
A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

(The content of this article is based on authoritative historical data, and there are literature citation sources at the end of the article)

In August 1993, a horrific murder shocked the Chinese community in Los Angeles, United States. A young woman from Chinese mainland, Ji Ranbing, and her five-month-old son were brutally killed. The murderer turned out to be Ji Ranbing's lover's original wife. This forbidden fate eventually led to an irreparable tragedy.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

Peng Zengji, a wealthy businessman, met Ji Ranbing in Qingdao and fell in love, and although he had a wife and children in Taiwan, he still took Ji Ranbing to United States to have children. The original partner Lin Liyun was jealous when he learned about it, and he did not hesitate to cross the ocean to chase and kill his rival mother and son.

For a time, power and money were intertwined, love and hatred were entangled, and a thrilling human tragedy was staged. However, the case was torn apart in the judicial process, and the killer was eventually deported after only 11 years in prison. Such an ending once again triggered the world's deep thinking about money and justice.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

The shadow of death looms over Mison Vihol

On August 18, 1993, a quiet night enveloped the city of Missonville in Orange County, California. John had just finished watching a good ball game and was about to go to bed. Suddenly, a sharp knock on the door broke the silence of the night. John opened the door to find a strange Asian man standing outside the door, panic written all over his face.

"Please help me, my wife has been killed and my son is gone! The man pleaded in fluent English. Despite some hesitation, John let the man into the house and gave him his phone to call the police.

It turned out that the man's name was Jamie · Peng, and he was the husband of John's neighbor Ji Ranbing. John was deeply impressed by Ji Ranbing, a Chinese woman who often walked alone with her children in the neighborhood. Now, the mysterious woman's husband has appeared, but she herself has been brutally killed.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

Police quickly arrived at the scene. Peng Zengji led the police to Ji Ranbing's apartment, pushed open the hidden door, and the scene in front of him made everyone present gasp.

Ji Ranbing sat on the sofa with his head bowed, and the clothes on his chest were soaked with blood. Blood trailed from the doorway to her feet. The air was filled with the smell of death, and everyone felt a wave of suffocation.

The police launched a search in the apartment and soon found Ji Ranbing's five-month-old son, Ji Qiwei, in the baby room. However, the little baby was no longer breathing, and his face was pale. The preliminary judgment is that the baby was suffocated to death.

There were no obvious signs of a fight at the scene, and the killer seemed to have come and gone without a trace, leaving no clues. The forensic examination found that Ji Ran was stabbed 18 times, but he was not sexually assaulted. Peng Zengji also had an alibi, and the police preliminarily ruled out his suspicion.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

The appalling murder soon caused an uproar in the local Chinese community. There was a lot of discussion and speculation about the identity of the murderer and the motive for committing the crime. Some say it could have been a burglary; Others say that it may be a vendetta caused by emotional entanglements.

However, as the police investigation deepened, a shocking fact emerged: Peng Zengji was not Ji Ranbing's legal husband, and he still had a wife in Taiwan. Ji Ranbing is just his lover in the mainland, and the baby boy who was unfortunately killed is their illegitimate child.

For a while, the focus of people's discussions was on Peng Zengji. This successful businessman on the surface lives such a double life behind the scenes. Could his wife be a murderer? Is she willing to take risks to get rid of her rival in order to protect her marriage and interests?

The police investigation is at an impasse. No valuable evidence was left at the crime scene, and the suspect had no conclusive motive for committing the crime. The shadow of death hangs over the city of Misenville, and everyone's hearts are filled with doubts and fears.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

What is the story behind this tragic double corpse murder case? Who will be the murderer? When will the truth be revealed? People spent sleepless nights speculating and waiting.

Evil fate sprouts, and love and hatred emerge

In 1990, a banquet was being held at the Dynasty Hotel in Qingdao. Peng Zengji, the owner of Taiwan Chengyuan Communication Electronics Co., Ltd., met a beautiful female publicist Ji Ranbing here. Ji Ranbing was young and beautiful, with elegant manners, and soon attracted Peng Zengji's attention. The two chatted happily at the banquet, and Peng Zengji fell in love with the girl at first sight.

