
Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life
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Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

At the premiere of "Solid as a Rock," the 68-year-old stood in the spotlight with his trademark smile on his face. His superb acting skills once again won the applause of the audience, as if the years had never left traces on this "old drama bone".

However, after the applause and praise, Zhang Guoli hid an unspeakable guilt in his heart.

Who would have thought that this evergreen in the entertainment industry, who won the Best Actor in the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Drama, is now caught in the whirlpool of public opinion because of a series of problems with his son Zhang Mo.

Zhang Guoli's acting career did not start well. When he was young, he was just an unknown member of the propaganda team in his hometown, with a love for acting, but no future in sight.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

By chance, he was transferred to the art troupe of the local railway bureau, which became a turning point in his life.

It was in the art troupe that Zhang Guoli met his first wife, Luo Chunxiu. Luo Chunxiu was gentle and generous, regardless of Zhang Guoli's poor background, and gave this young man full of dreams a chance.

The two quickly fell in love and formed a small family. Soon after, the birth of his son Zhang Mo brought joy to the family, but also brought greater economic pressure.

In order to support his family, Zhang Guoli had to work harder. With the stage experience accumulated in the art troupe, he began to set foot in the film and television industry. When he first started in the industry, he took on many small and inconspicuous roles, but he was never discouraged, but saw each role as an opportunity to hone himself.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

He firmly believes that as long as you work hard, you will eventually get ahead.

Zhang Guoli's persistence finally paid off. In the work "Miss Julie", his performance amazed the audience and the judges, winning him the honor of Best Actor at the Plum Blossom Award for Chinese Theatre.

This award is like a key that opens the door to showbiz for him. This is followed by a steady stream of film and television resources and increasing popularity.

However, the booming career meant that he had less and less time to spend with his family. Zhang Guoli often stayed on the set late at night and missed many important moments in Zhang Mo's growth.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

He always reassures himself that as long as he can provide a better life for his family, these sacrifices are worth it.

But as time went on, the distance between Zhang Guoli and his family grew. Especially for his son Zhang Mo, he missed too many opportunities to accompany and teach.

Although he tried his best to meet his son's needs materially, he was unable to provide emotional and guidance.

Zhang Guoli was immersed in the success of his career, not realizing that this long-term negligence was quietly burying hidden dangers. He thought that he could make up for the lack of father's love with good living conditions, but he ignored that family affection needs to be watered with time and painstaking efforts.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

This kind of negligence in the busyness has become the root cause of family problems in the future, and it has also become an indelible regret in Zhang Guoli's heart.

Just when Zhang Guoli's acting career was in full swing, his married life had subtle changes. By chance, he met Deng Jie, who is also an actor.

The two fell in love at first sight, but Zhang Guoli's married status cast a shadow on this relationship.

At first, Zhang Guoli tried to suppress this feeling, but the throbbing in his heart was as difficult to suppress as a tide. When he learned that Deng Jie also had the same feelings for him, the dam of reason completely collapsed.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

The two began a secret relationship, but were soon noticed by his wife Luo Chunxiu.

Faced with her husband's betrayal, Luo Chunxiu's heart was like a knife. She couldn't accept this treacherous behavior and resolutely filed for divorce. Zhang Guoli was torn between guilt and new love, and finally chose to restart a family with Deng Jie.

After the divorce, Zhang Guoli was full of guilt for Zhang Mo. He vividly remembered the disappointment and confusion in his son's eyes, which were like a sharp blade that pierced his heart deeply.

In order to make up for this debt, Zhang Guoli began to spare no effort to meet all of Zhang Mo's requirements, hoping to fill the emotional gap with materials.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

Deng Jie is also well aware of the complexity of this restructured family. For the sake of Zhang Guoli, she was willing to give up giving up giving birth to her own children and treating Zhang Mo wholeheartedly. However, Zhang Mo has never been able to accept this stepmother, and often treats her coldly, and even calls her by her name without respect at all.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Guoli felt even more guilty. He secretly vowed to love Zhang Mo more, but he didn't know that this excessive doting was slowly eroding his son's character.

