
Research on the Regulatory Transformation of Chinese Government in the Era of Digital Economy

Abstract:Exploring the transformation path of Chinese government supervision in the era of digital economy plays an important role in promoting the improvement of government supervision efficiency and the modernization of government supervision. This paper attempts to study the principle of "efficiency-risk" interaction in the digital economy era, and proposes the path of Chinese government regulatory transformation in the digital economy era on the basis of analyzing the challenges of new market failures to government supervision in the digital economy era, the effectiveness of government regulatory system reform, and the typical mode and practical constraints of government regulatory transformation in the digital economy era. The results show that: (1) Data, platform, intelligence and dynamics are important characteristics to promote the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. Data attributes, platform attributes, and technical attributes are the driving factors of the "efficiency-risk" interaction principle, which provides a theoretical basis for promoting the regulatory transformation of the Chinese government in the era of digital economy. The oligopolistic competitive market structure, the ownership of platform data, new externalities of products or services, the application of digital technology, and the reform of the government regulatory system in the new era urgently need to promote the transformation of Chinese government supervision. (2) The Beijing model of integrated and comprehensive supervision, the Guangdong model of "one network and unified management", and the Zhejiang model of "system, platform and scenario" system iteration are typical. Thinking constraints, economic constraints, technical constraints, platform constraints, and data constraints have become practical constraints restricting the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. (3) In the era of digital economy, it is necessary to construct a Chinese government regulatory transformation path based on the perspective of overall governance, including content, carrier, mechanism, supervision and evaluation. This study provides theoretical support and practical basis for grasping the basic direction of Chinese government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy and exploring the implementation path of government regulatory transformation.

Keywords: digital economy; regulatory transformation; overall governance; smart supervision; Regulatory system

I. Introduction

The development of the digital economy not only improves the ability of resource allocation, penetration and integration, and synergy, but also improves the total factor productivity, and has become a powerful force to promote the strategic adjustment of industrial structure and realize the sustainable development of China's economy (Pei et al., 2018). The Outline of the 14th Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Long-Range Objectives Through the Year 2035 points out that "accelerate the construction of a digital economy, a digital society, and a digital government, and drive changes in production methods, lifestyles, and governance methods through digital transformation as a whole." The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward important expositions in the field of government supervision, such as "improving the level of public security governance", "strengthening and improving modern financial supervision", "improving the value preservation and appreciation of social security funds and the safety supervision system", "improving the comprehensive network governance system", "deepening the reform of the medical and health system, and promoting the coordinated development and governance of medical insurance, medical treatment and medicine", "and promoting carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion and growth". The "Report of the State Council on the Development of the Digital Economy" proposes to "improve the level of informatization in the fields of tax collection and management, banking and insurance supervision, customs clearance supervision, state-owned assets supervision, digital economy monitoring and intellectual property protection, anti-monopoly, anti-unfair competition, and online transaction supervision, and promote 'smart supervision'". At the third special study session of the State Council in 2023, Premier Li Qiang emphasized "improving the level of normalized supervision, especially enhancing the predictability of supervision", and "continuously improving the governance system of the digital economy". In order to adhere to the Chinese-style modernization to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and promote the high-quality development of China's economy, it is necessary to establish a government regulatory system and mechanism that adapts to it.

Under the market economy system, government administrative agencies with regulatory functions adopt various constraints and incentives on micro market entities such as enterprises, consumers, various public institutions, and social organizations based on public interest objectives, laws, regulations, and social organizations (Wang Junhao, 2021). Improving the government governance system and improving the government's regulatory capacity will help transform government functions (Yu et al., 2020). The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China pointed out that "establish and improve the system and rules for the use of the Internet, big data, artificial intelligence and other technical means for administrative management, promote the construction of a digital government, strengthen the orderly sharing of data, and protect personal information in accordance with the law". In 2022, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Digital Government", pointing out that "vigorously promote smart supervision and improve market supervision capabilities". It can be seen that complying with the requirements of the development of the digital economy era and promoting the transformation of government supervision has become an important proposition of the times to accelerate the construction of a unified national market, promote the improvement of government supervision efficiency and the modernization of government supervision. It mainly involves two core issues: first, how to establish a government regulatory system and mechanism that is compatible with the digital economy era; The second is how to promote the modernization of government supervision through digital empowerment. The academic community mainly focuses on the transformation of the role of the government and the construction of digital government, government regulation in the era of digital economy, and anti-monopoly and new economy regulation of digital platforms. Specifically:

The first is the research on the transformation of the role of the government and the construction of digital government. Digital government mainly goes through four stages: the application of digital technology in government management services, e-government, e-governance, and policy-driven e-governance (Yanofsky, 2015). Goldsmith and Eggers (2004) argue that the role of government in the Internet age should shift from being a direct provider of public services to providing and regulating them through a network of public, private, and non-profit organizations. Raman (2018) argues that the Internet and hyper-large digital platforms should be regulated in the same way that utilities are regulated. Organizational structure, culture, allocation of responsibilities and powers, and the need for change have become important factors to promote the digital transformation of the government (Tanji et al., 2021). The construction of digital government needs to establish a digital system and institutional system from three aspects: holistic, intelligent and data (Lu Ke and Liang Zhaohong, 2022), and improve the construction level of digital government through collaborative governance (Li Junpeng, 2020). At the same time, Jiang Xiaojuan (2020) proposed to promote the development of the digital economy through active and effective systems and policies, use digital technology to more effectively regulate the economy and regulate the market, improve the digital level of social management and public services, and effectively supervise the application of digital technology.

The second is the research on government supervision in the era of digital economy. The digital economy is based on new models and new business formats generated by digital information as the key resource, the Internet platform as the main information carrier, and the drive driven by digital technology innovation (Chen Xiaohong et al., 2022). At present, there are some problems in government supervision, such as lagging laws and regulations, unclear institutional responsibilities, imperfect supervision systems, and lack of performance evaluation (Wang Junhao, 2021). To this end, it is necessary to establish a sunny, intelligent, and innovative government supervision system (Wei Liqun, 2015), clarify the reform orientation of comprehensive supervision, prudential supervision, and law-based supervision (Guo Kesha, 2017), and take compliance supervision, classified supervision, technical supervision, balanced supervision, value-oriented supervision, and agile supervision as the focus of government supervision (Jiang Xiaojuan and Huang Yingxuan, 2021). Yin Shaocheng (2016) put forward the idea of government regulatory transformation in the context of "Internet +", that is, the concept of supervision should shift from "supervision" to "governance", the regulatory goal should achieve a balance between public interests and private interests, the regulatory authorities should integrate the functions of multiple regulatory agencies, and the regulatory methods should achieve the coordination of multiple regulatory methods. Liu Cheng (2020) pointed out that on the basis of relaxed, inclusive and prudential supervision, regulatory norms such as anti-monopoly, disorderly expansion across industries, open and open data use, and marketization of the regulatory process should be strengthened, so as to create a more fair, standardized and orderly market competition environment. In addition, Hu Xianzhi and Liu Haijun (2022) conducted a study on the supervision of new infrastructure, pointing out that the supervision of new infrastructure should uphold an open attitude, inherit and innovate inclusive and prudential supervision, and strive to build a regulatory framework system with clear rights and responsibilities of entities, accurate object identification, agile and intelligent methods, and efficient efficiency evaluation.

The third is research on anti-monopoly and new economic regulation of digital platforms. In general, the anti-monopoly of digital platforms should actively promote efficient, inclusive and prudential supervision, fair and just supervision, coordinated overall supervision, incentive supervision, credit supervision, smart supervision and technology-enabled supervision (Sun Jin, 2021). Among them, it is necessary to strengthen the identification of anti-competitive behaviors of Internet enterprises, take behavior as the standard, take data as the starting point, take technological innovation as the guide, and take market fairness as the bottom line, focusing on anti-monopoly in the industry, disorderly expansion across industries, and open data use, etc., to design a systematic and long-term system (Chen Linlin et al., 2021). In addition, the reform and improvement of regulatory tools, the deepening of the foundation of economic theory, and the reconstruction of regulatory concepts are also important contents of Internet platform governance (Cheng Lian, 2021). The scientific system of anti-monopoly in the platform economy should uphold the principle of attaching equal importance to development and supervision, and take measures such as building dynamic analysis tools, attaching importance to long-term welfare, promoting the "typology" of anti-monopoly law enforcement, and establishing a collaborative governance pattern of platforms (Li Sanxi et al., 2022). Regarding the research on the issue of new economic supervision, Qi Yudong and Li Ying (2018) believe that the direction should be changed from strengthening supervision to relaxing supervision, from economic supervision to social supervision in content, from discriminatory supervision to fair competition supervision in method, from positive list system to negative list system in method, from pre-approval to post-supervision in process, from professional department to comprehensive department in terms of institution, and pay attention to the use of "regulatory sandbox" in mechanism.

