdainfully in the car, this girl is very green-skinned, she really fucking doesn't care about the seedling, who is she throwing her face at? ! Yu Lianfang didn't want to speak, so she turned her face outside, there was a lot of traffic outside, noisy and annoying, and people and cars surrounded the drum tower and the wind was impermeable. She thought that Xiaomo had just come out of the gathering of educated youth, so she had heard what the "Boxers" had said. Ren Dawei asked her if she still wanted to go shopping elsewhere, and Yu Lianfang said go home. Ren Dawei was still in anger, and he braked several times in a row, Yu Lianfang said don't take the car to get angry, and Gong Xiaomo was not in the car. Ren Dawei said You don't know, this kid and his sister are two temperaments, and they are as virtuous as his mother, and they look down on me from the bottom of their bones. It's good that you are divorced, or you will be heartwarming if you live with him for the rest of your life, and it is also right to think about yourself early. It's a pity that Jenny, that stupid big sister, knows the depths of the Chinese's heart. Yu Lianfang said, what are you doing with so much heart, next time persuade your president friend to quit drinking, you see what he has drunk today. Speaking of fat heads, Ren Dawei mentioned that fat heads were going to die again, he asked Yu Lianfang if he believed it, Yu Lianfang said that at least there was no sign at the moment, Ren Dawei said that it was difficult to say, life and death are such things as a fixed number, the old man of the Gong family is almost ninety, and he has never seen anything. Yu Lianfang said that I don't know life, I don't know death, life is like parasitism, death is like home, people are better free and easy. Ren Dawei said so, but no one is afraid of who death will be.

When she got home, Yu Lianfang told Gong Juchen about the fat head getting drunk. Old man Gong asked what kind of medicines were prescribed, Yu Lianfang said, and the old man said that Coptis chinensis and Magnolia bark should be added. As soon as Yu Lianfang heard Coptis chinensis and Magnolia, the crack in the back of her spine was a little cold. She didn't understand why she needed Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis to treat Guangxu's deficiency and cold, and why she needed Coptis chinensis and Magnolia officinalis to treat the real heat of the fat head. What's wrong with this Coptis chinensis and Magnolia bark. Seeing Lotus Fang's incomprehensible demeanor, the old man said that wine is a gentleman and a villain. A gentleman can practice qi and blood, strengthen the spirit, and ward off epidemic wounds; The villain's heat is poisonous, can help the fire, once it enters the body, the first inheritor is the lungs, the lungs are the canopy of the five organs, which is the golden irritability, and the alcohol likes to rise, and the lung qi will rise with it, so that the phlegm is depressed and the urine is astringent. Since the lungs are invaded by thieves and evil spirits, they cannot nourish the kidneys, and if the kidneys are insufficient, they cannot subdue the fire of the heart. It is better to reduce the fire of the heart with Coptis chinensis and dispel its dampness with magnolia bark than to simply use kudzu to relieve the soup. Yu Lianfang nodded yes when she heard this, and she only felt that this Coptis chinensis and Magnolia bark were extremely wonderful, and she was afraid that she would not be able to take these two flavors of medicine in her life. Yu Lianfang asked the old man for Jenny's request to copy the medical case, but Gong Juchen said no, saying that the medical, historical, and literary value of this inheritance could not be estimated. In the early days, United Kingdom, United States, and Japan people stole a large amount of cultural heritage from Dunhuang, which was called plunder. The same is true of this medical case, its research value will be an excellent historical evidence, how can it be easily handed over to outsiders. The old lady Wison happened to enter the house, and when she heard the old man say something about an outsider, she interjected that Jenny was the daughter-in-law of the Gong family, so how could she say that she was an outsider. The old man said that she is a daughter-in-law again, her American identity remains the same, her blue-eyed blonde hair remains the same, the articles she publishes, and her research results should be American rather than Chinese. Old Man Gong finally instructed that Jenny could read these medical cases, but she could not copy or copy them, and she should usually be taken care of and kept by Yu Lianfang.

Old man Gong's precautions against Jenny made Yu Lianfang have a trusted ironing, and she felt that as the old man's assistant, she had to be. From the old man's heart, he wanted to hand everything over to her, and the Gong family really had no one to take over the old man's class. The three or four hundred years of medical history of the Gong family has come to an end, and this old man Gong knows this better than anyone else.


