
Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death
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Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

On August 20, 2002, in a high-end hotel in the center of Hangzhou, laughter and laughter came one after another. Shen Xuhua, a 33-year-old CCTV host, stood up elegantly and said softly: "I'm sorry, I'm going to answer a call."

She smiled and nodded to her colleagues, then walked out of the private room. Who would have thought that this woman, who exudes intellectual charm in every gesture, is heading for a turning point in her fate.

When she pushed open the seemingly ordinary door, darkness came flooding in. The voice on the other end of the phone continued, but Shen Xuhua's life came to an abrupt end at this moment.

This night, which should have been ordinary, became the last page of her brilliant life. A brilliant and promising life quietly disappeared in this summer night.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

On December 20, 1969, Shen Xuhua fell to the ground and was born in an ordinary family. From an early age, she showed extraordinary eloquence and expressive skills.

In the school's literary and artistic activities, Shen Xuhua is always the calm little host, and her clear speech and natural and generous typhoon often win unanimous praise from teachers and students.

Whenever she stands on the stage, her eyes always flash with a vision for the future, as if she has seen herself standing on a broader stage and facing more audiences.

After graduating from university, Shen Xuhua, who had the dream of hosting, resolutely joined Hangzhou Yuhang TV Station and became an announcer. When she first entered the workplace, she poured all her enthusiasm into it, continued to study diligently, and worked hard to improve her professional quality.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

Her diligence and talent soon paid off, and with her outstanding performance, Shen Xuhua quickly won the honorary title of first-class announcer of Hangzhou Radio and Television Bureau in Zhejiang Province.

This honor is not only a recognition of her ability, but also strengthens her determination to continue to move forward on the road of hosting.

Opportunity always favors those who are prepared. When CCTV held the "Royalstar" host competition, Shen Xuhua did not hesitate to sign up. During the game, she was calm and calm, showing a solid hosting foundation and excellent on-the-spot adaptability.

In the face of fierce competition, Shen Xuhua did not have stage fright, but became more and more courageous. Her unique hosting style and smart intelligence dazzled the judges. In the end, she successfully advanced to the top 50 and won a valuable opportunity to enter CCTV.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

The moment he stepped into the door of CCTV, Shen Xuhua knew that his life was about to usher in a huge turning point. She was assigned to the "Sunset Red" program, which is a program for older audiences.

Shen Xuhua, who was new to the school, did not despise this opportunity, but devoted himself to his work. She deeply studied the positioning of the program, figured out the psychology of the elderly audience, and constantly adjusted her hosting style.

Soon, Shen Xuhua's unique charm bloomed in "Sunset Red". Her hosting style is gentle and generous, but also witty and humorous, and she has just the right scale of communication with the elderly audience.

Her kind and natural smile and gentle and considerate words made many elderly viewers feel as if they were seeing their granddaughter. On this most influential platform in the country, Shen Xuhua's talent has been fully displayed, and her career has embarked on a rapid upward trajectory.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

From local TV stations to CCTV, Shen Xuhua has proved with her own strength that she is a rising host star. Her success is not accidental, but stems from her love and tireless efforts in the hosting career.

However, just as her career was booming, fate was secretly brewing a ruthless turn.

On the fiercely competitive stage of CCTV, Shen Xuhua quickly stood out with his efforts and talents. The "Sunset Red" column hosted by her not only has rising ratings, but has also won wide acclaim from the audience.

Shen Xuhua's gentle and intellectual image, coupled with her delicate understanding of the lives of the elderly, makes the content of the show both warm and deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

Her performance was quickly recognized by her leaders and colleagues. Within CCTV, Shen Xuhua is regarded as one of the most potential new generation hosts. Some industry insiders even compared her to the "first sister of CCTV", predicting that she will become the next host star of CCTV.

Such an evaluation made Shen Xuhua feel pressure, but more of an expectation and motivation for the future.

Just when his career was booming, Shen Xuhua's personal life also ushered in spring. She met her true destiny, and the two quickly fell in love. In addition to busy work, Shen Xuhua can always feel the sweetness brought by love.

Although her love story is low-key, the happiness in her eyes can't be hidden.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

On the day of the wedding, Shen Xuhua, who was dressed in a white wedding dress, happily snuggled up to her husband, with a happy smile on her face. Standing at a new starting point in her life, she feels that she is the luckiest woman in the world, with a happy marriage and career.

The sweetness of the newlywed Yan'er adds warmth and motivation to Shen Xuhua's life.

33-year-old Shen Xuhua is in the golden period of his life. She has an enviable career, a happy family and a lovely child. Every morning when she stands in front of the mirror to fix her makeup, she can't help but smile.

In the mirror, her eyes shone with confidence and hope.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

At work, she is a high-profile CCTV rookie; When she returned home, she was a gentle wife and a loving mother. Shen Xuhua seems to have found the perfect balance between career and family.

She believes that there is more exciting things to explore in the future.

However, fate played a cruel joke at this time. Just when Shen Xuhua thought that he was about to usher in a more brilliant chapter in his life, an unexpected turning point was quietly coming.

This hopeful life, which is at its peak, is about to face an end that no one can predict.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

On the night of August 20, 2002, the city of Hangzhou was brightly lit. Shen Xuhua and several colleagues met for dinner at the Zhang Shengji Hotel in Zhejiang Building. As a native of Zhejiang, she carefully booked a private room called "Jiuli Song", which is taken from the name of Hangzhou's famous scenic spots, which is quite poetic.