It can be seen that the academic research on the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy is still in its infancy, and has not yet systematically revealed the four aspects of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy: motivation, practical constraints, typical models and transformation paths. Therefore, it is urgent to combine the characteristics of the digital economy era and the characteristics of the reform of the Chinese government's regulatory system in the new era, and put forward the path of the transformation of the Chinese government's supervision in the digital economy era. Based on this, this paper focuses on four issues (see Figure 1 for details of the research framework): :(1) the "efficiency-risk" interaction principle of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy; (2) the driving force of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy: the reform of government regulatory system; (3) the typical mode and practical constraints of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy; (4) The five-dimensional path of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy. Through this research, it will provide theoretical support and decision-making reference for promoting the regulatory transformation of the Chinese government in the era of digital economy. Compared with the existing literature, the main contributions of this paper are: First, it clarifies the characteristics of the digital economy era that promotes the transformation of government supervision. Second, the theoretical basis for promoting the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy - the interaction principle of "efficiency and risk" is studied, and the new manifestations of market failure in the digital economy era are clarified, such as the new market structure, data ownership, data product or service characteristics, and the application of digital technology. The third is to sort out the driving force of the reform of the Chinese government's regulatory system in the new era to the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. Fourth, it summarizes the typical model of Chinese government's regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy, and clarifies the practical constraints of government regulatory transformation. Fifth, it proposes a five-dimensional path for the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. The structure of the following paper is as follows: the second part examines the "efficiency-risk" interaction principle of government regulatory transformation in the digital economy era; The third part analyzes the driving force of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy: the reform of government regulatory system; The fourth part analyzes the typical models and practical constraints of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy. The fifth part proposes a five-dimensional path for the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. The sixth part is the research conclusions and policy implications of this paper.

Research on the Regulatory Transformation of Chinese Government in the Era of Digital Economy

2. The "efficiency-risk" interaction principle of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy

This part mainly analyzes the main characteristics of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy from the perspective of government regulatory transformation. Based on the basic elements of the digital economy era, this paper establishes the "efficiency-risk" interaction principle under different factors from the dual dimensions of efficiency and risk, so as to provide a theoretical basis for the transformation of government supervision in the digital economy era. On this basis, the challenges of new market failures to government supervision in the era of digital economy are clarified.

(1) The main characteristics of promoting the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy

The data-based, platform-based, intelligent and dynamic characteristics of the digital economy era are driving the transformation of government supervision. Among them, digitization is one of the main characteristics of the digital economy era, and it is a significant change in production factors compared with the traditional economy. Platformization is a challenge to the government's unilateral supervision of enterprises under traditional government supervision, and it also points out the direction for the transformation of government supervision carriers in the era of digital economy. Intelligence is the key to improving the efficiency of government supervision and realizing the transformation from traditional fragmented supervision to comprehensive supervision, overall governance and efficient supervision. Dynamics determine that government supervision in the era of digital economy should be efficient, adaptable and risk-resistant.

1. Digitization

Data is one of the five major factors of production alongside land, labor, capital and technology, and is the core resource in the digital economy era and an important foundation for the application of digital technology. The Fourth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) for the first time used data as a factor of production, and the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee further established the market position of data elements. In March 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Building a More Perfect System and Mechanism for Market-oriented Allocation of Factors", which clearly proposed to "accelerate the cultivation of the data element market". In December 2021, the State Council issued the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Digital Economy", proposing to "accelerate the construction of market rules for data elements, cultivate market entities, improve the governance system, and promote the circulation of data element markets". In March 2022, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Construction of a National Unified Market", proposing to "accelerate the cultivation of the data element market, establish and improve basic systems and standards such as data security, rights protection, cross-border transmission management, transaction circulation, open sharing, and security certification". The storage, mining, utilization, and sharing of massive data resources have become an important part of promoting the high-quality development of China's economy and modernizing the national governance system and governance capacity in the era of digital economy. New data and algorithms will also be generated through data mining, which will challenge traditional government regulatory theories. At the same time, the quantity and quality of data determine the efficiency and intelligence level of government supervision in the digital economy era. In addition, issues such as data rights confirmation, data standards, data governance, data security, and data ethics derived from data have created problems such as "difficulty in confirming rights, pricing, and supervision" of data in reality. It can be seen that in the era of digital economy, "data" is becoming an important production factor to drive the transformation of government supervision and improve the efficiency of government supervision. To this end, it is urgent to establish a government regulatory system and mechanism that is compatible with the characteristics, needs and applications of data.

2. Platformization

The platform is the basic organizational form and business model of the digital economy, and it is also one of the most significant features of the digital economy era (Kapoor et al., 2021). In the era of digital economy, platformization presents the dual characteristics of platformization of government supervision carriers and platformization of government supervision objects. Among them, the platformization of government supervision carriers refers to the shift of government supervision from traditional offline supervision to relying on digital application platforms for supervision. For a long time, government supervision has the characteristics of decentralized supervision, on-site supervision, supervision of offline enterprises, and supervision by people, and the characteristics of the digital economy are driving the process reengineering and iterative upgrading of government supervision. Platformization of government regulatory objects refers to digital platform enterprises becoming the objects of government supervision. The platformization of government supervision objects expands the content and organizational form of government supervision. Digital platform enterprises have the attributes of a two-sided market, showing the characteristics of intermediary or matching, and data or data products have become one of the important inputs or outputs. Digital platform enterprises blur the boundary between the government and the market, reduce the information asymmetry between digital platform enterprises and access enterprises, but also increase the information asymmetry of the government for digital platform enterprises. Therefore, compared with the traditional model of direct government supervision of enterprises, the new model of government supervision of digital platform enterprises and digital platform enterprise governance access platform enterprises is more conducive to promoting the improvement of government supervision efficiency. In addition, in the development process of digital platform enterprises, new problems such as "pinching mergers and acquisitions", "big data killing" and "choosing one of the two" have also arisen, which pose new challenges to the applicability of traditional government regulatory theories. Therefore, based on the dual characteristics of the platform of government supervision carriers and the platform of government supervision objects, it is necessary to promote the transformation of the content and carrier of government supervision in the era of digital economy.

3. Intelligence

From the perspective of the development process of intelligence, it has mainly gone through five stages: Internet, online, cloud, online and offline two-wheel drive, and full-chain data intelligence. Among them, the core of the first four stages is the digitization of business, and the core of the whole chain data intelligence stage is to realize the data empowerment and data intelligence of all elements, all scenarios, and all cycles at both ends of supply and demand. In the era of digital economy, there is a certain difference between digitalization and intelligence. Compared with intelligence, digitalization has a broad and narrow sense. Among them, digitalization in a broad sense focuses on the organizational reconstruction of digital technology (Chen Jian et al., 2020), the process of empowering physical enterprises through cross-border integration and value creation (He Fan and Liu Hongxia, 2019), and the transformation process of using digital technology to achieve competitive attributes, management thinking and paradigm (Qi Yudong and Xiao Xu, 2020). Digitalization in the narrow sense refers to the process of using information and communication technology to convert real-world information and knowledge into digital form, so as to facilitate computer storage, transmission and processing (Kusak, 2017), and the process of using Internet technology for efficient economic value creation (Reddy, Lenatz, 2017, Pagani and Pardo, 2017). Intelligence in the digital economy era has new features of data, algorithms, and empowerment (Chen et al., 2022), and is a paradigm change in the organization (Xiao et al., 2021), which can reduce the cost of search, copy, transportation, tracking, and verification (Goldfarb and Tucker, 2019). Its essence is to support the transformation of technology from the traditional Internet technology architecture to new technology groups such as cloud computing, edge computing, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things, the demand side from the popular and large-scale generalized demand to the non-deterministic, personalized and fragmented demand, the concept from product-centric to customer-centric, and the technical system from a closed technology system to multiple data integration and open solutions such as cloud computing, data central control platform, mobile client, and network client. At present, the academic community pays more attention to the intelligence of enterprise management, but pays relatively little attention to the intelligence of government supervision in the era of digital economy. To this end, this paper will focus on the intelligence of government supervision in the era of digital economy, the core of which is to reflect the latest data as the premise and important support, widely apply digital technologies such as big data, Internet of Things, blockchain, cloud computing, edge computing, etc., and use cloud, computer, WeChat, Weibo and other carriers to realize "data-based, algorithm-based, and computing power-based" intelligent supervision through data resources, iterative algorithms, real-time computing, data mining, etc. Therefore, in the era of digital economy, intelligence provides great development space for the improvement of government supervision efficiency and the modernization of government supervision.

4. Dynamics

In the era of the digital economy, products or services can be produced faster, iteration times are shorter, and the proportion of upgrades is higher. Compared with the traditional economy, it is more variable and highly convertible. At the same time, in the era of digital economy, new technologies, new products, new services, new formats, new models, new organizations and new industries are constantly being generated, which has brought a certain impact on the laws and institutional rules of traditional economic theory. It is mainly manifested in the breaking of the assumption of resource scarcity in traditional economics, such as data resources can be used infinitely and continuously created; The resource allocation mechanism, the law of supply and demand balance, and the rules of market competition are challenged, such as the marginal cost of the production of a large number of software and information services is zero; The Internet business model of exchanging users for free has become an industry practice; Digital platform companies can use data, technology, algorithms, etc. to construct new competition rules. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China's digital economy has made remarkable achievements. According to the data of the Office of the Cyber Security and Information Commission of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the scale of China's digital economy has ranked second in the world for many years, and the scale of China's digital economy has increased from 11 trillion yuan to 45.5 trillion yuan in 2012~2021, and the proportion of digital economy in GDP has increased from 21.6% to 39.8% (2). Therefore, in the context of the continuous expansion of the scale of the digital economy, how to grasp the development law of the digital economy era, not only adapt to the supervision of traditional fields in the digital economy era, but also establish regulatory rules in new fields in the digital economy era through theoretical and practical innovation, and use digital technology to drive the transformation of government supervision and expand the scope of government supervision has become an inevitable requirement for the development of the digital economy era.

