
Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

Reading guide: Today's mid-volt, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain in the mid-volley?

Every year around the time of the Great Heat Festival, we will enter the hottest period of dog days, which we call "Zhongfu", also known as "Erfu". Among them, "Fu" refers to people avoiding the scorching heat of midsummer through "hiding", but in the "Hanshu · Suburban Ritual Chronicles", the meaning of "Fu" is explained from another angle: "The one who is subdued means that the yin qi will rise, and it is forced to rise due to the residual sun." Therefore, it is hidden, because of the name of the sun", here the "volt" is interpreted as the meaning of yin and yang forced to hide underground, in short, into the middle of the volt, the weather will be further hot, we should pay attention to sun protection and heat prevention.

Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

Dog days, on behalf of the "beginning, middle, end" three stages, of which the beginning and the end of the volt for a fixed 10 days, and the middle volt is divided into 10 days and 20 days of two situations, the way to distinguish how many days in the volt is actually very simple, only need to know how many Geng days between the summer solstice and the beginning of autumn, if there are 4 Geng days, then, the middle volt is 10 days, if there are 5 Geng days, the middle volt is up to 20 days, this summer solstice and the beginning of autumn between a total of 5 Geng days, therefore, this year's mid-volt is 20 days.

The so-called "June is in the middle of the volt, the water is often sad", although the time of the volt is not fixed, but it is generally in the lunar calendar in June, corresponding to the middle of July to mid-August of the solar calendar, recently I saw someone on the Internet that someone said that this year's mid-volt is a "late mid-volt", this is pure nonsense, according to the "summer solstice four Geng number in the volt", this year's mid-volt began on July 25, the twentieth day of June in the lunar calendar, whether from the solar calendar or the lunar calendar is a normal time, how to talk about "late volt"?

Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

Of course, the middle of the summer is generally around the beginning of the summer season, some people may say that after the summer festival is the beginning of the "late middle of the summer", this statement is also not correct, because every year the middle of the summer is around the summer heat, so every year has to be divided into morning and evening? This obviously does not show, like the middle of 2023 is before the great heat, and the middle of 2022 is after the great heat, so only the solar terms are divided into morning and evening, and there is no such thing as morning and evening dog days.

Although there is no "morning and evening", there is a saying of "summer and summer", which is also an experience of the ancients on the weather trend of the middle of the summer, according to the words of our ancestors, if the middle of the summer began after the great heat, then it is "summer and summer", if the middle of the summer began before the great heat, then it is "the summer of the summer".

This year's mid-summer season starts on July 25, and the Great Heat solar term has already been delivered on July 22, so it is obvious that this year is a "summer package".

As the old saying goes, "After the great heat, the steamer cooks every day", which means that if you encounter the year after the great heat, that is, the summer season, then it indicates that the weather will be even hotter after that, because the heat is the hottest solar term of the year. The weather will be even hotter, and you will sweat when you go out, steaming and boiling as if you are in a steamer.

Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

In addition, this year's beginning of the autumn solar term will also come during the middle of the volcanic period, open the calendar we can see that this year's beginning of the autumn is on August 7, and the middle of the autumn will start on July 25 and continue until the end of August 13, therefore, this year is also a "beginning of the autumn in the middle of the year" year.

As the old saying goes, "the beginning of autumn is in the middle of the ambush, the autumn tiger roars fiercely", in which the "autumn tiger" refers to the "autumn tiger", which is a weather phenomenon in the autumn temperature rises, this sentence means that if the beginning of autumn is in the middle of the autumn period, then, the autumn will usher in hot weather, that is, the autumn tiger, but the autumn tiger will not last long, generally 7 to 15 days will end.

In ancient times, there was no weather forecast, the ancients in the long-term agricultural production, summed up some experience in observing the weather, just like the weather trend of the volcant, the ancients would speculate by observing the weather conditions of the first day of the volcanic (the first day), there is an old saying in the countryside: the most afraid of "rain falling in the head", today's volcant, so what is the sign of rain on the first day of the volcant? Let's take a look at what the agricultural proverb says.

Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

First, the rain hits the head, and the grain is difficult to harvest in autumn

This agricultural proverb means that if there is heavy rain on the first day of the middle of the day, then according to the experience of the ancients, it indicates that the weather after the rain will be more and less sunny, and although it will bring cool weather to the day, it will have an impact on the growth of crops, making it difficult to harvest grain in autumn.