Colleagues arrived one after another, and laughter and laughter came one after another. Shen Xuhua behaves elegantly, talks well, and shares interesting things at work with colleagues from time to time.

No one thought that this would be the last meal of Shen Xuhua's life, and the gears of fate had quietly turned.

Halfway through the dinner, Shen Xuhua's mobile phone suddenly rang. In order not to disturb others, she politely said "sorry" and then got up and walked out of the private room. She walked to the second-floor fire escape door, a short distance away, and answered the phone intently.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

At this moment, Shen Xuhua pushed open the seemingly ordinary door. Behind the door, however, it wasn't the safe passage she expected, but a chilling darkness.

This door became a watershed moment in her life.

There was no protective fence and no lighting, Shen Xuhua stepped into the air and fell directly from the second floor to the first floor. The process was silent, as if the whole world was holding its breath at this moment.

Time seems to freeze. The colleagues in the private room were still talking and laughing, and they had no idea what was going on outside. It wasn't until forty minutes later that a worker delivering decoration materials found Shen Xuhua lying on the ground.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

When he was rushed to Beijing Anzhen Hospital, Shen Xuhua was already dying. The angels in white in the hospital raced against time to save the young man's life.

Shen Xuhua's family rushed to hear the news and waited in front of the hospital bed day and night, praying for a miracle.

However, fate seems to have decided. In the hospital, Shen Xuhua fought against death for 19 days. For 19 days, her husband stayed on her feet, and her parents teary-eyed their young children did not understand what was happening.

In the end, Shen Xuhua died of diffuse cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 33.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

The police launched an investigation, and the truth gradually emerged. The root cause of the accident turned out to be the gross negligence of the Cheung Sang Kee Hotel. The fire escape, which was supposed to protect lives, turned out to be a trap that killed people.

The investigation found that the hotel's fire escape had not yet been completed, but no warning signs had been installed. What is even more infuriating is that even the most basic warning signs of "fire escapes, non-emergency use is strictly prohibited" were hastily put up after the accident.

The tragedy could have been avoided. If the hotel can fulfill its safety responsibilities, if someone finds Shen Xuhua in time, maybe the outcome will be different. However, these "ifs" can only become eternal regrets in people's hearts after all.

In the end, Zhang Shengji Hotel compensated 387639 yuan.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

Shen Xuhua's departure is not only the fall of a talented host, but also a wake-up call to the entire society. It reminds us how fragile life is and how important it is to be security-conscious.

A small oversight can lead to irreparable consequences.

Shen Xuhua's departure has brought irreparable pain to her family. Elderly parents lose their beloved daughter, and the tragedy of the white-haired man sending the black-haired man is staged in this family.

They had watched their daughter grow up with hope, witnessed her success, and had to face such a cruel reality.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

The most heartbreaking is Shen Xuhua's three-year-old son Xiao Boyang. He still can't understand the meaning of his mother's departure forever, but naively believes that his mother went to Guanyin and will return one day.

Whenever he sees other hosts on TV, Xiao Boyang will innocently ask: "When will Mom come back to work?" "This kind of question always makes the family's heart twist.

Shen Xuhua's husband, Mr. Yu, stood up and called on the society to pay attention to the occurrence of similar tragedies. He said that although he can understand people's desire to evade responsibility, he hopes that such tragedies will not be repeated.

Mr. Yu recalled: "Xuhua has always been a cheerful and optimistic person, and she has many close friends. Now that she's gone, I don't want to hold anyone accountable. But I hope that society will learn from this tragedy and that no more families will go through our pain.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

His words are full of thoughts about his deceased wife and expectations for society.

The accident has sparked a deep reflection on the public's awareness of safety.

Many people are concerned about the safety hazards around them and call for better safety management in public places. The media has also begun to report on similar accidents in depth, hoping to arouse the attention of the society.

Behind these questions is a re-examination of the value of life. Shen Xuhua's story reminds people that life is fragile and security cannot be ignored. It also makes people realize that the respect and protection of life cannot be neglected while pursuing economic interests.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

Shen Xuhua's departure left a profound inspiration for us. In this fast-paced society, we often overlook the fragility of life. We pursue career success but neglect physical and mental health; We plan for a bright future, but we forget to cherish the time in front of us.

Shen Xuhua's story reminds us that life is impermanent, cherish the present. We should learn to care for ourselves while struggling and balance work and life. Just like Shen Xuhua, she has achieved great success in her career, but at the same time, she has not neglected the warmth of her family.

Each of us should learn this balance.

At the same time, we should also be grateful and cherish the people and things around us. Because we never know what will happen in the next moment. Maybe it's an ordinary dinner, maybe it's an ordinary phone call, it can be a turning point in life.

Shen Xuhua, a famous CCTV host: When answering the phone in the restaurant, he pushed the wrong door and fell to his death

Let us remember Shen Xuhua, not only because she is an excellent host, but also because her story teaches us the preciousness of life. In our journey of life, may we all be able to cherish every moment, be kind to ourselves and others, and live a wonderful and meaningful life.

Shen Xuhua's death is a tragedy, but if it can make us cherish life more and pay more attention to safety, then her life has not passed in vain. Let's work together to create a safer and more loving society, which is perhaps the best commemoration of Shen Xuhua.

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