
In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

Zeng Kaigui is a criminal who has been absconding for many years, and he has not been arrested yet, and the amount of reward for the capture of this person has exceeded 3 million, and he still has found nothing.

He worked as an armed police officer in the Yunnan border defense, so he has a strong anti-reconnaissance ability, why did an armed policeman commit a murder after being discharged from the army, and what caused him to do this?

Moreover, after he committed the murder, the police did not obtain his DNA test, and then found similar modus operandi and perpetrators in Chongqing, Nanjing and other places, but it is still not determined whether it is him.

This case has been going on for more than 20 years, so will Zeng Kaigui be punished by the law in the end?

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

From armed police to murderers

Zeng Kaigui was born in a small mountain village in Sichuan Province, although his family was poor when he was young, Zeng Kaigui did not feel inferior because of this, but developed a lively and cheerful character, but this time did not last long.

As he grew older, Zeng Kaigui was soon bullied by many children in the same village, perhaps because of family poverty or other reasons, in short, Zeng Kaigui was no longer so lively from this time.

At that time, seeing that those martial arts people in the TV series could defeat the people who bullied him with martial arts, Zeng Kaigui was also fantasizing that he would have that day,

So he didn't read the book anymore, saying that he wanted to learn martial arts, and after a few years, Zeng Kaigui came back, and his temperament and image really changed a lot, and the whole person became strong and powerful, however, the first thing he did when he returned to the village was to take revenge, and beat the little gangsters who bullied him back then.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

Since then, not only did no one dare to provoke Zeng Kaigui, but there were many people who came to please him, many people did not believe that he had learned martial arts and knew martial arts, but he did know some punches and feet, and his tendons and flesh had to make people afraid of him.

Such Zeng Kaigui not only made others dare not provoke him, but also became the object of favor of many girls, and he fell in love for a while.

But Zeng Kaigui's family situation is not good, and almost all the towns and villages know it, to put it bluntly, many people who bullied him before also saw this.

Zeng Kaigui talked about a girl at the time, and they loved each other very much, but since ancient times, there have been many couples who have not been in the right household and have been beaten with sticks, and Zeng Kaigui is of course no exception.

The girl's family disliked Zeng Kaigui and had no money, so Zeng Kaigui wanted to confirm that he was capable, and it happened that someone in the village came to recruit soldiers, and Zeng Kaigui went, after all, such an identity is admired and liked by many people, and when he left the village, he swore that he must make a name for himself.

In this way, Zeng Kaigui became a soldier, and in 1989, he became an armed police officer in the Yunnan border defense, which can be said to have a promising future.

Zeng Kaigui is very popular in the army, everyone thinks that he has muscles and some fist and foot kung fu, which is very powerful, and he can always be seen in special training.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

Zeng Kaigui is indeed very hard working in the army, and he can often be seen in various competitions, and he can always achieve a good ranking in the competition.

But what really made Zeng Kaigui completely famous was not his kung fu, there was a task of raising pigs in the army at that time, and Zeng Kaigui, who was born in the countryside, immediately gave full play to his strengths.

It is said that the children of poor families are in charge of the house early, and Zeng Kaigui has often helped his parents feed pigs and do various housework when he was very young, so such a task is easy for him.

Since being assigned to pig raising, Zeng Kaigui did not dare to slack off at all, but took care of them carefully, and the leaders were very satisfied with him.

Soon Zeng Kaigui won the third-class merit for raising pigs, which is very rare in the army, but Zeng Kaigui did it, which shows that he is really working hard.

He was fantasizing that even if he left the army in the future, he could rely on his own skills to do business, and when the time came, no one in the village would dare to look down on him if he had money.

In 1992, Zeng Kaigui retired from the armed police force, but when he returned to the village, he found that the girl he liked had married someone else.

But he never returned, and in 1995 he robbed at gunpoint in Xishuangbanna, Yunnan, killing one person and then absconding.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

is a skill, but because he is too eager for the help of money, he finally embarked on the road of crime and robbery, how can he not regret it?