Zhang Yue's phone call to Yu Lianfang went directly to Gong Juchen's room, it was the old lady Wison who answered it, and the old lady put down the phone and stood under the verandah outside the house and said loudly: Yu Lianfang, Zhang Yue's phone. The voice was not high, but the whole house was loud enough to hear it clearly. When Yu Lianfang from the South House heard this shout, she knew that the old lady was demonstrating to her. It was nothing more than to let the whole family hear it, and sneered at her, that is, the daughter-in-law who had been divorced by the Gong family and the wild man were still disconnected. Yu Lianfang also wondered how Zhang Yue, who has always been cautious, was unusual, doing things so inappropriately, and hung up the phone in the old man's room of the Gong family, isn't this obviously looking for trouble.

Yu Lianfang walked into the main house under the perceptive and disdainful gaze of the old lady Wison, picked up the phone, and sure enough, it was Zhang Yue. Zhang Yue's eager gasps came clearly, and Zhang Yue said that he wanted to see her immediately, and if there was something important, the two would make an appointment to meet at a location. During the phone call with Zhang Yue, Mrs. Wison hid in the room "knowingly", but in fact, Yu Lianfang knew that she was eavesdropping nervously behind the door. So when she put down the phone, she deliberately said, I miss you too, let's see you soon. She is an old lady who wants to be angry.

Yu Lianfang went out and saw Xiaochu standing in the courtyard, seemingly having something to say to her, waiting for her. Xiaochu works in the Personnel Bureau and is on sick leave at home for the past two days. Xiaochu asked bluntly, did Zhang Yue call you? Yu Lianfang said yes. Xiaochu said that Zhang Yue was recently promoted to the deputy director of the Health Bureau, which has been approved, and there is no follow-up, so it is best to ...... Xiaochu said that of course, no one outside knows the real reason for your divorce from Xiaomo, but this is Zhang Yue's critical time, and you can't harm him...... Yu Lianfang said that Zhang Yue was very anxious to see her, and there was probably something important. Xiaochu said, you can do it yourself, Zhang Yue is a person with a wife. Yu Lianfang said she knew. Really, she is very grateful for this sister-in-law's concern, as Ren Dawei said, she and Xiaomo are two temperaments, she is a kind woman.

The date place was under the billboard at the mouth of Luogu Hutong, only two or three hundred meters away from Gong's house, and Yu Lianfang walked there in a few steps. Zhang Yue was already waiting there, not wearing a hat or mask to cover her ears, her hair was a little messy, her face was also very haggard, and her clothes were stained with a lot of dirt and oil. Yu Lianfang saw him and said with a smile, How did you become like this, Zhang Yue didn't answer, just smoked. Yu Lianfang said, why did you recklessly call Gong's house, what is the big deal. Zhang Yue didn't answer, still smoking. Yu Lianfang saw a few scratches on his neck and asked if he had quarreled with Cailan. Zhang Yuecai said hatefully, it's not just noisy, it's to the point of your life! The three sons and three tigers looked at their mother in unison, joined up to do it with me, and said that they would come to Gong's house to clean you up. Yu Lianfang asked, do you know about our affairs? Zhang Yue said that she didn't know who wrote an anonymous letter to her, telling her all about us, and even the details of the meeting at the Qingya Teahouse a few days ago were not left behind.