Although he already has a wife Lin Liyun, Peng Zengji can't help but pursue Ji Ranbing. Knowing that Ji Ranbing intended to change jobs, he immediately offered to let her come to his company as a secretary. In January 1991, Ji Ranbing officially joined Chengyuan Communication Electronics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. and became Peng Zengji's personal secretary.

In the company, the two are inseparable. Although everyone tacitly agreed, they did not dare to talk about it openly. Seven months later, Peng Zengji took Ji Ranbing to United States on the grounds of training. After returning to China, he arranged for Ji Ranbing to go to Qingdao to manage the branch. For a while, the little secretary soared and became a hot figure in the company.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

Although Lin Liyun is in Taiwan, she is not ignorant of what her husband is doing. Peng Zengji once brought back a T-shirt with lip prints given by Ji Ranbing, and Lin Liyun was furious when he saw this, and immediately cut the dress. She called to question Ji Ranbing and warned her not to pester her husband.

Despite Lin Liyun's frequent warnings, the relationship between Peng Zengji and Ji Ranbing has become more and more intimate. Lin Liyun repeatedly asked her husband to fire this "fox spirit", but Peng Zengji refused on the grounds that the company needed manpower.

In August 1991, when Ji Ranbing and Peng Zengji went to United States again, Lin Liyun could no longer sit still. She called her husband, but unexpectedly found that the person who answered the phone was silent, obviously not Peng Zengji himself. Lin Liyun, who was furious, immediately flew to the United States, only to find that Ji Ranbing had already lived in his house.

Facing Lin Liyun's questioning, Ji Ranbing did not show weakness. The two women had a big quarrel, Lin Liyun asked Ji Ranbing to get out, but Ji Ranbing said, "Whose house is this, it's not certain!" The quarrel was finally quelled by Peng Zengji's persuasion, and he took Lin Liyun back to Taiwan and promised to settle the matter.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

After returning to Taiwan, Peng Zengji vowed to Lin Liyun that he would definitely sever relations with Ji Ranbing. Lin Liyun was skeptical, but he was helpless. However, she never dreamed that what awaited her soon would be an even more cruel reality.

Secretly give birth, and the killing machine is hidden

In August 1992, Peng Zengji took Ji Ranbing to United States again. This time, instead of going on vacation, they are there to welcome a new life. Ji Ranbing has been pregnant for six months, her belly is bulging, and her face is full of maternal brilliance.

However, this child is not destined to come into this world openly. Peng Zengji knew that if this matter was made public, his family in Taiwan would fall apart. So, he arranged for Ji Ranbing to have a baby in a remote residence in Laguna Gang City. It wasn't until the due date was approaching that she was taken to an apartment only 5 kilometers away from her mansion.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

On March 16, 1993, Ji Ranbing gave birth to a baby boy at Saddleback Valley Memorial Hospital. In the hospital records, the child's father column was blank. Peng Zengji was worried, for fear that the matter would be exposed. He came to the hospital alone, glanced at the child and Ji Ranbing in a hurry, and left.

The birth of a new life should be something to celebrate. However, at the moment of the birth of a child who should not have existed, a woman's heart is filled with endless pain and despair. Lin Liyun, who was far away in Taiwan, learned the news.

For 5 months, Ji Ranbing has been carefully hiding in this cramped apartment, trying not to show his face. Every day, her life is to take care of the baby in swaddling clothes, waiting for Peng Zengji's occasional arrival. Although they were separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, she felt that Lin Liyun was watching her all the time.

One day in August, a sudden misfortune struck. That day, Ji Ranbing, as usual, was resting at home with the child in his arms. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. She looked through the cat's eye and saw a strange Asian woman standing outside the door.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

The moment Ji Ranbing opened the door, the woman rushed in. Lin Liyun's face was full of anger, and he yelled at Ji Ranbing. The two women soon fought together, and the child was left aside and began to cry loudly.

