
Yang Xiaofo's oral history: My mother is the youngest daughter of the famous "Republic of China's mother-in-law" Zhao Fengchang

My mother, Zhao Zhidao, is an ordinary and extraordinary person, she is the youngest daughter of the famous "Republic of China Mother-in-law" Zhao Fengchang. My mother has been pampered since she was a child, and she has developed a character of doing her own thing and daring to do things.

When the news of the Wuchang Uprising reached Shanghai in 1911, her mother was studying at the Chinese and Western Girls' School, and when she saw the news of the Wuchang Uprising published in the newspaper, she was very excited, so she discussed with her classmates Liu Pingyi, Zeng Jisu, and Chen Junping to go to Wuhan to join the revolution. At that time, only the Red Cross ambulance team led by Dr. Zhang Zhujun could openly travel between Wuhan and Shanghai, so they asked someone to agree with Zhang Zhujun to send them to Wuhan in the name of the Red Cross. When they boarded the Yangtze River steamer with the ambulance team, the boat remained moored on the pier until late at night, and my grandfather had learned of his mother's whereabouts from Zhang Zhujun and his friend Li Pingshu, and was guided to the ship by Li. At first, her mother thought that her father had come to get her home, so she hid in the cabin and refused to come out. Li Pingshu explained to her again and again, saying that her father was only here to give her clothes and travel expenses. Li Pingshu struggled to speak, and finally won his mother to go on the deck to meet his grandfather. To her mother's surprise, instead of reproaching and hindering her, her grandfather comforted her, encouraged her to go to the front, and repeatedly told her to pay attention to her well-being. My mother did not know that my grandfather was already inclined to revolution by this time.

On the boat, my mother and classmates learned that Huang Xing, a statal of the Kuomintang Party, was also on the same boat, so they rushed to see Huang's demeanor. Mother thinks Huang Xing is approachable, except for a broken finger, he doesn't look much different from ordinary people. By the time they arrived in Wuhan, the fighting had stopped, but order had not yet been restored. My mother and classmates worked as ambulance workers at the Hospital for Wounded Soldiers presided over by Dr. Zhang Zhujun for more than a month.

After a period of work, my mother and several classmates took a ferry to Wuchang to see Li Yuanhong, hoping that he could arrange future jobs for them, but Li told them: "The revolution has succeeded, and there is nothing to send." "My mother thinks it's because Li is afraid of things. In Wuchang, my mother once asked the soldiers defending the city how they felt after the revolution, and the soldiers replied: "I eat the emperor's money, but I know how to serve the emperor, but I don't know anything else." It can be seen that the idea of revolution was not deeply rooted in the hearts of the people at that time.

At that time, revolutionaries were alien to most people, and my father and mother were such anomalies.

With nothing to do, my mother and classmates had to return to Shanghai. After returning to Shanghai, she found that her grandfather had cut off his braids and spent his days at home discussing state affairs with people from all walks of life, including Sun Yat-sen, Song Jiaoren, Dai Jitao, Zhang Taiyan, Zhang Jian, Tang Shouqian, etc. At this time, Xiyin Hall has become the center of peace between the north and the south.

Because she was expelled from the Chinese and Western Girls' School for "leaving school without permission and absenteeism without reason", her mother asked her grandfather to send her to study in United States, and her grandfather agreed. In 1912, my mother came to United States by boat. Several of the schools she attended in the United States were private universities with better living conditions and slightly higher costs. However, the price of silver was high at that time, and 9 jiao of silver dollars could be exchanged for 1 dollar of US dollars, so it was not difficult to study at your own expense. When my mother first arrived in United States, she first enrolled in Wellesley College, the most famous private women's college in the United States, and Dai Hongci, one of the five ministers who went abroad to study constitutionalism in the late Qing Dynasty, once described the school as "quite high and very honorable" in his inspection diary. Her mother met Song Meiling when she was studying at the school, and after Song Meiling returned to China after graduating in 1917, her mother also asked her father for her home address. In September 1916, my mother transferred to Mount Holyoke College to study chemistry. Known for its biology and chemistry, Mon River Women's College was founded in 1837 by Mary Lyon, a chemist and educator. The school is located in South Hadley, a small town in western Massachusetts, just 90 miles from Boston, the capital of Massachusetts. After graduating from Mon River in June 1917, her mother went to the University of Vermont Summer School in Vermont to study literature and writing. In August of that year, she transferred to Bradford Academy in Harvo Mountain to study biology until she returned to China.

