
The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

More than a hundred years ago, in the city of London at the turn of the century, a young and prolific writer dominated the nightlife of the Edwardian high gentry and ladies. In that era of limited means of entertainment, the theater can be said to be the only place for young ladies to spend long nights and connect with each other. In the summer of 1908, four plays by the young writer were being staged simultaneously in the city's major theatres.

Such an achievement, which can be described as unprecedented and unprecedented, even disturbed Shakespeare himself. I saw Shakespeare's ghost appear on the full-page cartoon of "Punch" magazine, biting his fingers, and jealously watching the poster of this junior's performance take over his own territory.

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

Who is this young writer?

This person's surname is Mao Mingmu. Yes, it was that Maugham, the same Maugham who later wrote "The Moon and Sixpence" and "The Blade."

So, what is it about Maugham that makes the men and women of high society crazy?

What dramas swept the city of London a hundred years ago?

In fact, in terms of plot alone, Maugham's divine drama is not much different from today's popular dramas that dominate the charts on major platforms:

A middle-class man with a wealthy background and extraordinary taste, out of his awe-inspiring sense of morality, despite the dissuasion of his friends, insisted on marrying a bar girl who was very different from his class and "three views", but had an "accident" overnight, and as a result, he unsurprisingly entered into a marriage of chicken feathers......

A waiter in a five-star hotel, transformed into a high-ranking "Grand Duke" and "Crown Prince", became the guest and prospective son-in-law of the most pompous and snobbish nouveau riche in the city, and shocked the big people in the city to come out of the nest to pay respects to a celebrity-filled party of the century. And when the truth is finally revealed, the nouveau riche is furious, but the waiter talks and laughs freely, because he still has the last trump card called "reversal" hidden in his sleeve......

A self-made businessman from a poor background, relying on all kinds of means and burning ambition to never give up until the goal is achieved, he has risen all the way to the political arena and is elected to the lower legislature, and he is only one step away from achieving his ultimate goal. Then, just as he was about to reach the pinnacle of his life, he met someone he had never met in his life - someone he couldn't buy......

Yes, Maugham wrote it, it's a cool drama! Crazy men and women? Yes! Love and hate? Yes! Twists and turns? Yes! Reverse lore? Yes! It can be seen that the general tastes of the upper middle class in London more than a century ago were no more refined than those of today's masses – and as Maugham said, human nature rarely changes.

But if there is anything Maugham has that today's cool drama writers do not have, it is his precise insight into human nature as a true writer. His characters are more believable; His dialogue is more natural; His plot is more plausible; His love is more true. In a word: his story is true!

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

2024 marks the 150th anniversary of Maugham's birth. Shanghai Translation Publishing House grandly launched "The Complete Works of Maugham's Plays", which is divided into four volumes, and the complete translation includes all 25 plays published by Maugham Fuzi, including "Circle", "Sacred Flame", "Xie Pei", "Faithful Wife" and other masterpieces, which is the first complete collection of Maugham's plays published in China.

The sudden change of fate in life choices, the cross-class married life, the true meaning of love that is right at home, the involuntary cheating farce, and the exotic travel experience...... Maugham's plays particularly reflect his elegant and humorous literary style, which is worthy of all Maugham lovers.

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

General title of plays

Below, let's take a look with Yiwenjun, what golden sentences did the "poisonous tongue writer" Maugham output in his plays?

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

Landed Gentry


"People have always hated those who have a heroic spirit...... They don't like to be accused of themselves, so the easiest way to defend themselves is to ridicule others as much as they want. ”

“…… There are three iron laws in life. One of the iron laws - never do evil; This is the wisest thing to do. Iron Law 2 - Once you have done sin, never repent; It was the bravest move. Iron Law No. 3 - If you want to repent, don't confess; This one is the hardest to do. ”

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

The Land of Promise

The Promised Land

"I understand life now. It's not ups and downs, it's not uplifting...... We have also played a part in the development of this country. We are the mothers here, and the future is in our hands. We are building great nations. It takes courage, strength, and hope to have these essential qualities that are gradually revealed in us. ”

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

The Unknown


"People always think that we can tolerate the defects that we don't have; And for the flaws in us, people are always stuck in the throat. ”

“…… In this world, not only are virtues often not rewarded, but evil deeds often go unpunished. Happiness rarely befalls good people, and the precious things in life are always given too often to those who don't deserve it. The rain falls on the heads of the just and the unjust alike, but the unjust often have a strong umbrella. ”

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

The Circle


"When we were younger, we thought we were different, but as we get older, we realize that we are the majority."

"A person sacrifices this life for love, and then she discovers that love does not last forever at all. The tragedy of love is not life and death. Love can transcend these. The tragedy of love is that you end up being strangers. ”

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

The Sacred Flame

Sacred Flame

"I sometimes find that our greatest wins are often the ones that come with the temptation that isn't really strong. When I think about the question of humanity and temptation, I can't help but think of the relationship between the river and the embankment. As long as the river does not rush into the embankment, the embankment will function well, but once the flood comes, the embankment will not help. The river will inevitably overflow, and disaster will befall. ”

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

The Unattainable

The Unattainable

"Oh my God, when I was younger, I would do things I didn't want to do because other people were doing them. Now I'm going to do what I like. I wear what I like and I don't ask if I'm fashionable or not. When I'm tired, I go to bed. When I'm bored, I go for my own fun. Trust me, middle life is so wonderful. ”

"The only thing a man wants is unattainable."

"I have a lot of experience about the reasons why two people get married. Two people marry to get rid of resentment, loneliness, or worry, to marry for money, status, or boredom; Because they can't run away from marriage, or because their friends think it's going to be a good thing, because no one has proposed to them before, or because they're worried about being left behind; But there is a reason that is bound to lead to disaster, and that is that they are willing. ”

The intellectuals ignored him, and the audience held him high

Loaves and Fishes

Bread and Fish

"My dear friend, have you ever thought that there are two kinds of love? A kind of fragrant pea that is too beautiful to eat: a young man falls in love with another young man, and they are so dizzy with love that they get married, have seventeen children, and live a miserable life ever since. The other is like an edible pea: a well-bred person who is not empty-handed, who is in love with another well-bred and well-to-do person. His passions are entirely genuine, but he can also effortlessly control them within the safe zone, if the lady does not have enough income to avoid marital inconveniences. Sweet peas are tempting and we all appreciate it, but vegetable peas are affordable and long-lasting. ”

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