
Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!

Although I am not a fan of KPOP, I have relatives and friends who are senior Korean fans, and I have been obsessed with HOT groups since middle school (a term that really exposes my age), and I am addicted to TVXQ in college. is now old and decrepit, still obsessed with bulletproof and various girl groups. And the old woman chatted about juvenile madness, and from time to time she "abandoned her family and children" and flew to Seoul next door to watch a concert.

Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!

Such a hardcore fan, who can be called an old fan who has witnessed the history of the entire Korea boy group and girl group, has recently been asking questions in the circle of friends - what happened to the Korea girl group recently, why is it becoming more and more "beautiful"?

One of the typical ones is undoubtedly one of the members of Blackpink, Lisa, the heroine of Crazy Horse Show.

In Lisa's newly released album, she reversed the cute youth image of the past and engaged in "black hip-hop". Whether it's greasy makeup or obscene tooth licking, it makes people feel physiologically uncomfortable.

Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!

His teammate Jennie even made a large-scale performance in his cameo appearance in the American drama "Idol Vortex". In broad daylight, two male dancers perform a "sandwich biscuit" performance.

Whether it is art or rubbing the edges, it can only be said that there are opinions of opinion.

Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!
Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!

The so-called "nothing new under the sun", the performance of the Korea girl group at this moment is just a copy of the Korea government's "foreign princess" strategy in the 60s.

After the Korean War, Korea was in dire need of a lot of money. At the same time, Korea regarded the US military stationed in Korea as a security guarantee, and in order to earn income and maintain alliances, the Korea government at that time recruited a group of "women patriots" to provide "services" for the US military.

Statistics from 1961 showed that there were at least 10,000 such American "foreign princesses" who served about 50,000 U.S. troops stationed in South Korea. Korea's "United Nation" said that by the 80s of the last century, the cumulative number of such women reached 1 million.

Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!

For these "special services," the ROK side has been conniving and even encouraging them for decades, not only completely failing to protect their rights and interests, but also instilling in them a "spirit of cooperation" and even asking them to "learn from the spirit and attitude of their Japan counterparts."

In 1966, Korea's "New East Asia" magazine carried an article saying that "the ability of foreign princesses is huge, and their physical advantages will be a good way to save the mainland economy." These "princesses" generate $10 million in foreign exchange every year, compared to only $250 million in Korea that year, so these women are called "true patriots who earn dollars."

However, behind the Korea government's uproar to get money is the tragic life of countless women.

Most of them have been deceived or even trafficked. Have to endure violence, drugs, unwanted pregnancies and miscarriages, and even abuse and discrimination – see if it is the same treatment that Korea female stars have been treated in some of the entertainment scandals that have been disclosed in contemporary times?

Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!
Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!

It was also from that time that the original "Korea Girl Group" was involved with the United States military.

In 1966, a girl group called "Korea Kittens" went to the battlefield of Viet Nam to serve the United States labor army. They wore short cheongsams with slits and sang and danced, causing a commotion.

Compared with the "foreign princesses" and "Korea kittens" in the 60s of the last century, today's Korea girl groups are just packaged to look better and more industrialized. Its essence is nothing more than doing work similar to that of its predecessors in the name of "culture", and its core of being sexualized, objectified, and commodified is actually the same.

The Korea girl group is not just "currying favor with the United States" now, but was born from the beginning to "please the United States".

Korea girl groups are becoming more and more "beautiful"? It's just a traditional art!

Author: Matcha Platinum Bag | The picture comes from the Internet


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