
The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

In the process of accumulating wealth, we often fall into the misconception that wealth can only be accumulated by constantly making money.

Sasaki, a 33-year-old Japanese girl, uses her life experience to tell us that wealth can also be accumulated through frugality.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

Misaki is an ordinary service industry worker with a modest income.

However, her life was full of frugal wisdom.

Every day, her diet is limited to udon, and her living expenses are limited to 150 yen (about 8 yuan) a day.

She never buys new clothes, choosing instead to wear recycled old clothes.

Her furniture and other household items are also used as much as possible, rather than buying new ones.

This frugal lifestyle has surprised many people.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

It is this seemingly crazy thrift that allowed Osaki to successfully buy three mansions worth tens of millions in Japan in 15 years.

Now, at the age of 37, she has achieved financial freedom, opted for early retirement, and opened a "cat café" of her dreams.

So, how did Misaki accumulate such an amazing fortune in 15 years through a frugal lifestyle?

At the age of 18, you can set your life goals

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

In 1985, somewhere in Japan, a girl named Saki fell to the ground.

She grew up in an environment full of frugality, which made her develop the habit of thrift from an early age.

Under the influence of his mother, Saki began to develop a good habit of keeping accounts when she went to school.

She keeps track of her daily expenses, sometimes down to one yen.

At the age of 18, Misaki graduated from school, stepped into society, and began her own career.

She chose the service industry, earning 170,000 yen per month, which translates to about 8,600 yuan.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

Although this can only be regarded as a downstream level in Japan's high price environment.

But Saki relied on this meager income to live the life she wanted, and finally achieved financial freedom.

Saki's salary income is not high, but she has a grand dream in her heart-

Make your dream of buying a home come true with a planned savings.

In order to realize this dream, she has developed a rigorous and long-term plan, strictly controlling her every expense.

Compared to her peers, Saku's life is extraordinarily simple.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

She won't buy a lot of cosmetics and beautiful clothes after paying her salary, like other girls.

Luxury bags, even more, never appear on her shopping list.

She is well aware of the industry she works in, and it is unlikely that her salary will increase in the next few years.

So she made a 15-year plan to buy a house according to her salary income.

Misaki's breakfast is very simple, eating only a slice of bread, and the price is about 1.5 yuan.

For a slightly more hearty lunch, she will eat rice with a slice of chicken or fish, and the price will not exceed 5 yuan.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

For dinner, Saki will choose udon noodles because udon noodles are the cheapest noodle dish in Japan, and each meal will not exceed 2 yuan.

In this way, Saki will not spend more than 150 yen (8 yuan) on food and drink every day.

Many people may feel that such a strict control of spending is too harsh for a young girl.

Saki knows that "people are iron and rice is steel", so she spends the most on food.

In addition to the cost of eating every day, Saki has saved "outrageous" expenses in other aspects.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

Although Sasaki's life is simple, her heart is full of determination and hope.

She believes that as long as she sticks to her dreams, through unremitting efforts and strict self-discipline, she will be able to realize her dream of buying a house one day.

In order to save money, "a dime is not pulled"

Sasaki's philosophy of life is unlike any – she barely participates in any social activities that could incur additional overhead.

Her daily routine is full of money-saving strategies and ideas that make her life special.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

She never invites her friends out for a meal, nor does she go shopping with her girlfriends on weekends.

Saki doesn't have a single new dress in her closet, and she always wears her family's old clothes.

Or even at the old recycle station, look for those forgotten treasures.

For her, clothes are just for warmth, and there is no need to spend on fashion.

At the supermarket Saki is always on the lookout for discounted items that are about to expire.

Udon, a simple and affordable ingredient, became a staple of her dinner.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

With some discounted vegetables, she can make a simple and satisfying dinner.

She lives frugally to the extreme, and even when cooking, she directly uses pots and pans to serve rice, saving the cost of buying and cleaning dishes.

Sasaki's frugal life is not only reflected in her diet, but also in her furniture, which is discarded by others.

She was meticulous about every penny, and even recorded every yen spent in a ledger.

Her monthly living expenses are only 4,500 yen, which is equivalent to less than 230 yuan, which is almost unimaginable in Japan, where prices are high.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

In order to save on rent, Misaki chose to live far away from the city.

Although this caused her inconvenience to work, she was able to save 20,000 yen a month.

Her savings plan was so strict that she even sold a pair of rose-colored sandals, which she could no longer wear, on the second-hand market for 4 yen.

This may seem trivial to most people, but for Sasaki, it's part of her frugal life.

In a country like Japan, where prices are high, Saki's food consumption is only one-tenth of that per capita.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

Through savings on food and beverages, she has saved nearly half of the cost of her first home.

Purchased three properties in succession

Misaki is a budget-conscious financial saver who is able to save 1,350 yen a day through strict diet.

