
First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

I don't know if you have paid attention to the fact that in recent times, Japan has become less and less "peaceful".

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

First, Japan's Maritime Self-Defense Force destroyer Suzuki broke into the East China Sea earlier this month under the pretext of a so-called "technical error" and then quickly left.

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

Later, on July 12, the Japan Cabinet adopted the 2024 version of the Defense White Paper, positioning China as Japan's "greatest strategic challenge ever."

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

Not long ago, it even conducted joint maritime training with the so-called "Coast Guard" in Taiwan at the port of Yokohama!

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

This joint exercise happened to be the first joint maritime exercise since the so-called "severance of diplomatic relations" between Japan and Taiwan in 1972.

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

Therefore, the Japan media not only hyped up this maritime exercise, but what went so far as to directly use the so-called "Japan and Taiwan" to report on it, openly advocating the "two-state theory"!

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

In the face of the fermentation of public opinion, the Japan cabinet responded in this way: "This joint maritime training is not aimed at Chinese mainland, it is purely a 'joint training for rescue and rescue', and Japan still maintains non-governmental relations with Taiwan." ”

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

Indeed, on the surface, Japan's exercise carried out shipwreck rescue, information sharing, and search for maritime area division, but everyone knows that how can Japan's purpose be so "just and simple"?

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

As everyone knows, on the one hand, Japan wants to increase cooperation with the Taiwan region and tries to use Taiwan to balance Chinese mainland, but on the other hand, it does not want to tear its face with China and completely go to the opposite side of China.

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

Therefore, although Japan has always claimed that it will adhere to the "one-China" stance on the surface, it has done no less than United States in such small moves as "using Taiwan to contain China."

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

Not only did he frequently send parliamentarians to visit the Taiwan region, meet with Taiwan officials in Japan in a high-profile manner, and arrange for Japanese officials to attend Lai Ching-te's inauguration ceremony.

From time to time, he preaches the remark that "Taiwan something is Japan something", etc......

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

They have even conducted joint military exercises with United States, Australia, Canada, and other countries, claiming that this is the result of the so-called growing worries about the possible invasion of the Taiwan region by the liberation army in the future.

It's really ridiculous, this is clearly a naked disguised support for the Taiwan independence forces!

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

As the saying goes, what is unbearable!

Therefore, in response to Japan's "cross-border behavior" this time, the Chinese Foreign Ministry quickly and forcefully responded and made solemn representations to Japan!

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another
First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

At the same time, the Ministry of National Defense also responded to Japan's new version of the "Defense White Paper," directly naming Japan as deceiving the Japanese people, misleading the international community, and creating excuses for its military expansion.

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

Not only that, but our PLA also seems to have begun to fight back against Japan's recent "provocative" behavior:

According to a number of media reports on the island of Taiwan, from the early morning of 21 July to the early morning of 22 July, the Chinese People's Liberation Army sent 12 fighters to fly into the airspace around the Taiwan Strait at one time, and also sent seven warships and one official vessel to patrol the Taiwan Strait.

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

Although, China will certainly not take the initiative to provoke conflicts and wars,

But we will never allow Taiwan to be separated from China's territorial plate by certain countries, certain organizations, and certain people.

Still less will anyone be allowed to advocate the rhetoric and public opinion on "Taiwan independence"!

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

China, we will definitely be unified, as for Japan, we will also be liquidated!

First! Japan and Taiwan conducted joint maritime training, and China's Ministry of National Defense and Foreign Affairs spoke out one after another

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