Yu Lianfang listened to it and said for a long time, since it was a trouble, she simply picked it up, and the long pain was better than the short pain, which was not necessarily a bad thing. Zhang Yue said that if it was just Li Cailan, it would be easy to deal with, but the problem is that now the leaders of the Personnel Bureau, the Health Bureau, and even the hospital have received anonymous letters. The letter was copied, in several copies, and widely disseminated, and at present the matter between him and Yu Lianfang has become vigorous and notorious. Zhang Yue said that Yu Lianfang also felt the seriousness of the matter, and she was also very angry when she saw Zhang Yue's angry appearance. Zhang Yue said, this matter must have been done by Xue Baotian, we were drinking tea in the teahouse that day, didn't Xue Baotian go to sing that the lotus flower fell. Yu Lianfang shook her head, she didn't think there was any need for Xue Baotian to make such a big fuss, it was another person who did this kind of thing, the one she didn't want to think about. She asked Zhang Yue what to do next, and Zhang Yue said that no matter what happened, don't admit it, no one has caught any evidence at the moment. Yu Lianfang said, you and Cailan didn't admit our business? Zhang Yue said no, and Yu Lianfang said then how do you explain my divorce to her and the children? Zhang Yue said, I talked about it, and your divorce has nothing to do with me. Yu Lianfang asked him if he said the same thing about the leader. Zhang Yue said that he showed to the leader that his style was upright, and that there was absolutely no such thing as mentioned in the letter, and he did not dare to speculate as to what the purpose and idea of the letter writer was. However, such practices are also too common in China, as the saying goes, a thief bites a bite, and he is not prepared to give any explanation for this irresponsible slander. Zhang Yue looked at Yu Lianfang and said, don't be careful, I'm just doing this as an expedient measure, and I have no other meaning. Yu Lianfang raised her head to look at the sky, today is a rare sunny day, there is no cloud in the blue sky in winter, she feels that her heart is like the sky, empty, she leaned weakly on the pillar of the billboard, the eye-catching big words of the advertisement are "restore the self-confidence of manhood", which reminds Yu Lianfang of Coptis chinensis, Magnolia, and all "no" men, most of them are true yuan long-term deficiency, the heart does not take thoughts, the kidneys do not take sperm, and they need to be treated by Coptis Qingxin Soup. Zhang Yue saw that Yu Lianfang's face was very unpleasant, so he said, I will give them some colors to see after the critical stage, and now I will not have a showdown with them. Yu Lianfang knew what Zhang Yue meant by "critical stage". Men are like this, they value the future above everything, and she is completely different from her who left her family and daughter.

Zhang Yue loved her sincerely, and now she is also sincere in proposing the "critical stage". He asked her out today for only one purpose - to keep him and let him successfully ascend to the position of deputy director, for which Yu Lianfang gritted his teeth and refused to admit it. Zhang Yue saw that Yu Lianfang didn't speak for a long time, so he asked Yu Lianfang if he had any other ideas, and Yu Lianfang said no. Zhang Yue said then I will leave, and we should not have any contact in the past two or three months. Yu Lianfang nodded, watched Zhang Yue disappear in the crowd before turning around, and walked in the opposite direction of the Gong family with tired steps.

Yu Lianfang came to the Qingya Teahouse, sat in the old seat, and wandered. Today's teahouse is very deserted, the singing lotus flower did not come, only two old men sat at the table and tastefully reminisced about the lamb head meat of old Beijing, saying that the back door of the first floor of Langfang Er, the head of Yuxing Hotel, the sheep's head meat cooked by the surname Ma is the most authentic...... Yu Lianfang knew that what the two old men said was at least more than 50 years ago, and now mutton head meat has long been extinct in Beijing.

It's rare to see young people. An old man said that no one knew why Ma Huihui's mutton head meat was cooked well, and the soup was filled with magnolia bark and fine spices...... Yu Lianfang thought, how can you hear "Magnolia" in the teahouse, it's really boring. The shopkeeper brought a pot of double-smoked jasmine and said, Wait for someone? Yu Lianfang said that he would not wait for anyone, and the shopkeeper took down the two bowls he brought and took one another.

Yu Lianfang asked the gang why they didn't come, and the shopkeeper said that they only did it once a week, not every day. Yu Lianfang sighed and didn't speak again, and the shopkeeper went to wipe his tea jar again.

At the end of the wind and Qingping, Yu Lianfang wanted to sort out his thoughts clearly. The East Window Incident was all due to the gathering of educated youths organized by the "Boxers"; attributed to Zhang Yue's promotion of the spread of news and the quick mouth of the "Boxers"; It was also that person who could not tolerate all this, and took out the killer weapon that the Chinese are accustomed to - anonymous letters, and made a mess of everything. Yes, everyone in Chinese knows that as long as you put the basin of "men and women with problems in style" on anyone's head, no matter how you wash it, you can't wash it. One day, if it is really washed "clean", its smell is also difficult to remove; The aftertaste can accompany you for a lifetime and ruin your life. No wonder Zhang Yue was scared, not only Zhang Yue, but all Chinese men were afraid of this trick. In the face of secular public opinion, men are weaker and more vulnerable than women. For the sake of love, a woman can fight against the odds, and she can be desperate and lose everything she has. Men can't do it, once there is a wind and grass, they pick themselves up early, jump out of the circle, have a calm expression, and pretend to see women being insulted, torn apart, and struggling under the pressure of public opinion. Women dedicate their selfless, fearless, and wholehearted love to each other. And a man in a specific environment will fully expose his true nature, passivity, avoidance, retreat, cowardice. If a man is not good, he is not good in terms of gender selection, which Yu Lianfang has seen through. Yu Lianfang looked at the two old men who were still regretting the lamb's head meat, and then looked at the middle-aged man behind the counter who was concentrating on wiping the tea cans, and suddenly felt a sense of pity. Including Gong Xiaomo, Zhang Yue and even the "Boxers". None of them escaped from the mercy of Lianfang, she was not belittling them, she felt that she should really use Coptis chinensis and Magnolia bark to restore some "manly self-confidence" and give men a little confidence.

