
In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

There seemed to be a piece of pork hanging on the protective net on the bank of the river, and it turned out to be a naked female corpse up close, and the first discoverer at the scene of the crime was really frightened. The identity of the deceased was quickly clarified, and the police tracked the trajectory of the victim before her death, only to find that she disappeared after entering the surveillance corner, what is going on, why did the victim suddenly disappear, why was her body hung on the protective net, and who is the suspect? After 7 days of hard work, the police finally found the key clues, and the truth of the case finally came out. So what happened on that day, and what will be the ins and outs of the case? Next, please follow the footsteps of the police to find out.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

Hello everyone, I'm Sir Liang, welcome to the serious case talker. On April 8, 2011, Lao Wang, a fisherman from Shanghai's Qingpu District, came to the river to fish, paddling through the waters next to the highway in his boat, when he suddenly saw a large piece of pork hanging from the highway protection net on the shore in the distance. Lao Wang is usually very curious, and the piece of pork immediately attracted his attention, who would hang the pork on the protective net, could it be that someone is making wind-blown meat? Wang slowly approached the boat, a gust of wind passed, and an indescribable stench also drifted with the wind, and only then did Wang see clearly what was hanging on the protective net, but he was so frightened by that thing that he almost fell into the river.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

The deceased was about 20 years old, the body was highly decomposed, there was a deep strangulation mark on the neck of the deceased, the cause of death was preliminarily judged to be mechanical asphyxiation, the police did not find the deceased's clothes or saw suspicious traces around the protective net, it is obvious that this is not the first scene of the crime. The police preliminarily judged that the murderer had killed the victim elsewhere and then abandoned the body from the ramp, and the suspect's original intention should have been to throw the deceased into the river to destroy the body, but the body was accidentally hung on the protective net.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

The suspect had a means of transportation that could be used to dispose of the body, and he also ran to the highway to abandon the body, according to the experience of throwing away and burying the body from afar, the first scene of the crime must be very far away from the scene of the abandonment of the body, the Qingpu District police immediately issued a notice to the counties and cities along the highway to assist in the investigation, and soon after the news came from Jiading District, according to a landlord in Anting Town, the characteristics of the murdered woman were very similar to his tenant.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

The landlord said that the tenant's name was Wang Xiaoli, only 21 years old, this person was in arrears of rent and had not been paid, and the person was nowhere to be found. Colleagues last saw Wang Xiaoli on the night of March 26, when her colleagues worked as a waitress at an entertainment club in Jiading District, and the police immediately retrieved surveillance footage from that night to try to find out where the victim had gone before she was killed.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

The surveillance showed that Wang Xiaoli left the club in a hurry after getting off work at 11:55 p.m. on March 26, and she trotted all the way to the side of the road after going out, a taxi stopped in front of her, and Wang Xiaoli slowly walked towards the taxi. At first, the police thought that Wang Xiaoli wanted to take a ride, but soon saw a strange picture, only to see the victim suddenly change the direction of walking and enter the blind spot of monitoring, everyone wanted to continue to call up the surveillance to check where she went, but they could no longer find the trace of the victim, Wang Xiaoli's turn turned out to be the last image she left before her death.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

Wang Xiaoli lives alone in Anting Town, and there is nothing unusual about her residence, because the victim's life trajectory has stopped since the evening of March 26, so the police suspect that she suffered an accident shortly after leaving work. The place where Wang Xiaoli disappeared is located on Moyu Road in Jiading District, where there are countless surveillance probes, but none of them have captured her walking route, and the police can only check the only few videos repeatedly, hoping to find clues from them.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

Judging from Wang Xiaoli's actions before she disappeared, it was obvious that she wanted to take a taxi, but why did she suddenly turn around and leave? Why can't the surveillance capture her? Who is the perpetrator? A series of questions are waiting for the police to find answers, and the police have come to a unanimous judgment after careful analysis, and the reason why the victim gave up taking a taxi is likely to be to take a ride from an acquaintance and leave.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

The reason why the police have such a judgment is not to chase after the wind, Wang Xiaoli was very anxious when she got off work, but after passing around the corner, she suddenly slowed down, it seems that she should have stayed here for a short time. Wang Xiaoli had a car stop after entering the blind spot of the surveillance around the corner, and the car stayed for about 20 seconds before driving away again, and the driver stopped to probably have a conversation with the victim, but Wang Xiaoli did not get into the car.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

When Wang Xiaoli disappeared, it was late at night, and there were cars coming and going on Moyu Road, and the video investigation work was facing great difficulties, and the police did not lose heart in the face of the problem, they collected all the images taken by the surrounding surveillance, and finally made a new discovery after three days of investigation. There is also an intersection 200 meters in front of Wang Xiaoli's disappearance, although the monitoring of this intersection is far away, but the corner of the video screen does capture Wang Xiaoli's blurred figure. After Wang Xiaoli turned around, she walked to a car parked on the side of the road, and she talked with the driver for nearly three minutes, then opened the door and sat in the passenger seat. After Wang Xiaoli got into the car, the car started immediately, and the driver even forgot to turn on the lights and accelerated away.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

