
Rural People in the City (6)

The king was reborn

Rural People in the City (6)

In this open city, I met and fell in love with Xu Yufang (Xu Yuli).

On the days when I was on the day shift in the dormitory, she always went downstairs early and chatted for a while in front of the booth where I was on duty.

Needless to say, she fell in love with me. I was completely inside her.

Next, I'm going to strike while the iron is hot and conquer her as soon as possible.

Maybe it's providence, maybe it's fate.

I had just finished my vacation, and because a colleague was going back to my hometown next month, he gave up his vacation this month and combined it with next month's vacation to go home to do errands.

Therefore, the leader arranged for me to take another vacation, which created another favorable time for our appointment.

When I told her about it, she was ecstatic.

That weekend, we set off early.

I took her to Baiyun Airport, and through the iron fence, we enjoyed the take-off and landing of the plane up close.

After that, we went to the beach again.

Against the backdrop of the blue sky and white clouds, we walked hand in hand and side by side on the seaside plank road. Looking at the cruise ship in the sky, against the backdrop of the vast sea, it is like a small black dot.

And the planes in the sky appear and disappear in the white clouds, flying higher and farther and farther......

Rural People in the City (6)

During this period, we did not have excessive intimate actions, although I want to strike while the iron is hot, but that kind of brother and sister relationship has always occupied my heart. It made me seem to have no idea where to start, but it was completely dependent on her initiative that I had to cooperate.

That's why we're just holding hands, and it's her initiative every time.

On the relatively vast beach, we dragged off our shoes and socks, rolled up our trouser legs, and walked along the beach and the sea to our heart's content, full of infinite reverie.

Jumping in the water became a must-do for us, and we also rented a couple's tent to prop up on the beach. While eating a snack, you can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the seaside.

This scene has completely become an eternity in our hearts.

It wasn't until about two o'clock in the afternoon that we reluctantly left the beach and went to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

It was close to dusk and we went back to our dormitory.

In the following days, we took advantage of the double free time of the holidays to not only visit the famous scenic spots in Guangzhou, but also went to Zhongshan and Shenzhen, Dameisha, Xiaomeisha, Shekou Cruise Center, etc.

We also bought couples' clothes and enjoyed the sweetest first love in the world.

Rural People in the City (6)

Later, with the in-depth development of emotions, we no longer seem to care about anything.

She often talked to me for a while when she passed by the sentry box during her commute. In public, I felt uncomfortable. And she is like a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, just talk to me.

Once, she even bought me milk and gave it to me in front of my colleagues.

Therefore, our affair has become an open secret, and everyone knows that we are a very sweet couple.

While attracting envy, I can't avoid the jealousy of some people, thinking that I, who is a security guard, are not worthy of this lovely sister Xu.

Let's take the dormitory cleaner uncle, who is nearly 20 years older than me, but for various reasons, he is still single.

Originally, he was working on the assembly line, but because the dormitory cleaner suddenly left, as the director of the administrative department of his fellow countryman, he was transferred.

Cleaning the dormitory sounds unsightly, as if it were the preserve of older people. In fact, there is oil and water here, and if you are diligent and fast, you will get more money than ordinary workers. Monthly waste bottles and waste paper, as well as old quilts discarded by employees, are all a lot of income.

And it's still a while, I get up early in the morning, and when the employees go to work, it's basically done. The afternoon is also symbolic to see, where it is dirty, sweep it.

So he had a lot of free time and often chatted with me.

He knows the story of me and Xu Yufang. Therefore, I am particularly envious and yearning, and I can also meet a beautiful woman in a foreign place. For this reason, he has repeatedly asked me for advice on how to attract a girl's heart.

So I told him a few things: First of all, as a man, you have to be thick-skinned. And act boldly, and never be afraid of wolves and tigers. Secondly, we must grasp the degree of goodness, and never act rashly, otherwise it is easy to arouse the disgust of the other party. Third, after choosing a good goal, we must make our best efforts to conquer, but in the process of conquest, we must be hot and cold. For example, in the early stage, we must do everything possible to please the other party and let her enjoy the queen-level treatment.

Rural People in the City (6)

After conquering her heart, there should be a sudden cold wave, which is just a comparison, but it must not be exceeded, otherwise the previous efforts will be wasted.

For a lover who is like glue, you suddenly make a change, she must not be able to stand it. They will take the initiative to approach you and contact you. Because she's afraid of losing you.

It's like climbing a mountain, you have to put in the best effort in the early stage, and once you get past the top, it's easy.

The secret of pickling girls, in layman's terms, must be hot and cold after passing through the skin-to-skin kiss, alternately. It can bend and stretch, and it can be big and small. But it should also show the attributes of rigidity and softness.

After my talk, he also told me the secret of his heart.

It turned out that he was nearly forty years old, and he was also whimsical, and he already had someone in his heart.

The girl is from northern Guangdong, twenty-five or sixteen. As for whether you are married? He didn't know anything. It's just a one-sided special liking, that is, a crush.

He told me unreservedly and asked me to help him check the gates, so as to verify his vision. And I readily agreed.

Due to my work, I have a lot of contact opportunities.

At noon that day, when she came to pick up the battery of her phone, I not only asked for her mobile phone number, but also chatted with her for a while.

Her name is Luo Yanyan, she is from northern Guangdong, unmarried, and a general worker in the workshop.

Rural People in the City (6)

She is of medium height, slightly chubby, slightly yellow-skinned, and has a cheerful personality. He has short shoulder-length hair, big eyes, and white and neat teeth.

In my eyes, I am an ordinary member, but as a person who is nearly forty years old, in his eyes, it is an angel.

So I talked about it, and while praising the girl, I also reflected his vision.

I told him that the goal was set, and the next step was to act.

While striking while the iron is hot, it is necessary to grasp the size, and find ways to arouse her favor, including words and eyes.

Would he dare to take such a bold step? Not to mention his age, coupled with the title of cleaner, does he have the courage?

In order to test this girl, and he didn't act for a long time, I was in a hurry, and at the same time, I had an idea, so I went to find out.

That evening, I said, pretty girl, is it convenient tonight? If it's convenient, I'll invite you to a late-night snack.

And she said, in two days! Something happens tonight.

This is really intentionally planting flowers and flowers not living, and unintentionally planting willows and willows!

Next, will she really be able to make the appointment? Am I trying to steal love again?

To be continued

Rural People in the City (6)

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