Yu Lianfang walked back to Luogu Hutong from Qingya Teahouse for a full hour. Pushing open the door, she saw that Zhuzhu was sitting in her room crying, and Jenny was looking at the unmarried certificate that had just been mailed by the United States on the small bed, completely ignoring Zhuzhu's sadness. Ren Nan was engrossed in reading something at the desk, Yu Lianfang approached and saw that it was the photocopied anonymous letter, she snatched it and asked, how could this thing be in your hand? Ren Nan said that the big tiger of the Zhang family led his two younger brothers to send them, handed them to Zhuzhu, and asked her to take care of her mother. Only then did Yu Lianfang know that Zhuzhu knew everything, and she thought that the three tigers of the Zhang family were too desperate, which had nothing to do with Cailan's instigation and connivance. However, Zhuzhu suddenly suffered this kind of impact, and she was a little mentally unbearable, and her pure and gentle mother suddenly became ugly and dirty, which was unacceptable to any child. Yu Lianfang tried to soothe Zhuzhu, but Zhuzhu stiffly pushed her outstretched hand away and screamed at her: I only know now why my dad divorced you, and you are sorry for us. From now on, I don't care if you call Mom! Ren Nan said, it's not that serious, Zhuzhu. Zhuzhu said, you don't know how ugly that boy's words are, what does it mean to show me such a filthy letter? Ren Nan said, what do you mean, revenge, what you should hate is the person who wrote this letter, not that kid. Zhuzhu said, I hate everyone! There is not a single good thing in the world! Yu Lianfang said, Zhuzhu, when you grow up, your mother will explain it to you clearly...... Don't listen to what Zhuzhu said clearly. Ren Nan said, why do you want to be like this, as if the sky is going to fall, in fact, it's not a big deal, it's normal. Who knows if something like this will happen to you in the future. Zhu Zhu said never! Ren Nan said, don't talk too much, even I can't guarantee myself. At this time, Xiao Chu came in and said that Zhuzhu's cat had taken medicine and died of mice, and was convulsing under the tree. Hearing this, Zhuzhu ran out to save her cat. Ren Nan said, what to save, death is certain, this is called secondary poisoning, an innocent victim. Xiaochu said that you should wash your feet and go to sleep, you like empty talk, something wrong. After Ren Nan left, Xiaochu said to Lianfang, this afternoon, the three children of the Zhang family were making a lot of trouble in the courtyard, and the leader seemed to have worked, followed by two and a half children, rolling up his arms and sleeves and scolding, the old man was so angry that he trembled, and the old lady sat quietly in front of the coffee table and drank tea, ignoring it. Coincidentally, when Zhuzhu came back from school, the Zhang brothers fought with her, making Zhuzhu cry and shout in fright, and finally Ren Dawei came forward and blew the brother away. Yu Lianfang asked where Xiaomo was at the time, and Xiaochu said that it was probably in his room. Yu Lianfang said, he hasn't come out? Xiaochu said, no, he came out and you asked him to say something. And again, who wrote this letter? Yu Lianfang looked at the anonymous letter typed out by the computer, wanted to say something, smiled bitterly, and never said it.

Xiaochu said that the person who wrote the letter knows so much about the matter, and even your recent movements have been clearly reconnoitred, so it can be seen that you have offended anyone? Gong Xiaochu must have thought that Yu Lianfang would complain and scold people, but Yu Lianfang threw the letter aside and said lightly: Let it go. Xiaochu was still a little worried, she looked at Jenny who was lying on the bed and said, It's okay if you don't go to your heart, we all know that you are not the kind of water-based poplar person, you have your reasons for doing this. Yu Lianfang almost burst into tears when she said this, she said, Xiaochu, I will tell you more if I have the opportunity. Xiaochu said that there was no need, she asked Yu Lianfang to eat two pieces of Valium, get a good night's sleep, and everything would be over tomorrow, as Ren Nan said, it was no big deal.

