
Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!


Brothers and sisters, are you ready? Today we're going to have a big reveal! Do you think the Olympics are a money-burning pit? Miss by a mile! Some countries have made a lot of money from it, while others have lost so much that their pants are gone. Who is the worst? Who is the best? Come with me and show you the secrets behind the Olympics over the years!

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

1. The miserable "cold" Olympics

Can the Olympics really make the country miserable? There really is such a thing! The Tokyo Olympics are a bloody example. Originally, Japan people looked forward to the stars and the moon and other grand events, but when they encountered the global epidemic, it directly became an empty drama. There are no spectators, no tourists, zero ticket revenue, and the tourism industry suffers. In the end, it was a loss of $7 billion! That's enough money to buy how many Olympic gold medals!

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

The worst of them was the Montreal Olympics in Canada. This Olympics is really a black hole of gold absorption, and the debt owed will not be paid off for 30 years. What's even worse is that in order to fill this big hole, the government even imposed a "special tax for the Olympics" on the people. Come to think of it, you didn't go to the Olympics in the first place, and you have to pay for it, which is very sour!

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

You may ask, how can the Olympics cost so much? To put it bluntly, the big projects of venue construction, security, and operation are too expensive. Just building a stadium can cost hundreds of millions, not to mention other total expenses. Moreover, many facilities are idle when they are used up, and they have become a real "unfinished project".

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

It seems that hosting the Olympics is really not a dinner party, and a little carelessness can empty the national treasury. The next time a city says it wants to bid for the Olympics, you have to keep your eyes peeled! But then again, if you really have the ability to make the Olympics a cash cow, that's the real master. Guess what cities have done this?

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

2. Counterattack! The "United States Dream" of the Los Angeles Olympics

When it comes to making money, United States really have a set! The Los Angeles Olympics are a vivid example of this. Come to think of it, no one wanted to host the Olympics at that time, only Los Angeles stood alone. Who knew that this "helpless choice" would work a miracle!

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

The Angelenos played a beautiful comeback. They don't go on a construction spree like other cities, but make the most of existing sites. This trick directly saves a lot of money. But it's their business acumen that's really powerful. TV rights? Sell! Sponsored Ads? Come! Franchising? Let's get it!

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

These smart people have played the Olympics with a new twist. They understand that the Olympics is not only a sports event, but also a super IP. As long as it works properly, it's a money printing machine! The result was a $250 million profit that left the world dumbfounded.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

Since then, the rules of the game have changed completely. Countries are scrambling to emulate Los Angeles' "United States run," and the Olympics have finally escaped the curse of burning money. But then again, not everyone can replicate L.A.'s success. Guess which cities have both learned the truth and played new tricks?

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

This wonderful "United States Dream" teaches us that sometimes adversity is the best opportunity. As long as the brain is active enough and bold enough, there is no plate that cannot be turned over. Who do you think will be the next miracle to be created?

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

3. How smart are Australians? The Sydney Olympics made a lot of money

Australians are really not smart! The Sydney Olympics are a great show. At the time, some people said that Sydneysiders were crazy and threw $5 billion at the Olympics. But the result? This money not only did not go down the drain, but became a key step in Sydney's gorgeous turnaround.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

Sydneysiders don't just know how to spend money, they know how to spend it wisely. What was once a swamp, a brick factory, a fertilizer factory, and even a slaughterhouse has been transformed into a unique Olympic Village. This trick not only solves the site problem, but also brings a major transformation to the city.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

As soon as the Olympics are over, the report card is out: a direct profit of 760 million Australian dollars! But that's just the tip of the iceberg. The real takeaway is that Sydney's international profile has skyrocketed, tourism has boomed, and the city's image has been greatly enhanced. From an obscure southern hemisphere city to a world-class tourist destination, this is what Sydneysiders are most proud of.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

Sydney's success has taught us that the Olympics can't just focus on the small amount of money in front of us. The pattern should be big and the vision should be far-sighted. Sydneysiders see the Olympics as a catalyst for urban transformation, and that's the real trick.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

After reading the story of Sydney, are you also eager to try and give your city a makeover? But then again, it's not enough to have money, you also have to be wise. What other city do you think can replicate Sydney's success today?

4. Chinese Wisdom: The Economic Miracle of the Beijing Olympics

When it comes to hosting the Olympic Games, we Chinese have two brushes! The Beijing Olympics not only did not lose money, but also made a lot of money. Listen, a surplus of 1 billion yuan! This did not fall from the sky, but the result of the concerted efforts of the whole country.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

The success of the Beijing Olympics is more than just the numbers. It has shown the world China's strength. Remember the "pitching" at the opening ceremony? That's amazing all over the world! From that moment on, China's position on the international stage skyrocketed.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

What's even more powerful is that the people of Beijing have brought the effect of the Olympics into full play. The venues that were built at great expense were not idle, but were put to good use. The "Water Cube" has been transformed into a joyful water world, attracting countless tourists. The "Bird's Nest" held various large-scale activities, and the popularity of the year was not reduced.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

Don't think the Olympics are over. Beijing's tourism industry has been making a lot of money since the Olympics. Tourists from all over the world flock to the city just to catch a glimpse of the "Olympic City". This wave of dividends, Beijingers have eaten for several years!

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

The success of the Beijing Olympics tells us that running an Olympic Games well requires not only money, but also wisdom. How to spend money, how to use venues, how to improve the image of the city, these are all knowledge. You say, which city will be the next to be able to host the Olympics so beautifully?

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!


After reading these wonderful stories of the Olympic Games, do you feel enthusiastic? Yes, hosting the Olympics is like a thrilling gamble. Some people lose all their money, and some people make a lot of money. The key is how to make this global event a plus for yourself.

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

Smart cities know how to take advantage of the situation, not only to earn immediate votes, but also to win long-term development opportunities. From business innovation in Los Angeles, to Sydney's urban transformation, to Beijing's growing international presence, each success story has left us with valuable lessons. What kind of surprises will the upcoming Paris Olympics bring us? Will it be another economic miracle, or will it be in financial trouble? Let's wait and see!

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

Is there anything else you'd like to say about the Olympics? Feel free to share your views in the comment section!

Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!


On July 20, 2024, Zhengguan News announced that it will start next week! The Paris Olympics are expected to cost $8.2 billion, can they break the "curse" of Olympic losses? ".
Olympics money-making list exposed: Japan lost 7 billion, China only ranked third, the championship is surprising!

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