
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

The sun in the recent Greater Shenzhen

It is more poisonous than Mama Rong's needle

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Let's be honest about the weather

Even if the husband runs away with someone

I didn't even bother to chase after it

Husband can not be

But the baby was born to me myself

It's hot outside

I have to take it out to "wave a wave"

Otherwise, you have to demolish the house!

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: The lazy loses a tooth

Go out on a hot day

Sun protection is a top priority

Some parents want to save trouble

Pick up the sunscreen spray and spray it for a while

Get the whole body done in seconds

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: CCTV 13


It's dangerous to do so!

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders


9-year-olds spray too much sunscreen spray

Admitted to the ICU, almost died

How big the sun is, how hot the sunscreen spray is.

Wherever you go, men, women and children, you will spray when you go out.

But many people don't know that the consequences of improper use of sunscreen spray can be serious:

Duoduo, a 9-year-old girl from Zhejiang, was playing with sunscreen spray at home, and then developed symptoms of chest tightness and shortness of breath, and vomited once during the period.

Mom found that Duoduo sprayed off most of the bottle, and hurriedly took her to the hospital emergency room.

Chest CT showed that she had two pneumonic changes, and she was quickly admitted to the hospital. Due to the exudation of her lungs, she was unable to carry out normal gas exchange, and she was once notified of her critical illness.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Sina Weibo

This is not an isolated case.

Previously, there were many reports of children suffering pneumonia from inhaling sunscreen spray.

In adults, sunscreen spray can also cause acute hypersensitivity pneumonitis, causing difficulty breathing and coughing.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: See watermark

As early as August last year, the "Technical Guidelines for Children's Cosmetics" issued by the China Institute for Food and Drug Control pointed out:

Spray-type sunscreen cosmetics are not recommended for children. If necessary, the risk of inhalation should be fully considered.

In April this year, the State Food and Drug Administration also issued a reminder:

It is not recommended for children to use sunscreen spray cosmetics, especially young children and children with allergies, and such cosmetics should be kept out of the reach of children.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Official website of the National Medical Products Administration


Sunscreen spray

Why is it so lethal?

There are two main risks associated with the incorrect use of sunscreen "sprays":


Inhalation of "poison gas"

In a small confined space, if a large amount of sunscreen spray is sprayed, various cosmetic raw materials such as sunscreens, volatile organic compounds, fragrances, and preservatives will be inhaled by the human body in a short period of time.

In particular, children with allergies who are sensitive to the airways are more likely to induce severe coughing or wheezing attacks.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: CCTV-1 screenshot


"Igniting the Upper Body"

Because the propellant used in aerosol products may be flammable substances such as butane and propane, and is in a high-pressure state of liquefaction, it is prone to deflagration accidents when it encounters an ignition source.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Screenshot of the beautiful practice ingredient of a certain sunscreen spray

Previously, when parents used sunscreen spray on their babies, the baby was playing with a lighter, and the spray instantly turned into a flamethrower, resulting in severe burns on the baby's face.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Here, let's say one more word:

For safety reasons, it is not recommended to use sunscreen spray for children, people with sensitive skin, and pregnant and lactating women.

So how should you protect yourself from the sun?


Sunscreen, how to "prevent"?

To protect yourself from the sun, remember 3 points:


It is not sunburned

The best sunscreen is not to get sunburned!

  • Of the year, UV rays begin to increase in March and are strongest from June to September
  • During the day, UV rays are strongest from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m

If you're going outside during these times, try to stay in a shady place (shaded side of a building, under the shade of trees) and avoid direct sunlight.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Big Dumb Dog Home


Hard sun protection

Try to be in an environment with physical sun cover, or "physical sun protection", such as wearing a parasol, wearing masks/sunglasses, sun hats, sun-protective clothing, etc.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Huai'an small pole



In addition to hard sun protection, it is best to wear sunscreen all over the body to ensure that all parts of the body are protected.

  • Be sure to apply generously to be effective.
  • Apply sunscreen on cloudy, cloudy, and rainy days as well.
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Picture Worm Creative


Sun protection for children

Don't step on these "thunders".

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Myth 1

The higher the SPF, the better

Too high SPF can easily clog pores, irritate the skin, and cause a serious burden on your baby's skin.