He has been absconding for more than 20 years without being caught

Zeng Kaigui used to be an armed policeman, although he was discharged from the army, but some of his characteristics and advantages as an armed policeman did not disappear because of this, he began to run away after committing a murder, and the police also began to investigate and pursue the case after receiving the report.

Because the police did not obtain the DNA of the criminal at that time, it took a long time to confirm Zeng Kaigui's identity, and when it was almost confirmed that it was Zeng Kaigui, the police finally understood why this prisoner was so cunning.

Because he used to be an armed policeman, he also knew some kung fu, and he still had a gun on his body, and his anti-reconnaissance ability was particularly strong, once there was a little trouble, he would immediately move the place, and the police also had a special headache for this case, because this prisoner had undergone professional training like them.

Year after year, the police have been constantly looking for Zeng Kaigui's traces, but still found nothing, just when they were about to despair, a shocking case occurred in Hunan, and this person is likely to be Zeng Kaigui, I didn't expect him to leave Yunnan a long time ago.

At that time, according to the description of the Hunan police, this person was in front of a bank, and a person who had just withdrawn money was not only robbed of the money, but also did not leave his life.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

The Yunnan police quickly contacted the Hunan police, compared the information, and found that this person had a high degree of similarity with Zeng Kaigui in terms of body shape and appearance, so the Yunnan police thought to themselves that this person had finally reappeared, so could he be arrested this time?

After this incident, the Yunnan police invested a lot of police force to find Zeng Kaigui, and in the past few years, the threshold of Zeng Kaigui's hometown has almost been broken, but he still hasn't been able to see anyone.

Zeng Kaigui's parents also said that since they were discharged from the army and returned home, they have never come back, and they have committed murders outside, and now they don't have him as a son.

Zeng Kaigui's parents have several children besides him, and it can be said that they have both children, so there is almost no big difference between him and him.

But the police, as the person in charge of the case, can't give up easily, because Zeng Kaigui not only carries his life, but also may commit another crime at any time.

The case in Changsha, Hunan Province took place in 2004, and after that the suspect disappeared again, although to a large extent it may have been Zeng Kaigui, but after all, the prisoner has not been arrested, and the Yunnan police have very little information about Zeng Kaigui, which can only be determined by appearance and some other characteristics.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

After that, the Hunan police and the Yunnan police worked together to hunt down the murderer, and they both hoped to arrest him as soon as possible, so that they could also give an explanation to the deceased.

But if this person is really Zeng Kaigui, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to deal with, after all, the police haven't found him since the crime in Yunnan, and he has a strong anti-investigation ability.

But no matter how difficult it is, the case cannot be interrupted, and the pursuit of Zeng Kaigui will continue, if it is really him, then he has more than one life on him by now.

The case is going on, but there is no information about Zeng Kaigui, and the police are keeping a close eye on the shootings and robberies across the country, and once there are similar cases, they will immediately take action to compare the information, but even so, Zeng Kaigui has never been found.

It is suspected of killing many people and has been rewarded by the police in many places

Zeng Kaigui's case had become a headless unsolved case in the hands of the Yunnan police at that time, and more than ten years had passed soon, but Zeng Kaigui still had no news, and in a few years the case might be shelved as an unsolved case.

But in 2012, there was another shooting and robbery case in Nanjing, and this case gave the Yunnan police hope again, and the arrest warrant for the arrest of this person after the crime in Nanjing spread all over the streets and alleys of Nanjing, after all, the Internet at this time is much more convenient than before.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

After confirming the information with the Yunnan police and the Hunan police, it was found that this person had a high degree of overlap with Zhou Kehua (possibly a pseudonym used by Zeng Kaigui) pursued by the Hunan police, but there was a discrepancy with the information of Zeng Kaigui who the Yunnan police wanted to arrest, but the Nanjing police said that it may also be that Zeng Kaigui had escaped for many years and made certain changes in appearance.

Moreover, because the shooting murder case in Nanjing at that time suddenly became popular under the impetus of the Internet, it attracted the attention of the police in many places, and they found that similar cases had occurred in Changsha, Chongqing, Jiangsu, Nanjing, Yunnan and other places.

Although there is a certain similarity, and the modus operandi is also very similar, but from the geographical location, there is no pattern in this person's crime, if it is really the same person, then it means that this person is extremely good at disguise, and may not be so easy to arrest and bring to justice.