In the summer of 1916, the 12th Annual Conference of Chinese Students in Eastern United States was held in Andover, Massachusetts, attended by his mother and his girlfriend such as Chen Hengzhe. At that time, on the occasion of the annual student conference in East America, the China Science Society held its first annual meeting at Phillips Academy in Antuofu on September 2-3, and Chen Hengzhe was the only woman to attend. Two years later, in March 1918, my mother joined the Science Society because of my father's relationship, but that was for later. At this time, my parents had just met, and in a contact that lasted almost a month, my father quickly fell in love. When my mother returned to school, my father began to write letters to my mother. On October 3, 1916, he sent his first letter to his mother:

Around Ms. Chi Dao:

School classes are bound and cannot be sent far away. Things are contrary to the heart, and the thoughts are guilty. Ms. Yao Xiang has settled in the dormitory at this time, what is the scenery of the new school? There are many Chinese people who study here, or they are not bitter and lonely.

The order box has left here yesterday, the freight is seven and a half corners, and the remaining two corners and five cents are attached to the purchase stamps. Since the lady waited, the room was silent. In the past, when I returned from class, I was afraid to step back, but yesterday I had a feeling of "walking in a good way". At night, I went to the old room of the lady and others, and in the relic room, the darkness was touched by hand, and the box was gone. Suddenly, the night before leaving, the situation is not different, and the prosperity and decline are abrupt. This January party is a thing of the past, coming unexpectedly, not wanting to go, which is not a dream. I hope that the history of this month will not be annihilated with the years, and it will always imprint the brains and ears of our generations.

Ladies must be very busy in school in the first year, if they are not happy to study, they hope to see each other, and their friends will answer questions and answers. The wording is not dignified, but it is fortunate to be wild ( uncultured Ms. 陈 said). That is, inquire about living in Dorjee.

The letter has been forwarded to two more letters


The next day, my father didn't wait for my mother to reply, so he couldn't wait to send another one, and he said: "Yesterday, I just kept it up, and the reply has not yet come to this book, and the lady will be tired of it, but in fact, when she picks up the pen, she laughs at her meaninglessness, but there seems to be something in her heart that is not happy, and she can't write in vain. He expressed his longing for his mother.

The mother quickly replied to the letter, and since then the two have exchanged letters, sometimes two or three times a day.

Soon after, his father referred to himself as "Qiushui" in his correspondence with his mother, a nickname that lasted until a big quarrel after their return.

Mother and father are both very character people, their love is vigorous, often the mother makes trouble with the father today and coaxes her tomorrow. At the time, my mother was good friends with Chai Binghai, who was studying chemistry at Wheaton College in Massachusetts, and she was also close to Sha Fei (Chen Hengzhe), who was studying history at Vassar College in New York, and my mother sometimes shared her father's love letters with them. Chai and Chen had predicted that my mother and my father would not be dating for long, but they turned out to be wrong. On the contrary, her mother was estranged from Shafei for the sake of her father's relationship, and even cut off contact with her best friend Binghai.

Trekking on the road to produce "A Brigade"

In the spring of 1918, father and mother were married in the United States. On October 14th, his father, who had obtained a master's degree in Kazakhstan, and his mother, together with Ren Hongjun, set off for China by "Suwa Maru". There was another person with me, who was pregnant in my mother's womb.

On the morning of October 22, the ship arrived in Kobe. That night, Ren Hongjun suggested: We will be separated after returning to China, please give each other a parting message. He bluntly said that his father's words were often too true, and sometimes he indulged in things he didn't know, and he tried to make mistakes without judging whether the means were right or not. Ren Hongjun is a good man who is honest and forbearing, and his father can't give him specific opinions. Regarding Ren Hongjun's opinion, his father recalled that his friend Zhu Jingnong also told him that everyone thought he was too crazy and warned him to be cautious when picking up people. Ren Hongjun's words made his father "like a Qin mirror", and he made up his mind in his diary that day: "From today onwards, you should be cautious in your words and actions, and you will live up to your good friends." However, his father's illness still occurred from time to time, so that he still made many enemies after returning to China.