This seemingly insignificant frugality resulted in the accumulation of a fortune of 440,000 yen over the course of 9 years.

This perseverance and self-discipline allowed Misaki to successfully purchase a property worth 10 million yen with a monthly income of 170,000 yen at the age of 27.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

Buying a house for young people in Japan is often a difficult task, but Osaki has achieved this dream with her ability and perseverance.

Instead of being satisfied, she continued to work hard and set herself a new goal – to buy a second property at the age of 29.

Sasaki's plan is not a pipe dream, and she has already made careful calculations when she buys her first property.

The property has three rooms, one for Saki to live in.

The other two rooms are rented out and you can earn 76,000 yen per month in rental income.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

In this way, she can add an additional income of 912,000 yen per year, and with the addition of salary income, the annual income reaches 2 million yen.

The income from rent accounts for almost half of Osaki's annual income.

This allows her to save more than twice as much each month as she did with her salary alone.

In 2015, at the age of 29, Misaki achieved her goal again by buying a four-bedroom apartment worth 18 million yen.

Although this property is purchased with a loan, you need to pay a monthly mortgage of 380,000 yen.

But by renting out her four-bedroom apartment, she can earn 150,000 yuan a month in rental income.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

As a result, Osaki's monthly income in terms of rent reached 230,000 yen.

With a salary of 170,000 yen, the monthly income reached 400,000 yuan.

Not only did she easily pay off her mortgage, but she also left 20,000 yen for her daily expenses.

Despite owning two properties, Misaki still maintains a frugal lifestyle.

In 2019, at the age of 33, she bought another single-family house worth 27 million yen.

Create a "cat café" to achieve the ideal

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

At the age of 33, many people are still struggling to have a place to live.

Sasaki, however, already owns three properties, including an enviable single-family villa.

It all stems from her extremely disciplined lifestyle and relentless pursuit of financial freedom.

When Saki got her third property, she resolutely moved out of her former apartment and moved into this villa full of dreams.

She skillfully arranged the space on the second floor in a simple and exquisite way.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

Leaving one of the smallest rooms for himself and renting out the remaining two houses to tenants.

Kosaki's monthly rent income is as high as 330,000 yen, which is already more than the average salary in Japan.

This income not only easily covered the mortgage, but also allowed her to live a carefree life.

Saki knows that using other people's money to buy her own house is the smartest and most cost-effective way.

Although she bought the villa for 20 million yuan below the market price, the old condition of the house forced her to invest a sum of money in renovations.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

This time, Osaki did not hesitate to spend 1.5 million yen to renovate the villa.

The reason why she is willing to invest such a huge amount of money in renovation is because she has a dream - to transform the first floor into a warm "cat café".

Sasaki's "cat café" is different from other commercial cat cafes, there are no expensive breeds of cats here, only stray cats that she takes in.

The cats have found a warm home here, and Saki has also fulfilled her long-held dream.

A place where you can take a break from the stresses of life and enjoy a quiet time.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

She believes that spending time with cats can heal people's hearts and restore inner peace.


Sasaki's story, which was featured in a TV Tokyo documentary, shocked countless people by successfully buying three properties in just 15 years with a minimalist lifestyle.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

At the age of 33, with strict self-discipline and frugal living, she has achieved the "financial freedom" that many people dream of.

Although many people envy Osaki for being able to "retire" early and live a life of "charter wife", she is not satisfied with this.

She chose to continue working and was able to earn a steady salary of 170,000 yen per month.

This choice puzzled many people, but Osaki had her own considerations.

For the past 15 years, Osaki has lived a highly disciplined life in order to save money.

Her frugality surprised many, and some even felt that she was too herself.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

Some people think that young girls should enjoy life while they are young, rather than living a "masochistic" life like Saki Kosaki.

Sasaki's hard work and persistence allowed her to own three properties at the age of 33, an achievement that many people dream of.

Although some people think that her choice is too harsh, more people express their admiration for Sasaki's spirit.

She proved with her actions that with enough effort, she can achieve her dreams.

Sasaki's story teaches us that no matter what lifestyle you choose, you should stick to your choices.

In order to live the life you want, it is worth the extra effort.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

Her story inspires us and makes us understand that if we are willing to work hard for it, we can achieve our dreams.

Although Sasaki's life is simple, her heart is full of satisfaction and happiness.

She used her own experience to show us that true happiness is not about having much material wealth, but about being able to live according to one's own wishes.

Her choice may not be understood by everyone, but her persistence and hard work are worth learning from each of us.

The most slamming girl in history! 3 yuan for a meal, save 3 suites in 15 years, do you like this kind of life?

In Sasaki's story, we see the power of self-discipline, the meaning of perseverance, and the possibility of realizing our dreams.

Although her life is different, her choices show us another possibility.

Let us understand that as long as we are willing to pay for it, we can create our own wonderful life.

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