
In "White Deer Plain", Bai Jiaxuan's mother, a puppet of feudal etiquette, behaves viciously, and its tragedy ends

In Chen Zhongzhong's novel "White Deer Plain", this character is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with his complex, multifaceted and controversial image. As Bai Jiaxuan's mother, she is not only the faithful executor of feudal etiquette in Bailu Plain, but also the epitome of the tragic fate of women in that era. However, when we dig deeper into this character, it is not difficult to find that what she did is not only chilling, but also makes people feel that she is innocent.

In "White Deer Plain", Bai Jiaxuan's mother, a puppet of feudal etiquette, behaves viciously, and its tragedy ends

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The puppet of feudal etiquette

Bai Zhao is the most ordinary but very representative feudal woman in Bailu Plain. Her life was almost entirely in accordance with the requirements of feudal etiquette. Since she was a child, she has received the education of "following her father and brother when she is young, marrying her husband, and following her husband to his son", which is deeply ingrained in her heart. After marrying into the Bai family, she did her best to fulfill her duties as a wife, giving birth to children, taking care of housework, and regarded the Bai family as the whole of her life. After the death of her husband Bai Bingde, she devoted all her energy to Bai Jiaxuan's marriage and the continuation of the family, as if her existence was just to continue the Bai family's incense.

In "White Deer Plain", Bai Jiaxuan's mother, a puppet of feudal etiquette, behaves viciously, and its tragedy ends

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A ruthless mother and mother-in-law

Bai Zhao's treatment of his son's marriage showed surprising ruthlessness and ruthlessness. In Bai Jiaxuan's tragic experience of six marriages and six funerals in six years, she not only did not have the slightest sympathy and reflection, but stubbornly believed that "women are just paper pasted in the window, torn and peeled off, and then pasted with a new layer". This notion of women as reproductive tools and consumables is chilling. What's even more shocking is that when Bai Jiaxuan was disheartened and unwilling to marry again, she still insisted that her son continue to marry a wife, and even went bankrupt just to continue the bloodline of the Bai family.

In "White Deer Plain", Bai Jiaxuan's mother, a puppet of feudal etiquette, behaves viciously, and its tragedy ends

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Treating his daughter-in-law and granddaughter-in-law, Bai Zhao also did not show the slightest warmth. She regards her daughter-in-law as "pasting window paper", and she is even more strict with her granddaughter-in-law. Especially when Xiaowen was newly married Yan'er and indulged in married life, she disregarded her granddaughter-in-law's dignity and feelings, directly reprimanded and asked her to be temperate, and even threatened to sew her granddaughter-in-law's lower body with needles and threads. This kind of extreme behavior is not only shocking, but also makes people angry at the indifference and distortion of their human nature.

In "White Deer Plain", Bai Jiaxuan's mother, a puppet of feudal etiquette, behaves viciously, and its tragedy ends

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Accomplice of feudal etiquette

The Bai Zhao clan is not only a victim of feudal etiquette, but also a staunch defender and executor. When Bai Xiaoyi's daughter-in-law had not had children for many years, she actually supported and participated in the absurd behavior of "borrowing seeds to have children". This kind of behavior not only violates human ethics, but also greatly tramples on the dignity of women. While forcing his granddaughter-in-law to make such a sacrifice, Bai Zhao also pushed himself into the abyss of morality with his own hands. Her behavior not only makes people feel disgusted and despised for her, but also makes people feel a trace of happiness about her fate after death.

In "White Deer Plain", Bai Jiaxuan's mother, a puppet of feudal etiquette, behaves viciously, and its tragedy ends

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The end of the tragedy

Bai Zhao's life is a tragic life. She lived in the shadow of feudal etiquette and religion, lost herself, and lost the most basic warmth and kindness in human nature. She proved the cruelty and ruthlessness of feudal etiquette with her actions, and also sounded the alarm for future generations with her death. However, her death did not deserve sympathy. She has spent her life living for others and has never really thought about her own feelings and happiness. Her death is not so much the end of her life, but the final result of the ruthless oppression of feudal etiquette and religion.

In "White Deer Plain", Bai Jiaxuan's mother, a puppet of feudal etiquette, behaves viciously, and its tragedy ends

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Bai Zhao, one of the most vicious female characters in "White Deer Plain", is innocent of her death. She used her actions to interpret the cruelty and ruthlessness of feudal etiquette, and also used her fate to warn future generations: Only by getting rid of the shackles of feudal ideology can we truly achieve freedom and happiness. Although the story of Bai Zhao is heartbreaking, it is also a mirror for us to reflect on history and examine reality. Let us remember this history, cherish our hard-won freedom and equality, and work together to create a better future.

In "White Deer Plain", Bai Jiaxuan's mother, a puppet of feudal etiquette, behaves viciously, and its tragedy ends

Originated from the Internet

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