After his father returned to China, he needed to do two things urgently: one was to make up for the official wedding, and the other was to find a job to support the family. It is easy to make up the wedding, but the job search is not smooth. A friend introduced him to a foreign-funded bank for an interview, and when he saw the Chinese man bowing his head to the foreigner, his arrogant father said goodbye. So, his grandfather persuaded him to still work in a Chinese company. In December 1918, my father went to Hanyang to serve as the chief of the cost section of the accounting department of the Hanyang Iron Works of Hanyeping Company.

The day after I arrived in Hankou and settled at No. 5 Boyatai in Hanyang, on December 20, my mother gave birth to me early due to the bumps I had experienced. On that day, my father wrote in his diary:

From 8 o'clock in the morning, he originally planned to go to the factory with Lin Jun, but Zhidao suddenly had abdominal pain, and was sent to Hankou Puai Hospital because of the call, and gave birth at 12:30. Yu and Zhidao secretly married in the United States this spring, in order to resist Zheng's slanderous words, and only one person knew about it at that time. After returning to China, he was allowed by his parents-in-law to re-hold the formal marriage, which was on November 17, which was less than a month ago, but in terms of the marriage period in the United States, the child was in the womb for more than eight months. Yiyun'er is extremely strong and cries very strongly. The name is Huaijing, and the word reads agriculture, in order to commemorate the marriage between the farmer and Zhidao. The name of the milk is called A Travel, and after conceiving this child, he will trek the road, from the United States to China, and the number of months will change places, that is, the day before the birth of a child, he is still busy moving to the house, and he will not travel for a day.

During his stay in Hanyang, my father and several other members of the science club either went around to raise funds for the society or found schools to give speeches to promote science to save the country and popularize scientific knowledge. In Hanyang, the factory oppressed the workers in every possible way, and my father was very unaccustomed to it, and often vented his dissatisfaction in his diary. In May 1919, students in Beijing marched against the Paris Peace Conference ceding Qingdao to Japan, but my father asked the local European and American societies to respond, but they refused, fearing repression by local warlords. My father was too depressed in Hanyang.

In August 1919, the first annual meeting of the China Science Society was held in Hangzhou, and his father was the backbone of the Science Society, so he naturally wanted to attend. However, neither the Hanyang factory nor the Shanghai head office were allowed to take leave, and my father still went to Hangzhou on deaf ears, and in order to participate in the annual meeting of the Science Society, he planned to "not have this job". As a result, the head office really sent a telegram to Hanyang and fired his father. The Hanyang factory has not yet announced it, but his father has learned the news from a friend, so he wrote a letter to the Hanyang factory to officially resign. With the help of friends and Tao Xingzhi's introduction, my father decided to teach at Nanjing Higher Normal School. Tao Xingzhi's name at that time was Tao Zhixing, and he was the director of academic affairs of Nan Gao Shi, and before he left Hangzhou, he also gave his father a monthly salary of 200 yuan in August. My father wrote a letter to report the matter to my mother, saying: "Tao Zhixing is back in Shanghai today, the senior teacher has been decided, please send the salary in August, it is allowed, and the move will not be without resources." "

My father came to Nanjing with his family to teach and settled at No. 2 Shibanqiao, Nanjing. At that time, there were no electric lights, no running water, not to mention gas, but there were front and back gardens, which could catch all kinds of insects, large and small, which was very suitable for children's life. During this period, my eldest sister A Ning and my younger sister A Sheng were born in Nanjing in 1919 and 1921 respectively.

My father was a professor for the first time, he attended classes during the day, and when he came home, he was busy compiling textbooks and writing articles, working late into the night, and he became ill from overwork, and soon suffered from pulmonary disease hemoptysis, but he insisted on physical exercise and taking horse serum, and the disease was miraculously cured.

