
[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home
[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

Submission email: [email protected] "If the household registration is not local, you don't need to return to your hometown to handle it after losing your ID card, we have opened the 'inter-provincial general office' business, and you can handle it directly with 'one window'." On June 24, in the government service hall of Luntai County, Chen Yuanhong, a police officer at the exclusive window of public security household administration, patiently answered Ms. Li's doubts. Subsequently, under the guidance of Chen Yuanhong, Ms. Li filled out the application form, took photos, recorded fingerprints, and quickly completed the reissuance of the ID card.

[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

Chen Yuanhong applied for ID cards for the masses. Photo by correspondent Ekdanmu · Aniwa

"We will move the household administration service forward to the people's 'home' and 'hands', and use practical actions to fulfill the 'zero threshold' for applying for certificates and settling down, and effectively let the masses experience the worry-free, labor-saving, trouble-saving, time-saving, and money-saving reform of decentralization, management, and service, and open up the 'last mile' of serving the masses, so that the masses can apply for certificates as convenient as going home, and continuously improve the happiness and satisfaction of the masses." Chen Yuanhong talked about the changes brought about by the reform of household administration, decentralization, management and service, and a sense of pride arose.

Chen Yuanhong, 53, has been engaged in household administration since joining the Luntai police force in December 2010. In August 2023, he was selected as the "General Sergeant" of the "One-Window Office" window for his excellent work performance, and was specifically responsible for the business handling of the "One-Window Office" and "Public Security Window No. 1". As the longest-serving and oldest police officer in the household administration window, he is proficient in various certificate handling services, and is often called "know-it-all" by his colleagues.

[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

Chen Yuanhong asked the backbone of household registration for advice and learned household administration skills. Photo by correspondent Ekdanmu · Aniwa

With 14 years of experience in household registration, Chen Yuanhong has witnessed the changes of the times in window services: from all kinds of cumbersome procedures for settlement to the current convenient settlement policy; From the high service desk to the current open service, comfortable waiting area; From the various business with various procedures to the current "one run at most", "staggered service", "delayed service" and even "zero run", it has gradually realized that the data can "run more", and the masses will "run less errands" or even "no errands".

[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

Chen Yuanhong expedited the engraving and seal verification business for the employees of the enterprise. Photo by correspondent Ekdanmu · Aniwa

Luntai Town has jurisdiction over 8 communities and 11 village committees, with a large floating population, and there is always an endless stream of people who handle business offline. In order to effectively cope with the peak of certificate processing and improve work efficiency, a self-service consultation desk was set up in front of the household administration window of the government service hall where Chen Yuanhong was located, providing a one-time notice and a business process chart for the masses, and opening an appointment for certificate processing and delayed service to improve the service efficiency of the window, and strive to transform the "peak of certificate application" into a "peak of satisfaction" for the masses of people.

[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

Chen Yuanhong explained the hukou migration process to the masses. In addition, in order to help some people in difficulty to apply for certificates, Chen Yuanhong often adopts service modes such as staggered service, door-to-door service, and appointment service, opens up a "green channel" for difficult groups to apply for certificates, and takes service measures such as door-to-door photography and door-to-door delivery of certificates for the elderly and disabled people who are unable to move, so as to solve the problem of difficulty in applying for certificates for special groups.· On June 2, Mr. He, a citizen of Minle County, Gansu Province, came to the "Public Security No. 1 Window" of the Luntai County Government Service Hall for help, saying that his ID card registration age did not match his actual age, resulting in the inability to enjoy the national policy of benefiting the people normally in terms of pension and social security, and asked the police to help solve it.

[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

Chen Yuanhong and the backbone of household registration discussed and exchanged household administration business. Photo by correspondent Ekdanmu · Aniva It turns out that Mr. He is originally from Minle County, Gansu Province, and has been using his original household registration since he was a child. In 2018, he moved his hukou to the horticultural farm in Qunbak Town, Luntai County, and due to some reasons, he registered his actual age incorrectly during the hukou migration, and he did not pay enough attention at that time. As I grew older, I couldn't claim pensions and social security subsidies normally, so I hurriedly came to the "Public Security Window No. 1" for help. After Chen Yuanhong learned about the situation, he actively coordinated with the Qunbak Police Station to verify the relevant situation. After many efforts, on the basis of credible and sufficient evidence, Chen Yuanhong instructed the police station in the jurisdiction to supplement Mr. He's real materials in accordance with the prescribed procedures, quickly complete the review, and reissue a new ID card.

[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

Chen Yuanhong promoted the popularization of the policy of "delegating power, delegating power, delegating power, and providing services" to the masses to benefit the people. Photo by correspondent Ekdanmu · Aniwa "To solve the problem, we should think from the perspective of the masses as much as possible, understand their ideas and demands, and find ways to solve practical difficulties for them. In Chen Yuanhong's heart, although the household registration window is small, it is related to thousands of households, and everything handled in the household registration window is really doing practical things for the masses. In April this year, Mr. Zhao, who is engaged in freight transportation, came to the "No. 1 window of public security" in Luntai County to apply for a freight pass, and when he learned that the window could handle traffic violations at the same time, Mr. Zhao asked the police to help deal with it. Based on the principle of "special affairs" and from the perspective of humanized law enforcement, Chen Yuanhong successfully handled the vehicle violation after Mr. Zhao showed the relevant supporting materials, and refreshed the vehicle status as soon as possible, so as to facilitate Mr. Zhao's follow-up handling of vehicle review and other businesses. There are no moving words, and there are no earth-shattering feats, Chen Yuanhong used his original intention and perseverance to silently write the "great love" of serving the people on this ordinary and ordinary household registration "small post", showing the demeanor of the people's police in the new era.

[Police Camp Figure] Chen Yuanhong: Let the masses apply for certificates as convenient as going home

Source丨Bazhou Rong Media Center

Editor丨Lu Zhixin


Issued 丨Xu Hongcheng

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