
A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

On the evening of July 21, 2024, Wang Di, a female doctoral student in the School of Liberal Arts of Chinese University, reported on social media that her supervisor, Professor Wang Guiyuan, sexually harassed her, which immediately aroused widespread and heated attention and discussion in society.

Professor Wang Guiyuan, born in Shanxi Province in 1959, aged 65, is a senior professor in the Faculty of Liberal Arts of the Chinese University of China, and has been highly respected for his outstanding academic achievements and outstanding contributions to education. Wang Di's report exposed the professor's unknown side.

Wang Di, a doctoral student at the School of Liberal Arts at Chinese University, recently made a courageous move: he chose to report his supervisor under his real name. She disclosed Professor Wang Guiyuan's egregious misconduct of sexually harassing her, forcibly molesting her, and even attempting to force her to have sexual relations. Wang Di said that in the face of these violations, she resolutely refused, but Professor Wang Guiyuan not only did not restrain herself, but instead used her authority to threaten graduation, claiming that if she did not comply, she would not be able to graduate smoothly. This kind of behavior of using his power to carry out sexual harassment and threats not only violated Wang Di's personal rights and interests, but also seriously damaged the fairness and purity of the academic environment, thus arousing great public indignation and high concern.

A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

In the face of Wang Di's real-name report, Wang Guiyuan originally had the opportunity to deny these serious accusations. However, Wang Di kept the recordings and chat logs, which became conclusive and indisputable evidence. During the whole process, Wang Di acted cautiously, did not let the other party notice, and carried out the evidence collection work strongly, it is really hard to imagine what kind of strong perseverance she relied on to persevere.

A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

After checking the chat history and listening to the relevant voices, the feeling of extreme discomfort is unbearable, and people can't help but sigh, how can human nature be so ugly?

It is impossible to imagine the despair we would find ourselves in if such an event had happened to us. You know, this girl is a disfoliative cheilitis patient, but the 65-year-old tutor actually made an unreasonable request to kiss her when she knew she was sick.

A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!
A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!
A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

In the face of such conclusive and irrefutable evidence, Wang Di resolutely stated that he was willing to bear all legal responsibilities related to this. She clearly put forward two demands: "First, Wang Guiyuan must be severely punished; Second, I hope to be able to change my mentor. ”

A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

On the one hand, netizens praised Wang Di's courage, and on the other hand, they angrily condemned Wang Guiyuan's despicable behavior. Everyone's hatred for such "black sheep" in the academic community is fully revealed: "Such 'academic scum' must definitely be punished heavily!" ”

The incident has sparked a widespread, profound and heated discussion in all walks of life, and many people have expressed deep concern that there are many similar incidents that remain undisclosed or unreported. Students often lack the courage to confront the powerful in the face of power, especially those who have already reached the doctoral level, and they are more eager to graduate successfully.

Wang Di's heroic act not only successfully defended his dignity, but also actively fought for the rights of countless female college students in the future. Her action has greatly inspired more people to resolutely stop being silent and bravely speak up for women. Although schools cannot directly sentence relevant personnel like the Public Security Bureau, they have the authority to deal with problems in teacher ethics. At present, the case has been transferred to the judicial authorities for handling.

A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!
A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!
A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!
A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!
A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!
A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

As public opinion continued to heat up and ferment, on July 22, the Chinese University of China quickly responded through its official account, saying that the university attached great importance to the incident and had urgently set up a working group to investigate and verify the relevant situation at the first time.

A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

The attitude of the school is extremely tough, making it clear that it has a firm position of "zero tolerance" for teachers' moral misconduct, and resolutely investigates and punishes it once it is discovered, and there is no possibility of connivance and appeasement.

Such a statement has given netizens some comfort to a certain extent, but it is still unknown whether it can be truly implemented.

At present, the investigation of the school is ongoing, and the specific results have not yet been announced.

