
The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

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When it comes to marriage, a series of words such as happiness and contentment often come to people's minds, and of course, there are also some daily life of firewood, rice, oil and salt.

The smoke curls ordinary but simple, and fulfillment is the main theme of marriage. After all, with the company of a partner, people have an object to talk to, a goal to strive for, and emotional sustenance.

However, there are some celebrities in history, whose definition of love is different from that of ordinary people, and they have been "singles" for a lifetime.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

Is it because I feel that my marriage restricts the direction in which I can display my talents, or is there another unknown reason, and who are they? Let's take a look!

When it comes to love, and celebrities, then the name Plato must be inescapable. He never married in his life, and the platonic love he proposed was talked about and widely circulated.

So what exactly is platonic love, simply put, it is love that transcends sexual desire and flesh and blindly pursues beauty.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends
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Plato believed that people's love should be the process of people's pursuit of beauty, and beauty not only refers to the glamour of the flesh, but also needs to have thinking, ideals, calmness, and the embodiment of truth, goodness and beauty.

Reason, calmness, and wisdom are the main themes of platonic love. Because the West was advocating individualism at that time, this kind of love that focused on thinking and wisdom was widely spread and respected by the Western people at that time.

In the end, he died at a gathering of friends. And now looking at the Internet is the real meaning of "Ideal Country", a large number of beautiful anchors scratch their heads but do not marry, it can be said that it perfectly fits the ideals of Bai Weng's communism, co-wife, and co-child, which has been realized on the Internet today!

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

After reading this platonic love who is addicted to the spiritual world and can't extricate himself, blindly advocating the ideal world. Let's take a look at a Western queen who is close to Wu Zetian, the only empress of our Chinese history.

Queen Elizabeth I sacrificed her marriage for the development of United Kingdom throughout her life in exchange for the strong rise of the country.

Her childhood was difficult, as her mother was executed by order of Henry VIII, and although she came from a noble background, she was treated as a child outside the palace.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

However, fate seemed to favor the unfortunate child, and the other royal descendants died young, making Elizabeth I the heir to the throne.

Despite the threat of the powerful France and Spain, as well as the internal religious and royal rivalry, her throne was not secure, but the enlightened, optimistic and intelligent Elizabeth I successfully coped with it.

She is well aware that the stability of the country is inseparable from a strong central government, that is, centralized power.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

In order to achieve this goal, Elizabeth I did not hesitate to weaken the local nobility and deprive them of military rights, which achieved remarkable results.

Once the local aristocracy lost its military ability, the royal family's voice was greatly enhanced. At the same time, in order to further strengthen the centralization of power, the issue of religion is also an unavoidable challenge.

In 1559, Elizabeth I decreed that the Church of England would be the state religion and that other religions would be allowed to have a place in the state.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

First of all, her attitude was indicated: religion and royal power must form a united front, and the country has only one person to talk to, and the country cannot be torn apart, which is not conducive to the development of the country.

Second, she also allowed religious freedom, respecting the choices of those who firmly chose Catholicism or other denominations, and whose freedom was guaranteed by law. Such a policy greatly reduced the conflict between royal power and religion and laid the foundation for the stability and development of the country.

At the same time, in response to the threat of foreign powers such as Spain and France, Elizabeth I created an intelligence department to monitor domestic and foreign movements to give command, and at the same time supported the development of currency and agriculture.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

It can be said that the 45 years or so of Elizabeth I's reign can be called the golden age of United Kingdom.

But behind the dedication to the country, Elizabeth I never touched the level of love in her life. It can be said that Elizabeth I is also a complete strong woman.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

With this legendary queen out of the way, let's take a look at Leonardo da ·, who can be said to be a true genius who has achieved something in all fields. He also never married, and it is understood that there may be a problem with his sexual orientation. In 1476, Leonardo da · was rumored to have had an illicit homosexual relationship with a male model.

However, after two hearings, the matter was closed due to insufficient evidence. But at that time, this matter was often mentioned after dinner, and Da · Vinci was also depressed about it.

However, da Vinci began to investigate whether · Leonardo had a problem with his sexual orientation, and some people found that Leonardo da Vinci's paintings depicted the private parts of men's lower bodies vividly, while women's necks were blurry and abstract.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

Moreover, later generations discovered that Da · Vinci's notes implied that he liked his male student Sarai, and it is said that this forbidden teacher-student relationship lasted for 28 years.

The beautiful painting "St. John the Baptist", completed before ·Leonardo da Vinci died, is beautiful and enchanting. It is said that it is his male student Sharai.

Others believe that the reason why Da · Vinci never married was because he had a mother-love complex, and the young Da · Vinci was angry that others couldn't keep up with his mind and couldn't understand what he was saying.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

At this time, Da · Vinci's mother would gently come to Da · Vinci and soothe Da · Vinci's weak and tense nerves with kisses.

Therefore, da · Vinci never had other women in his life, probably because in his childhood, da · Vinci gave him the tenderness of all women, and he did not get such feelings in other women.

The celebrities introduced next are more or less absent from those reasons, and most of them are also due to their own personal reasons.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

As a musician of a generation, Beethoven had many women he liked, but in the end, due to deafness, he was depressed and never married a woman.

Newton was a complete nerd who thought that women would slow down his progress and never came close to being feminine in his life. Voltaire, because he hated the constraints given to him by marriage, lived with his lover for 20 years but did not marry.

Hans Christian Andersen is his own personal hardware is not very good, his appearance is very ugly, and he has no money, so he can only spend the rest of his life alone. Jane Austen, as an outstanding writer in United Kingdom, is no longer close to men because of the lost love in her childhood.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

Nobel was also not married, and the woman he loved dearly did not choose him but ran away with a mathematician.

Although Van Gogh's paintings were finally recognized by posterity, he lived in a mess at that time, and finally went insane and shot himself, so it is reasonable that he did not have a wife.

The above are the top ten singles in history, but all in all, in the final analysis, marriage is actually everyone's own free choice, as long as some people feel that marriage can bring benefits to themselves, there will be people who feel that they are good alone.

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

Or for other reasons, it is their own choice not to marry for the rest of their lives. There is no need to talk about or disparage others because they are different. None of the above-mentioned celebrities has been overshadowed by their failed marriages, and they are all superior in science, art, literature, and politics.

What do you think about the top 10 famous "singles"? Welcome to discuss in the comment area!

The top ten famous "singles" in history are all unmarried, but they are all legends

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