
Jin Yong: Marriage ups and downs, children's fate is impermanent, who can have a perfect life?


Mr. Jin Yong, from the lintel of the illustrious Cha clan in Haining, Zhejiang, his family glory is connected with the blood of the poet Xu Zhimo, who is his maternal cousin, two generations of talents, painting the elegance of the literary world.

The first partner, Du Yefen, nicknamed Du Siniang in the world, has a peerless appearance, and has shown the appearance of a beauty since childhood. In the spring of 1947, Jin Yong met this budding flower of youth, a talented and beautiful woman, and her feelings were secretly born, which was a match made in heaven. The following year, Jin Yong went to Hangzhou in person, and proposed to Du Siniang with deep affection, and then the two crossed the mountains and seas hand in hand, went to Hong Kong together, and opened a new chapter of life.

Jin Yong: Marriage ups and downs, children's fate is impermanent, who can have a perfect life?

However, Jin Yong devoted himself to the construction of the martial arts world, and his paintings were magnificent, but he ignored the loneliness and loneliness of the beauties around him. Du Yefen finally chose to return to the mainland because she was not suitable for the desertion of Hong Kong, and the two ended this once gorgeous love with a peaceful heart.

Subsequently, Jin Yong's talent attracted Zhu Mei like a magnet, a woman with both talent and outstanding ability. In 1956, the two tied the knot, and the grand wedding witnessed their deep affection. After marriage, Jin Yong founded "Ming Pao", Zhu Mei is not only his life partner, but also a solid backing in her career, from the economy to business, all of her efforts are exhausted, and she has two sons and two daughters, and her family and career are proud.

Jin Yong: Marriage ups and downs, children's fate is impermanent, who can have a perfect life?

However, the world is unpredictable, Jin Yong met Lin Leyi in the red dust, a woman as gentle as water, her appearance made Jin Yong's world ripple again. In the end, he chose to divorce Zhu Mei and instead spent the rest of his life with Lin Leyi, although this decision made him bear the criticism of the world.

Zhu Mei put forward two conditions when she divorced, and Jin Yong agreed: one was to give financial compensation to apologize; The second is to require Lin Leyi to be sterilized to ensure the stability of the family in the future. However, Zhu Mei's life in her later years was quite bleak and embarrassing.

Jin Yong: Marriage ups and downs, children's fate is impermanent, who can have a perfect life?

When Jin Yong talked about this in his later years, he often said that he felt guilty about Zhu Mei, but time could not be turned back, and these words could only become a comfort in his heart. And Lin Leyi became Jin Yong's partner in his later life, holding hundreds of millions of wealth and enjoying the tranquility and comfort of life.

Good fate or bad fate is a past in the red dust, which will eventually fade away with the passage of time. Jin Yong knows that the true meaning of happiness does not depend on the number of marriages, but on inner satisfaction and tranquility. This may be what his affectionate stories want to convey, and it is also a deep reflection on his own life experience.


Mr. Jin Yong's children, as an important part of his life, undoubtedly carry his deep emotions and expectations. However, all kinds of twists and turns in real life, especially the marriage with Zhu Mei and the death of his eldest son Cha Chuanxia, undoubtedly brought great pain to Jin Yong.

Jin Yong: Marriage ups and downs, children's fate is impermanent, who can have a perfect life?

Cha Chuanxia, this intelligent and talented son, was once the pride of Jin Yong and the most talented member of the family in Chinese. His death not only deprived Jin Yong of a possible literary successor, but also made him experience the pain of losing his son, which is difficult to describe in any language. Jin Yong mentioned in his later works that his description of the loss of relatives of the characters in the book was too superficial to truly express the unforgettable grief, which is enough to prove the profound impact of the death of his eldest son on his soul.

The life trajectory of the second son, Cha Chuanqi, is more tortuous. Although he did not inherit his parents' literary talents, he found his passion in the field of cooking and achieved great success. However, his arrest for stealing discs has undoubtedly brought unnecessary turmoil to the family, and it also makes people think about the far-reaching impact of the changes in their parents' marriage on the growth of their children.

Jin Yong: Marriage ups and downs, children's fate is impermanent, who can have a perfect life?

The unfortunate experience of her eldest daughter, Cha Chuanshi, who lost her ears in both ears due to the misuse of antibiotics at a young age, made her grow up full of challenges. Jin Yong loves this little daughter very much, and some people even speculate that the image of "Little Dragon Girl" in his pen comes from her. However, Cha Chuanshi's insistence on marriage choice, even if Jin Yong opposes it, still bravely pursues her love, which may also be a unique way for her to protest against her father.

Jin Yong: Marriage ups and downs, children's fate is impermanent, who can have a perfect life?

In contrast, the growth of the youngest daughter Cha Chuanna seems to be relatively smooth. She has made remarkable achievements in the field of painting, adding a touch of color to the family. This also gave Jin Yong a little comfort in his later years and saw the hope of the family's future.

The emotional bond between parents and children is extremely tenacious, and no matter how many ups and downs they go through, the family affection that blood is thicker than water can never be parted. Although Mr. Jin Yong uses the pen as a sword to write countless grievances and children's affections, in real life, he is also a father who loves his children deeply. The joys, sorrows, and sorrows of his children all tugged at his heartstrings deeply.


Zhang Ailing and Jin Yong, two literary giants, although they are brilliant in their literary achievements, have experienced complex emotions in their personal lives with their children. Zhang Ailing's deep feelings about her parents' coldness, and Jin Yong's unrelieved feelings about the misfortunes of her three children, all reflect the helplessness and regret in life.

Jin Yong: Marriage ups and downs, children's fate is impermanent, who can have a perfect life?

Life is indeed full of uncertainties, and it is rare to achieve the ideal state of everything being perfect and everything going well. In the pursuit of our dreams, careers, or loves, we are often so engrossed that we ignore the possible negative effects, especially the harm or negligence of those close to us. This real-life experience brings a deeper understanding of the importance of balance and trade-offs in life.

For Mr. Jin Yong, his achievements in the field of literature are unparalleled, but in the face of what happened to his children, whether it was the death of the eldest son, the twists and turns of the second son, or the marriage choice of the eldest daughter, it undoubtedly left a deep imprint in his heart. These experiences have made him cherish the emotional bond with his family even more, and at the same time, he has a deeper understanding of life.

Perhaps, it is these complex and real emotional experiences that shape the colorful and profound characters and stories in Mr. Jin Yong's works. He uses his own brushstrokes to depict one after another worlds of love, hate, affection, and hatred, so that readers can experience the ups and downs of life while feeling the charm of martial arts.

Therefore, we can say that whether it is Zhang Ailing or Jin Yong, their life experiences have provided us with valuable inspiration: while pursuing dreams and careers, we should also pay attention to the feelings and needs of the people around us; In the face of life's setbacks and misfortunes, we must learn to be relieved and strong; In the end, cherish every beauty and warmth in life with a grateful heart.

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