Why can't I kiss exfoliative cheilitis? Here's the truth

Exfoliative cheilitis is an inflammatory disease that mainly affects the lips.

In terms of symptoms, the main symptoms are marked redness and swelling of the lips, persistent pain, and unbearable itching, and are typically characterized by periodic peeling or peeling.

A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

When it comes to kissing, there are a number of potential risks for people with exfoliative cheilitis. Saliva is already present with a variety of bacteria, which undoubtedly increases the likelihood of infection for already damaged lip skin. The friction during the kiss can cause further irritation to the already fragile skin of the lips, which can exacerbate symptoms such as redness, swelling and pain. If the person being kissed has oral herpes or other infectious diseases, the risk of infection is significantly increased in people with exfoliative cheilitis.

Causes of exfoliative cheilitis

The causes of exfoliative cheilitis are complex. Long-term exposure to a dry environment will inevitably lead to a large loss of moisture from the lips, which in turn will seriously damage the normal barrier function of the lip skin. Allergic reactions to food, drugs and cosmetics are also important factors that cannot be ignored. Some medications, such as long-term use of certain antibiotics or immunosuppressants, may also cause this condition to have side effects. Malnutrition, especially severe deficiencies in B vitamins and iron, can significantly reduce the rate of metabolism and repair of the skin on the lips. In addition, bad habits such as chronic lip licking can ruthlessly upset the natural oil balance of the lips, making the lip skin much less resistant to various external irritants and damage.

Measures to deal with exfoliative cheilitis

In the face of exfoliative cheilitis, we should take a series of effective countermeasures.

1. In the face of exfoliative cheilitis, it is important to seek medical help in time if you have relevant symptoms. Professional doctors are able to give accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment plan through detailed examination and diagnosis.

2. It's crucial to keep your lips moisturized. Choose a non-irritating lip balm or petroleum jelly and apply it regularly to lock in moisture and relieve dryness.

3. For allergies-induced conditions, accurate identification and avoidance of known allergens is key.

4. In terms of diet, maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and ensuring adequate intake of nutrients such as B vitamins and iron can help support the health of the skin.

A 65-year-old professor at Renmin University of China "sexual harassment" disfoliative cheilitis female doctor? High-definition chat photos out!

Daily precautions for exfoliative cheilitis

For patients with exfoliative cheilitis, the precautions in daily life should not be ignored.

1. Avoid the bad habit of licking your lips, which may seem to temporarily relieve dry lips, but it can actually accelerate the loss of natural lip oil, making dryness worse.

2. When cleaning your lips, be sure to use gentle, non-irritating cleansing products and avoid the use of chemicals that may cause irritation to your lips.

3. When you go outside, remember to use a special sunscreen to protect your lips from UV rays.

4. In addition, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol is also a necessary measure, as the harmful substances in tobacco and alcohol may irritate the lips and aggravate the condition.


1. Medication: Depending on the cause, the doctor may prescribe medications. For example, topical corticosteroids may be used to reduce inflammation if local inflammation is significant; If there is a problem with an infection, antibiotics are used to treat the infection.

2. Lifestyle modifications: Lifestyle habits that may worsen symptoms need to be changed. For example, it is important to firmly quit smoking, avoid foods that are known to cause allergies, etc.

3. Psychological support: For exfoliative cheilitis caused by stress, psychological counseling and learning relaxation techniques may play a role. In these ways, patients can help relieve anxiety and other bad emotions, which is conducive to the control and recovery of the disease.

In conclusion, although exfoliative cheilitis is relatively common in clinical practice, if it is not properly managed and treated, it is very likely to seriously affect the quality of life of patients. Through the above-mentioned preventive measures and treatments, patients are able to effectively control symptoms, reduce discomfort, and effectively prevent further deterioration of the condition. It is critical that patients work closely with medical professionals to develop a personalized treatment plan that is tailored to their individual circumstances to promote lip health and allow them to engage in their normal social life without any worries.


Source: Voice of Medicine


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