
After the TV is disabled, the Internet air conditioner has damaged the domestic market, and the air conditioner relies on exports to save lives

Analysts give data that domestic air conditioning sales are still growing in the first 5 months, but in the hottest June and July, air conditioning sales fell sharply, which may be related to the domestic Internet air conditioning turmoil, · consumers may be waiting for Internet air conditioning to promote air conditioning price reduction.

After the TV is disabled, the Internet air conditioner has damaged the domestic market, and the air conditioner relies on exports to save lives

According to the data, 45.66 million air conditioners were sold in China in the first five months, a year-on-year increase of 10.8%; sales in June were 10.23 million units, down 10% year-on-year; Sales in July fell further to 7.03 million units, down 12.5% year-on-year.

When domestic air conditioning sales declined, the exports of air conditioning companies increased, and the overall shipments of air conditioners in China in June were 18.25 million units, a year-on-year increase of 9.3%; In July, China's overall air conditioning shipments were 15.26 million units, a year-on-year increase of 1.2%, and it is clear that exports have achieved rapid growth, making up for the impact of the decline in domestic air conditioning sales and driving overall shipments.

In fact, there are 618 big promotions in June, and the hot weather begins, and air conditioners should be sold even more, which obviously disappoints air conditioning companies; July is the month of hot sales of air conditioners in previous years, after all, the hot weather continues, but it also failed to save the sales of air conditioners.

It is precisely during the 618 promotion that the Internet air conditioner has been greatly reduced in price promotion, which has promoted the further decline in domestic air conditioning prices, which may have led many consumers to choose to wait and see, hoping to see further price reductions in air conditioners in order to get more benefits, resulting in a decline in air conditioning sales.

I checked the air conditioners sold on the e-commerce platform, and found that after 618, the air conditioning price war has become more violent, and the lowest price of the air conditioner has dropped to 999 yuan, the last time such a low price appeared was in 2019, when the two major air conditioning companies also joined the e-commerce price war, pushing the price of air conditioning to such a low price in early 2020, but this also led to a sharp drop in the revenue of an air conditioning company, and the tragic price war made various air conditioning companies not do well, and then slowly raised the price of air conditioning.

After the TV is disabled, the Internet air conditioner has damaged the domestic market, and the air conditioner relies on exports to save lives

The fierce price war has caused no one in the industry to have a hard time, and it has appeared in the TV industry, which is also caused by Internet TV. Internet TV was led by LETV at the beginning,LETV TV also did the top four in China,But LETV TV eventually declined rapidly due to the rupture of LETV's capital chain,Then another Internet TV took over the banner。

However, the later facts show that the low price is not sustainable, not only the quality is not ideal, but there are even big pits, these Internet TVs claim to be wool out of pigs, the result is that Internet TV has brought crazy advertising, there are advertisements on startup, and there are advertisements in the opening and ending of the video, and there are advertisements in the opening and ending of the video, and there are various charging traps that attract the elderly and children to click, and then charge indiscriminately.

Internet TV eventually crippled TV, a TV business owner lamented that China has a population of 1.4 billion to sell 40 million TVs, and the 350 million people of United States have also sold 40 million TVs; now consumers choose traditional TV brands again when buying TVs, and the price of Internet TV has risen rapidly, 300 yuan of TV is gone, generally back to more than 500 yuan.

Compared with TV, air conditioners pay more attention to quality and service, and the working environment of air conditioners is harsher. The after-sales service of air conditioning is very important, it is said that the air conditioner has three points of quality and seven points of installation, and the Internet air conditioner attaches importance to the operation of light assets, and it is not suitable for the manufacturing and after-sales heavy assets emphasized by the air conditioning industry, so if the Internet air conditioner fails, I am afraid the situation will be more serious.

After the TV is disabled, the Internet air conditioner has damaged the domestic market, and the air conditioner relies on exports to save lives

Over the years, the Internet industry likes to shout that the cost of the Internet is low, and the reduced cost can be fed back to consumers, but it can be seen from the online car-hailing, Internet TV, etc., that the low cost of the Internet has not benefited consumers, on the contrary, after the online car-hailing has achieved a market share advantage, the price of online car-hailing is higher than that of taxis.

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