(2) The principle of "efficiency-risk" interaction in the era of digital economy

Under the guidance of data, platform, intelligence and dynamics, data, platforms and technologies have become the basic elements of the digital economy era. This paper mainly analyzes the efficiency and risk interaction principles under the attributes of data, platform and technology from three basic elements (see Table 1 for details).

1. The principle of interaction between data attributes and "efficiency-risk".

Data quantity, data quality, data timeliness, clarity of data ownership, soundness of data protection mechanism, and data security are the main contents of data attributes. The impact of data volume on efficiency is uncertain. If the quantity of data meets the needs of the whole chain of government supervision, and the better the data quality, the more data quantity will help improve efficiency, and vice versa, it may reduce efficiency. At the same time, in the case of occasional data breaches, the greater the amount of data, the more likely it is to increase the risk of data in storage, transmission and use. Better data quality is better than the quantity of data, the more efficient it is and the risk is reduced. The timeliness of data is one of the important characteristics affecting the effective use of data, and the more time-sensitive the data, the more helpful it is to apply data for statistics, analysis, monitoring, early warning and decision-making, so as to improve the efficiency of government supervision and efficiency. However, the more time-sensitive the data, once the data is leaked or tampered with, the risk will increase. Unclear data ownership has become one of the important factors restricting the effective use of data. On the contrary, for data with clear ownership, it is more helpful to reduce the risk of data use, thereby improving the efficiency of data use. In addition, the soundness of the data protection mechanism is also one of the important factors affecting the effective use of data, if the data sharing space between departments is reduced on the grounds of data protection, it will not only reduce the efficiency of data use brought about by multi-channel data matching, but also reduce the risk of data proliferation. Finally, data security is also an important factor affecting the efficiency of data use, and the more secure the data, the more efficient it will be and the risk of data use will be reduced.

2. The interaction principle between platform attributes and "efficiency-risk".

The quantity and quality of the platform are important factors that affect efficiency and risk. Among them, for Internet platforms, if the number of platforms increases, the more difficult it will be for government supervision, which will reduce efficiency and increase risks. On the contrary, it will improve efficiency and reduce risk. At the same time, the better the quality of the Internet platform, the fewer negative externalities it will generate, which will improve efficiency and reduce risk. From the perspective of government supervision digital platforms, the impact of their number on efficiency is uncertain, because if the government supervision digital platform is formed based on a rational division of labor, the more government supervision digital platforms will improve efficiency. Conversely, the greater the number of cross-functional digital platforms for government regulation, the less efficient they will be. In addition, the higher the quality of the construction of the digital platform for government supervision in terms of statistical analysis, monitoring, early warning, decision-making and dynamic update mechanism of the whole regulatory chain, the more conducive it is to improving efficiency and reducing risks, and vice versa, it will reduce efficiency and increase risks.

Research on the Regulatory Transformation of Chinese Government in the Era of Digital Economy

3. The interaction principle between technical attributes and "efficiency-risk".

The satisfaction of the demand of digital technology, the cost of updating and the security, the level of infrastructure construction, the scope of application and the degree of security have an important impact on the efficiency and risk. Among them, from the perspective of the demand satisfaction of digital technology, if it can meet the needs of government supervision transformation in the digital economy era, it will help improve efficiency and reduce risks, and vice versa, it will reduce efficiency and increase risks. At the same time, digital technology will be continuously updated and iterated according to actual needs and forward-looking expectations, and if the update cost is low, it will improve efficiency, and vice versa, it will reduce efficiency. However, the effect on risk is uncertain. Among them, when the cost of digital technology update changes in the opposite direction with security, the lower the update cost, the lower the risk, and vice versa, the higher the risk. Under the circumstance that digital technology meets the needs of government regulatory transformation, if the level of digital technology infrastructure construction in a region is higher, it will provide important digital technology support for efficiency improvement and risk reduction. The wider the application of digital technology, the more it can help to harness the enabling role of digital technology to drive efficiency improvements, but the impact on risk is uncertain. Among them, the widespread application of digital technology will increase the risks of network security, privacy leakage, and technology iteration, and the automatic control under digital technology will also reduce the risk of human operation. In addition, the security of digital technology directly affects the stability and reliability of the platform system. For this reason, the more secure digital technologies are, the more efficient they are and the more risk they may be. Otherwise, it will reduce efficiency and increase risk.

From the perspective of the "efficiency-risk" interaction principle in the digital economy era, the focus of government supervision is on the areas or links with low efficiency, high risk or efficiency impact uncertainty derived from data, platform and technology attributes. At the same time, it is necessary to make efficient use of the advantages of data, platforms and technologies in the digital economy era to promote the transformation of government supervision, so as to promote the improvement of government supervision efficiency and the modernization of government supervision on the basis of improving efficiency and avoiding risks.

(3) The challenge of new market failure to government supervision in the era of digital economy

Based on the principle of "efficiency-risk" interaction in the digital economy, this part focuses on the challenges of new market failures generated by data, platforms, and technologies to government regulation. Specifically, the market structure in the era of digital economy has shown new characteristics. In the traditional economy, the market structure regulated by the government is monopolistic or oligopoly. In the era of digital economy, the market structure of digital platform enterprises often presents oligopolistic competition characteristics. Second, it is difficult to confirm the rights of digital products or services in the era of digital economy. Third, the connotation, extension and manifestation of negative externalities in the era of digital economy far exceed those of the traditional economy. Fourth, the application of digital technology creates the necessary technical conditions for improving the efficiency of government supervision.

1. How to regulate digital platforms with the characteristics of an oligopolistic competitive market structure

Compared with the traditional economy, one of the most significant features of the digital economy era is that products or services rely on digital platform companies to provide products. At the same time, under the traditional economy, the natural monopoly industry under the monopoly structure is an important area of government supervision, and it is necessary to control entry barriers, curb excessive entry of enterprises, and prevent monopoly high prices through price regulation, so as to ensure social production efficiency (Giles, 1997). In addition, the products or services provided by natural monopoly industries often rely on physical networks, and their marginal costs are greater than zero. In contrast, products or services in the digital economy era are often provided through digital platform companies. These digital platform companies are both oligopolistic and potentially competitive because of the low barriers to entry for some digital platform companies. Therefore, in the era of digital economy, some digital platform enterprises show the characteristics of oligopolistic market structure. The specific performance is as follows: First, the network virtual platform is the carrier of digital product or service transactions, with two-sided market attributes, showing the characteristics of charging on one side and free on the other. The second is that the marginal cost is zero or close to zero. Third, the iteration speed of digital products or services is relatively fast, and new competitors can rely on Internet platforms to quickly occupy the market or carve up market share, and can also consolidate market positions and strengthen market power through new products, new services and new ideas, or weaken market power due to the entry of new enterprises. For example, Didi's market share after the acquisition of Uber is close to 100%, but with the entry of other online ride-hailing platform companies, it has gradually reduced its market power and presented a new type of oligopolistic competitive market structure. It can be seen that the oligopoly competitive market structure under the digital platform brings many difficulties to the definition of relevant markets, the determination of market power, the basis of government supervision, the selection of government regulatory tools, and the evaluation of the effectiveness of government supervision.

2. How to regulate the new negative externalities brought about by unclear platform data ownership

In 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Building a More Perfect System and Mechanism for Market-oriented Allocation of Factors", proposing to "promote the open sharing of government data", "enhance the value of social data resources", and "strengthen the integration and security protection of data resources". Property rights are the conditions for the optimal allocation of resources through market transactions (Coase, 1937). In the era of the digital economy, due to the unclear definition of data ownership, a new type of market failure problem has arisen, which has arisen in the abuse of public and private data. Therefore, defining data property rights has become the basic premise for analyzing data governance in the digital economy era and promoting the digital transformation of government supervision. In 2022, the 26th meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform deliberated and adopted the "Opinions on Building a Basic Data System to Better Play the Role of Data Elements", pointing out that "explore the establishment of a data property rights system", "establish a classification, grading, confirmation and authorization system for public data, enterprise data, and personal data", "establish a separate property rights operation mechanism for the right to hold data resources, the right to process and use data, and the right to operate data products", and "improve the protection system for the rights and interests of data elements". "In reality, the externalities caused by unclear data ownership are mainly manifested in privacy leakage and data sharing security. Among them, excessive collection or theft of users' personal information for commercial or even illegal purposes through applications and other carriers has become an important manifestation of data abuse in the digital economy era. According to the "Statistical Report on the Development of China's Internet Network" released by the China Internet Network Information Center for the 51st time, according to incomplete statistics, as of December 2022, 19.6% of netizens have suffered personal information leakage. Therefore, in the era of digital economy, how to effectively supervise the data of digital platforms with unclear ownership has become an important topic that needs to be studied urgently.