My father's professor's monthly salary was 220 yuan, 1 yuan could buy 150 to 200 eggs that year, the maid's monthly salary was 3.50 yuan, and the male chef's monthly salary was 4.50 yuan. My mother had a bad heart and was not used to life in Nanjing, so she took me or my sister to my grandmother's house in Shanghai from time to time. The correspondence between Shanghai and Nanjing is either to explain each other's illnesses or to ask when the arrears of wages will be paid. At the end of 1921, my father came to the house to almost stop cooking due to the delay in paying wages from the school, and he himself suffered from tuberculosis due to busy work. He wrote to his mother, who was temporarily living in Shanghai, saying that he "wanted to be a martyr of the dark society and the transitional family several times." However, even so, the wayward mother is often suspicious of her father, but the father still coaxes her mother again and again, just like when she was in love. On March 31, 1922, in a reply to my mother, my father said:

and Baobao:

Are you feeling better now? Don't be blind and suspicious, I will take care of you. I can't be busy these days, there are a lot of things in the society, and I have to work hard in school, so I can't get "middle sleep" every day. In the morning it was still hemoptysis, yesterday it was a little less, and today it is more than that, "there is nothing in the world that is as difficult as eating", and those who do not work do not know the pain in it. If there is any news that the salary cannot be sent out this month, I will go to pick it up now, I don't know if it is true, I will send 50 yuan when I get it, I don't think you will blame me for disobeying my orders. If you don't want to tell me honestly, no matter how hard I try, don't keep it in your heart. In the second half of the year, I decided not to do Nangao's business, and now the rice bowl is floating in the air, and the patient can't take care of a lot of future affairs. Laugh. i.e. ask



March 1st

My mother often quarreled with my father, and my grandfather's family looked down on my father and thought he was poor. The arrogant father was often blinded at his grandfather's house, and once he finally couldn't hold it back and walked away in anger. The mother refused to go back to Nanjing, and the father did not want to go to the door of the father-in-law's house again, in order to coax the mother who left Nanjing with a pair of young daughters back from Shanghai, the father really racked his brains. He used both soft and hard, and threatened his mother for a while, saying, if you don't come back, I will be happy to make my own decision, and give the fatherless orphan Ah Lu to Jingnong; After a while, he told his mother pitifully that he often coughed up blood, and Ah Lu always asked him for his mother and sister. Helplessly, the mother refused to eat.

After my grandfather died, he took my grandmother to Nanjing for support, and my sixth aunt was also taken to take care of my two younger sisters. At first, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law got along well, but gradually there were many contradictions, and the grandmother had to become a nun several times, and finally returned to her hometown in Hangzhou. Fathers and mothers saw quarrels as commonplace, and they scolded each other in English so that others could not understand them, but the increasing pitch and frequency still made everyone know that they were quarrelling. Their classmates and friends advised their mother to go out to work and teach middle school. However, my mother admits that she has a strong personality, has a bad temper, and has a bad interpersonal relationship, so she always refuses to go out to work.

My father also had fun during his time in Nanjing. He often talked and corresponded with his classmates and old friends, such as Tang Pihuang, Ren Hongjun, Zhao Yuanren, Zhu Jingnong, Hu Mingfu, Hu Gangfu, Mao Yisheng, Zhang Xiruo, etc. The admiration and respect of students Gao Ersong, Gao Erbai, Diao Peiran, Cao Liying, etc., is also a comfort. In a letter to me on September 22, 1982, Gorber recalled: "I remember that in 1923-1924 when I listened to Mr. Xingfo's lecture in Nanjing, I was very pleased to listen to the course 'Labor Problems'. My notes were crude, and he made careful [ground] revisions for me, which were later submitted to the Commercial Press for publication. He spent a lot of time on a student, and I am very excited about this serious attitude, and I will never forget it. The Songbai brothers joined the Communist Party after entering Shanghai University in 1924, and were wanted after April 12 in 1927. Both his father and Shao Lizi persuaded the brothers to go abroad, but the brothers had no money, and his father lent Erbo 200 yuan so that they could go into exile in Japan to escape persecution.

In 1920, Guo Bingwen, the principal of Nanjing Higher Normal School, prepared to change the number of teachers to universities. In December, the Preparatory Office of Southeast University was formally established, and at the same time, it was decided to expand and reorganize the business department of Nangao into a business university, which was located in Shanghai. At this time, his father had decided not to be the director of the business department, but he "did not want to bear the name of destruction", although he felt that he was "marrying on behalf of others", but he still tried his best to make a plan for the relocation of business to Shanghai, and went to Shanghai with Guo Bingwen to discuss cooperation with the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce.