During the battle, Lin Liyun suddenly took out a fruit knife and stabbed Ji Ran Bing frantically. Ji Ranbing struggled desperately, but was powerless to resist at all. Blades stabbed into her body again and again, blood splattered throughout the room.

Lin Liyun didn't stop there. She turned and walked to the nursery and clutched the crying child's mouth and nose. The child struggled for a while, then gradually lost his voice.

After doing all this, Lin Liyun staggered out of the apartment. Behind her, a woman collapsed in a pool of blood, and a child lay quietly in a crib, never crying again. In an apartment in Laguna Hills, United States, a thrilling human tragedy unfolded.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

Money is better than justice?

In September 1993, Lin Liyun was arrested at Los Angeles International Airport and officially became the number one suspect in this double body murder case. The police found bloodstained clothing in his luggage, and after identification, the bloodstains matched the blood type of the victim Ji Ranbing. Despite the conclusive evidence, Lin Liyun refused to admit his guilt.

In 1995, the case was tried for the first time. Prosecutors accused Lin of premeditated murder and cited a lot of evidence, including eyewitness statements, bloody clothes, and air tickets. The defense claimed that the evidence was insufficient and that many details were still to be discussed. After a three-month trial, the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict.

The case has reached an impasse for the time being, but the media and public attention has not diminished in the slightest. People portray Lin Liyun as a tragic woman who takes revenge for her love and sympathizes with the betrayal she suffered. Coupled with the Lin family's political and business relations in Taiwan, this case has gradually been given political overtones.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

In 1999, under pressure from the Taiwan authorities and the operation of a lawyer's team, the case was reopened. This time, the defense invited Li Changyu, a well-known physical evidence expert, to testify for Lin Liyun. Li Changyu started with physical evidence and questioned the blood splattering at the scene of the crime. He pointed out that the details of the scene did not match the assumption that Lin Liyun committed the crime alone, and there were likely other suspects in the case.

The prosecution's evidence was weakened again, and Lin Liyun was acquitted. The verdict caused an uproar in mainstream United States society. People question why a conclusive murder case can go to trial twice. Are money and power manipulated behind the scenes? Where is the impartiality?

In 2001, under the pressure of public opinion, the prosecution sent Lin Liyun to court for the third time. In order to avoid another mistrial, the prosecution made a concession and recommended that Lin Liyun plead guilty to "well-known homicide" and receive a reduced sentence. Lin Liyun weighed it and finally accepted the proposal.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

In the courtroom, Lin Liyun lowered his head and said "I am guilty" in a weak voice. The judge pronounced the verdict in court and sentenced Lin Liyun to 11 years in prison for second-degree murder. The outcome of the trial sparked fierce controversy in society, with most people believing that the sentence was too light and did not demonstrate the deterrent effect of the judiciary at all.

In 2008, after serving nearly seven years in prison, Lin Liyun received a commutation of his sentence and was deported. She quietly boarded the flight back to Taiwan and slowly walked to the passage amid countless flashing lights. From beginning to end, she did not respond positively to the media's questions, just lowered her head and walked away quickly.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, the mother and son died at the hands of their original partners, and the Los Angeles Ji Ran Bing double corpse murder case

The undead of Ji Ranbing and Ji Qiwei may still be waiting for justice in the dark. But in this materialistic world, justice always seems to come too late, or not at all. Money and power have become invisible swords that cut off humanity and conscience.

A bad fate led to a tragedy, but in the end he became a victim of the game of power. People mourn for the dead and sigh for the living, but they are powerless to change all this. How many unjust cases have gradually been forgotten in the torrent of time. How many truths are buried forever in the dust of history.

We cannot change the past, but we can exchange tragedy for a more sober future. Only by facing up to the greed of human nature and by adhering to fairness and justice can our society not fall into the abyss from which there will be no return. And those souls who have been strangled by power and money can finally rest in peace.


  1. Ji Ranbing's murder case that shocked the Chinese society (China News Network)