In order to be able to arrest this person as soon as possible, the police in many places decided to work together, and a lot of police forces were dispatched to solve this case, compared with the shooting and robbery case in Yunnan, the next few cases basically did not have too long in between, and with the continuous improvement of detection methods, these times the information retained is also more than the Yunnan case.

This time, the people sent by the police are basically veterans in solving cases, and they are extremely good at this kind of cooperation in cross-provincial cases, and with their efforts, the case has made some progress.

At this point, the police in many places have issued bounty cases on the Internet, and the total number of several provinces and cities has exceeded 3 million, which shows how evil this person is.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

As the case progressed, they found more and more that although this person also had a similar body shape and appearance as Zeng Kaigui, and it was very likely that he was once a soldier, there were some differences in the modus operandi, and from the available information, Zhou Kehua and Zeng Kaigui were very likely to be really not the same person.

Although this is the case, the police still hope that they are the same person, after all, it saves a lot of trouble, but if it is really two people who commit the crime, then the difficulty of the case is greatly escalated.

The police searched a lot of information all the way from Nanjing to Hunan and Jiangsu, and the gains were really not small, but their expressions became more and more heavy, because the closer they got to the mystery of the case, the more they felt that this person was not Zeng Kaigui.

However, no one said it, and as a police officer, no one wants such a thing to happen, after all, it has so many lives at stake.

Under the joint pursuit of the police in many places, Zhou Kehua soon appeared in Chongqing again, this time the same modus operandi, robbed and then shot, through bullets and many comparisons, it is almost certain that the same person committed the crime in Jiangsu, Hunan and Nanjing.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

This person was targeted by the police after killing the robbed, and also shot and killed a railway policeman in our country in the process of pursuit, at this time Zhou Kehua has been completely exposed to the police, perhaps because he was too nervous, he ran back to Geyue Mountain.

What he didn't expect was that he was surrounded by the police as soon as he arrived in the local area, which can be said to be a net-like arrest, and this time even if he has wings, he can't fly away.

After several days and nights of searching, the police finally found him in a leather shoe factory in a village in Shapingba District, Chongqing, but Zhou Kehua, who was surrounded, still relied on his gun to try to resist stubbornly, and was finally killed by the police on the spot.

After being killed, the police in various places conducted a comparison of information and found that Zhou Kehua did not use a pseudonym, and at the same time, he was the only one who did the cases in Hunan, Jiangsu, Nanjing and other places, so far these cases have been resolved.

However, the police in Yunnan fell into a huge silence again, thinking that Zhou Kehua and Zeng Kaigui would be the same person, but they didn't expect that it was not, and so far the case about Zeng Kaigui has not been solved, and it has become an unsolved case of the Yunnan police.

I don't even know if Zeng Kaigui is still alive at this time.

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million


The so-called legal net is restored but not leaked, Zhou Kehua has committed many cases and absconded many times, but in the end he was shot on the spot in accordance with the law, and about Zeng Kaigui, although there is no news after so many years, but with the continuous efforts of the police, we believe that there will be a day when he will pay the price for what he did!

Moreover, no matter how he pretended to abscond, even if he escaped the pursuit of the police temporarily, he had to accept the fear and panic in his heart every day, and he had to be cautious, because if he was not careful, he might leak clues and attract the pursuit of the police.

In order for each of us to live a stable and happy life, we must abide by the law and do not easily touch the boundaries of the law.

Come from:

[1] Seven years ago today, the gangster Zhou Kehua was killed! China Police Network exclusively reveals the details of the case Haidian Public Security2019-08-15

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

[2] Nanjing Gun Murderer Suspected of Committing Crimes in Many Places for 8 Years, Committing 7 Crimes, Resulting in 7 Deaths and 2 Injuries 2012-01-07 Source: Beijing News

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million

[3] A man was robbed and shot dead in Nanjing, and the murderer committed crimes in Changsha and Chongqing2012-01-07China News Network

In 1995, Zeng Kaigui, a retired armed policeman, committed a murder and absconded for more than 20 years, with a reward of more than 3 million