Entering the middle volt, although there are more convective weather, such as common thunderstorms, but often the rain comes and goes fast, so the middle volt is normally sunny and rainy, if it rains on the first day of the volt, then it means that the water vapor transport is more frequent this summer, and sufficient water vapor will lead to more cloudy and rainy days in the following weather.

Although the management of farmland can not be delayed, such as weeding, insect control, irrigation, etc., but compared with the time of harvesting and grabbing seeds, it is already regarded as a slack period, but this is indeed a critical period for crop growth, such as heading, flowering, grouting, etc., this period, crops are most inseparable from sufficient light, which can bring enough photosynthesis and accumulated temperature, and promote the rapid growth of crops.

Among them, there are more cloudy and rainy days, and the light time will also be shorter, which will lead to morphological changes such as thin crop plants, slender stems, thin and small leaves, and pale yellow leaf color. These changes not only affect the appearance quality of crops, but also weaken their resistance to wind and lodging. And due to the weakening of photosynthesis, the lack of light eventually leads to a significant decrease in crop yields.

Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

Second, it is rainy in the middle of the day, and it is difficult to fall in the snow

Among them, "Sanjiu" refers to the Sanjiu period in the winter "counting nine cold days", as the old saying goes, "hot in the middle, cold in Sanjiu", which is also the coldest period of winter and even the year.

This agricultural proverb means that if there are more rainy days in the middle of the period, then, in the winter of the Sanjiu period, it will be difficult to snow, which can not bring cold weather to the winter, as the saying goes, "the cold is not cold, the adult scene", which also has an impact on the growth of crops.

Crops have their natural growth rhythm, including dormant period, growing period, etc. In winter, crops go dormant to survive the winter, but when winter is not cold enough, these rhythms can be disrupted, causing crops to start growing or stop growing at inappropriate times.

In addition, if the winter is not cold enough, some pests and diseases will survive the winter instead of freezing to death, which will lead to a significant increase in their numbers in the coming year, and the crops will be at risk of pests and diseases in the coming year.

Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

3. Mid-volt sunny, fragrant rice flowers; In the middle of the rain, busy until autumn

This agricultural proverb means that if the first day of Zhongfu is sunny, then the following weather will be sunny and rainy, which will provide sufficient light for crops to better photosynthesize, and in autumn rice, corn and other crops will usher in a bumper harvest; If it rains on the first day of the middle of the day, there will be more rain after that, and the farmers will have to spend more time tending to the fields until after the beginning of autumn. Why is that?

During the mid-volcanic period, the weather is hot, the water evaporation of farmland is fast, and the appropriate rainfall can replenish water in time, but if the rain is too much, it will lead to oversaturation of soil moisture, lack of oxygen in the roots, and affect the normal respiration of the root system and the ability to absorb nutrients; At the same time, rainfall increases the humidity of the leaf surface, affects photosynthesis, and reduces the light use efficiency of crops. In addition, high humidity can easily breed and spread pests and diseases, resulting in reduced crop yields, and farmers will spend more time taking care of their fields, after all, after a hard year, they are looking forward to a good harvest.

Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

Fourth, the heat in the middle is thorough, and the snow is thick

This agricultural proverb is easier to understand, which means that if it is very hot in the middle of the year, then in the winter of the Sanjiu period, snowfall will be more frequent, and the farmland will be piled up with thick snow.

Winter snowfall provides a natural cover for the farmland, which can effectively inhibit the evaporation of soil moisture. When the weather warms up and the snow melts, the snow water will seep into the soil again, increasing the moisture content of the soil, which is very beneficial to the growth of crops such as winter wheat and winter rape, and can meet the demand for water after the crops return to green, and plays a role in storing water and fighting drought.

Today, the old man said that he was most afraid of "falling in the rain", what is the sign of rain?

In summary, we can see from the Shangnong proverb that according to the experience of the ancients, if it rains heavily on the first day of Zhongfu, it indicates that there will be more rain after it, although it can bring cool weather, but it has an impact on the growth of crops.

Today, July 25th, ushered in the first day of the mid-volt, what is the weather like over there? Is it sunny or rainy? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.