Jenny put the celibacy certificate on the head of the bed, paced over and told them that for now, whether Guangxu died of poisoning or disease was no longer the center of her research topic, and now she was thinking about the question of looking at the deep core of the Chinese from the death of Guangxu and Cixi.

Jenny's words made Yu Lianfang and Gong Xiaochu feel abrupt, they didn't know what Jenny was going to say. Ignoring their amazement, Jenny went on to say that the deep core of a nation's behavioral norms is its value system, which is different from our ideal personality in United States, the "wise man." Your Confucian culture has created another ideal of personality, which is the "righteous man and gentleman". In your Liu Zongyuan's pen, the standard image of a righteous gentleman is "bowing his head and walking with his hands bowed, speaking in a humble tone, not treating things with color, people regard them, and Confucianism is also." "Later, your Guangxu was even more Confucian. Men, especially Chinese men, regard "upright men and gentlemen" as a code of conduct and morality, and regard the appearance of face as a leisurely affair, which is the only way to be great. However, the inner self and the face of the outside world are often contradictory, resulting in personality fractures, and when talking about the "belly of a gentleman", he makes small moves, pushes the other party into an embarrassing situation, and carefully plays with others', pain and misfortune, and supports his own face and the high-quality inner balance of the "righteous man and gentleman" with this kind of abuse and self-abuse. Isn't this the case with Guangxu? Isn't that the case with Cixi? Isn't that the same with the person who wrote the letter? On the other hand, "good reputation" is a kind of social ability in your China. A person with a "good reputation" as an objective background can be promoted and obtain the corresponding social status. For the sake of this "reputation", men are always in a defensive and passive position, which makes the men who play an active and offensive role in the relationship between the sexes, Chinese men, somewhat negative and evasive attitudes. The father of those three children is the best illustration of this. Chinese women's "forbearance" can be called the world's best, forbearance itself is painful, women to perfect men as a "righteous gentleman", for the "good name" of forbearance can become a kind of beauty, a kind of tradition, this is what we can not understand. In our United States, in the West, the ideal great man, that is to say, the man who is the most humane, fully plays the role of man as well as the role of society. Every great man is burdened with a thrilling love story, and they always prove that an excellent person must also be an excellent man. In China, when it comes to the love between men and women, people are associated with uncleanness and obscurity, and love is secretly loved, false love, and duplicitous love. Chinese men lack the courage to declare "love" to the world. For example, when we read the poems of Pushkin, Heine, and Pedolfi, their love overflows between the lines, and we understand their love when we read the poems. But look at your poems of Du Fu, Li Bai, and Xin Qiji, and you can't see the truth of their love life after searching for them repeatedly. Just like that hapless Guangxu, he wrapped himself tightly, and his fiery emotional core had become as stiff and cold as a stone under social pressure. Sadly, this cooling has become a pathological and vicious circle in Chinese men, and it has been Romance to this day, Romance to the present, and Romance to the Gong family. That is to say, what you longs for, we disdain; What you avoid is what we deliberately pursue. Chinese women live tired, and Chinese men live not only tired, but also fake.

Yu Lianfang and Gong Xiaochu heard Jenny for the first time, a foreign woman made such a detailed analysis of Chinese men and women, right or wrong, after all, it is a family's words, it is only Jenny's personal opinion. Both of them were a little stunned after hearing this, Xiaochu said that Ren Dawei was not like this, he loved me very much. Yu Lianfang wanted to say that Ren Dawei tasted his courage in the Gong family's salary, and swallowed his anger, the purpose was to mix in the mansion and lose the reputation of a son-in-law of a family. But after thinking about it, she couldn't bear to break it, she thought, let's put aside the topic of men and women, just imagine if the confusing traditional Chinese medicine of Coptis chinensis and Magnolia bark is handed over to foreigners to study, maybe a new explanation can be obtained, at least it can take off the shell of moderation, and have a clear appearance.

Jenny told Lotus Fang that she knew who wrote the letter. She was disappointed and sorry.