He ignored the importance of strict discipline, so that Zhang Mo gradually lost the correct direction of life in the pampering.

Zhang Guoli's guilt drove him to constantly indulge Zhang Mo, hoping to make up for the damage caused by the divorce to his son. But he didn't realize that instead of repairing the father-son relationship, this compensatory doting made Zhang Mo selfish.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

As time went on, Zhang Mo's behavior became more and more worrying. He began to use his father's fame and resources to break through in the entertainment industry, but he did not inherit his father's dedicated attitude.

Zhang Guoli saw it in his eyes, but he was anxious in his heart, but he couldn't bear to discipline him harshly, for fear that he would further alienate his son.

This ambivalence made Zhang Guoli hesitate on the issue of educating his son. He wanted to be a strict father, but he was also afraid of losing his son's love. This vacillating attitude eventually led to a family tragedy in the future.

Zhang Guoli's guilt and doting over the years finally revealed its negative impact in a series of events in Zhang Mo. As a student of the Central Academy of Drama, Zhang Mo quickly made a name for himself in the entertainment industry with his father's fame and resources.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

However, his behavior deviated far from the public's expectations of the son of a star.

In 2011, a news that shocked the entertainment industry came: Zhang Mo was detained for violence. An investigation later revealed that Zhang Mo beat his girlfriend Tong Yao at the school gate.

This incident quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and people pointed the finger at Zhang Guoli's education methods.

In the face of the media's questioning, Zhang Guoli appeared exhausted. He publicly apologized to the victims and their families, but his words implied that Mr. Zhang's actions were not unprovoked.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

The remarks immediately sparked even greater controversy, with people beginning to question whether Mr. Zhang was shielding his son.

Zhang Guoli stood in front of the camera, his eyes full of mixed emotions. He wants to defend his son, but he is well aware of his responsibility. Every word seemed to be squeezed out of my throat with difficulty: "As a father, I do have an unshirkable responsibility.

But I believe that every young person has the potential to make mistakes, and the key is to be able to recognize them and correct them.

However, this incident did not wake Zhang Mo up. On the contrary, he seems to be more unscrupulous. In a variety show, when asked if he would like to call Deng Jie his mother, Zhang Mo replied without hesitation: "Never!" This sentence was like a hammer, shattering the illusion of family harmony that Zhang Guoli had worked so hard to maintain.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

Looking at his son's arrogant expression in the show, Zhang Guoli felt a bitterness in his heart. He began to reflect on his approach to education, but he didn't know where to start. Whenever he wants to discipline harshly, the guilt in his heart will stop him and cause him to fall into a cycle of coddling again.

This series of incidents not only brought great pressure to Zhang Guoli's family, but also seriously affected his image in the eyes of the public. The radiant actor on the stage doesn't seem to be able to play the role of a father well in real life.

People began to question Mr. Zhang's tutoring, and some speculated that Mr. Zhang's actions may have stemmed from growing up in an environment where he was reorganized into a family. Some commentators believe that Zhang Guoli is busy with his career and neglects to discipline his son, which leads to Zhang Mo's distorted heart and lack of correct values.

These speculations and comments are like a mirror, reflecting all kinds of problems in Zhang Guoguo's education. He began to realize that he was busy with his career in the first half of his life, and his neglect of his son was probably the biggest fault in his life.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

However, recognizing the problem does not mean that it can be easily solved. Zhang Guoli is caught in a dilemma: harsh discipline may further alienate his son, and continued coddling will fuel Zhang Mo's inferiority.

This ambivalence often makes him seem at a loss when facing his son's problems.

Zhang Guoli began to deeply reflect on his life choices. He realized that the success of his career did not compensate for the failure of homeschooling. But at this time, he seems to have missed the best opportunity for education, and can only find a way to remedy it in guilt and helplessness.

In 2012, an even more violent bomb detonated in Zhang Guoli's life. The news that Zhang Mo was detained by the police on suspicion of drug use swept the entire entertainment industry like a hurricane.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

This time, the seriousness of the situation far exceeded Zhang Guoli's expectations.