However, on the issue of moving the business department to Shanghai, his father and Guo Bingwen had a disagreement, and his father planned to cooperate with the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce, while Guo decided to merge with the business department of Jinan School, and his father and other business staff members did not agree to the merger due to the formalities and negotiated with the school. At that time, Ren Hongjun, who was in charge of the school's administrative work, wanted to mediate between his father and Guo, and he persuaded his father to agree to the merger, saying: "The merger is one thing, and whether the formalities should be handled is another matter, and the disputes between the brothers and others are all matters of the formalities." He also comforted his father by saying that he had asked Guo to publicly answer the questions of teachers and students. In October 1921, Southeast University was formally established, and the first commercial university in mainland China was jointly established with Jinan University in Shanghai. At the same time, his father was employed as a professor of economics in the liberal arts and sciences of Southeast University; In November, Southeast University established an engineering department, and my father was rehired as an engineering professor and director of the school-run workshop. According to Liu Zhizheng's diary on June 18, 1933, he wrote: "The Apricot Buddha was provoked by Guo Heng, and Guo Heng wanted to squeeze him away. Later, because his father often lectured on labor issues and social transformation ideas in class, the school was strongly dissatisfied and was even ready to dismiss his father.

In fact, the personalities of my father and mother are similar, he is also an extremely strong person, never yielding to the powerful, and he does not want to flatter anyone. When he encountered white eyes at his grandfather's house, he said to his mother: "Guo Bingwen and Wang Boqiu are both above me, and those who don't treat me with courtesy will be folded, not to mention that there is no place to have a job." "

Not only did he refuse to bow his head, but he fought fiercely, which made the relationship between his father and Guo Bingwen, Wang Boqiu and others gradually tense. Later, in his book "On Warlords and Education with My Classmates at the University of Tokyo," he said: "Although the views on the day of the university were different, the trustees and principals of the school at that time and their minions were not tolerated...... After five years in Juning, he was forced to give three easy chairs, and was first moved from the director of the business department of Nangao to a professor of economics in arts and sciences, and then to a professor of engineering. When the contract is renewed every year, there is a problem of leaving and staying. "

In 1924, Guo Bingwen canceled engineering and finally dismissed his father. It was in August of this year that my little sister Ah Sheng unfortunately died.

Under the exclusion of Guo Bingwen, his father gave up his teaching career in anger and defected to Mr. Zhongshan again. On the one hand, my father was in charge of all the news work at the Sun Yat-sen Pavilion in Tieshi Hutong, and at the same time, he was also active in Beijing for Southeast University. In a letter he wrote to his mother on December 25, 1924, he was active in the affairs of Southeast University. In a letter to his mother dated December 25, 1924, he said: "None of the schemes could be carried out because Mr. Sun had not recovered from his illness. In a letter to his mother on January 12, 1925, he said: "In Beijing, I have to carry out my plans and go to Tieshi Hutong to meet customers, so I am extremely busy. The "conspiracy" mentioned in these two times should refer to the affairs of Southeast University. On January 6, Ma Xulun, the Kuomintang Minister of Education, announced that Guo Bingwen would be dismissed from his post as president and that Hu Dunfu, president of the private Shanghai Datong University, would be appointed president of Southeast University. My father told my mother that because "there are still many reactionary events in the East," he hoped to return to Nanjing immediately to end the school affairs, but "because of Sun's illness, I am the manager of all news and other matters here, and I will leave without regard for it."

On March 12, 1925, Mr. Zhongshan died of illness in Beijing. Sun Yat-sen's funeral office was immediately established in Beijing, and his father was one of the secretaries of the funeral office, specializing in document work.

Sun Yat-sen's funeral preparation office was initially located at No. 44 Huanlong Road in the French Concession of Shanghai, and soon moved to No. 24 Taoerfeis Road nearby. My family moved from Nanjing to Shanghai, and lived at No. 7, Mingdeli, Huanlong Road (now Lane 100, Nanchang Road), which is very close to the preparatory office, and can be reached within a seven- or eight-minute walk.

The monthly rent of Mingdeli No. 7 is 7 yuan, which is about equal to the price of 2 stone meters, and the price of 1 stone rice and 160 catties of 1 stone rice is about 3 yuan that year.

