
Summer vacation is a period of high incidence of children going missing, the police reminded →

Police remind

Holidays and weekends are the most common periods for children to get lost

How to prevent your child from getting lost

What is the correct way to deal with a child if he or she goes missing?

Parents must be aware of these


Prevent your child from getting lost

Parents should do this

For thousands of families

Children are everything

A child is lost and trafficked

It will destroy a family directly!

Prevent children from getting lost and being trafficked

Parents can do this –

· Parents should not trust strangers casually, and never give their children to strangers.

· Walk with children in the inside, pay attention to prevent motorcycles, vans and other speeding car kidnapping.

· Parents should lead by example, usually explain their whereabouts to their children, and do not suddenly play missing.

· Tell your child to refuse strangers in a serious way.

· Agree on a code word that only you and your child understand, and only by saying the code word in special circumstances can you be trusted.

· Teach children to memorize their home address, parents' names and mobile phone numbers.

· Teach children not to let strangers hold them.

· Teach children to identify uniformed personnel such as police, soldiers, and security guards, and call 110 for help in case of trouble.

· Parents must protect their children's personal information.

· Parents should not disclose their children's information (name, age, etc.) on social networks.

· Wear items labeled with family information for your child, such as drinking glasses, lunch boxes, handkerchiefs, etc., just in case.

· Parents should pay attention to some obvious body surface characteristics on the child's body, such as black moles, birthmarks, scars, etc.

Summer vacation is a period of high incidence of children going missing, the police reminded →

If the child is lost

Parents should do this

· Call the police immediately. You do not need to wait 24 hours after the child goes missing, please call the police on 110 immediately, tell the child's age, physical characteristics, clothing, etc., and provide a recent bareheaded photo of the child.

· Radio search. If there is a radio at the place of the incident, you can use the radio to find the person. When broadcasting, be sure to make clear the characteristics of the child and provide the contact details of the parents.

· Mobilize relatives and friends to search nearby. Mobilize relatives and friends to search for three types of areas: areas within 2 kilometers of the place of the incident; major local railway and bus stations; Within 2 km of the address.

· Stay home and wait. Make sure that a parent or a friend or relative is present at home in case the child finds himself or herself to be picked up.

· When parents are looking for their children by themselves, the "ten people and four chasing method" are adopted:

There is one person in each of the 4 directions of the southeast, northwest and northwest, within 2 kilometers, looking along the main road;

4 people went to a nearby train station to look for them to prevent the children from being taken to other cities;

1 person called the police;

One person stayed where he was and waited.

Summer vacation is a period of high incidence of children going missing, the police reminded →

· Effective use of the "reunion" system of the Ministry of Public Security.

Once information on the disappearance of a child is released, the platform can assist the public security organs in pushing the information on the disappearance of children to a certain area around the place of disappearance through new media and mobile application terminals, so that more people can accurately obtain relevant information, provide clues in a timely manner, and assist the public security organs in solving the case as soon as possible.

Summer vacation is a period of high incidence of children going missing, the police reminded →

Police remind

Holidays and weekends are the high incidence of children getting lost, and when parents take their children out, do not let them out of their sight, and do not let children play alone. It is necessary to strengthen the safety education of children, teach children to memorize their parents' contact information, home address, etc., and at the same time teach children not to panic if they accidentally get lost with their parents, and to seek help from the police. Parents should report to the police immediately if they find their child missing.

If you find a child or an elderly person lost, you must call the police as soon as possible. At the same time, you can make a contact card for your child to carry with you, and if your child is accidentally lost, you can get in touch with your family in time according to the contact card information.

Source: China Education Daily, China Police Network, China Youth Daily, etc

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