The moment he learned the news, Zhang Guoli seemed to be ten years old in an instant. He sat on the couch with his hands over his face, his shoulders trembling slightly. Deng Jie gently stroked his back, but didn't know how to comfort him.

The TV continued to broadcast this news that shocked the entertainment industry, and every word hit Zhang Guoli's heart like a hammer.

In the face of the media's long guns and short guns, Zhang Guoli had to stand up again and respond. His voice was low and tired: "As a father, I feel very sad and guilty for my son's behavior.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

I am deeply sorry for the negative impact this incident has had on society. However, his next sentence sparked controversy again: "But I think it may also be his bad luck."

The remarks immediately caused an uproar on the Internet. People can't understand how Zhang Guoli, as a public figure, can attribute such an illegal act as drug use to "bad luck".

Criticism poured in, and fans who once admired him expressed disappointment.

Some people pointed out that Zhang Guoli's attitude reflects the problem of his educational style. Blaming luck rather than confronting the nature of the problem may be the root cause of Zhang's repeated mistakes.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

In this storm of public opinion, Zhang Guoli felt isolated and helpless like never before. He wants to defend his son, but he is well aware of his responsibility. Whenever he recalled Zhang Mo's innocent smiling face when he was a child, a sour feeling would swell in his heart.

This incident not only cast a shadow on Zhang Mo's acting career, but also made Zhang Guoli questioned. People began to doubt his approach to education and even questioned his professional ethics.

The actor who used to shine on the screen is now in a crisis of public trust because of his son's problems.

Zhang Guoli began to reflect deeply on his life. He realized that he had been busy with his career in the first half of his life and neglected to take care of his son, and this long-term neglect may have led to the root cause of today's situation.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

However, this realization came too late, and he could only find ways to make amends in remorse and self-blame.

This incident became an important turning point in Zhang Guoli's life. It not only exposed his failure in homeschooling, but also made him realize the huge gap between career success and family happiness.

From this moment on, Zhang Guoli began to re-examine his life values, trying to find a new balance between career and family.

The haze of drug abuse has not yet dissipated, and Zhang Guoli's career has encountered new challenges. When he was appointed as the dean of the Meishi Film School of Chongqing University, it should have been a happy event worth celebrating, but it caused a new round of doubts.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

The Internet is full of "How can I be qualified for the position of dean if my children's education fails?" Questioning. These remarks were like a sharp sword, which deeply pierced Zhang Guoli's heart.

He stands in front of the camera trying to defend himself, only to find that his once fluent speech has become stuttering.

Despite the doubts, Zhang Guoli did not give up. He still insists on being on the front line of his acting career, and responds to doubts with his professional standards. On the set of "Solid as a Rock", he threw himself into the role, as if he wanted to pour all his emotions into it.

Yet whenever he spoke out in public, attitudes shifted from respectful to sarcastic and skeptical. This transformation made Zhang Guoli feel a deep sense of powerlessness.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

He began to reflect on his life and wonder what had gone wrong.

In an intimate interview, Mr. Zhang gave a rare exposure to vulnerability. He said in a low voice: "I have worked hard in the entertainment industry for half my life, but I have suffered such a heavy blow because I have no way to teach my children.

Maybe that's the punishment I deserve. His eyes glistened with tears as he said this, and his voice trembled slightly.

Today, Zhang Guoli is still running for a living, but his heart has changed dramatically. He began to think more about the importance of family and affection, trying to make up for past neglects.

Zhang Guoli: In the first half of his life, he was busy with his career, and neglecting to take care of his son was a great guilt in his life

However, he can't turn back time, and he can only move forward in guilt and hope, hoping that one day he can truly repair his relationship with his son.

This series of events not only affected Zhang Guoli's public image, but also dealt a serious blow to his career. But in this difficult time, he never gave up.

Zhang Guoli uses his persistence and professionalism to try to restore public trust, while also looking for ways to rebuild family relationships. This experience became the most difficult but also the most rewarding lesson of his life.

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