Yu Lianfang said that she also knew who wrote the letter.

The two smiled at each other.

Jenny said that it was nothing, and Yu Lianfang said that it was nothing.


When the certificate came, Jenny had no intention of going to the office with Xiaomo to register, which made Xiaomo panic and overwhelmed. He talked to Jenny a few times, and Jenny said unhurriedly, I have to think about this matter again, the appointment between husband and wife, you can't be careless, the old saying in China is simply too correct. You in China still have "make people have the joy of friendship at first glance, but it is better to make people tired of not having a long time." This is also a truth, which is enough for me to study carefully. Xiao Mo couldn't be annoyed, there was no way to take Jenny, and once Xiao Mo found the torn certificate of celibacy in the garbage bag, he knew that the marriage was probably hopeless.

Jenny tells Xiaomo that she wants to return to United States early, and Xiaomo asks why Jenny says she has no interest in him. Xiaomo said that it has only been a few days since you came back, and you have lost interest, and it is imprude to become so fast. Jenny said, you have performed well in the past few days, and the specific environment in China has given you specific performance opportunities, which I have not seen in the United States for a hundred years. Xiaomo said, how did I perform, I just made the facts clear to everyone and let people know the truth of the matter. Strictly speaking, I am a victim, and that Li Cailan is also a victim, doesn't the victim even have the right to fight back? Jenny said, "Can't you just do it in a different way?" Now your actions are sneaky like a mouse, a man who wants to hide his name when he does things, what is the name of a man? Xiao Mo said that Jenny saw less and was more strange. In order to promote cadres, China needs to listen to the opinions of many people, for example, dynasties and dynasties have utensils and facilities to store and report cadres' misdeeds, otherwise how can they have both ability and political integrity? The two argued for a long time, but Jenny still insisted on leaving, saying that she would not return to her home in Alaska for the time being, and that she would go to New York to live for a few days. Xiao Mo's eyes turned blue with anger; I can't wait to tear Jenny apart. quarreled until midnight, and the two broke up unhappily.

The day before Jenny packed up and headed back to United States, Xiao Mo told his mother that the matter was wrong from the beginning and that Jenny should not be put in the Lotus House. Now Jenny has completely betrayed him, which has a pivotal relationship with Yu Lianfang. Yu Lianfang's "rebellion" work has been done too well, and it can ruin a mature marriage that has become an established fact. Mrs. Huisheng said that it is really your daughter-in-law who can't leave, and you can't keep the wood, and you can't even pass the level of Yu Lianfang, how can you live together in the future. Old man Gong said that it was all the fault of the letter, which led to so many connections, and it was good to have a home, and the chickens and dogs jumped over the wall, which was extremely embarrassing. Xiao Mo said that he wrote the letter. Mrs. Wison said, I knew that it was you who did it, and no one else would have this idea except you. The old man said that if you want to travel abroad, you should be well-informed, how can you not have some eyebrows and men's spirit, but like a woman, if this is the case, everything will accept your fate, Mencius said, "If you don't speak well, you should be like what will happen in the future." "You're at your own peril. Xiao Mo was very frustrated and said that he regretted that he should not have brought Jenny back to visit his family. A few people were talking, and saw Ren Dawei leading the fat head into the front yard, not towards the north house, but turned straight to the south house, the fat head was full of red light, carrying all kinds of gifts, with an obvious expression of gratitude on his face. Mrs. Wison was a little jealous, and she asked what time is it today? Xiao Mo said that on Saturday, the old lady looked at the mark on the calendar and said, Your father said that he will not live until tomorrow morning. Old man Gong said, that is, tonight's thing.

In the south room, the fat head patted his chest to show Yu Lianfang his sturdiness. The old lady of Wison called Ren Dawei to let the fat head go to the north house, saying that the old man would finally diagnose the fat head's pulse. The fat head went out and said to the lotus boat, Old Man Gong is empty-hearted, but he is still smart, and now he wins if he takes back the prophecy, I will treat everyone in the Gong family's courtyard as usual, including the cat. Jenny packed her luggage and said, I'm afraid I won't know if you're alive or dead tomorrow. Fat Head asked Jenny what time it was on the plane, and Jenny said nine in the morning. The fat head said, the old man cursed me to die at night, I will call you early tomorrow morning, and give you a quasi-letter alive or dead, so that you can get on the plane with confidence. Jenny said with a smile, I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in China, like a weather forecast, which can predict people's life and death. Fat head said that there are times when the weather forecast is not accurate.