The sedan that carried Wang Xiaoli was a dark blue Volkswagen Polo hatchback, and the police immediately realized that the previous investigation might have missed important clues after seeing this picture. Stopping around the corner is also a blue Volkswagen Polo sedan, Wang Xiaoli has been in contact with two sedans of the same type and color in just a few minutes, the police believe that this is definitely not a simple coincidence, and the investigation of this Volkswagen Polo is in full swing.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

Surveillance shows that the sedan that appeared in the video before drove off the corner and stopped at the door of the entertainment club, but only stopped for a few seconds before starting again, only to see the car take the exit on the other side of the road, and then drive in the direction of the intersection. There is a blind spot in front of the intersection, the police can not accurately judge whether the car is carrying Wang Xiaoli's suspect car, everyone thought about it and finally came up with a way, that is, to drive the car for field calculations, they found after the experiment that at the same speed and the same driving route, the blue sedan can really rush to the side of the road before Wang Xiaoli took a taxi, and the police began to suspect that the driver who drove the blue Volkswagen Polo was suspected of committing a crime.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

On April 15, 2011, the graphic investigation team made a major breakthrough in the investigation of the suspect car, they used various methods to analyze the video footage, and finally determined part of the license plate number of the suspect car. The owner of the blue Volkswagen Polo is named Guo Jun, 37 years old, from Langxi County, Anhui Province, the police investigated the monitoring of the highway entrances and exits during the time period of the crime, and sure enough, Guo Jun was seen in the video screen in the early morning of April 7. On April 15, 2011, the police decided to arrest the suspect after doing enough preliminary investigation, Guo Jun was arrested very indifferently, as if he already knew his fate, so that everyone did not expect that the first thing he said after entering the interrogation room was: "Don't tell my wife."

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

Guo Jun opened a restaurant in Jiading District, and in his spare time he would drive a car to the street to solicit customers, and on the night of the incident, he had dinner with a few friends near the entertainment club, and even though he drank a lot of liquor, he still ignored traffic laws and drove on the road. Guo Jun drove away from the restaurant and met Wang Xiaoli at the corner, because he saw that the other party was in a hurry and wanted to pull a guest on the way home, but Wang Xiaoli saw that the driver couldn't even speak, and immediately understood that the other party had drank, she shirked for a long time and refused to get in the car, Guo Jun had to drive the car away, he drove the car out of the exit on the other side of the club, and then stopped on the side of the road to wait for customers, but he didn't expect to see the beautiful woman he met before. Wang Xiaoli is beautiful and speaks very gently, Guo Jun remembered the smiling face of the other party's polite refusal just now, and suddenly had a bad heart in his heart.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

Guo Jun saw that Wang Xiaoli was about to take a taxi and quickly pressed the horn, the other party was really attracted by the sound of the horn, he rolled down the window and Wang Xiaoli set close, inadvertently asked the other party's destination, when Wang Xiaoli told his residence, he pretended to be surprised and lied that his home lived near her residence, and claimed that he was willing to give her a ride for free, so he should make a friend along the way. After all, Wang Xiaoli is still very young, and she didn't notice the other party's sinister intentions at all, plus she could save a sum of money, so she was coaxed into the car by Guo Jun's rhetoric, Wang Xiaoli sat in the car and secretly rejoiced that she had saved 30 yuan today, but she didn't know that she had stepped into the trap of the devil.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

The prey has been in the car, Wang Xiaoli has become a lamb to the slaughter, Guo Jun drove the car to a secluded path, and then showed an ugly face, Wang Xiaoli wanted to resist, but where could she break free from Guo Jun's shackles, she screamed loudly in a hurry, and claimed to report to the police, but she didn't expect that it was this sentence that ignited Guo Jun's killing intent. Drunk driving and intent to sexually assault, if this little girl calls the police, she will not only be punished by the public security organs, but the tigress at home will not give up, since the matter has come to this, then don't blame me for being ruthless. Guo Jun's mind popped up with the idea of killing people, he had lost the judgment of ordinary people under the stimulation of alcohol, Guo Jun's hand slowly exerted, and Wang Xiaoli gradually lost his voice.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

Guo Jun killed Wang Xiaoli and then hastily buried it on the spot, and then fled the scene in a hurry, and the police immediately felt puzzled when they heard this, Wang Xiaoli's body was obviously found on the protective net under the highway, and Guo Jun's testimony seemed to be suspicious. Just when everyone was suspicious, Guo Jun suddenly spoke again, and the situation he explained next made everyone dispel their suspicions. It turned out that Guo Jun was terrified all day after returning home, and he always felt that the burial site was too hasty, so he returned to the scene and dug up Wang Xiaoli's body again, at this time 12 days have passed since Wang Xiaoli was killed, he hid the body in the car with the stench and fear, and then drove into the highway. It was late at night when Guo Jun transferred the body, and he saw a remote river below the ramp, so he threw Wang Xiaoli's body off the ramp.

In the 2011 big case, the young girl was buried on the side of the road after being killed, and was dug up by the murderer 12 days later

Guo Jun cried bitterly after explaining the case, his wife was pregnant with Liujia, and the child was about to be born, if he hadn't drunk that night, maybe this nightmare would not have happened, but unfortunately there is no regret medicine in the world, and Wang Xiaoli, who has been killed, cannot be reborn. I'm Liang sir, this is the speaker of the serious case, thank you for your continued attention, and we will see you next time.