
Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!


Imagine that the annual "Magic Night" in the technology industry has finally kicked off, and the protagonist of this feast is none other than Huawei, which can always show the ace of black technology at critical moments!

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

Last night, Huawei's press conference was like a sci-fi movie, and the most jaw-dropping of them was the gorgeous debut of HarmonyOS NEXT, which was a "super change" for technology fans!

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

Background and expectations of Huawei's press conference: the stars are shining brightly

Huawei, the "magician" in the technology industry, has been playing well in the fields of communications and chips in recent years, and the pile of core technologies and patents in his hands is like an inexhaustible rabbit in a magician's hat.

And this press conference is like a large-scale magic show carefully prepared by Huawei, and the whole world is waiting with bated breath to see what new tricks this "magician" can conjure.

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

HarmonyOS NEXT is a revolution, more than just an upgrade!

01. Distributed soft bus: the "super highway" of device interconnection

"Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seatbelts, and the next thing we are going to enter is the fantasy world of HarmonyOS NEXT!" With the enthusiastic introduction of the moderator, the distributed soft bus technology of HarmonyOS NEXT was unveiled.

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

This is not an ordinary "highway", it makes the connection between smart devices such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers faster than lightning, file transfer in seconds, and multi-device collaboration is smooth as if one person is controlling all devices, which is simply a realistic version of "knowing the heart and mind"!

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

02. Developer Paradise: I have the tools in hand, and I have the creativity

"Fellow developers, your spring is here!" Huawei has prepared a complete set of "magic toolboxes" for developers this time, with rich development tools and interfaces, so that the development threshold has been directly lowered to the "kindergarten level".

I heard that there was a small development team that only took a few days to create an eye-catching application, which is faster than a rocket! HarmonyOS NEXT, you're a super accelerator for developers!

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

Mate70 series mobile phones: the perfect collision of technology and aesthetics

01. Performance monster, game photography is not wrong

"The Mate70 is here, and the performance monster is coming!" With the cheers of the audience, the Mate70 series mobile phones slowly appeared.

Equipped with the new Kirin 9000L processor, it is like a supercar in your pocket, whether it is high-definition video calls or online games, it can easily cope with it, and it is smooth to make people doubt life. The photo function is even more against the sky, the world under the lens is clear and delicate, and the colors are full as if they have just come out of an oil painting.

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

02.与HarmonyOS NEXT的“甜蜜联姻”

Mate70与HarmonyOS NEXT的结合,简直是天作之合。

The two join forces to make multi-device interconnection and intelligent collaboration more natural than breathing.

Imagine that you are watching a drama on your mobile phone, and suddenly you want to cast the screen to the TV, just one swipe, the picture will seamlessly switch to the TV screen, this experience is even more magical than magic!

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

Huawei's technological innovation philosophy is that users come first, and security is king

01. User needs, Huawei's favorite

Huawei understands that the ultimate purpose of technology is to serve people.

Therefore, they always put the needs of users first, and constantly optimize their products and services through user research and feedback.

This concept of "user first" is like Huawei equipping each user with an exclusive "intimate little padded jacket", always paying attention to your warmth and coldness.

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

02. Privacy and security, Huawei's "iron shirt"

In terms of privacy and security, Huawei has also made great efforts.

The "Star Shield Security Architecture" they launched is like putting on an indestructible "iron shirt" for users' private data, which can easily deal with data leaks or malware attacks. Such a security guarantee allows users to use it with confidence and have fun!

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

03.Smart Ecosystem, Huawei's Blueprint for the Future

In addition to mobile phones and operating systems, Huawei is also actively deploying in areas such as smart screens and smart offices to build a comprehensive intelligent ecosystem.

It's like Huawei is drawing a grand blueprint, and every smart device is a bright spot on this blueprint.

The future of life will become smarter, more convenient, and better because of Huawei.

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

Huawei's Challenges and Responses: Forge ahead through thick and thin

Despite Huawei's remarkable achievements in the field of technology, the road ahead has not been easy.

External pressure and fierce market competition hit like a storm, but Huawei never flinched.

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!

They choose to increase R&D investment and continuously improve their technological innovation capabilities; At the same time, we will strengthen cooperation with partners to jointly address challenges. This spirit of "going through trials and hardships and moving forward bravely" makes people can't help but praise Huawei!

Yesterday's Huawei press conference: HarmonyOS NEXT: A "super change" in the technology industry!


Huawei's press conference yesterday was like a wonderful "super change", and the appearance of HarmonyOS NEXT and Mate70 series phones was even more eye-catching.

In this feast of science and technology, we saw Huawei's technical strength and innovative spirit. It also saw their determination and confidence to create a smarter and more convenient life for users.

I believe that in the future, Huawei will continue to use technology as the pen and innovation as the ink to draw a more brilliant chapter. And we, the tech fans, just sit back and wait for Huawei to bring us more surprises and changes again!

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