
When people are middle-aged to participate in entertainment, whether they have money or not, don't bring 3 kinds of wine to the table, lose face and hurt yourself

Time flies, in a blink of an eye, we have stepped into the ranks of middle age, and middle age, often is also a variety of pressures together "besieged" time, work, family, economy and other issues, just like a trailer in life, once there is a problem, it can be very affect the mood and quality of life.

At this time, many people will also choose to drink to relax themselves, or on some social occasions, in order to better integrate into the atmosphere, they will choose to take the initiative to drink, but at this time, you must not take it lightly, because if you choose some bad wine, it will be easy to be recognized, not only that, but it may also affect our health.

When people are middle-aged to participate in entertainment, whether they have money or not, don't bring 3 kinds of wine to the table, lose face and hurt yourself

Therefore, if you want to participate in the wine party safely, in fact, there are very high requirements for the choice of wine, not only to learn to distinguish fake wine, but also to know which wine can not be brought to the wine table.

In fact, in the current market, there are many kinds of so-called fake wine, and these fake wines are often very confusing, and it is easy for some people who do not know how to be deceived, so if you want to stay away from fake wine, you must have an understanding of these common fake wines, so that you can find the problem at the first time.

Next, let's take a look at the three common types of fake wine on the market, what are the characteristics, and at the same time, we will also tell you why these wines cannot be brought to the wine table, I hope everyone can understand this, so as to better protect themselves.

When people are middle-aged to participate in entertainment, whether they have money or not, don't bring 3 kinds of wine to the table, lose face and hurt yourself

Knock-off wine from big porcelain brands

The so-called porcelain touching is actually a very common deception, which is to use some products that are very similar to big brands, and then deliberately confuse the public, so that it is easy for people to think that this is actually a real big brand product, so as to be deceived.

In the field of wine, this kind of porcelain fraud is also very common, for example, Wuliangye, can be said to be a very famous liquor in our country, and in some shopping malls, there may be some products called "Yuliangye", "Liuliangye" and the like, and these products, to a large extent, want to touch porcelain Wuliangye, so that people who do not know how to be deceived.

In addition, there are some wines called "Good Village Chief" and "Wulan Mountain", the same is true, in fact, there are already problems in the packaging of these products, as long as we look closely, we will find that these packaging, there is no brand mentioned above, so we must not be able to believe these wines casually.

When people are middle-aged to participate in entertainment, whether they have money or not, don't bring 3 kinds of wine to the table, lose face and hurt yourself

In fact, it is not very difficult to distinguish these cottage wines, as long as we buy them, we must go to regular shopping malls or specialty stores to buy them, so that basically there will be no cheating, because there is no fake wine in these large shopping malls.

In addition, we must also pay more attention to the packaging of wine, because many times, the packaging of fake wine is very different from real wine, as long as we observe more, we will be able to find the problem.

In addition, you can also see the authenticity of the wine through some professional identification methods, for example, you can see the color of the wine by shaking the wine, and you can also judge the aroma of the wine by smelling the fragrance, etc., only in this way can you better protect yourself.

When people are middle-aged to participate in entertainment, whether they have money or not, don't bring 3 kinds of wine to the table, lose face and hurt yourself

Counterfeit alcoholic liquor

In fact, the so-called alcoholic liquor refers to those wines that use inferior raw materials or add some harmful substances, such wines, not only will taste very poor, but also be very harmful to our health if drunk for a long time, so it will be called "shoddy".

In the current market, there are actually a lot of such wines, many businesses in order to make profits, so when brewing, they will use some cheap raw materials, such as potatoes, potatoes, persimmons, etc., so that the wine brewed can not be compared with authentic wine, the taste will be very poor, and it may also affect our health.

In addition, there are some businesses, in the process of brewing, will add some food flavors, spices and other food additives to adjust the aroma of the wine, such wine, naturally, is also very bad, if you drink it for a long time, it may cause harm to our body.

When people are middle-aged to participate in entertainment, whether they have money or not, don't bring 3 kinds of wine to the table, lose face and hurt yourself

And for such wines, how can we distinguish them?

In fact, here, Xiaobian suggests that no matter when you are, you must choose a formal channel to buy wine, for example, you can go to some special wineries, or supermarkets to buy, so that you can effectively avoid buying fake wine.

When people are middle-aged to participate in entertainment, whether they have money or not, don't bring 3 kinds of wine to the table, lose face and hurt yourself

In addition, when we buy, we must pay more attention to the packaging of the wine, as well as the label on the wine bottle, only to ensure that these are regular, can we buy with confidence.

Cheap packaging of loose liquor, bamboo tube liquor

In fact, in some rural areas, there may be some loose wine brewed in small workshops, and these loose wines, in fact, in terms of the quality of the wine, there is no big problem, and the taste will even be very good, but because its packaging looks very cheap, it is easy to be discriminated against, thinking that this is a "three no" product, so as to refuse to try.

In addition, there is a kind of wine called bamboo tube wine, which is very similar to loose wine in appearance, but in terms of the quality of the wine, this is a real fake wine, because in the process of brewing, some harmful substances are likely to be added, and if you drink it for a long time, it will pose a great threat to our health.

When people are middle-aged to participate in entertainment, whether they have money or not, don't bring 3 kinds of wine to the table, lose face and hurt yourself

Therefore, here, Xiaobian would like to remind everyone that no matter when it is, you must be cautious about these loose wines and bamboo tube wines, if you are not clear about the origin and quality of these wines, it is best not to try them easily, otherwise, it may affect your health.


In middle age, the functions of various organs of the body begin to decline, so choosing some good wine and drinking it in moderation actually has certain benefits for our body, for example, it can promote blood circulation, and it can also enhance the peristalsis ability of the stomach and intestines.

In addition, I also hope that when you participate in the wine party, do not blindly pursue because of the brand or price of some wine, in fact, the real wine, not in its price, but in its taste, therefore, I hope that everyone can treat the wine rationally, so as to better protect themselves and their families, and I also wish everyone can find a good wine suitable for themselves, a happy life, health and happiness.