3. How to establish new regulatory rules that are compatible with the negative externalities of digital products or services

In the traditional economy, its externalities are difficult to fully address through government regulation (Dalman, 1979). In the era of digital economy, there are not only externalities under the traditional economy, but also some new externalities. Therefore, the externalities in the era of the digital economy are far more complex than those of the traditional economy. The new externalities of digital products or services are mainly manifested in four aspects: First, the negative externalities of digital products or services are disseminated with the help of online platforms. For example, once the negative externalities of Internet products or services such as Internet food, online gambling, live streaming, and online games occur, these digital products or services often show the characteristics of diversity of forms, rapid dissemination, wide range, long-term duration, unpredictable impact, and difficulty in effective screening. Second, the connotation of negative externalities of digital products or services is broader. Negative externalities in the traditional economy are characterized by substances, such as environmental pollution, mining disasters, and expired or low-quality food. However, negative externalities in the era of digital economy often have the characteristics of virtuality, which are mainly manifested in negative externalities such as data security issues, data abuse, information leakage, and illegal cross-border data flow. Third, the negative externalities of digital products or services are closely related to algorithms. As a technical tool, algorithms can improve the mining accuracy and use level of digital products or services, and provide technical support for the realization of the public value of digital products or services. However, the negative externalities related to algorithms, such as the concealment of algorithm illegality, algorithmic collusion, algorithmic discrimination, information cocooning, and big data killing, will further have a negative feedback effect on digital products or services, which brings many challenges to the applicability of traditional collusion theory, the feasibility of traditional tools to identify algorithmic collusion, and the welfare analysis of digital products or services. Fourth, it is difficult to count the objects of negative externalities of products or services. Instead of the negative externalities of digital products or services that are physical and relatively fixed in the affected group, as in the traditional economy, they show the characteristics of volatility. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately measure the impact effect of negative externalities of digital products or services or social welfare. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize and innovate the theory of government supervision in combination with the characteristics of the digital economy era, and establish and improve new rules of government supervision that are compatible with the negative externalities of products or services in the digital economy era.

4. How to use digital technology to solve market failures and improve the effectiveness of government supervision

Under the traditional economy, government supervision is often decentralized, fragmented, offline, artificial, and difficult to share information. With the wide application of various digital technologies, the digital transformation of various economic and social fields is accelerating. Among them, government supervision urgently needs to be transformed from decentralized supervision to systematic supervision, from offline supervision to a combination of online and offline supervision, from human supervision to platform algorithm supervision, and from data gap to data sharing and comprehensive utilization. On December 17, 2021, at the 23rd meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform, it was pointed out that "it is necessary to accelerate the transformation of government functions, improve the efficiency of government supervision, promote a better combination of an effective market and a promising government, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises and the safety of people's lives and property in accordance with the law." To this end, how to make full use of the massive data in the era of digital economy, promote data sharing and efficient use under the premise of fully considering the principle of "efficiency-risk" interaction and ensuring data security, strengthen collaborative supervision between departments with the help of the digital platform for government supervision, build digital application scenarios, and establish a regulatory mechanism that relies on the digital application platform for the whole process, so as to better play the role of data, platforms and algorithms, and efficiently solve the problem of new market failure in the era of digital economy. It has become an important topic to promote the improvement of government regulatory efficiency.

Based on the data, platform and technical attributes, the interaction principle of "efficiency-risk" is constructed to provide a theoretical basis for the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the new market failure problems derived from data, platforms and technologies based on the principle of "efficiency-risk" interaction, so as to promote the transformation of government supervision and improve the efficiency of government supervision.

3. The driving force for the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy: the reform of government regulatory system

The advantage of China's political system is that it adheres to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adheres to the supremacy of the people's interests, promotes economic and social development in a unified and coordinated and orderly manner, and concentrates its efforts on major affairs. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government has continued to promote the reform of the government regulatory system in order to build a scientific and efficient market supervision system and comprehensively improve the efficiency of comprehensive market supervision, which has provided an important impetus for the regulatory transformation of the Chinese government in the era of digital economy.

(1) Reform of government regulatory agencies

The core of the reform of the administrative system is the transformation of government functions. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party and state institutions have undergone three rounds of reform, focusing on the integration of government functions, the establishment of comprehensive government agencies, and the promotion of systematic and holistic restructuring of institutions. Among them, in the field of government supervision, the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China established the State Food and Drug Administration and the State Railway Administration, merged the functions of the former State Electricity Regulatory Commission into the National Energy Administration and reorganized the new National Energy Administration. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) established government agencies such as the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Ministry of Emergency Management, the State Administration for Market Regulation, and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has ushered in a new round of reform of the Party and state institutions, the theoretical logic of which is to start from the transformation of government functions, to coordinate the development and security of the new era, and to focus on the prevention and control of major emerging risks in key areas such as science and technology, finance, and data, and to solve the problems of cross-supervision and regulatory gaps between departments by strengthening comprehensive risk supervision. Based on this, the State Administration of Financial Supervision and Administration was established, the China Securities Regulatory Commission was adjusted to an agency directly under the State Council, the State Data Bureau was established, and the State Intellectual Property Office was adjusted from a State Bureau under the management of the State Administration for Market Regulation to an agency directly under the State Council.

The core of the reform of the Party and state institutions is to improve the efficiency of government supervision by integrating the functions of departments. For example, after the establishment of the State Administration for Market Regulation in 2018, it further rationalized the system of laws and regulations, established unified standards for competition policy, and built and covered a fair competition review system for national, provincial, municipal and county governments, continuously optimized a unified, open, competitive and orderly market environment, and continued to enhance the international influence of competition policies and anti-monopoly rules. The reform of the allocation of regulatory agencies and functions of the Chinese government, characterized by "integration", is not only conducive to data exchange, but also provides many conveniences for the centralized deployment of digital platforms for government supervision and the integration of government supervision. At the same time, the establishment and improvement of the government supervision function system characterized by "collaboration" is conducive to the co-construction and data sharing of the digital platform for government supervision. Therefore, the reform of "integration" and "coordination" of government regulators and functional allocation will help promote the transformation of government supervision from decentralized supervision to comprehensive supervision and smart supervision in the era of digital economy.

(2) Reform of the content of government regulation

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, a government regulatory content system with Chinese characteristics has been formed. At present, the content of Chinese government supervision mainly involves the regulation of natural monopoly industries, social supervision, market supervision and other areas of supervision. Among them, the natural monopoly industry has shifted from the physical network characteristics of traditional water supply and sewage pipe networks to the coupling characteristics of physical physical networks and Internet virtual networks presented by the digital twin of pipe networks. For products or services involving social supervision such as health, safety, and the environment, there has been a shift from offline supply to a dual supply model that combines offline and online. For products or services that affect the health and safety of residents, they have shifted from physical to virtual and real coexistence, or physical with the help of virtual features. For example, the negative externalities caused by the dissemination of false information by short video social software platforms. At the same time, the supervised objects of market supervision have shifted from offline enterprises or consumers to online platforms and suppliers on the platform. In addition, there are other regulatory contents such as housing provident fund supervision, lottery supervision and scientific research integrity supervision in China. From a practical point of view, the expression of the content regulated by the Chinese government is shifting from an offline model to a combination of offline and online or online mode, and the continuous emergence of digital products or services will continue to expand the content system of government supervision.

(3) Reform of government supervision methods

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has proposed new government supervision methods such as "decentralization, decentralization and service" reform, "double random, one open" supervision, credit supervision and "Internet + supervision". Specifically: First, "double random, one open" supervision. "Double random, one open" supervision, most of which rely on random sampling and notification of law enforcement inspectors, which reduces the "acquaintance" effect and the failure of government supervision caused by related interests compared with the traditional model. In the era of digital economy, algorithms and computing power can be further applied to realize human-computer interaction, intelligent random selection of regulators and supervised objects, which provides a development direction for promoting the transformation of government supervision methods in the era of digital economy. The second is credit supervision. The government has played an important role in improving the construction of the credit system and building a new credit-based regulatory mechanism, and the reform of credit supervision methods in the era of digital economy should better tap the credit data of consumers, enterprises and society, and realize the intelligent application of credit data through data convergence, algorithms and computing power applications, so as to deepen the breadth and depth of the application of credit supervision. The third is "Internet + supervision". In practice, non-contact technologies such as video surveillance recognition and IoT sensing are widely used, and off-site supervision such as remote supervision, mobile supervision, early warning prevention and control is promoted, as well as the establishment of digital supervision application scenarios to promote the reform of "Internet + supervision". At present, there is still a lot of room for expansion in the application scenarios of "Internet + supervision", which provides an important foundation for promoting the intelligent transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. With the wide application, optimization and upgrading of digital technology, we will continue to promote the innovation of government supervision methods.

(4) Reform of government supervision and supervision

Government regulatory supervision mainly refers to the supervision of government regulatory entities. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the CPC Central Committee and the State Council have innovated the supervision mechanism of government departments and party and government officials. Specifically, the first is to form a pluralistic supervision system in the field of government supervision in the fields of "intra-party supervision, supervision by state organs, democratic supervision, judicial supervision, mass supervision, and public opinion supervision". The second is to promote the "full coverage" of political inspections and build a long-term mechanism of "not daring to be corrupt, not being able to be corrupt, and not wanting to be corrupt", which effectively restricts the behavior of government regulatory entities. Third, we have promoted the reform of the state supervision system, and realized the organic combination of comprehensive and strict governance of the party and intra-party supervision and people's supervision. Fourth, a normalized supervision and interview system has been formed, which has formed an effective deterrent to the illegal acts of government supervision entities. For example, the central ecological and environmental inspection has effectively strengthened the main responsibility of the government, so that the quality of the ecological environment has been fundamentally improved nationwide. Fifth, it is necessary to improve the system of auditing the economic responsibilities of principal party and government leading cadres and leaders of state-owned enterprises, as well as auditing the natural resources of leading cadres leaving office. At present, the supervision of government regulatory entities has been explored in terms of data application, one-click platform intelligence and intelligent early warning, which provides an important basis for encouraging and restricting the behavior of government regulatory entities and forming a coupled government supervision and supervision mechanism of "digital + supervision".

