
Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips


China's scientific and technological strength is advancing rapidly, and it has made remarkable achievements in many cutting-edge fields.

In the last century, China independently developed the atomic bomb and the hydrogen bomb on the basis of being poor and white, and became an important member of the world's nuclear weapons club.

China's aerospace industry is even more unbeatable, and the Chang'e lunar exploration project has made the "Jade Rabbit" frequently swipe the screen, which has amazed the world, but in the cornerstone of modern science and technology, chip manufacturing, China has always been difficult to do, why is this?

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips
The content of this article is written with authoritative information combined with personal opinions, and the source of the literature and screenshots have been marked in the article, please be aware.

The dilemma of China's high-end chip manufacturing

Information sources:

People's Daily Online: In response to the shortage of computing power, how can domestic chips turn challenges into opportunities?

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

Speaking of chips, although it is only the size of a fingernail, it is the heart of modern electronics, without chips, there are no mobile phones, computers, cars, airplanes...... It can be said that whoever masters chip technology will master the lifeblood of modern science and technology.

However, chip manufacturing is a technology-intensive industry, involving design, process, materials, testing and other fields, and there are only a handful of companies in the world that can manufacture high-end chips.

Fabricating chips requires extremely sophisticated equipment, such as nanoscale lithography machines, which are the "eyes" of chip manufacturing and can carve nanoscale circuits on silicon wafers.

But such equipment is often hundreds of millions of dollars, and the patents for core components are still in the hands of a few countries.

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

Experts suggest that in order to solve the chip manufacturing dilemma, China needs to learn from the successful experience in the aerospace field, summarize lessons from failures, and continue to explore and practice.

It is necessary to give full play to its own advantages, seize the opportunity, increase investment, accelerate the research and development process of high-end chips, strengthen talent training and team layout, and overcome the "stuck neck" problem of high-end chip manufacturing through unremitting efforts.

So the question is, how did China achieve a breakthrough in nuclear weapons development?

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The significance of China's nuclear weapons development

Time rewinds back to the 50s of the last century, when New China was in ruins and waiting to be revived.

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

Faced with a ruined homeland and a hostile international environment, China's leaders are acutely aware that there can be no real peace without a strong national defense.

As a result, an earth-shattering plan was quietly launched - China began to develop its own nuclear weapons.

In 1956, China began the nuclear weapons research and development program "Project 596", due to China's low international status at that time, to no avail of many countries, Chinese scientists had to go on their own, starting from scratch, independent research and development.

They don't have advanced equipment, they don't have mature theories, and they don't have experience to learn from, so they have to start from scratch.

On October 16, 1964, a "mushroom cloud" rose over Lop Nur, and China's first atomic bomb was successfully exploded!

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

China has become the fifth country in the world to possess nuclear weapons after the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain and France.

Nuclear weapons are a sharp weapon for China to defend its sovereignty and safeguard peace, and it has effectively curbed the threats and aggression of other major powers against China, and has greatly enhanced China's international status.

Without nuclear weapons, there would be no confidence for the peaceful liberation of Taiwan, no courage to resist US aggression and aid Korea, and no place in the United Nations.

The successful development of nuclear weapons marks a leap forward in China's scientific and technological strength and national defense strength, and the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite" has been passed down from generation to generation, inspiring generations of Chinese to strive for national rejuvenation.

From the "596 Project" to the "863 Program", from the Space Shuttle to the Beidou Satellite, all epoch-making scientific research achievements have condensed the painstaking efforts and sweat of Chinese scientific and technological workers.

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

Brilliant achievements in China's aerospace industry

Information sources:

Global Network: When they were "stuck" by the two major powers, what did the Chinese rely on to build the atomic bomb

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

From Chang'e to the moon to Tiangong, from the Shenzhou spacecraft to Beidou navigation, the history of China's aerospace industry is a history of innovation, creation and self-reliance.

Especially in recent years, China's aerospace industry has demonstrated to the world the extraordinary strength of "China's intelligent manufacturing" with a "fast, accurate and ruthless" pace.

In 2018, the Chang'e-4 probe was launched, aiming directly at the far side of the moon, and it is not easy to land on the far side of the moon.

The far side of the moon is always facing away from the earth and cannot communicate directly with the ground, which requires the launch of a relay star to "build a bridge and pave the way" on the far side of the moon.

But Chinese scientists did it! Chang'e-4 became the world's first probe to land softly on the far side of the moon, and Yutu-2 also became the first lunar rover to leave a footprint on the far side of the moon.

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

The lunar exploration is only a microcosm of China's space industry, since the successful launch of the first artificial satellite "Dongfanghong 1" in 1970.

In 2003, the "Shenzhou 5" manned spacecraft entered space for the first time, and then in 2022, the space station "Tianhe Core Module" was successfully docked......

It took China 50 years to complete more than half a century of space development in developed countries, and achieved leapfrog development from scratch, from existence to excellence, and from excellence to refinement.

China is catching up in other high-tech areas

In today's world, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is surging, and emerging industries such as new energy and artificial intelligence are in the ascendant.

In 2020, a little-known private enterprise was "born" and launched a new energy vehicle with a range of more than 1,000 kilometers, setting a new world record.

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

It is BYD's "Han" model, BYD's technology accumulation stems from years of persistence and investment, from the battery, motor to electronic control, its core technology has been completely independent and controllable.

Today, BYD not only occupies half of China's new energy vehicles, but also successfully exports to developed markets such as Europe and Australia, leading the development direction of the global new energy vehicle industry.

The rise of China's Internet industry has shocked the world, BAT (Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent) ranks among the top global Internet companies, and brands such as Huawei and Xiaomi go international, all of which demonstrate the vitality of China's scientific and technological innovation.

Especially in the field of artificial intelligence, China has become the world's largest source of data and application scenarios, and the number of artificial intelligence papers and patents ranks first in the world.

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips

China is becoming the "source" and "leader" of artificial intelligence, in the field of high-end chips, although there is still a gap between China and the world's advanced level, we have seen the hope of catching up.

In order to break the "stuck neck" dilemma, China has formulated a series of chip development strategies: increasing R&D investment and concentrating on core technologies such as lithography machines and high-end chip design.

Vigorously cultivate and introduce chip talents, improve the innovation mechanism of industry-university-research integration, actively carry out international cooperation, and use global innovation resources to enhance China's position in the global chip industry chain.

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips


China's road to scientific and technological development is a challenging but glorious one.

With the continuous struggle of several generations, step by step, China has embarked on a unique road of becoming a scientific and technological power, which is not only an inevitable choice for self-reliance, but also a requirement of the era of open innovation.

Let us be guided by the spirit of "two bombs and one satellite", and with the determination and perseverance of Yugong to move mountains, we will make unremitting efforts towards the great goal of becoming a powerful country in science and technology!

Skills are not as good as others? China's nuclear weapons deter the world, and the lunar rover leads the world, but it cannot create high-end chips


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