Yu Lianfang received a call from Zhang Yue again, and Yu Lianfang expected that most of Zhang Yue's promotion was completely hopeless, so she came back to contact her. It was he who said it himself, "Don't touch it for two or three months." The situation changed, and he actually called Gong's house again. As expected by Lianfang, Zhang Yue said that he didn't care about the position of the shit deputy director at all, he weighed it for several days, and Yu Lianfang was the most important thing to him. He has officially filed for divorce with Li Cailan, and the next step is to turn the world upside down. Yu Lianfang learned from Jenny's tone and said, in fact, it's nothing, it's not necessary. Zhang Yue said why is it not necessary? Lotus Fang, don't shake me up. Yu Lianfang was silent, Zhang Yue asked her to meet tomorrow at the Qingya Teahouse, Yu Lianfang said that she had forgotten how to go to the Qingya Teahouse, so she hung up the phone, and she suddenly had a relieved lightness.

Yu Lianfang put down the phone and turned around, seeing Xiaochu smiling behind him. She asked Xiaochu what she was laughing at, and Xiaochu said that she had just held a meeting in the morning and promoted Wu Peixin from the Third Hospital to be the deputy director, and Zhang Yue was out of play. Yu Lianfang said no wonder, I think it's like this. Jenny heard that the one who destroys people is not beautiful, and the one who is destroyed is slandered, and he can add some repair.

Gong Xiaochu said, Jenny, you are also about to become a good person, where did you get these old goods? Jenny said that from the old lady's medical case of the Gong family, a few sentences from "Caigen Tan" were recorded.

In the middle of the night, the wind picked up, and it was about to snow again.

The morning was cold and cold, and there were scattered snowflakes, and Jenny carried her suitcase to catch the plane. The Gong family, except for the old man and the old lady Huisheng, all came out and sent her outside the gate all the time. Jenny hugged everyone, and finally she hugged Zhuzhu tightly, leaned over Zhuzhu and said, love your mother, she is a good mother. Zhuzhu also said in her ear, if you were my mother, I would be very happy, but unfortunately not. Gong Xiaomo put Jenny's luggage into the trunk of the car, got into the car and sat next to Jenny. Ren Dawei started the car, the car just started, suddenly, Jenny poked her head out of the window and asked, is there no news from the president? Yu Lianfang said no, Jenny said that he might not be alive today, Ren Nan waved at the car and said, God will be with him. Sending Jenny back to the main house, everyone felt a little inexplicable melancholy in their hearts.

Mrs. Wison held up the phone and said that the president friend who was looking for Ren Dawei died, and died of acute myocardial infarction last night. A letter came from there asking Ren Dawei to be a member of the funeral committee.

For a while, the room was surprisingly quiet, and people couldn't say a word, so everyone turned their eyes to Old Man Gong. Zhuzhu said, grandpa, you are like a god! Ren Nan also said, Grandpa, are you okay with Lord Yama? The old man said, why do you say that the Gong family is the imperial doctor, if you can't even count life and death, wouldn't the imperial doctor be the imperial doctor. Yu Lianfang remembered that the coincidence of Guangxu and Cixi's death one day apart caused doubts and controversies in the historiography circles. asked Old Man Gong, if the death of the fat head is not a coincidence, how can it be explained medically. The old man said that from a medical point of view, the heart corresponds to the fire in the five elements, and the meridian is the hand less yin meridian. When I saw this person that day, he was boastful and exaggerated, but he was really full of energy and spirit, and he should pour out his heart. It is the kidneys that take advantage of the heart, and the water overcomes the fire, which is a great rebellion. Looking at its color, although the face is red, the hairline on the forehead is black, down to the bridge of the nose, and extended to the cheeks. Such a patient with heart disease should die on the day of the non-decay corresponding to the kidneys, and in the middle of the hour, when it is ugly, it should be between 2 and 3 a.m. on Sunday. Old man Gong also said that this kind of disease is like quitting drinking. Don't be impatient, pay attention to recuperation, and attack with Coptis Xingxin Tang and Magnolia offensive, maybe you can be saved, but unfortunately this person has died in his heart when he comes, so that the doctor has no power to return to heaven.

Yu Lianfang thought, what a coptis and magnolia.