(5) Reform of government supervision and evaluation

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, governments at all levels have widely used the third-party evaluation mechanism to promote the reform of government regulatory evaluation through the establishment of a government regulatory evaluation index system. Among them, in order to break the shortcomings of traditional evaluation models such as departmental self-evaluation, peer evaluation, or internal evaluation of superiors and subordinates, the State Council has carried out third-party evaluations in the Regulations on Optimizing the Business Environment, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China in the electricity price reduction policy, the Civil Aviation Administration of China in deepening civil aviation reform, the Guizhou Provincial People's Government in government government services, and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development in urban sewage treatment. At the same time, the National Development and Reform Commission has established a green development index system, a circular economy development index system, a China business environment evaluation index system, and a Beautiful China construction evaluation index, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of the People's Republic of China has established a "waste-free city" construction index system and an ecological protection redline supervision index system, and the National Health Commission of the People's Republic of China has established a monitoring index system for the construction of a close county-level medical and health community. In addition, some provinces and cities have also established local government supervision evaluation index systems, such as Chongqing Municipality has established a market competition index evaluation system. In the context of the establishment of the government supervision evaluation index system and the third-party evaluation reform, it is important to build an evaluation index system that is compatible with the characteristics of the digital economy era, give full play to the advantages of data, platform and technology in the digital economy era, and promote the innovation of government supervision evaluation mode, which has become an important direction for the transformation of government regulatory evaluation in the digital economy era.

4. Typical models and practical constraints of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government has made remarkable achievements in the field of supervision, continuously promoting the transformation of government supervision from ex-post supervision to full-chain supervision before, during, and after the event, and continuously promoting the precision and efficiency of government supervision. In the context of solidly promoting Chinese-style modernization, completely, accurately and comprehensively implementing the new development concept, and accelerating the construction of a new development pattern, in order to help the high-quality development of China's economy with the improvement of government supervision efficiency and the modernization of government supervision, and give full play to the advantages of the socialist market economy system with Chinese characteristics, the mainland has carried out a series of reforms in the field of government supervision since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China The China Plan for the Transformation of Government Regulation in the Digital Economy Era provides institutional advantages and reform background. This section examines typical patterns of government regulatory transformation. On this basis, this paper analyzes the practical constraints of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy.

(1) A typical model of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy

From a practical point of view, the regulatory transformation of the Chinese government is characterized by holistic, digital, intelligent and efficient, but there are certain differences between different provinces. According to the "2021 China Digital Government Development Index" and "2022 China Digital Government Development Index" released by the Data Governance Research Center of Tsinghua University, the digital government development index of Beijing, Guangdong Province and Zhejiang Province ranks among the top in the country. Among them, Beijing is also a national market supervision digital pilot zone. Therefore, this paper selects Beijing, Guangdong Province, and Zhejiang Province as the research objects, and on this basis, it is concluded that the Beijing model is characterized by "integrated and comprehensive regulatory reform", the Guangdong model is characterized by "provincial governance of 'one network and unified management'", and the Zhejiang model is characterized by the systematic iteration of "system, platform, and scenario".

1. The Beijing model of integrated and comprehensive regulatory reform

The core of the Beijing model of integrated and comprehensive regulatory reform is to build an integrated and comprehensive regulatory system (see Figure 2 for details) and promote systematic government regulatory reform. The model is mainly composed of two aspects: the basic system and the main scenario. Among them, the basic system consists of risk supervision, credit supervision, hierarchical and categorical supervision, collaborative supervision, science and technology supervision, and co-governance supervision. At the same time, establish and improve a collaborative scenario led by an industry competent department and jointly supervised by relevant departments. It mainly includes scenarios such as "one industry, one book", "one industry, one order", "one industry, one inspection", "one industry, one evaluation", etc., and has carried out pilot projects in catering, logistics, medical care, tourism, pension, property management, construction engineering, education and training, and Internet platforms. This model has three characteristics: first, adhere to the integration of government supervision subjects, integrate government regulatory resources from various departments and levels, and strengthen cross-departmental and cross-level coordination and linkage. The second is to adhere to the integration of the government supervision chain, strengthen the combination of decentralization and regulation, the effective connection between approval and supervision, and establish a government supervision system with a full chain before, during, and after the event. The third is to adhere to the integration of the government supervision pattern and form a social co-governance pattern of "government leadership, autonomy of market entities, industry self-discipline, and social supervision". The efficient operation of this model needs to be based on comprehensive and accurate data, break the interests of departments, reduce the transaction costs of the whole process, realize the linkage between departments, and implement various regulatory behaviors with the goal of promoting the improvement of government supervision efficiency and the modernization of government supervision. Through practice, this model improves the fairness, impartiality, accuracy and scientificity of government supervision, and provides experience for other provinces to promote the transformation of government supervision.

2. The Guangdong model of provincial governance of "one network unified management".

The Guangdong model of provincial governance of "one network and unified management" refers to the use of digital technology to reengineer business processes through digital empowerment, so as to form a provincial governance model of horizontal cross-departmental, vertical cross-level, and closed-loop management between horizontal and vertical departments (see Figure 3 for details). Its core is to build the "Guangdong Zhihui" platform, and build a three-level linkage "one network unified management" work system at the provincial, municipal and county levels; Realize the functions of research and analysis, comprehensive command, efficient processing and disposal, and supervision and management of hierarchical applications. There are two main aspects of innovation in this model: one is institutional innovation. Establish provincial, municipal, and county-level government service data management bureaus; Build a cross-departmental, cross-level, and cross-regional data integration and sharing mechanism; It is the first in the country to create a construction mechanism for the cooperation between the government and enterprises, and the separation of the management and operator of the digital government platform; Integrate the business systems and hardware facilities of all levels and departments in the province to form "one cloud, one network" in the province, and realize a new pattern of "one network to perceive the situation, one network to view the overall situation, one network to make decisions and commands, and one network to coordinate and co-govern" within the province. The second is to form a number of nationally leading, replicable and promotable digital application scenarios. Such as big data risk early warning system, access filing management system, smart drug supervision integration platform, electric energy meter online monitoring system, etc. The focus of the effective operation of this model is to establish an efficient data collection and update mechanism, ensure the linkage between upper and lower departments, widely apply digital technology to empower government supervision, break data blockages, realize data interconnection, and make government supervision move from offline supervision to online data-based, platform-based, and intelligent supervision. Guangdong's provincial governance model of "one network and unified management" embodies the characteristics of systematic, intelligent and efficient in practice.

Research on the Regulatory Transformation of Chinese Government in the Era of Digital Economy

3. The Zhejiang model of "system, platform, and scenario" system iteration

The core of the Zhejiang model of "system, platform, and scenario" system iteration is "overall intelligent governance, system iteration, digital middle platform, and intelligent supervision" (see Figure 4 for details). Specifically, the first is the formation of the "Overall Plan for Digital Reform in Zhejiang Province", "Interim Measures for Public Data Openness and Security Management in Zhejiang Province", "Definition of Digital Reform Terms", "Zhejiang Province Digital Reform Standardization System Construction Plan (2021-2025)", "Zhejiang Province Digital Economy Promotion Regulations" and other institutional systems. The second is to iteratively upgrade the "Zhejiang Office" and "Zhejiang Government Nail", forming a digital collaborative work scenario of "one-click wisdom of government decrees, consistent implementation, one-network service, and one-screen control of supervision". Third, in the field of market supervision, a regulatory digital framework of "databases, application modules, and application scenarios" has been built. Among them, build a "full, real-time, and automatic" digital reform database for market supervision; Build "party and government intelligent governance, commercial reform, intellectual property rights, quality development, safety intelligent control, fair competition, market consumption, law enforcement and case handling, scientific and technological support" and other top-down linkage, logical and organic application modules; It has established 16 application scenarios, including Zhejiang Enterprise Online, Zhejiang Individual Industrial and Commercial Household Service Online, Zhejiang Fair Online, Zhejiang Food Security, Zhejiang Special Equipment Online, Market Supervision Asian Games Guarantee Online, Zhejiang Quality Online, Zhejiang e-Bank Online, Zhejiang Market Online, Zhejiang Consumer Protection Online, Zhejiang Market Supervision and Law Enforcement Online, Zhejiang Li Inspection, GM2D Online, Clean Market Supervision, and Ping An Market Supervision Online. Taking "Zhejiang Fair Online" as an example, the innovation point of this application scenario lies in the intelligent identification of illegal risk information of online transactions; Big data comprehensively analyzes the operation and risk situation of the platform and forms a multi-dimensional portrait; Comprehensively use blockchain technology to store and fix evidence in real time; Online and offline integration realizes the two-way disposal of risk information between regulatory authorities and e-commerce platforms. It can be seen that the key to the Zhejiang model of "system, platform, and scenario" system iteration is to realize the organic combination of databases, application modules and application scenarios, which reflects the transformation direction of government supervision under the characteristics of data, platform and intelligence.