The house has two floors: the first floor is a wing room and a guest hall in the front, and a kitchen in the back, with a firewood carrying stove; On the first floor is a bedroom; There is a pavilion between the first and second floors, and there is a sundeck on it; Downstairs in front of the guest hall is a patio, which has high walls on three sides, and two black lacquered wooden doors in the middle of the high wall. Wooden doors and doors are heavy, and it takes a lot of effort to open and close. The origin of Shikumen may be due to this.

These shikumen houses in Mingderi are in disrepair, dirty and dilapidated, but they also have some advantages: high walls block the scorching summer sun; The wind from the patio made the people in the living room feel a little cool.

My house next door to No. 8 is the home of Uncle Ye Chulun. Half a century later, Ye Yuan and Ye Jiyi met me in the Shanghai CPPCC restaurant to reminisce about my childhood life in the alley. Uncle Guo Taiqi, who lived at No. 5, served as a commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs after 1927.

Kuomintang veteran Wu Zhihui lived at No. 10, Zhifengli (now Lane 148, Nanchang Road), Huanlong Road, not far from my home. My father took me to his house more than once, and I remember that during the West Lake Fair, I was No. 10, Lane 148. My father took me to his house more than once, and I remember that during the West Lake Expo, our family traveled to the East and West Tianmu Mountains with Wu Zhihui and Cai Yuanpei. Although Wu is a member of the Central Committee of the Kuomintang, his status is not high, but he has a gray cloth robe, refuses to be provided by the public for a car, and does not take a rickshaw because of humanitarianism, so he is frugal and fashionable. He lives with a nephew in his twenties, and the furniture is not complete and the furnishings are very simple.

Huanlong Road is also inhabited by Niu Yongjian (Tisheng), the General Staff of the General Headquarters of the National Revolutionary Army and the military commissioner in Shanghai, and Shen Zhuowu, who lives in Mingde Beili, a small stone lane leading to Xiafei Road. They visited each other's homes and sometimes went for a walk together in France Park (now Fuxing Park). At that time, the park did not charge admission and did not prohibit Chinese from entering, but they had to be neatly dressed.

The Kuomintang Shanghai Executive Department is also located at No. 44 Huanlong Road.

It has become a gathering place for political figures in the Republic of China and the "political center" of the Kuomintang in Shanghai.

On New Year's Day 1926, the Kuomintang Shanghai Special City Party Department was secretly established, and his father served as the head of the Propaganda Department. In May, Chiang Kai-shek was inaugurated as commander-in-chief of the National Revolutionary Army in Guangzhou, and then swore in the Northern Expedition in July. In September, my father accepted the request of the General Headquarters of the National Revolutionary Army in Guangzhou to secretly set up a radio station in a fake three-story room in the preparatory office for Sun Yat-sen's funeral on Taoerfeis Road in Shanghai, and telegraphed the activities of the troops of the warlord Sun Chuanfang to the General Headquarters day by day. Except for his father and the radio staff, the other staff members did not know about it. But soon, the radio station was detected by Sun Chuanfang's detective department. At eight o'clock in the morning, Sun Chuanfang's men and the French Concession patrol arrested his father from the preparatory office and stole the transceiver. When they pushed his father into the police car, he happened to be seen by Zhang Guoquan, a young employee who came to work, who did not dare to go to work in the preparatory office again, but did not shake his hands and run away, but quietly stood across the road, preventing other colleagues who came to work from entering the preparatory office, so as not to be arrested again. He felt that the situation was urgent, and if Yang Xingfo was extradited from the law patrol room to Sun Chuanfang's military justice department, he would be executed by his big sword team. So he hurriedly went to the nearby Molly Ai Road to report to Mrs. Sun Yat-sen, and Mrs. Sun immediately asked Zheng Yuxiu, a female lawyer studying in France, to negotiate with the French arrest house and release her father on bail.

My father went back to work the next day. This danger did not make him afraid, and he still had to continue to send information to the Northern Expeditionary Army. Therefore, he discussed with the person in charge of the radio station of the France garrison (located on Hualong Road, in front of the Fuxing Park on Yandang Road) and rented their radio station to continue the work. French garrison road, now in front of Fuxing Park on Yandang Road) to rent their radio station to continue the work. The French garrison agreed to lease it, but the vacuum pipes damaged after use must be compensated according to the price. So, my father used to bring home useless vacuum tubes to use as toys for me.