Therefore, it is advisable to –


Infants under 6 months of age

It is not recommended to use sunscreen and other products, and it is best to use physical sun protection methods such as sun hats and clothing covering.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Sui Sui loves meat


Children aged 6 months ~ 2 years old

It is recommended to use clothing to cover up the sunscreen, but you can also choose physical sunscreen products, which is generally recommended SPF10/PA+.


Children over 2 years old

It is recommended to choose SPF15/PA+ sunscreen products, SPF25-35/PA++ products for outdoor sports, and SPF35/PA+++ products for the beach or swimming.

In Shenzhen in summer, it is recommended to choose a sunscreen with SPF 30 or above, PA++ or above, use it 15-30 minutes before going out, and evenly apply it to the face, neck, shoulders, limbs and other parts that are prone to sunburn.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Myth 2

Use one sunscreen as a family

Adult sunscreen products generally have complex ingredients, so it is recommended to choose children's sunscreen products with simple ingredients and no fragrances, alcohol, allergens, etc.

When using sunscreen products for allergic babies, it is best to take a little sample first, apply a little on the inside of the child's arm or behind the ear, observe for 1~2 hours, if there are adverse reactions such as redness, swelling, stinging, rash, etc., you should stop using it immediately and wash the local area.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Tencent Medical Codex

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Myth 3

Focus only on SPF, not PA


Sunscreens often see two values:

✎ SPF: UVB protection (ability to prevent sunburn)

  • SPF ≥15 for basic protection
  • SPF ≥15,可滤掉至少93%的UVB
  • SPF ≥30,可滤掉至少95%的UVB
  • SPF ≥50,可滤掉至少98%的UVB

✎ PA: UVA protection (ability to prevent tanning)

If it takes 1 time to tan a person without applying any sunscreen, then—

  • PA+: It takes 2-4 times as long
  • PA++: Takes 4-8 times as long
  • PA+++: It takes more than 8 times the time

Compared with the short-term redness and sunburn caused by UVB, UVA causes more serious long-term damage to the skin, which can promote skin photoaging and even skin cancer.

Therefore, when choosing sunscreen products, it is necessary to take into account both SPF and PA, and even pay more attention to PA indicators.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Myth 4

Sunscreen once a day will do

SPF indicates a multiplier of the time that it can resist UVB (redness).

Our yellow skin can generally resist UVB for 15 minutes without getting red, and if you use SPF30 products, the time to block UVB is about 15*30=450 minutes.

PA indicates the time of protection against UVA (tanning), + indicates that the effective protection time against UVA is 4 hours, PA++ indicates that the effective protection time is about 8 hours, and PA+++ indicates that the protection time is at least 8 hours or more.

But these data are ideal, in fact, our skin sweating, blowing, playing with water, etc., will significantly reduce the protective effect of sunscreen, so it is generally recommended to reapply every 3 hours or so.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Picture Worm Creative

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Myth 5

Expensive sunscreen products

The effect is more guaranteed

The effect of sunscreen products in blocking ultraviolet rays is related to the ingredients and content, and is not directly related to the price.

Therefore, when choosing sunscreen products, you should choose children's sunscreen produced by regular manufacturers, carefully look at sunscreen ingredients, SPF, and PA index, rather than blindly pursuing Internet celebrity products and expensive products to avoid babies becoming experiments.

If you are not sure whether a sunscreen product is qualified, you can log on to the State Food and Drug Administration to check.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Myth 6

After applying sunscreen outside

Just sunbathe as much as you want

After painting, I went out happily, as if I had a golden bell jar, and when I looked in the mirror, why was it two degrees darker?

While using sunscreen, it is recommended to wear a wide-brimmed sunhat, wear light-colored cotton loose pants, parasols, etc., and avoid direct sunlight.

For children over 3 years old, in addition to paying attention to skin sun protection, they should also choose sunshades that completely cover the eyes and eyebrows, and the lenses should be dark to avoid bright light damaging the eyes and causing cataracts.

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders
This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: Picture Worm Creative


Everything has to be done in moderation

Excessive sun protection can lead to osteoporosis

Moving bricks, cattle and horses go out early and return late

Avoid the midday sun

It's okay to bask in the sun for ten minutes in the morning and evening

It also happens to be able to supplement calcium

This Internet celebrity sunscreen is not recommended for children! The State Food and Drug Administration reminds → important reminders

Source: "Shenzhen Children's Hospital" WeChat public account

Professional guidance: Yu Lu, attending physician of the Department of Dermatology, Shenzhen Children's Hospital

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