To sum up, the Beijing model of integrated and comprehensive regulatory reform, the Guangdong model of provincial governance of "one network and unified management", and the Zhejiang model of "system, platform, and scenario" system iteration show the following common characteristics: First, government supervision has shifted from decentralized supervision to chain system supervision, and continuously promoted the improvement of government supervision efficiency. The second is to use the digital application platform for government supervision, and continuously promote the improvement of the digital and intelligent level of government supervision through the way of data collection to the platform. Third, it is difficult to coordinate between departments to promote multi-department collaborative supervision, which greatly saves transaction costs between departments. Fourth, we will continue to refine digital application scenarios and shift from a display platform to an application platform. It can be seen that the common characteristics of the above-mentioned typical models, such as data, platformization, collaborative promotion, multi-scenario application and smart supervision, have important reference significance for promoting the transformation of Chinese government supervision in the era of digital economy and forming a plan for government supervision in China.

Research on the Regulatory Transformation of Chinese Government in the Era of Digital Economy

(2) Practical constraints on the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy

In order to improve the efficiency of government supervision and promote the modernization of government supervision, government departments at all levels continue to promote the transformation of government supervision. From a practical point of view, the five aspects of thinking, economy, technology, platform, and data are the most important practical constraints in the process of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy. Among them, thinking constraints affect the overall framework, implementation path and transformation effectiveness of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy. Economic constraints affect the guarantee of construction funds and the sustainability of operation and maintenance funds in the process of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy. Technological constraints affect the modernization level and dynamic update ability of government supervision in the era of digital economy. Platform constraints affect the efficiency of the operation of government regulatory transformation carriers. Data constraints affect the comprehensiveness, accuracy and timeliness of data required to improve the effectiveness of government supervision.

1. Thinking constraints

One of the practical constraints restricting the transformation of government regulation in the era of digital economy is that the overall governance thinking that is compatible with the era of digital economy has not yet been fully established. The specific manifestations are: lack of technical thinking to solve the problem of relying on human supervision with the help of artificial intelligence technology; Offline supervision, on-site supervision and the use of paper media supervision still exist, and there is a lack of platform thinking to realize statistical analysis, monitoring, early warning, decision-making and other functions with the help of a one-stop digital platform for government supervision. Lack of collaborative thinking for systematic decision-making using data flow information from multiple departments; Emphasis on empirical logic and ignore the use of data, algorithms, and computing power for intelligent decision-making. For example, some cities still use "one-stop" paper data collection methods such as paper filling, paper reporting, and paper archiving in some fields, and have not yet formed a new mechanism for electronic data collection chain and data mining and intelligent decision-making. It can be seen that in terms of thinking constraints, cross-domain and cross-level technical thinking, platform thinking, collaborative thinking and intelligent thinking have not yet been fully established.

2. Economic constraints

The level of economic development and local fiscal revenue determine the digital transformation process of government supervision. Among them, from a practical point of view, the higher the level of economic development and the better the local fiscal revenue, the faster the digital transformation of government supervision tends to be. The reason is that the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy needs to be based on digital technology investment, based on the digital application platform of government supervision, and digital talents are an important guarantee for human resources, and these technologies, platforms and talents require a large and continuous capital investment. The level of regional economic development and local fiscal revenue are important financial guarantees for promoting the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. There is a certain gap between the level of economic development and local fiscal revenue in various parts of China, especially for the regions where the level of economic development and local fiscal revenue are relatively backward, capital investment in technology, platforms, talents and other fields has become an important economic constraint hindering the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy.

3. Technical constraints

The use of digital technology to promote the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy has become one of the key factors for improving the efficiency of government supervision and modernizing government supervision. In recent years, various parts of China have continued to promote the transformation of government supervision, and coordinated the intensive construction, interconnection and coordination of government regulatory systems in various industries and fields, but the breadth and depth of digital technology innovation and application of digital technology have still become a practical constraint to promote the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy. Specifically, first, digital technology has problems such as data capacity, delay, security, cost, algorithm deviation and privacy security, and it is difficult for existing digital technology to achieve high-quality functions such as "plug and play" in application scenarios, timely and dynamic update of functions, automatic collection of data in the whole chain, autonomous design of algorithms with the goal of regulatory efficiency, real-time dynamic monitoring, and self-feedback to regulatory entities. The second is the problem of technical constraints brought about by economic constraints and thinking constraints. That is, there are differences in the depth and breadth of the application of digital technologies in different regions or fields, which leads to an imbalance in the process of promoting the transformation of government supervision in China.

4. Platform Constraints

The platform constraints of government supervision are mainly manifested in two aspects, one is that the platform supply lags behind the transformation demand of government supervision in the digital economy era. At present, the digital platform or application scenario of government supervision is still in its infancy, and government supervision is transforming from non-digital to digital and offline to online, and there is a lack of government supervision platform that integrates statistics, analysis, early warning, prediction, decision-making and other functions. When local governments build digital platforms for government supervision, most of them attach importance to the display function of the platform, and relatively weaken the practical functions and dynamic update functions to meet the improvement of regulatory efficiency, which to a certain extent restricts the construction and transformation of the all-field, full-link and dynamic government supervision platform in the era of digital economy. With the continuous change of government regulatory functions, some digital application scenarios of government supervision lack a comprehensive analysis of application groups and a dynamic update mechanism for scenarios. There are many new digital scenarios or platforms in government departments, most of which are internal products of government departments, and lack of desensitized application scenarios or platform sharing mechanisms, which weakens the public goods attributes of application scenarios or platforms to a certain extent, and reduces the supervision intensity of social groups on negative externalities. In the process of operation and maintenance of digital scenarios or platforms supervised by the government, continuous investment in capital, technology and personnel is required, but the investment of funds is more inclined to platform construction, and the proportion of operation and maintenance funds is relatively small. At the same time, the operation and maintenance of the government's regulatory digital platform is oriented to solving practical problems, and a long-term operation and maintenance mechanism that integrates daily operation and maintenance, system security, and data security is often lacking.

5. Data Constraints

The standardization, comprehensiveness, accuracy, sharing, and security of data are important determinants of using data to improve the efficiency of government supervision and promote the modernization of government supervision in the era of digital economy. At present, due to the relatively low degree of standardization of data structures in some fields, this increases the risk of data conflicts and fragmentation. The lack of data affects the quality of government supervision throughout the chain. The "one number with multiple sources" and the direct reporting of data by lower-level departments increase the difficulty of data review and the risk of data misstatement by higher-level departments. "Data islands", "data chimneys", and data sharing barriers still exist, the overall management of data resource scheduling still needs to be improved, and the sharing channels in some fields or links are not smooth, which increases the difficulty of effective use of data and the digital transformation of government supervision. Among them, the sharing and application of micro data of enterprises or individuals after desensitization still exists, which reduces the breadth and depth of the application of big data and artificial intelligence in the field of government supervision. In addition, there are data security risks. One is the risk of data breaches. The distributed storage method of big data has the characteristics of relatively clear path view, which increases the risk of hackers taking advantage of the vulnerabilities of government-regulated digital application platforms to steal data. The second is the risk of illegal data collection. With the rapid development of crawler technology, illegal data collection such as illegal use, buying and selling of data occasionally occurs. The third is the risk of data transmission. During data transmission, there is also an occasional risk of data being tampered with, attacked, or leaked. Fourth, data storage risks. Data of various types and structures can easily cause data storage dislocation and management disorder, resulting in data storage risks. Fifth, the cross-border transmission, storage, and application of government-regulated data may bring risks such as data interception, tampering, and abuse. It can be seen that in the era of digital economy, the standardization, comprehensiveness, accuracy, sharing and security of data have important constraints on promoting the transformation of government supervision.

To sum up, the transformation of government supervision is an important task in the process of modernizing the national governance system and governance capacity. To promote the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy, it is necessary to effectively break through the constraints of thinking, economy, technology, platform, data and other aspects, and establish a transformation path of government supervision that is compatible with the era of digital economy.

5. The five-dimensional path of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy

In the era of digital economy, the transformation of Chinese government supervision is a systematic, complex and long-term project, and it is necessary to adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the direction of socialist market economy reform, handle the relationship between the government and the market, make the market play a decisive role in the allocation of resources, better play the role of the government, promote a better combination of effective markets and promising governments, and continue to promote the systematic, low-carbon, digital and standardized construction of government supervision. The premise of the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy is to form a government regulatory thinking that is compatible with the era of digital economy. The key is to shift from traditional thinking such as relying on human supervision, offline supervision, relying on paper-based data supervision, and fragmented supervision to an overall governance thinking that is compatible with the digital economy era. Specifically, the first is to form a one-stop, networked data thinking of government supervision that "speaks with data, makes decisions based on data, and executes according to data". The second is to build a collaborative supervision thinking based on the unified leadership, cross-level collaboration, cross-departmental cooperation, cross-regional coordination, and cross-field linkage of party committees on the basis of digitalization. The third is to establish a platform thinking of all-field, full-process and cross-departmental data integration and commonality supported by the platform. The fourth is to build a comprehensive display of the current status of government supervision, intelligent mining of government regulatory issues, one-click wisdom of the problem disposal department, and the system presentation of monitoring, early warning, research and judgment, disposal, feedback, evaluation and other achievements of intelligent thinking. Fifth, create dynamic thinking for timely access to scenarios and data. Based on the characteristics of the digital economy era, data thinking, collaborative thinking, platform thinking, intelligent thinking and dynamic thinking under the overall governance are formed, and the government supervision problems that are difficult to solve under the traditional thinking are effectively solved. On this basis, drawing on the experience of the Beijing model of integrated and comprehensive regulatory reform, the Guangdong model of provincial governance of "one network and unified management", and the Zhejiang model of "system, platform and scenario" system iteration, the Chinese government's regulatory transformation path is constructed from five aspects: content, carrier, mechanism, supervision and evaluation. Among them, the transformation of government regulatory content will help expand the scope of government regulation in the digital economy era; The transformation of government regulatory carriers will help to realize the transformation from traditional non-platform or low-platform government supervision to government supervision that relies on digital platforms. The transformation of government supervision mechanism is conducive to the realization of whole-process, cross-departmental, cross-level and cross-field collaborative supervision; The transformation of government supervision and supervision is conducive to the realization of the platform operation of the supervision of government supervision entities; The transformation of government regulatory evaluation is conducive to promoting the intelligence of government regulatory evaluation.