As a client, his father did not take this experience seriously, and Zhang Guoquan withdrew from the funeral preparation office after being frightened by this incident, and will never get involved in politics again. In 1944, Zhang Guoquan had become the owner of Nanjing Guotai Cinema and Shanghai Guolian Cinema, and Zhang Puhuan, a well-known figure in the film industry. He once said that after witnessing my father's arrest and radio raid, he left the funeral preparation office to find another job, and soon entered the film industry to invest, and fortunately succeeded. He also said that the name change Pu also means "Zhu Hui Hepu". Many years later, Shen Shi, a veteran in the film industry who returned from Hong Kong, told me that Zhang was still engaged in the film industry in Hong Kong.

Since then, my father has been increasingly embroiled in the political maelstrom. On March 12, 1927, my father presided over a meeting to commemorate the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen at the former residence of Sun Yat-sen in Moli Ailu, and his performance at that meeting made his political position gradually clear. At that time, the secretary of the Propaganda Department was his father's beloved apprentice, and he joined the Kuomintang in the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. According to Galber's letter to me many years later:

On that day, in commemoration of the death of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, a commemorative meeting was held on the lawn of Sun Yat-sen's former residence on Molly Eyro. Mr. Xingfo presided over the conference as chairman. After Mr. Xingfo delivered the opening speech, Ye Chulun of the Xishan Conference faction made a reactionary speech. Then, Mr. Xingfo called Comrade Hou Shaoqiu, representative of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Department of the Kuomintang, and I (on behalf of the Shanghai Party Department of the Kuomintang) to give speeches one after another. Based on the will of Mr. Xingfo, I refuted Ye Chulun's fallacy from the standpoint of Sun Yat-sen's new Three People's Doctrine. Ye Chulun and I have known each other for many years, and we have interacted from time to time, but we cannot accommodate our political stance, and my speech pierced his heart and hated me to the core. This was later told to me by Mr. Shao Lizi. After the meeting was dismissed, in front of No. 44 Huanlong Road, a group of hooligans suddenly surrounded Comrade Hou Shaoqiu and struck him violently, causing Comrade Hou Shaoqiu to be seriously injured and sent to the hospital for treatment.

On March 21, the third armed uprising of the Shanghai workers was victorious, driving out Sun Chuanfang, Li Baozhang and other warlords. On this day, Chiang Kai-shek led the Northern Expeditionary Army to occupy Shanghai. During the preparations for the third armed workers' uprising, Wu Zhihui and Niu Yongjian reversed their attitude of cooperation in the past and expressed their opposition. My father, on the other hand, was in favor of participating in the uprising and doing other people's work, which the right wing of the Kuomintang was very dissatisfied with. On the day of the "April 12" coup, my father went to the former enemy headquarters of the Longhua North Expeditionary Army to contact work, but Yang Hu detained him and prepared to be shot together with the arrested communists. It just so happened that Guo Taiqi came to the headquarters for something, and when he saw this situation, he consciously said to Yang Hu: This is Mr. Yang from the city party department, don't you know him! Yang Hu had to say: Misunderstanding! Misunderstand! Guo then took his father home in his car. Soon after, my father was dismissed from his post as an executive member of the city party department for participating in the third armed uprising of Shanghai workers.

The political atmosphere at the time made my father feel confused and depressed, and in August 1927 he wrote "Sacrifice or Fall":

In the rapids of the revolution,

There's room to wander there.

You can't go against the current,

It is an unconditional backward collapse.

I also know the precious youth,

Youth puffs up its wings early and abandons people and flies away.


Yang Xiaofo's oral history: My mother is the youngest daughter of the famous "Republic of China's mother-in-law" Zhao Fengchang

Yang Xingfo and Zhao Zhidao wedding photo

[Yang Xiaofo is the eldest son of the famous patriotic democrat Yang Xingfo, born on December 20, 1918. He is a counselor of the Shanghai Municipal Government, a well-known economist and an expert on Hong Kong and Macau. Yang Xiaofo met many celebrities in his childhood, including Song Qingling, Lu Xun, Cai Yuanpei, Lin Yutang, etc. In 1987, he was appointed as a tenured counsellor of the Shanghai Municipal People's Government, focusing on the economic research of Hong Kong and Macao, and has authored a number of related papers and reports. 】

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