
Fruits are also divided into five elements! How do women choose the right snacks for health and beauty?

In the hectic city life, snacks have become a small means for many people to relieve stress and replenish energy. However, in the face of a wide variety of snack options, have female friends ever struggled to find snacks that are both healthy and delicious? Today, let's explore the wisdom of TCM health and understand the many benefits of women choosing fruits as snacks, so that health and deliciousness go hand in hand.

Fruits are also divided into five elements! How do women choose the right snacks for health and beauty?

In the ancient theory of Chinese medicine, food is not only a tool to fill the stomach, but also carries the important task of harmonizing the body and nourishing life. Fruits, as a gift from nature, are colorful, delicious and contain abundant vitality. For women who pursue health and beauty, fruit is not only a snack choice, but also an attitude to life.

1. Fruits and the five elements of women are born together

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the human body is connected to the natural world, and the five organs correspond to the five elements, and fruits also have their five element attributes. For example, hepatic wood, acid-loving; The heart is on fire, and it loves bitterness; The spleen belongs to the earth, and it is sweet; The lungs are golden, hi xin; The kidneys are watery and salty. When choosing fruits, women can choose fruits with corresponding five elements attributes according to their own physique and needs, so as to achieve the effect of health preservation. For example, when you have mood swings, you can eat some acidic fruits such as lemon and hawthorn to relieve liver depression; When you are tired from work, you can choose apples, bananas and other sweet fruits to strengthen your spleen and heart.

Fruits are also divided into five elements! How do women choose the right snacks for health and beauty?

2. The four qi and five flavors of fruits and women's health

Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the "four qi and five flavors", that is, the four properties of cold, heat, warm and cool, and the five tastes of sour, bitter, sweet, pungent and salty. The four qi and five flavors of fruits also have an important impact on women's health. For example, women with a cold constitution can choose warm fruits, such as cherries, peaches, etc., to dispel the cold in the body; Women with strong internal heat are suitable for eating cold fruits, such as watermelon, pears, etc., to clear away heat and reduce fire. Through reasonable combination, fruits can not only satisfy the appetite, but also reconcile the body's yin and yang balance.

3. The color of fruits and women's emotional regulation

Traditional Chinese medicine also emphasizes that "color into the five organs", that is, different colors of ingredients have different nourishing effects on the five organs of the human body. The colorful colors of fruits not only stimulate appetite, but also affect mood and health. Red fruits such as strawberries and red dates can nourish the heart and boost the spirit; Green fruits such as green apples and kiwifruit can nourish the liver and eyes, and soothe emotions; Yellow fruits such as bananas and pineapples can strengthen the spleen and stomach and stabilize mood. When choosing fruits, women may wish to choose the right color according to their mood and physical condition, so that the mood will also brighten.

Fruits are also divided into five elements! How do women choose the right snacks for health and beauty?

Fourth, the seasonal health rules of fruits

Traditional Chinese medicine advocates "adapting to the four seasons" and believes that people should live in harmony with nature. Each season has its own unique climatic characteristics and health needs, and the choice of fruit should also change accordingly. In spring, it is advisable to eat fruits with hair growth, such as cherries and strawberries; In the hot summer, you can choose watermelon, peaches and other cool fruits to relieve the heat; Autumn is dry, pears, apples and other fruits are the most suitable to moisten the lungs and relieve dryness; In the cold winter, you can eat oranges, grapefruit and other fruits that are warm and cold. In different seasons, female friends choose seasonal fruits as snacks, which can not only enjoy delicious food, but also maintain health care.

Under the wisdom and guidance of traditional Chinese medicine, women choose fruits as snacks not only to satisfy their appetites, but also to regulate their bodies and maintain their beauty while enjoying delicious food. Let's follow the rhythm of nature and use the color and taste of fruits to draw a healthy and beautiful picture of life. Next time you want to reach for those beautifully packaged snacks, turn to a fresh fruit and let the wisdom of TCM health accompany you in every sweet moment.


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