(1) Transformation of government regulatory content

The direction of the transformation of government regulatory content is to consider more issues such as the quantity, quality, timeliness, ownership relationship, protection mechanism and security of data on the basis of traditional government supervision, explore the areas where Internet platforms and digital technologies reduce efficiency and increase risks, and shift from traditional non-digital or weakly digital content supervision to traditional content "digital +" supervision and digital product or service supervision. Specifically, the government supervision of natural monopoly industries in the era of digital economy presents two major characteristics. On the one hand, with the deepening of the digital transformation of natural monopoly industries, the supervision of natural monopoly industries will shift from the supervision of physical network links to the combined network supervision of virtual networks and physical networks. On the other hand, the deregulation of natural monopoly links has shifted to anti-monopoly supervision in which market power is transmitted to competition links in natural monopoly links. Second, the content of social supervision has shifted from the supervision of offline products or services that affect health, safety, and the environment, to the supervision of online and offline physical products or services, as well as virtual products or services. For example, the regulation of virtual products on online livestreaming platforms that endanger children's physical and mental health. Third, the content of anti-monopoly supervision has shifted from traditional monopolistic behaviors with low or zero digitization to anti-monopoly supervision in traditional fields and anti-monopoly supervision of new issues in the digital economy, such as big data killing, algorithmic collusion, platform "either-or", "pinching mergers and acquisitions", and super platform monopolies. Fourth, some new issues in the field of digital economy are also constantly expanding the content system of government supervision, and the supervision of data and digital platform enterprises has become an important part of the government regulatory content system. For example, negative externalities such as false publicity, commercial defamation, fraud, infringement, gambling, hotlinking, credit speculation, illegal promotion, and illegal tying that rely on Internet platforms, risks such as cross-border transmission, illegal collection, ethics, and privacy leakage arising from the process of data collection and dissemination, as well as government regulatory issues in new business formats such as online games, Internet advertising, digital music, and Internet finance. In the era of digital economy, new products, new services, new business formats, and new models will continue to expand the digital field of traditional products or services and the scope of supervision of digital products or services, so as to continue to promote the transformation of government regulatory content.

(2) Transformation of government regulatory carriers

The goal of the transformation of government supervision carriers is to integrate the digital platform of government supervision and promote the improvement of the quality of the digital platform of government supervision. The key lies in shifting from the traditional "fragmented" information acquisition method that relies more on paper data to an efficient and interconnected digital and intelligent government supervision application platform that integrates "data, platform, and wisdom". Specifically, the first is to establish a global data collection and sharing mechanism. Unify data caliber and data collection standards from the top-level design, and establish data indicators, data formats, data sources, and data sharing and use mechanisms supported by government regulatory goals. Based on the principle of consistent data statistics and multiple uses of data from one source, a data collection mechanism of "vertical penetration and horizontal coverage" is established to realize the intelligent verification and dynamic update of data from different sources, so as to ensure the accuracy, completeness and current situation of data collection and updating. The second is to build a data confidentiality mechanism. Strengthen public data security legislation and build a solid bottom line for data security. Explore the use of new technologies such as distributed networks, blockchain, and edge computing, further improve the security protection system supporting the system, management, and technology convergence, and earnestly maintain the security bottom line of dynamic data information update and data sharing, and achieve an organic balance between data confidentiality and sharing, so as to better serve the needs of government supervision and economic and social development. At the same time, hierarchical authorization is carried out according to the level of data security to ensure the scientific collection and effective use of data from different channels, prevent data abuse, theft and algorithmic discrimination, and achieve the goal that data property rights subjects or owners are willing to share and share with confidence. The third is to build a digital application platform for government supervision characterized by "digitalization, full chain, one-stop, and intelligence" with the support of digital technologies such as cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and the Internet. From the perspective of industrial supervision, the source of externality supervision, and the anti-competitive behavior of anti-monopoly supervision, it is necessary to clarify the ownership, sharing and use mechanism of government regulatory data, strengthen cross-departmental and cross-regional organic collaboration, unify data standards, and build a comprehensive technology platform for big data integration and analysis and decision-making functions, a smart government platform oriented by information communication and sharing, a front-end service platform for a single window, and an integrated platform for participation and feedback for online processing and real-time participation. Through the integration of the platform, a one-stop cockpit is formed, so as to build a digital application platform for government supervision with "clear structure, clear rights and responsibilities, collaborative supervision, accurate perception, scientific early warning, and intelligent decision-making", and promote the continuous improvement of the regulatory efficiency of the Chinese government through the platform of government supervision carriers.

(3) Transformation of government regulatory mechanisms

The orientation of the transformation of the government regulatory mechanism has shifted from the "manual, offline, decentralized, and single" government regulatory mechanism to the "smart, platform, collaborative, and cross-border" government regulatory mechanism. Specifically, the first is to expand the application scope of new regulatory mechanisms such as "Internet + supervision" and off-site supervision. Extensive use of digital technology to continuously promote the innovation of government supervision methods, iteratively upgrade the "Internet + supervision", and solve the shortcomings of traditional supervision such as human supervision and on-site supervision. Explore and apply off-site supervision such as remote supervision, mobile supervision, and early warning prevention and control, to reduce the cost of government supervision and the interference of traditional government supervision methods on market entities. The second is to establish a parallel mechanism of private supervision by platform supervision and "platform-government" collaborative supervision of market entities on the platform. When a platform enterprise abuses its dominant market position and exercises monopolistic behavior, if the behavior affects economic security or produces negative externalities such as privacy leakage, it is necessary to strengthen supervision of the digital platform enterprise, otherwise it should reduce micro-intervention. The third is to form a collaborative supervision mechanism between government departments with digitalization as the core. With digitalization as the core, we will improve the construction of a collaborative network for government supervision that is coordinated from top to bottom, combined with various departments, and accurate and efficient, so as to build a collaborative supervision mechanism under the overall governance thinking. Fourth, cross-border coordination and overall planning have become an important direction for the transformation of the allocation of powers and responsibilities of government regulators. In the era of digital economy, it is characterized by the diversification of participants, the quantification of governance objects, and the networking of organizational methods, which pose new challenges to vertical management and territorial management. To this end, it is necessary to establish a horizontal government agency information sharing and integration linkage mechanism, a vertical government regulator to break the data gap and clarify the list of responsibilities mechanism, and a horizontal and vertical government regulator cross-regional, cross-level, cross-departmental, cross-field multi-cross collaborative statistical analysis, monitoring, early warning and decision-making mechanism.

(4) Transformation of government supervision and supervision

The path of the transformation of government supervision and supervision is from the traditional mechanism of post-event supervision to the decision-making mechanism of relying on digital application platforms to supervise the whole process of government supervision subjects. Specifically, the first is the transformation from a passive data acquisition model to a self-organizing data mining model that relies on Internet platforms. That is, with the help of algorithms and computing power, the functions of discovery and management, research and judgment and analysis, assistance and decision-making under external clues are realized, so as to form a new data integration mechanism centered on data mining. At the same time, the integration and calibration mechanism of data obtained by the network and the data reported by the department should be promoted to ensure the compatibility and mutual verification of data from multiple sources, so as to provide effective data support for the transformation of government supervision and supervision. The second is to reshape the supervision process of government supervision with the help of the digital middle platform, and explore the establishment of a new type of government supervision and supervision mechanism with multi-party participation and collaborative governance of the government, enterprises, individuals and other entities. The relevant departments will establish an integrated digital supervision platform for government supervision to realize functions such as whole-process data visualization, intelligent computing and system decision-making analysis, and build them on a provincial basis and gradually expand to urban agglomerations or across provinces. For example, when supervising the performance of duties by the government supervision body of urban underground municipal infrastructure, an algorithm mechanism for sharing the digital middle platform with different permissions is established, and the whole process data information of planning, design, construction, operation and maintenance, and emergency management is collected in different modules, and the supply and demand decision-making supervision algorithm, emergency management and treatment and disposal decision-making supervision mechanism are constructed, and the supervision mechanism of multi-department collaborative supervision and malfeasance is performed, and the supervision and evaluation mechanism of government supervision effectiveness, etc., through the visualization of supervision results, critical value early warning and over-limit value alarm and other functions. Realize the intelligent supervision of the performance of duties and responsibilities of government supervision entities in the whole process.

