
【World Drowning Prevention Day】Summer safety "no holiday", cherish life, beware of drowning

【World Drowning Prevention Day】Summer safety "no holiday", cherish life, beware of drowning
【World Drowning Prevention Day】Summer safety "no holiday", cherish life, beware of drowning

  During the summer vacation, the temperature continued to rise, there were many more children at the water's edge, and drowning accidents also entered a prone and high incidence period. Recently, there have been many tragedies of drowning of teenagers and children, and the safety alarm bell has sounded again!

  In 2021, the United Nations General Assembly officially designated July 25 as the "World Drowning Prevention Day" every year, which aims to raise people's safety awareness around the world to prevent drowning accidents and reduce loss of life and property. July 25, 2024 will mark the fourth World Drowning Prevention Day. How to prevent drowning in the summer, and how to rescue and save yourself in the event of drowning, let's learn together-


How to prevent drowning

Teach children to master the drowning prevention measures of "six noes and two sessions".

"Six No's":

1. Do not swim in the water without permission.

2. Do not swim or play in the water with others without permission.

3. Do not swim or play in the water without a parent or teacher.

4. Do not swim or play in waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel.

5. Do not swim or play in unfamiliar waters.

6. When you see someone falling into the water, don't go into the water to rescue them.

【World Drowning Prevention Day】Summer safety "no holiday", cherish life, beware of drowning

"Two Sessions"

1. Basic self-care and self-help methods.

2. When danger is discovered, they will remind each other, dissuade and report it.

For parents, they should "know four things".

"Four Knows"

1. Know where your child is going.

2. Know the content and scope of your child's activities.

3. Know your child's peers.

4. Know when your child will be home.

2. How to identify drowning

  The prime time to rescue a drowning victim is within 30 seconds of the incident. If signs of drowning are detected in time, lives can be saved. How can you tell if a child is drowning? Keep these seven signs in mind:

The drowning person's mouth will sink into the water and then surface, leaving no time to call for help.

The arms may be stretched forward, but they are unable to paddle towards the rescuer.

It is upright in the water and sinks after struggling.

Eyes glazed or unable to concentrate and close eyes.

The head may be tilted forward and the mouth may be on the water.

Unresponsive to inquiries.

Suddenly silent while playing in the water.

3. How to rescue a drowning person

  During the rescue process, the correct approach should be taken.

  Quickly bring the drowning person ashore:

  It is best to lift the drowning person's head from the back or pull up the chest so that the drowning person's face is exposed to the water. After dragging the drowning person ashore, remove the drowning person's wet coat to prevent hypothermia.

  Clearing blockages in the mouth and nose of a drowning person:

  Have the drowning person head down, pry open their teeth, and remove debris from their mouth and nose.

  Drain the drowning person's respiratory tract:

  You can use a half-kneeling position to hold the drowning person on the abdomen so that his head is down and pat his back.

  Rescue respiration or oxygen to a drowning person:

  If the drowning person's breathing and heartbeat are weak or stopped, rescue breaths and chest compressions should be performed immediately. If there are medical conditions at the scene, the drowning person can be injected with cardiotonic drugs and oxygen; When the condition is insufficient, you can use your hands or acupuncture to puncture the medium acupuncture points.

【World Drowning Prevention Day】Summer safety "no holiday", cherish life, beware of drowning

  For personal self-help, you need to stay calm and call for help immediately when you find someone around; Relax your body, let your head rise to the surface, and keep your strength by kicking the water; Pressing down on the palms of the hands as the body sinks; If you have leg cramps and can't get to the shore, call for help immediately, or take a deep breath and dive into the water, straighten your cramped leg and pull your toes up with your hands to relieve the cramps.

  Drowning accidents mostly occur in swimming pools, reservoirs, puddles, ponds, rivers, streams, seashores and other places. Wild waters are particularly dangerous because of their many unknown factors, and there may be potential safety hazards such as whirlpools and undercurrents. At the same time, there are few people in the field, and it is difficult to rescue in time in case of accidents. Therefore, please be vigilant, strengthen your awareness of self-protection, and work together to create a safe and harmonious living environment.

Source: Shandong Association for Science and Technology

【World Drowning Prevention Day】Summer safety "no holiday", cherish life, beware of drowning

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