(5) Transformation of government supervision and evaluation

The idea of the transformation of government regulatory evaluation is to shift from the traditional evaluation method based on government or third-party evaluation to intelligent evaluation with the help of digital application platforms. From result-oriented evaluation to "digital + supervision" process and results-based comprehensive evaluation. Specifically, the first is to evaluate the self-reported data of the department to the intelligent evaluation with the help of data on the digital application platform. Traditional government evaluations or third-party evaluations are mainly based on self-reported data, which have the characteristics of extensive evaluation, weak independence and passivity. In the era of digital economy, government supervision evaluation should make more use of digital technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence, use algorithms to design evaluation models, independently obtain and programmatically integrate data and information on digital application platforms, and conduct intelligent, coordinated and active evaluation of government supervision. Second, the evaluation content has shifted from the result-oriented evaluation of government supervision to the integrated evaluation of the process and results of "digital + supervision". In the process of evaluation of digital government, there are mainly problems such as lack of evaluation of social governance, market supervision and urban governance, insufficient evaluation of the application effectiveness of digital projects, lack of evaluation of the technical capabilities and security of digital government, and weak practical operability of evaluation indicators (China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, 2021). Therefore, it is necessary to combine the characteristics of the digital economy to establish a multi-dimensional evaluation index system of "digital +" government supervision thinking, government supervision content, government supervision carrier, government supervision mechanism and government supervision and supervision, so as to systematically evaluate the process and results of government supervision, so as to improve the scientificity and effectiveness of government supervision evaluation.

To sum up, the era of digital economy provides an important development opportunity for China to promote the transformation and modernization of government supervision. In order to meet the development needs of the digital economy era, it is necessary to systematically promote the regulatory transformation of the Chinese government from five aspects: content, carrier, mechanism, supervision and evaluation, which will not only help improve the regulatory efficiency of the Chinese government, but also provide Chinese solutions for the international community to build a government regulatory transformation path in the digital economy era.

6. Conclusions and policy implications

Based on the main characteristics of promoting the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy, this paper analyzes the principle of "efficiency-risk" interaction from the attributes of data, platform and technology, and summarizes the characteristics of institutional reform to promote the transformation of government supervision in the era of digital economy since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. On this basis, this paper analyzes the typical mode of government regulatory transformation in the digital economy era, sorts out the practical constraints affecting the government regulatory transformation in the digital economy era, and proposes a five-dimensional path for the transformation of government supervision in the digital economy era. The results show that: (1) In the era of digital economy, data, platform, intelligence and dynamics are important characteristics to promote the regulatory transformation of the Chinese government. (2) Data, platforms, and technologies are the key elements in the digital economy era, and the quantity, quality, timeliness of data, clarity of data ownership, soundness of data protection mechanism, and degree of data security, the quantity and quality of digital platforms and government-regulated digital platforms, as well as the satisfaction of the demand for digital technology, the cost of updating data technology, the level of infrastructure construction of digital technology, and the scope and security of digital technology, directly affect the efficiency and risks of the digital economy era. (3) The oligopolistic competitive characteristics of the market structure in the digital economy era, the negative externalities brought about by the unclear ownership of platform data, the new externalities derived from the characteristics of digital products or services, and the continuous strengthening of the breadth and depth of digital technology applications have put forward new challenges and transformation directions for Chinese government supervision. (4) The Beijing model of integrated and comprehensive regulatory reform, the Guangdong model of provincial governance of "one network and unified management", and the Zhejiang model of "system, platform, and scenario" system iteration are very representative, which provide experience and reference for promoting the regulatory transformation of the Chinese government in the era of digital economy. (5) Thinking constraints, economic constraints, technical constraints, platform constraints, and data constraints constitute the practical constraints of government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy. (6) In the era of digital economy, the transformation of government supervision needs to build a transformation path in five aspects: content, carrier, mechanism, supervision and evaluation. Among them, the direction of the transformation of government regulatory content should shift from the supervision of low-digital or non-digital products or services to the supervision of traditional content "digital +" and digital products or services. The key to the transformation of government supervision carriers should shift from using offline "fragmented" information for supervision to relying on an integrated digital supervision application platform for smart supervision. The orientation of the transformation of the government supervision mechanism is from the "manual, offline, decentralized, and single" government supervision mechanism to the "smart, platform, collaborative, and cross-border" government supervision mechanism. The path of the transformation of government supervision and supervision is from post-event supervision to the application of digital technology to realize the whole-process supervision of government regulatory entities. The idea of the transformation of government regulatory evaluation is to shift from offline evaluation as the main mode to intelligent evaluation based on online and offline data interconnection. From result-oriented evaluation to "digital + supervision" process and results integration of comprehensive evaluation. Based on the above conclusions, the policy implications of this paper are as follows.

The first is to design differentiated government regulatory policies for regulatory objects with different characteristics. The design of government regulatory policies should be people-centered, with the goal of achieving a dynamic balance of efficiency and fairness, and heterogeneous government regulatory policies should be implemented in the fields of traditional natural monopoly, social supervision and anti-monopoly supervision. Among them, there are different technical and economic characteristics between the monopoly link and the competitive link in the natural monopoly industry. To this end, it is necessary to further relax the supervision of competitive links and strengthen the supervision of monopoly links as the basic orientation of policy design. Focus on the anti-monopoly issues brought about by the transmission of market power from the monopolistic link of the natural monopoly industry to the competitive link. At the same time, starting from the construction of a unified national market, comprehensively considering institutional tools such as regulations, standards and policies, and designing a combination of command-and-control and economic incentive social regulatory policies in the fields of health, safety, and environmental protection with more precise and more conducive to enhancing people's well-being. The regulation and anti-monopoly of digital platforms have become an important part of government supervision in the digital economy era, and new products, new services, new models, and new business formats in the digital economy era should follow the circular path from inclusive and prudential regulatory policies in the start-up period to normative regulatory policies in the mature period.

The second is to effectively balance the relationship between data application and data confidentiality. How to better apply data resources, increase the amount of data available for use, improve the quality of data sharing, improve the timeliness of data disclosure, define data ownership relationships, optimize data protection mechanisms, and attach importance to data security have become the key to improving the efficiency of government supervision in the era of digital economy. Among them, the most important thing is how to ensure the accuracy, comprehensiveness, timeliness and security of data. Establish and improve the coordination mechanism between different departments and different enterprises (units), and realize the functions of relying on a one-stop government supervision digital application platform for whole-process data upload, collection, and calibration. Through a variety of tools such as commitment mechanism, filing mechanism, consultation mechanism, approval mechanism, reward and punishment mechanism, etc., the timeliness and security of data and information updates used in government supervision are guaranteed. In order to fully ensure the network transmission and information security of data, the "dual network and dual platform" network architecture of the government network environment and the local intranet environment can be built to realize the physical isolation between the government network and the local intranet, and store confidential data and information in the local intranet. In addition, by setting data use permissions, the organic balance between the security and applicability of data resources is realized, and the efficiency of government supervision is continuously improved by data empowerment.

The third is to rely on geographic information systems to build a "one-stop" digital application platform for government supervision in multiple fields. It is necessary to make good use of existing information systems and databases, strengthen multi-cross collaboration, unify data standards, promote work convergence, and avoid the duplication of government supervision digital application platforms. Based on the principles of timeliness and accuracy, integrate multi-source data such as real-time monitoring data, government and enterprise operation data, geographic information data and population and economic data, integrate technologies such as big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing, blockchain and geographic information system, integrate display, statistics, monitoring, early warning, decision-making, evaluation, supervision and other functions, and build a "one-stop" digital application platform for government supervision through new or existing system upgrades, so as to realize "one-screen overview, one-network unified management, one-click intelligence, and data sharing, collaborative supervision, and system decision-making".

Fourth, in-depth research and refinement of typical cases and practical experience of the Chinese government's regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy. Promoting the transformation of government supervision has become an important way to improve the efficiency of government supervision in the era of digital economy. In recent years, government supervision in various industries and fields has gradually applied digital technologies such as big data, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence, and some digital application scenarios of government supervision that can be displayed, analyzed, and decided, such as bottled gas in some regions have built a one-stop government supervision application platform for the whole process, organically integrated the risk points of each process, and formed a whole-process supervision and control mechanism with geographic information system as the core of analysis, decision-making, early warning and other functions. These cases not only help to establish a Chinese plan for the transformation of government regulation in the era of digital economy, but also provide Chinese wisdom for the international community to promote the transformation of government regulation in the era of digital economy. To this end, it is necessary to establish a database of typical cases of Chinese government regulatory transformation in the era of digital economy by region, industry and field. To sum up, this paper will help to expand the government supervision content system in the era of digital economy, help to build a digital application platform for government supervision under the characteristics of "data, platform, intelligence, and dynamics", help to establish a government supervision mechanism of "intelligence, platform, collaboration, and cross-border", help to form a platform-based supervision system for the whole process of government supervision, and help to use the digital application platform to carry out a comprehensive evaluation of the process and results, so as to continuously promote the improvement of the regulatory efficiency of the Chinese government. (Wang Ling, School of Economics, Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics, Zhejiang Provincial New Key Professional Think Tank "Chinese Government Regulation and Public Policy Research Institute")

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